diff --git a/Thesis.tex b/Thesis.tex index c647def..4cb2aa2 100644 --- a/Thesis.tex +++ b/Thesis.tex @@ -1870,6 +1870,7 @@ This part was answered only by those respondents that selected Yes (15 out of 11 The primary cause of problems was mining malware (8) or some form of mining script (7). The main affected platform was running Windows (10), and malware was recognized mainly by slow system response (7) and high CPU usage (11). +\iffalse When trying to compare the security of individual wallet types, one of the important factors that determine its usability and security is wallet recovery rate. To compare the hot and cold wallet approach using the Chi-Square test, the following hypothesis was set: \begin{itemize}\itemsep0em \item H0: There is no difference between the hot and cold wallet and their recovery rate. @@ -1891,8 +1892,8 @@ The table with extracted values is in the Table \ref{table:user-chi}. The chi-sq \captionof{table}{Contingency Table for wallet types and recovery.} \label{table:user-chi} \end{figure} - - +\fi +\pagebreak \subsection{Demographics} Survey participants were mainly males 44\% (50 out of 113), females 2\% (2 out of 113) represented only a small portion of the dataset, and some of the participants did not disclose their gender 54\% (61 out of 113). Most respondents in the dataset were from the age groups 25-34 29\% (33 out of 113).