iOS client usage

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Radim Lipovčan 2019-02-11 09:52:39 +01:00
parent e69ef5039d
commit 5ae68fd75a
1 changed files with 117 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ After Lithium Luna release, only Monero wallet CLI software is ready for process
\node [userA,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userA1) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Generates new wallet}};
\node [userB, right of=userA1, node distance=6cm, text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userB1) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Generates new wallet}};
\node [userA, below of=userA1,node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userA2) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Runs \texttt{prepare\TextUnderscore{}multisig} to generate initialization data}};
\node [userA, below of=userA1,node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userA2) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Runs \texttt{prepare\ {}multisig} to generate initialization data}};
\node [userB, below of=userB1, node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userB2) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Runs \texttt{prepare\TextUnderscore{}multisig} to generate initialization data}};
\node [userA, below of=userA2,node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userA3) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering User exchanges initialization data}}; %, in cli called multisig wallet password
@ -1136,8 +1136,102 @@ At first, users were asked about their operating system preferences when accessi
\subsubsection{Monero app usage}
\subsubsection{Monero desktop app usage}
Desktop applications are used by 104 of 113 users, making it the most frequest means of accessing the wallet. As Monero Official application has no other direct competitors aside from web based wallets, majority of users (84) use official app with GUI but there is also a noticable part of the users in dataset that use CLI as well (55). Alternative desktop clients, that were sometimes misinterpreted as web apps, are used by only a few users (5).
xbar stacked,
y dir = reverse,
legend style={
legend columns=2,
at={(xticklabel cs:0.5)},
axis y line*=none,
axis x line*=bottom, %bottom
tick label style={font=\footnotesize},
legend style={font=\footnotesize},
label style={font=\footnotesize},
bar width=6mm,
xlabel={Time in ms},
yticklabels={Official GUI, Official CLI, Other Desktop},
area legend,
enlarge y limits={abs=0.625},
\addplot[1,fill=1] coordinates {(75,0) (49,1) (4,2) };
%{(113,0) }; absolutni cisla, potrebuje to procenta
\addplot[4,fill=4] coordinates {(25,0) (51,1) (96,2)};
\legend{Yes, No
\coordinate (A) at (200,0);% ******** start of changes ************
\coordinate (B) at (300,8mm);
\node at (A) {test};
\node at (B) {test 2};% ********* end of changes **********
\caption{Desktop client software.}
\subsubsection{Monero Mobile app usage}
From 113 people that filled out the survey, 53 of them stated that they use either Android or iOS app for accessing their Monero wallet. Digging deeper, out of 49 Android users, Monerujo app is used by 45 of them, followed by other Android wallets (7). Freewallet on Android is only used by one user in the dataset thus following the fact the community does not like closed source software with bad history as mentioned in the Chapter %TODO .
xbar stacked,
y dir = reverse,
legend style={
legend columns=2,
at={(xticklabel cs:0.5)},
axis y line*=none,
axis x line*=bottom, %bottom
tick label style={font=\footnotesize},
legend style={font=\footnotesize},
label style={font=\footnotesize},
bar width=6mm,
xlabel={Time in ms},
yticklabels={Monerujo, Freewallet, Other wallet},
area legend,
enlarge y limits={abs=0.625},
\addplot[1,fill=1] coordinates {(92,1) (14,2) (2,3)};
%{(113,0) }; absolutni cisla, potrebuje to procenta
\addplot[4,fill=4] coordinates {(8,1) (86,2) (98,3)};
\legend{Yes, No
\coordinate (A) at (200,0);% ******** start of changes ************
\coordinate (B) at (300,8mm);
\node at (A) {test};
\node at (B) {test 2};% ********* end of changes **********
\caption{Android client usage.}
iOS is used by 7 users (please note that users could check usage of both platforms as can be visible from simply adding iOS and Android users and comparing it to the total number of mobile users). All of them reported using the Cakewallet application. Following Android pattern, one user also revealed usage of Freewallet app.
@ -1162,7 +1256,7 @@ At first, users were asked about their operating system preferences when accessi
bar width=6mm,
xlabel={Time in ms},
yticklabels={Official GUI, Official CLI, Other Desktop, Monerujo for Android, Freewallet on Android, Other Android wallet, Freewallet on iOS, Other iOS wallet, MyMonero Online wallet, XMRwallet Online, Other online wallet, Other},
yticklabels={CakeWallet,Freewallet, Other wallet, MyMonero Online wallet, XMRwallet Online, Other online wallet},
area legend,
@ -1170,9 +1264,9 @@ At first, users were asked about their operating system preferences when accessi
enlarge y limits={abs=0.625},
\addplot[1,fill=1] coordinates {(75,0) (49,1) (4,2) (45,3) (1,4) (6,5) (7,6) (1,7)};
\addplot[1,fill=1] coordinates {(100,1) (14,2) (0,3)};
%{(113,0) }; absolutni cisla, potrebuje to procenta
\addplot[4,fill=4] coordinates {(25,0) (51,1) (96,2) (55,3) (99,4) (94,5) (93,6) (99,7)};
\addplot[4,fill=4] coordinates {(0,1) (86,2) (100,3)};
\legend{Yes, No
@ -1182,71 +1276,10 @@ At first, users were asked about their operating system preferences when accessi
\node at (A) {test};
\node at (B) {test 2};% ********* end of changes **********
\caption{From 179 responses, only 113 were tagged as valid.}
\caption{iOS client usage.}
\subsubsection{Online wallet services}
%ybar stacked,
ybar = 0.6,
bar width=15pt,
nodes near coords,
legend style={at={(0.5,-0.30)},
anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
ylabel={Number of participants},
symbolic x coords={Official GUI, Official CLI, Other Desktop, Monerujo for Android, Freewallet on Android, Other Android wallet, Freewallet on iOS, Other iOS wallet, MyMonero Online wallet, XMRwallet Online, Other online wallet, Other},
x tick label style={rotate=45,anchor=east},
%\addplot+[ybar,color=black,fill=1] plot coordinates {(Windows,65) (Linux,68) (MacOS,9) (Android,49) (iOS,7};
%\addplot+[ybar,color=black,fill=4] plot coordinates {(Windows,48) (Linux,45) (MacOS,104) (Android,64) (iOS,106)};
\addplot+[ybar,color=black,fill=1] plot coordinates {(Official GUI,84) (Official CLI,55) (Other Desktop,5)};
\addplot+[ybar,color=black,fill=4] plot coordinates {(Official GUI,29) (Official CLI, 58) (Other Desktop, 108) };
\legend{\strut Yes, \strut No}
\caption{Responses sorted by country of origin based on IP location.}
%ybar stacked,
ybar = 0.6,
bar width=15pt,
nodes near coords,
legend style={at={(0.5,-0.30)},
anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
ylabel={Number of participants},
symbolic x coords={Monerujo for Android, Freewallet on Android, Other Android wallet, Freewallet on iOS, Other iOS wallet, MyMonero Online wallet, XMRwallet Online, Other online wallet, Other},
x tick label style={rotate=45,anchor=east},
%\addplot+[ybar,color=black,fill=1] plot coordinates {(Windows,65) (Linux,68) (MacOS,9) (Android,49) (iOS,7};
%\addplot+[ybar,color=black,fill=4] plot coordinates {(Windows,48) (Linux,45) (MacOS,104) (Android,64) (iOS,106)};
\addplot+[ybar,color=black,fill=1] plot coordinates {(Monerujo for Android,51) (Freewallet on Android,1) (Other Android wallet,7)};
\addplot+[ybar,color=black,fill=4] plot coordinates {(Monerujo for Android,62) (Freewallet on Android, 112) (Other Android wallet, 106) };
\legend{\strut Yes, \strut No}
\caption{Responses sorted by country of origin based on IP location.}
\subsection{Monero usage}
\subsection{Monero key and coin management}
\subsection{Monero and malicous software}
@ -2154,6 +2187,22 @@ Month & Task \\
\newappendix{Queries used for data mining}
\texttt{SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Official\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}GUI like 'yes' or Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Official\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}CLI like 'yes' or Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Other\TextUnderscore{}desktop\TextUnderscore{}client like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}Android like 'yes' or Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}iOS like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}Android like 'yes' and Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Monerujo\TextUnderscore{}Android like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}Android like 'yes' and Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Freewallet\TextUnderscore{}Android like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}Android like 'yes' and Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Other\TextUnderscore{}Android\TextUnderscore{}wallet like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}Android like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}iOS like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}iOS like 'yes' and Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Cake\TextUnderscore{}Wallet\TextUnderscore{}iOS like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}iOS like 'yes' and Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Freewallet\TextUnderscore{}iOS like 'yes';
SELECT count(*) FROM users where Which\TextUnderscore{}platforms\TextUnderscore{}do\TextUnderscore{}you\TextUnderscore{}use\TextUnderscore{}to\TextUnderscore{}access\TextUnderscore{}Monero\TextUnderscore{}iOS like 'yes' and Which\TextUnderscore{}services\TextUnderscore{}or\TextUnderscore{}apps\TextUnderscore{}Other\TextUnderscore{}iOS\TextUnderscore{}wallet like 'yes';}
\includepdf[pages=1,pagecommand=\newappendix{Monero User Survey},scale=0.7]{monerousersurvey.pdf}
\includepdf[pages={2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},scale=0.7, pagecommand={}]{monerousersurvey.pdf}