package; import org.bukkit.loot.LootTable; import org.bukkit.loot.LootTables; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.api.enchantment.distribution.DistributionOptions; import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.api.enchantment.EnchantmentData; import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.api.DistributionWay; import su.nightexpress.nightcore.config.ConfigValue; import su.nightexpress.nightcore.config.FileConfig; import su.nightexpress.nightcore.util.StringUtil; import su.nightexpress.nightcore.util.random.Rnd; import su.nightexpress.nightcore.util.wrapper.UniInt; import java.util.*; public class CustomDistribution implements DistributionOptions { private final EnchantmentData enchantmentData; private final Map weightMap; private final Map levelRangeMap; private final Set lootTables; public CustomDistribution(@NotNull EnchantmentData enchantmentData) { this.enchantmentData = enchantmentData; this.weightMap = new HashMap<>(); this.levelRangeMap = new HashMap<>(); this.lootTables = new HashSet<>(); } public void load(@NotNull FileConfig config) { for (DistributionWay distributionWay : DistributionWay.values()) { String pathName = distributionWay.getPathName(); double obtainChance = ConfigValue.create("Distribution." + pathName + ".Weight", 50D, "Determines how often this enchantment will appear in " + pathName + ".", "Greater value = Greater chance.").read(config); this.weightMap.put(distributionWay, obtainChance); int levelMin = ConfigValue.create("Distribution." + pathName + ".Level.Min", -1, "Minimal level when obtained via " + pathName, "Can not be less than enchantment min. level. Set -1 to use enchantment min. level.").read(config); int levelMax = ConfigValue.create("Distribution." + pathName + ".Level.Max", -1, "Maximal level when obtained via " + pathName, "Can not be greater than enchantment max. level. Set -1 to use enchantment max. level.").read(config); this.levelRangeMap.put(distributionWay, UniInt.of(levelMin, levelMax)); } boolean isWhitelist = ConfigValue.create("Distribution." + DistributionWay.LOOT_GENERATION.getPathName() + ".LootTables.Whitelist", false, "When 'true', uses only loot tables listed below.", "When 'false', uses ALL loot tables except ones listed below.", "[Default is false]" ).read(config); Set tables = ConfigValue.forSet("Distribution." + DistributionWay.LOOT_GENERATION.getPathName() + ".LootTables.List", id -> StringUtil.getEnum(id, LootTables.class).orElse(null), (cfg, path, set) -> cfg.set(path,, Set.of( LootTables.DESERT_PYRAMID ), "Depends on Whitelist mode, this enchantment will appear on items generated by certain Loot Tables only.", "=".repeat(15) + " EXAMPLES " + "=".repeat(15), "==> Set 'Whitelist' on 'true' and add '" + + "' to the list to make this enchantment appear on items generated inside Desert Pyramid chests only.", "==> Set 'Whitelist' on 'false' and add '" + + "' to the list to make this enchantment appear on items generated inside any structure's chests except Deset Pyramids.", "", "[*] Keep in mind, that Loot Generation is only applicable to items in chests. Listing here loot tables of mobs, fishing and other sources is useless.", "Available loot table names:" ).read(config); if (isWhitelist) { this.lootTables.addAll(tables); } else { this.lootTables.addAll(Arrays.asList(LootTables.values())); this.lootTables.removeAll(tables); } } @NotNull public Map getWeightMap() { return weightMap; } @NotNull public Map getLevelRangeMap() { return levelRangeMap; } @NotNull public Set getLootTables() { return lootTables; } public boolean isDistributable(@NotNull DistributionWay distributionWay) { if (distributionWay == DistributionWay.ENCHANTING && (this.enchantmentData.isTreasure() || this.enchantmentData.isCurse())) return false; return this.getWeight(distributionWay) > 0D; } public boolean isGoodLootTable(@NotNull LootTable table) { return this.getLootTables().stream().anyMatch(tables -> tables.getLootTable() == table); } public double getWeight(@NotNull DistributionWay distributionWay) { return this.getWeightMap().getOrDefault(distributionWay, 0D); } public int getMinLevel(@NotNull DistributionWay distributionWay) { return this.getLevelRangeMap().getOrDefault(distributionWay, UniInt.of(-1, -1)).getMinValue(); } public int getMaxLevel(@NotNull DistributionWay distributionWay) { return this.getLevelRangeMap().getOrDefault(distributionWay, UniInt.of(-1, -1)).getMaxValue(); } public int generateLevel(@NotNull DistributionWay distributionWay) { int levelCapMin = this.getMinLevel(distributionWay); int levelCapMax = this.getMaxLevel(distributionWay); if (levelCapMin <= 0 || levelCapMin < this.enchantmentData.getMinLevel()) levelCapMin = this.enchantmentData.getMinLevel(); if (levelCapMax <= 0 || levelCapMax > this.enchantmentData.getMaxLevel()) levelCapMax = this.enchantmentData.getMaxLevel(); return Rnd.get(levelCapMin, levelCapMax); } public int getLevelByEnchantCost(int xpLevel) { int get = 0; for (int level = this.enchantmentData.getMaxLevel(); level > this.enchantmentData.getMinLevel() - 1; level--) { if (xpLevel >= this.enchantmentData.getMinCost(level) && xpLevel <= this.enchantmentData.getMaxCost(level)) { get = level; break; } } return get != 0 ? this.fineLevel(get, DistributionWay.ENCHANTING) : 0; } public int fineLevel(int level, @NotNull DistributionWay distributionWay) { int levelCapMin = this.getMinLevel(distributionWay); int levelCapMax = this.getMaxLevel(distributionWay); if (levelCapMin > 0 && level < levelCapMin) level = levelCapMin; if (levelCapMax > 0 && level > levelCapMax) level = levelCapMax; return level; } }