Which formatting and the header/footer to use for a player's TAB list is determined by the group of servers they are currently connected to. See [[Server Groups]] for more information.
Velocitab supports the full range of modern color formatting, including RGB colors and gradients, through either MineDown or MiniMessage syntax. See [[Formatting]] for more information.
### Animations
Velocitab supports basic header and footer animations by adding multiple frames of animation and setting the update rate to a value greater than 0.
### Placeholders
You can use various placeholders that will be replaced with values (for example, `%username%`) in your config. Support for PlaceholderAPI is also available through [a bridge library plugin](https://modrinth.com/plugin/papiproxybridge), as is the component-based MiniPlaceholders for users of that plugin with the MiniMessage formatter. See [[Placeholders]] for more information.