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2024-02-05 00:26:03 +01:00
package su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.enchantment.config;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JOption;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.Colorizer;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.StringUtil;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchantsAPI;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.Placeholders;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Config;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.enchantment.impl.ExcellentEnchant;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.api.enchantment.ObtainType;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.tier.Tier;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.tier.TierManager;
import java.util.*;
public class EnchantDefaults {
private final Map<ObtainType, Double> obtainChance;
private final Map<ObtainType, int[]> obtainLevelCap;
private String displayName;
private Tier tier;
private List<String> description;
private boolean hiddenFromList;
private boolean isTreasure;
private boolean tradeable;
private boolean discoverable;
private int levelMin;
private int levelMax;
private int maxMergeLevel;
private EnchantScaler levelByEnchantCost;
private EnchantScaler anvilMergeCost;
private Set<String> conflicts;
private boolean visualEffects;
private boolean chargesEnabled;
private boolean chargesCustomFuel;
private EnchantScaler chargesMax;
private EnchantScaler chargesConsumeAmount;
private EnchantScaler chargesRechargeAmount;
private ItemStack chargesFuel;
public EnchantDefaults(@NotNull ExcellentEnchant enchant) {
this.setDescription(new ArrayList<>());
this.setConflicts(new HashSet<>());
this.obtainChance = new HashMap<>();
this.obtainLevelCap = new HashMap<>();
public void load(@NotNull ExcellentEnchant enchant) {
ExcellentEnchants plugin = ExcellentEnchantsAPI.PLUGIN;
JYML cfg = enchant.getConfig();
this.setDisplayName(JOption.create("Name", this.getDisplayName(),
"Enchantment display name. It will be shown in item lore.").read(cfg));
Tier tier = plugin.getTierManager().getTierById(JOption.create("Tier", this.getTier().getId(),
"Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier identifier from the '" + TierManager.FILE_NAME + "'.").read(cfg));
this.setTier(tier == null ? plugin.getTierManager().getMostCommon() : tier);
this.setDescription(JOption.create("Description", this.getDescription(),
"Enchantment description. It will be shown in item lore under enchantment name.",
"You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders: " + Placeholders.URL_PLACEHOLDERS)
this.setHiddenFromList(JOption.create("Hide_From_List", false,
"Sets whether or not this enchantment will be hidden from Enchants GUI.").read(cfg));
this.setTreasure(JOption.create("Is_Treasure", this.isTreasure(),
"Sets whether this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.",
"Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.").read(cfg));
this.setTradeable(JOption.create("Tradeable", this.isTradeable(),
"Sets whether or not this enchantment can be populated in villager trades.").read(cfg));
this.setDiscoverable(JOption.create("Discoverable", this.isTradeable(),
"Sets whether or not this enchantment can be populated in enchanting table.").read(cfg));
else {
this.setLevelMin(JOption.create("Level.Min", this.getLevelMin(),
"Sets the minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be less than 1.").read(cfg));
this.setLevelMax(JOption.create("Level.Max", this.getLevelMax(),
"Sets the maximal enchantment level. Can not be less than min. level.",
"Note: While you can 'bypass' this value by enchant commands, all level-dependant enchantment",
"settings will have a limit up to this setting.").read(cfg));
this.setMaxMergeLevel(JOption.create("Anvil.Max_Merge_Level", this.getMaxMergeLevel(),
"Sets max. enchantment level that can be obtained by combining 2 items with this enchantment.",
"Set this to '-1' to remove merge limit and just use 'Max Level' instead."
this.setLevelByEnchantCost(EnchantScaler.read(enchant, ObtainType.ENCHANTING.getPathName() + ".Level_By_Exp_Cost",
(int)(30D / this.levelMax) + " * " + Placeholders.ENCHANTMENT_LEVEL,
"Sets how much XP levels must be used in enchanting table to obtain this enchantment.",
"With a default formula '9 * %enchantment_level%' it will be [9, 18, 27] XP levels for [1, 2, 3] enchantment levels."));
this.setAnvilMergeCost(EnchantScaler.read(enchant, "Anvil.Merge_Cost", Placeholders.ENCHANTMENT_LEVEL,
"Sets how much XP levels will be added to the anvil cost when combining custom enchantments."));
for (ObtainType obtainType : ObtainType.values()) {
double obtainChance = JOption.create(obtainType.getPathName() + ".Chance", 50D,
"Chance for this enchantment to be obtained via " + obtainType.getPathName()).read(cfg);
this.getObtainChance().put(obtainType, obtainChance);
int levelMin = JOption.create(obtainType.getPathName() + ".Level.Min", -1,
"Minimal level when obtained via " + obtainType.getPathName(),
"Can not be less than enchantment min. level. Set -1 to use enchantment min. level.").read(cfg);
int levelMax = JOption.create(obtainType.getPathName() + ".Level.Max", -1,
"Maximal level when obtained via " + obtainType.getPathName(),
"Can not be greater than enchantment max. level. Set -1 to use enchantment max. level.").read(cfg);
this.getObtainLevelCap().put(obtainType, new int[]{levelMin, levelMax});
this.setConflicts(JOption.create("Conflicts", this.getConflicts(),
"A list of conflicting enchantment names.",
"Conflicting enchantments can not be combined on anvils and obtained together on the same item.").read(cfg));
this.setVisualEffects(JOption.create("Settings.Visual_Effects", this.isVisualEffects(),
"Enables/Disables enchantment visual effects, such as particles.").read(cfg));
this.setChargesEnabled(JOption.create("Settings.Charges.Enabled", this.isChargesEnabled(),
"When 'true' enables the Charges system for this enchantment.",
"When enchanted the first time on enchanting table, it will have maximum charges amount.").read(cfg));
this.setChargesCustomFuel(JOption.create("Settings.Charges.Custom_Fuel", this.isChargesCustomFuel(),
"When 'true' uses different (non-default) fuel item (from the 'Fuel_Item' setting) to recharge.").read(cfg));
this.setChargesMax(EnchantScaler.read(enchant, "Settings.Charges.Maximum", "100",
"Maximum amount of charges for the enchantment."));
this.setChargesConsumeAmount(EnchantScaler.read(enchant, "Settings.Charges.Consume_Amount", "1",
"How many charges will be consumed when enchantment is triggered?"));
this.setChargesRechargeAmount(EnchantScaler.read(enchant, "Settings.Charges.Recharge_Amount", "25",
"How many charges will be restored when using 'Fuel Item' in anvil?"));
this.setChargesFuel(JOption.create("Settings.Charges.Fuel_Item", new ItemStack(Material.LAPIS_LAZULI),
"An item, that will be used to restore enchantment charges on anvils.",
"Item Options:" + Placeholders.URL_ENGINE_ITEMS)
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
public void setDisplayName(@NotNull String displayName) {
this.displayName = Colorizer.apply(displayName);
public Tier getTier() {
return tier;
public void setTier(double rarity) {
public void setTier(@NotNull Tier tier) {
this.tier = tier;
public void setDescription(@NotNull String... description) {
public void setDescription(@NotNull List<String> description) {
this.description = Colorizer.apply(description);
public List<String> getDescription() {
return description;
public boolean isHiddenFromList() {
return hiddenFromList;
public void setHiddenFromList(boolean hiddenFromList) {
this.hiddenFromList = hiddenFromList;
public boolean isTreasure() {
return isTreasure;
public void setTreasure(boolean treasure) {
isTreasure = treasure;
public boolean isTradeable() {
return tradeable;
public void setTradeable(boolean tradeable) {
this.tradeable = tradeable;
public boolean isDiscoverable() {
return discoverable;
public void setDiscoverable(boolean discoverable) {
this.discoverable = discoverable;
public void setLevelMin(int levelMin) {
this.levelMin = Math.max(1, levelMin);
public int getLevelMin() {
return levelMin;
public void setLevelMax(int levelMax) {
this.levelMax = Math.max(1, levelMax);
public int getLevelMax() {
return levelMax;
public int getMaxMergeLevel() {
return this.maxMergeLevel;
public void setMaxMergeLevel(int maxMergeLevel) {
this.maxMergeLevel = Math.min(this.getLevelMax(), maxMergeLevel);
public EnchantScaler getLevelByEnchantCost() {
return levelByEnchantCost;
public void setLevelByEnchantCost(@NotNull EnchantScaler levelByEnchantCost) {
this.levelByEnchantCost = levelByEnchantCost;
public EnchantScaler getAnvilMergeCost() {
return anvilMergeCost;
public void setAnvilMergeCost(@NotNull EnchantScaler anvilMergeCost) {
this.anvilMergeCost = anvilMergeCost;
public Map<ObtainType, Double> getObtainChance() {
return obtainChance;
public Map<ObtainType, int[]> getObtainLevelCap() {
return obtainLevelCap;
public void setConflicts(@NotNull String... conflicts) {
this.setConflicts(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(conflicts)));
public void setConflicts(@NotNull Set<String> conflicts) {
this.conflicts = conflicts;
public Set<String> getConflicts() {
return conflicts;
public boolean isVisualEffects() {
return visualEffects;
public void setVisualEffects(boolean visualEffects) {
this.visualEffects = visualEffects;
public boolean isChargesEnabled() {
return chargesEnabled;
public void setChargesEnabled(boolean chargesEnabled) {
this.chargesEnabled = chargesEnabled;
public boolean isChargesCustomFuel() {
return chargesCustomFuel;
public void setChargesCustomFuel(boolean chargesCustomFuel) {
this.chargesCustomFuel = chargesCustomFuel;
public EnchantScaler getChargesMax() {
return chargesMax;
public void setChargesMax(@NotNull EnchantScaler chargesMax) {
this.chargesMax = chargesMax;
public ItemStack getChargesFuel() {
return chargesFuel;
public void setChargesFuel(@Nullable ItemStack chargesFuel) {
this.chargesFuel = chargesFuel;
public EnchantScaler getChargesConsumeAmount() {
return chargesConsumeAmount;
public void setChargesConsumeAmount(@NotNull EnchantScaler chargesConsumeAmount) {
this.chargesConsumeAmount = chargesConsumeAmount;
public EnchantScaler getChargesRechargeAmount() {
return chargesRechargeAmount;
public void setChargesRechargeAmount(@NotNull EnchantScaler chargesRechargeAmount) {
this.chargesRechargeAmount = chargesRechargeAmount;