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\ProvidesPackage{polyglossia}[2015/03/25 v1.42.4
Alternative to Babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX]
% Will raise error if used with anything else than XeTeX or LuaTeX
\RequirePackage{fontspec}[2010/06/08]% v2.0
% Ironically, ifluatex.sty is included by some other package if we run
% LuaTeX, but it's not if we run XeTeX, and we need it to know which of
% the two engines it is! Hence we include it here.
% For symmetry with ifluatex
% fontspec now uses LaTeX3 packages such as expl3, so we need this:
%% This is for compatibility with Babel-aware package:
\cslet{ver@babel.sty}{\@empty} % this "fakes" babel
\def\languageshorthands#1{\relax} %this is for scrlttr2 class
\AtEndPreamble{\let\bbl@set@language\xpg@set@language} %for biblatex
\AtEndPreamble{\let\bbl@main@language\xpg@main@language} %for biblatex
\RequirePackage{luatexbase} % already included by fontspec, but needed here
% Useful for getting list of loaded languages and variants. Like babel's bbl@loaded
%% custom message macros
} %% the \@gobble is to prevent displaying the line nr
%TODO change all instances of \xpg@nopatterns in gloss-*.ldf files
\xpg@warning{No~ hyphenation~ patterns~ were~ loaded~ for~ `#2'\MessageBreak
I~ will~ use~ \string\language=\string\l@ #1\space instead}%
\expandafter\adddialect\csname l@#2\expandafter\endcsname\csname l@#1\endcsname\relax}
\xpg@warning{No~ hyphenation~ patterns~ were~ loaded~ for~ `#1'\MessageBreak
I~ will~ use~ \string\language=\string\l@nohyphenation\space instead}%
%%TODO? \expandafter\adddialect\csname l@#1\endcsname\l@nohyphenation\relax
\xpg@warning{Illegal~ value~ (#1)~ for~ #2}}
%% use macro if defined, else warn that it is not
\ifcsundef{#1}{\xpg@warning{ \expandafter\string\csname #1\endcsname\space is~ not~ defined}}%
{\csname #1\endcsname}}
%% ensure directionality if bidi is loaded, else ignore
%% Used by the language definitions files for right-to-left languages
\xpg@warning{Youre running a TeX engine that is not LuaTeX or XeTeX.\MessageBreak
That is almost guaranteed to cause problems.}
%% compatibility with babel
\let\addto\gappto% gappto is defined in etoolbox
%% == Utility macros ==
%% They are needed because \MakeUppercase and \MakeLowercase are protected,
%% but we need to change case while defining csnames when setting up fonts for
%% non-Latin scripts. For instance with "Script=Arabic" we need to lowercase
%% "Arabic" to create \arabicfont.
\def\xpg@uppercasefirst#1{\expandafter\xpg@@uppercasefirst #1}
\if a#1A\else
\if b#1B\else
\if c#1C\else
\if d#1D\else
\if e#1E\else
\if f#1F\else
\if g#1G\else
\if h#1H\else
\if i#1I\else
\if j#1J\else
\if k#1K\else
\if l#1L\else
\if m#1M\else
\if n#1N\else
\if o#1O\else
\if p#1P\else
\if q#1Q\else
\if r#1R\else
\if s#1S\else
\if t#1T\else
\if u#1U\else
\if v#1V\else
\if w#1W\else
\if x#1X\else
\if y#1Y\else
\if z#1Z\else
\def\xpg@lowercasefirst#1{\expandafter\xpg@@lowercasefirst #1}
\if A#1a\else
\if B#1b\else
\if C#1c\else
\if D#1d\else
\if E#1e\else
\if F#1f\else
\if G#1g\else
\if H#1h\else
\if I#1i\else
\if J#1j\else
\if K#1k\else
\if L#1l\else
\if M#1m\else
\if N#1n\else
\if O#1o\else
\if P#1p\else
\if Q#1q\else
\if R#1r\else
\if S#1s\else
\if T#1t\else
\if U#1u\else
\if V#1v\else
\if W#1w\else
\if X#1x\else
\if Y#1y\else
\if Z#1z\else
%% options currently available:
%% language : the name of the language (as understood by fontspec)
%% hyphennames : the different hyphenation patterns to try (comma separated list)
%%% TODO: if pattern is prefixed by !, then it should be loaded as a fallback, with \xpg@nopatterns@fallback - i.e. with a warning: e.g. sanskrit for hindi, or catalan for asturian. Also for languages with variants! (English and German, etc.)
%% script : the name of the script (as understood by fontspec) default is Latin
%% direction : the direction of the script: LR or RL
%% scripttag : the OpenType tag for the script
%% langtag : the OpenType tag for the language
%% hyphenmins : the hyphenmins for this language (comma-sep list of two integers)
%% frenchspacing : boolean
%% indentfirst : boolean
%% fontsetup : boolean
%% TODO: nouppercase : boolean (for scripts like Arabic, Devanagari, etc which have no concept of uppercase/lowercase)
%% TODO: localalph = {<alph_csname>,<Alph_csname>}
%% TODO: localnumber = <csname>
%% or even better localdigits = {0123456789} for fully automatic setup
%define booleans etoolbox style and set defaults
%% TODO ? \providetoggle{#1@setup@done}%
\providetoggle{#1@scriptlangequal}% whether lang and script names are same: e.g. Hebrew, Arabic
% we initialize these so that we can use \gappto below
\csgdef{init@noextras@#1}{}% we don't use this yet: remove?
%needed for docsvlist with hyphennames key:
{\expandafter\ifx\csname l@##1\endcsname\l@nohyphenation\else\csletcs{l@#1}{l@##1}\xpg@set@language@luatex@iv{##1}\fi}%
%define all keys:
% here we do the fontsetup:
{\xpg@info{Skipping~ automatic~ font~ setup~ for~ language~ #1}}%
%% TODO? \toggletrue{#1@setup@done}%
% reinit \do
% if l@#1 does not yet exist,
% we assign it to nohyphenation
% we do this here in case the hyphennames key was omitted
{\xpg@nopatterns{\csname xpg@langname@#1\endcsname}%
\expandafter\adddialect\csname l@#1\endcsname\l@nohyphenation\relax}%
\xdef\xpg@lastlanguage{\the\csname l@#1\endcsname}%
\language=\csname l@#1\endcsname%
\ifcsundef{RTL}{\ifluatex\RequirePackage{luabidi}\else\RequirePackage{bidi}\fi}{}% FIXME Use \RequireBidi and remove calls in individual gloss files.
{\xpg@warning{#1: Invalid value \val\space for key "direction"}}%
% \define@choicekey*+[xpg@setup]{#1}{fontsetup}[\val\nr]{none,custom,auto}[none]%
% %{\csgdef{#1@fontsetup}{\val}}%
% {\xpg@fontsetup{\val}{#1}}%
% {\xpg@warning{Invalid value \val\space for key "fontsetup" in module "#1"}}%
%TODO assign csnames corr. to localized alph and Alph
% \define@key[xpg@setup]{#1}{localalph}[{#1@alph,#1@Alph}]{%
% \cslet{xpg@localalph@#1}{\expandafter\csname\xpg@first##1\endcsname}%
% \cslet{xpg@localAlph@#1}{\expandafter\csname\xpg@second##1\endcsname}%
%TODO same thing with localdigits
\ifluatex %
\fi %
\language=\csname xpg@lastlanguage\endcsname%
\ifluatex %
\fi %
%\def\xpg@fontsetup@none#1{\csgdef{#1@font}{\ifcsdef{#1font}{\csname #1font\endcsname}{}}} %<-- simplistic
\def\xpg@addfontfeature@lang#1#2{% #1 is langtag, #2 is langname
% Turkish is a special case: tag can be TRK or TUR
% \ifstrequal{#2}{Turkish}%
\fontspec_if_language:nTF {TRK}%
{\fontspec_if_language:nTF {TUR}%
% else not Turkish
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\fontspec_if_language:nTF \expandafter{#1}%
\def\xpg@addfontfeature@script#1#2{% #1 is scripttag, #2 is scriptname
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\fontspec_if_script:nTF \expandafter{#1}%
{\xpg@error{The~ current~ roman~ font~ does~ not~ contain~ the~ \expandafter\noexpand#2 ~ script!\MessageBreak
Please~ define~ \expandafter\string\csname \xpg@lowercasefirst{#2}font\endcsname\space with~ \string\newfontfamily}}%
\ifcsdef{#1font}{\csname #1font\endcsname}%
\ifcsdef{#1fontsf}{\csname #1fontsf\endcsname}%
\ifcsdef{#1fonttt}{\csname #1fonttt\endcsname}%
\edef\tmp@langname@lc{#1}% eg ukrainian
\edef\tmp@scriptname@lc{\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1@lc}}% eg cyrillic
{\edef\tmp@scripttag{\csuse{xpg@scripttag@#1}}% eg cyrl
\edef\tmp@scriptname{\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1}}% eg Cyrillic
\edef\tmp@langtag{\csuse{xpg@langtag@#1}}% eg UKR
\edef\tmp@langname{\csuse{xpg@langname@#1}}% eg Ukrainian
{\expandafter\ifcsname\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1@lc} font\endcsname% eg \cyrillicfont
\expandafter\csname\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1@lc} font\endcsname
{\edef\tmp@scripttag{\csuse{xpg@scripttag@#1}}% eg cyrl
\edef\tmp@scriptname{\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1}}% eg Cyrillic
\edef\tmp@langtag{\csuse{xpg@langtag@#1}}% eg UKR
\edef\tmp@langname{\csuse{xpg@langname@#1}}% eg Ukrainian
{\expandafter\ifcsname\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1@lc} fontsf\endcsname% eg \cyrillicfontsf
\expandafter\csname\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1@lc} fontsf\endcsname
{\edef\tmp@scripttag{\csuse{xpg@scripttag@#1}}% eg cyrl
\edef\tmp@scriptname{\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1}}% eg Cyrillic
\edef\tmp@langtag{\csuse{xpg@langtag@#1}}% eg UKR
\edef\tmp@langname{\csuse{xpg@langname@#1}}% eg Ukrainian
{\expandafter\ifcsname\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1@lc} fonttt\endcsname% eg \cyrillicfonttt
\expandafter\csname\csuse{xpg@scriptname@#1@lc} fonttt\endcsname
%%% END OF PolyglossiaSetup
%% ensure localization of \markright and \markboth commands
\xpg@info{Option:~ localmarks}%
\let\label\relax \let\index\relax \let\glossary\relax
\@temptokena \expandafter{\@themark}%
\let\label\relax \let\index\relax \let\glossary\relax
\@temptokena \expandafter{\@themark}%
}{% else
% Easy way out Arthur, 2012-08-01
% to reset the intercharclass of a character to "normal"
\newXeTeXintercharclass\xpg@normalclass %TODO
%% when no patterns are available, we use \l@nohyphenation, assigned to 255
%% (suggestion by Enrico Gregorio)
\@ifundefined{l@nohyphenation}{\chardef\l@nohyphenation=255 }{}
%we call this macro when a gloss file is not found for a given language
\xpg@warning{File~ gloss-#1.ldf~ does~ not~ exist!\MessageBreak
I~ will~ nevertheless~ try~ to~ use~ hyphenation~ patterns~ for~ #1.}%
% the above amounts to:
% {\expandafter\adddialect\csname l@#1\endcsname\l@nohyphenation\relax}%
% {\setlocalhyphenmins{#1}{2}{3}}%
%\csdef{#1@language}{\language=\csname l@#1\endcsname}%
\xpg@info{Default~ language~ is~ #2}%
\ifluatex %
\fi %
% This is needed because \arabic is a built-in LaTeX command:
% so now we have \begin{Arabic}... instead of \begin{arabic}...
\expandafter\newcommand\csname text#2\endcsname[2][]{%
}% else bidi not loaded
{\xpg@error{Language~ #2~ is~ right-to-left,~ but~ bidi~ package~ was~ not~ loaded!}}%
{\xpg@warning{gloss-#2.ldf~ is~ already~ loaded!}}%:
%% The following settings are for the default language and script:
\iftoggle{#2@RL}{\@RTLmaintrue}{}% this tells bidi.sty that the document is RTL
\xpg@error{gloss-#2.ldf~ is~ not~ loaded!}}%
{\csuse{no\xpg@main@language @globalnumbers}% disable globalnumbers of previously defined default language
% This robustifies the redefinitions of \<xx>family (suggestion by Enrico Gregorio)
% e.g. to prevent expansion of the \familytype redefinition in auxiliary files
% This saves the normalfont for the latin script since we may change normalfont in other scripts
\expandafter\newcommand\csname text#2\endcsname[2][]{%
}% else bidi not loaded
{\xpg@error{Language~ #2~ is~ right-to-left,~ but~ bidi~ package~ was~ not~ loaded!}}%
{\xpg@warning{gloss-#2.ldf~ is~ already~ loaded!}}%
\def\common@language{% FIXME is this really needed???
% otherlanguage* is the environment equivalent of \foreignlanguage
\expandafter\providecommand\csname otherlanguage*\endcsname{}
%Hook that other package authors can use
%(for instance biblatex):
% If the optional argument sets a value for the key “variant”, copy it to xpg@langvariant
% Save any variant in csv list of variants
% here we use lu@texhyphen@loaded@\the\language, the same as in babel
\directlua{polyglossia.select_language('\luatexluaescapestring{\string#1}', \the\csname l@#1\endcsname)}%
\expandafter\ifx\csname l@#1\endcsname\relax\@xpg@language@really@defined@false\else
\ifx\csname l@#1\endcsname\l@nohyphenation\@xpg@language@really@defined@false\else
\expandafter\chardef\csname l@#1\endcsname=\directlua{tex.sprint(polyglossia.newloader('#1'))}%
\ifluatex %
\xpg@set@language@luatex@iii{#1}{\expandafter\the\csname l@#1\endcsname}
\fi %
\ifluatex %
\fi %
% Common code for `\select@language' and `\foreignlanguage'.
\expandafter\ifx\csname l@#1\endcsname\l@nohyphenation%
\xpg@warning{\string\setlocalhyphenmin\space~ useless~ for~ unhyphenated~ language~ #1}%
\xpg@warning{\string\setlocalhyphenmin\space~ useless~ for~ unknown~ language~ #1}%
{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\set@hyphenmins\csname #1hyphenmins\endcsname\relax}}
\AtEndPreamble{\@ifpackageloaded{bidi}{\providecommand*{\aemph}[1]{$\overline{\hboxR{#1}}$}}{}}% TODO Make that work for luabidi too.
%% Package Options %%
\gdef\@latex@info#1{\relax}% no latex info
\gdef\@font@info#1{\relax}% no latex font info
\gdef\@font@warning#1{\relax}% no latex font warnings
\gdef\zf@PackageInfo#1{\relax}% no fontspec info
\gdef\xpg@info#1{\relax}}% no polyglossia info
% FIXME these should also be loaded \AtEndOfPackage !!!