
134 lines
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package su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.enchantment.impl.tool;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentTarget;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JOption;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.LocationUtil;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.api.enchantment.type.BlockBreakEnchant;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.enchantment.impl.ExcellentEnchant;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.enchantment.type.FitItemType;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.enchantment.util.EnchantPriority;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.enchantment.util.EnchantUtils;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.hook.impl.NoCheatPlusHook;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class EnchantTunnel extends ExcellentEnchant implements BlockBreakEnchant {
public static final String ID = "tunnel";
private static final String META_BLOCK_TUNNEL = ID + "_block_tunneled";
// X and Z offsets for each block AoE mined
private static final int[][] MINING_COORD_OFFSETS = new int[][]{{0, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {-1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {1, -1}, {1, 1},};
private static final Set<Material> INTERACTABLE_BLOCKS = new HashSet<>();
static {
private boolean disableOnSneak;
public EnchantTunnel(@NotNull ExcellentEnchants plugin) {
super(plugin, ID, EnchantPriority.HIGH);
this.getDefaults().setDescription("Mines multiple blocks at once in a certain shape.");
this.getDefaults().setConflicts(EnchantVeinminer.ID, EnchantBlastMining.ID);
public void loadSettings() {
this.disableOnSneak = JOption.create("Settings.Ignore_When_Sneaking", true,
"When 'true' the enchantment won't be triggered when sneaking.").read(cfg);
public FitItemType[] getFitItemTypes() {
return new FitItemType[]{FitItemType.PICKAXE, FitItemType.SHOVEL};
public EnchantmentTarget getItemTarget() {
return EnchantmentTarget.TOOL;
public boolean onBreak(@NotNull BlockBreakEvent e, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack item, int level) {
Block block = e.getBlock();
if (!this.isAvailableToUse(player)) return false;
if (this.disableOnSneak && player.isSneaking()) return false;
if (EnchantUtils.contains(item, EnchantVeinminer.ID)) return false;
if (EnchantUtils.contains(item, EnchantBlastMining.ID)) return false;
if (block.hasMetadata(META_BLOCK_TUNNEL)) return false;
if (block.getType().isInteractable() && !INTERACTABLE_BLOCKS.contains(block.getType())) return false;
if (block.getDrops(item).isEmpty()) return false;
BlockFace dir = LocationUtil.getDirection(player);
boolean isY = dir != null && block.getRelative(dir.getOppositeFace()).isEmpty();
boolean isZ = dir == BlockFace.EAST || dir == BlockFace.WEST;
// Mine + shape if Tunnel I, 3x3 if Tunnel II
int blocksBroken = 1;
if (level == 1) blocksBroken = 2;
else if (level == 2) blocksBroken = 5;
else if (level == 3) blocksBroken = 9;
for (int i = 0; i < blocksBroken; i++) {
if (item.getType().isAir()) break;
int xAdd = MINING_COORD_OFFSETS[i][0];
int zAdd = MINING_COORD_OFFSETS[i][1];
Block blockAdd;
if (isY) {
blockAdd = block.getLocation().clone().add(isZ ? 0 : xAdd, zAdd, isZ ? xAdd : 0).getBlock();
else {
blockAdd = block.getLocation().clone().add(xAdd, 0, zAdd).getBlock();
// Skip blocks that should not be mined
if (blockAdd.equals(block)) continue;
if (blockAdd.getDrops(item).isEmpty()) continue;
if (blockAdd.isLiquid()) continue;
Material addType = blockAdd.getType();
// Some extra block checks.
if (addType.isInteractable() && !INTERACTABLE_BLOCKS.contains(addType)) continue;
if (addType == Material.BEDROCK || addType == Material.END_PORTAL || addType == Material.END_PORTAL_FRAME) continue;
if (addType == Material.OBSIDIAN && addType != block.getType()) continue;
// Play block break particles before it's broken.
/*SimpleParticle.of(Particle.BLOCK_CRACK, blockAdd.getType())
.play(damager.getEyeLocation(), 0.25, 0.1, 20);
EffectUtil.playEffect(LocationUtil.getCenter(blockAdd.getLocation()), Particle.BLOCK_CRACK.name(), blockAdd.getType().name(), 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 20);
// Add metadata to prevent enchantment triggering in a loop.
blockAdd.setMetadata(META_BLOCK_TUNNEL, new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, true));
//plugin.getNMS().breakBlock(player, blockAdd);
blockAdd.removeMetadata(META_BLOCK_TUNNEL, plugin);
return true;