# 8.0 to v1.0 Execute the following linux commands: ```bash mysql -u root -p USE dbName; # Replace dbName with your playerservers database name ALTER TABLE PLAYERSERVERS NODE ADD COLUMN varchar(20); ``` Execute the following command: ``` /ps admin sqlhotfix ``` Add the following blocks to the bottom of your config.yml: ```yaml # BETA FEATURES. USE AT OWN RISK!! multi-node: false experimental-rename: false pterodactyl-compatibility: false ``` Make sure your messages.toml contains all the messages: ```yaml run-in-game = "&9Error> &7Oops! You can only run this command in-game." not-enough-arguments = "&9PlayerServers> &7Oops, not enough arguments: /playerservers admin test " not-enough-arguments-kill = "&9PlayerServers> &7Oops, not enough arguments: /playerserver kill stop " not-enough-arguments-delete = "&9PlayerServers> &7Not enough arguments. &a/playerservers admin delete . Please keep in mind that you should not enter the full id. You should just enter the first part (example: if full UUID is 1234-5678-1223-5623, you should just enter 1234)." no-permission = "&9Error> &7Oops, it seems like you don't have permission to do that." launching-server = "&c&lLaunching your server. This might take some time. You will be teleported as soon as it's ready." server-online = "&9PlayerServers> &7Oops, it seems like your server is not online." successfully-renamed = "&9PlayerServers> &7Successfully renamed server." rename-failed = "&9PlayerServers> &7Oops, the server with that name already exists." already-have = "&9Error> &7Oops, it seems like you already have a server!" too-many-online = "&9Error> &7Oops, it seems like too many servers are running at the moment." [server-creation] process-first = "&9PlayerServer> &7Starting the creation of your server..." process-second = "&9Process> &7Successfully copied Spigot.jar & created eula.txt" process-third = "&9Process> &7Successfully copied the PlayerServerCore to your server." process-fourth = "&9Process> &7Successfully created server.properties & start.sh" post-process-one = "&9PostProcess> &7Your server has been added to the BungeeCord. Teleporting in &a%time% &7seconds..." sending-to-remote-server = "&9Process> &7We're beginning the creation of your server on the first remote node that provides us with ample resources. This will not take a while." [server-stop] successfully-killed = "&9Success> &7Your server has been successfully killed." [server-start] prepairing = "&9PlayerServers> &7Preparing to launch your server." successfully-started = "" [server-connect] connected = "&9PlayerServer> &7You've been successfully sent to your server. Your friends can use &a/server %uuid%&7 to connect." ``` {% hint style="success" %} ## Great, you're done! If you had any problems upgrading, please contact us on our Discord [here](https://invite.gg/arcadiaxyz). {% endhint %}