Cryptocurrency terminology chapter

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Radim Lipovčan 2018-07-17 08:05:21 +02:00
parent 0da5761221
commit ba187445a7
2 changed files with 27 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -187,4 +187,10 @@ Protocol
year = 2018,
url = {},
urldate = {2018-07-12}
title={An analysis of the cryptocurrency industry},
author={Farell, Ryan},

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@ -107,12 +107,31 @@
%% Komentář Vlasta 10.7.: tady někde (možná samostatná kapitola) bude nutné nadefinovat pojmy. Nazvat to "Kryptoměny" a popsat tam myšlenku, z čeho se skládají, co je blockchain, co to znamená fork... a tak.
%% Komentář Vlasta 10.7.: Nechceš to psát anglicky? Myslím, že by sis tím ušetřil hromadu práce s překlady. Dotazník bude v jakém jazyce?
%% Komentář Radim 13.07: Kapitola s pojmy - udělám zvlášť krátkou, ve které popíšu tyto základní principy, ještě tedy před Monero Cryptocurrency kapitolou. Monero specific věci pak budou popsány už pod Monerem.
%% Komentář Radim 13.07: Po domluvě mailem tedy začnu psát Anglicky. Dotazníky budou ve dvou jazykových mutacích - ENG a CZ. Hlavně kvůli CZ komunitě těžařů a pool operátorům - bych dal i tu češtinu.
\textbf{Cryptocurrency} is a digital currency that is designed to use cryptography to secure and verify its transactions. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized as opposed to traditional money transaction systems used in the banks. Decentralisation is established by using distributed blockchain that functions as a transaction database within the currency. First and also best-known cryptocurrency available was Bitcoin \cite{farell2015analysis}.
\textbf{Altcoin} is a term used for every cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin as it is a direct concurrent for the first of the cryptocurrency.
\textbf{Market Cap} is a total value of cryptocurrency that refers to the total number of emitted coins multiplied by the value of the coin.
\textbf{The blockchain} is a technology responsible for storing every transaction that has ever been processed in the cryptocurrency, also often called as a ledger. The main purpose of the blockchain is to ensure the validity of completed transactions.
\textbf{Transactions} within cryptocurrency are processed together as blocks that are verified by miners.
\textbf{Mining} process done by miners that verifies transactions on the network and adds them to the blockchain together in form of a block which results in new coins being emitted as a reward for block solving.
\textbf{Node} is a computer connected to the cryptocurrency network. Node is often referred to as a full node which means that the computer maintains a full copy of blockchain. This results in node downloading every block and transaction and checking them against cryptocurrency rules, especially whether the transaction has correct signatures, data format and the right number of emitted coins per block.
\chapter{Monero Cryptocurrency}
%Monero je opensource kryptoměnou, která je vyvíjená v rámci Monero projektu za účelem vytvoření decentralizované a anonymní měny. Hlavním cílem je dát uživateli plnou kontrolu nad předstředky, kterými disponuje.
@ -348,12 +367,7 @@ Aeon \cite{moneroalternativeaeon}, ByteCoin \cite{moneroalternativebytecoin}, Da
\section{Monero Network Structure}
Síť zajišťující fungování Monera jako kryptoměny s transakcemi má decentralizovanou podobu zajištěnou
\section{Adresování v síti}
\subsection{Typy adres}