Velocitab provides a plugin message API, to let you do things with Velocitab from your backend servers. > **Note:** This feature requires sending Update Teams packets. `send_scoreboard_packets` must be enabled in the [`config.yml` file](config-file) for this to work. [More details...](sorting#compatibility-issues) > ## Prerequisites To use the Velocitab plugin message API, you must first turn it on and ensure the following: * That `enable_plugin_message_api` and `send_scoreboard_packets` is set to `true` in your Velocitab [[config file]] * That `bungee-plugin-message-channel` is set to `true` in your **Velocity proxy config** TOML (see [Velocity config reference]( ## API Requests from Backend Plugins ### 1 Changing player's username in the TAB list To change a player's username in the TAB list, you can send a plugin message on the channel `velocitab:update_custom_name` with a `customName` string, where `customName` is the new desired display name.
Example — Changing player's username in the TAB List ```java player.sendPluginMessage(plugin, "velocitab:update_custom_name", "Steve".getBytes()); ```
### 2 Update color of player's nametag To change player's [nametag](nametags) color, you can send a plugin message on the channel `velocitab:update_team_color` with `teamColor` string, where `teamColor` is the new desired name tag color. You can only use legacy color codes, for example `a` for green, `b` for aqua, etc. Please note this option overrides the color of the glow potion effect if set. [Check here]( for a list of supported colors (The value under the "Code" header on the table is what you need).
Example — Changing player's team color ```java player.sendPluginMessage(plugin, "velocitab:update_team_color", "a".getBytes()); ```