Velocitab supports the full range of modern color formatting, including RGB colors and gradients. Both MineDown (_default_), MiniMessage and Legacy formatting are supported. To change which formatter is being used, change the `formatter` value in `config.yml` to `MINEDOWN`, `MINIMESSAGE` or `LEGACY` respectively. Formatting is applied on header, footer and player text for each server group, and is applied after [[Placeholders]] have been inserted. ## MineDown syntax reference MineDown is the default formatter type, enabled by setting `formatter` to `MINEDOWN` in `config.yml`. See the [MineDown Syntax Reference]( on GitHub for the specification of how to format text with it. ## MiniMessage syntax reference MiniMessage formatting can be enabled by setting `formatter` to `MINIMESSAGE` in `config.yml`. See the [MiniMessage Syntax Reference]( on the Adventure Docs for how to format text with it. Using MiniMessage as the formatter also allows compatibility for using MiniPlaceholders in text. ## Legacy formatting > **Warning:** The option for legacy formatting is provided only for backwards compatibility with other plugins. Please consider using the MineDown or MiniMessage options instead! Legacy formatting can be enabled by setting `formatter` to `LEGACY` in `config.yml`. Legacy formatter supports Mojang color and formatting codes (e.g. `&d`, `&l`), Adventure-styled RGB color codes (e.g. `&#a25981`), as well as BungeeCord RGB color codes (e.g. `&x&a&2&5&9&8&1`). See the [LegacyComponentSerializer Syntax Reference]( on the Adventure Docs for more technical details.