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Network processing
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@ -759,7 +759,67 @@ Complete survey is attached in chapter \ref{monero-user-study-pdf}.
Monero mining is a process done by miners in order to verify transactions on the network and add them to the blockchain together in the form of a block. This results for them in a reward in the form of new coins that are emitted as a reward for block solving.
Very often, miners combine their computational resources into one of the pools on the network. Thanks to higher total hash rate, there is a greater chance of solving the block thus gaining the reward of newly emitted coins. After solving each block, the reward is distributed equally to miners connected to the pool according to PPS (per-per-share) or PPLNS (per-per-last-number-of-shares) system.
\section{Monero Proof-of-work}
Network speed is mainly determined by average time between individual blocks. %This results in transaction process that takes up to 130s (transaction request \textless 1s, network broadcast \textless 5s and transaction processing time as a time between submission and next mined block \textless 120 seconds).
This results in transaction process that takes up to 130s (request =\textless 1s, broadcast =\textless 5s and max. time between blocks =\textless 120 seconds). Transaction process is shown in figure \ref{pict:network-processing}.
\definecolor{ao(english)}{rgb}{0.0, 0.5, 0.0}
\definecolor{azure(colorwheel)}{rgb}{0.0, 0.5, 1.0}
\definecolor{darkorange}{rgb}{1.0, 0.55, 0.0}
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=4.5em, text badly centered, node distance=2.5cm, inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{userA} = [rectangle, draw, fill=ao(english)!20,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\tikzstyle{userB} = [rectangle, draw, fill=azure(colorwheel)!20,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\tikzstyle{userC} = [rectangle, draw, fill=darkorange!20,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\tikzstyle{lineuserA} = [draw, very thick, color=ao(english)!80, -latex']
\tikzstyle{lineuserB} = [draw, very thick, color=azure(colorwheel)!80, -latex']
\tikzstyle{lineuserC} = [draw, very thick, color=darkorange!80, -latex']
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse,fill=red!20, node distance=2.5cm,
minimum height=2em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, node distance = 2cm, auto]
% Place nodes
\node [userA,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userA1) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Transaction request generated by the client \texttt{transfer ADDRESS AMOUNT}}};
\node [userB, right of=userA1, node distance=6cm, text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userB1) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Request broadcast to network nodes, shown \texttt{show_transfers pool} }};
\node [below of=userA1,node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm, draw=none] (userA2){};
\node [userB, below of=userB1, node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userB2) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Transaction is added to the block waiting to be mined.}};
\node [userC, below of=userA2,node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userA3) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Miners are verifying transactions in the pending block.}}; %, in cli called multisig wallet password
\node [userB, below of=userB2, node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userB3) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Every 2 minutes new Monero block is mined and added to the blockchain.}}; %, in cli called multisig wallet password
\node [userC, below of=userA3,node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userA4) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Miners are rewarded by block reward.}};
\node [userB, below of=userB3, node distance=2.5cm,text width=5cm,minimum width=5cm] (userB4) {\parbox{5cm}{\centering Receiving party's wallet becomes aware of the transaction.}};
% \node [block, below of=init, node distance=2.5cm,text width=3cm,minimum width=3cm] (identify) {\parbox{3cm}{\centering Repackaging by reseller}};
% \node [block, below of=identify, node distance=2.5cm,text width=3cm,minimum width=3cm] (evaluate) {\parbox{3cm}{\centering HW wallet bought by enduser}};
% \node [cloud, left of=identify, node distance=5cm] (update) {\parbox{3cm}{\centering Malicious scratchpad with seed }};
% \node [block, below of=evaluate, node distance=2.5cm,text width=3cm,minimum width=3cm] (attacker) {\parbox{3cm}{\centering Attacker's database of wallets}};
% Draw edges
\path [lineuserC] (userA3) -- (userB3);
% \path [lineuserA] (userA2) -- (userA4);
\path [lineuserB] (userB1) -- (userB2);
\path [lineuserB] (userB2) -- (userB3);
\path [lineuserB] (userB3) -- (userB4);
\path [lineuserB] (userB3) to[in=14,out=210,looseness=0] (userA4);
\path [lineuserA] (userA1) to[in=-165,out=-15,looseness=0] (userB1);
\path [lineuserB] (userB1) to[in=15,out=165,looseness=0] (userA1);
% \path [line] (identify) -- (evaluate);
%\path [line] (expert) -- (init);
% \path [lineuserA] (userA2) |- (userB2);
\caption{Monero network processing}
\section{Mining pools, solo mining}
\section{Web mining, botnet mining}
% Web mining: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.01994.pdf
Reference in New Issue
Block a user