# ActionHealth ActionHealth is a Minecraft plugin that utilizes the action bar to display entity health. Spigot page: [Click Here](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/action-bar-health.2661/) # Dependencies **Required** - Java 8 or greater **Optional** - For region disable option: - WorldGuard - WorldEdit - ActionHealth is compatible with both 6 and 7 - Placeholders support: - PlaceholderAPI - MVdWPlaceholderAPI - Supports MythicMobs (using internal name) for blacklisting # Config ActionHealth is a very configurable plugin. You can almost change every aspect in the config, including style. Default config: [Click Here](https://github.com/zeshan321/ActionHealth/blob/master/config.yml) # Translations Within ActionHealth you can translate mob names by using the "Name Change" option in the config. I'd appreciate if servers that use custom translations share them with me, so I can share them with others! For users that do, I will tag them on Spigot and display their server IP. - Russian by @Blacker (Spigot) - [Link to translation](https://github.com/zeshan321/ActionHealth/blob/master/translations/Russian1-12-2.yml) - Server IP: unconfirmed - Spanish by [@ModoSN](https://github.com/ModoSN) (GitHub) - [Link to translation](https://github.com/zeshan321/ActionHealth/blob/master/translations/Spanish.yml) - Server IP: unconfirmed - Polish by @Nikox3003 (Spigot) - [Link to translation](https://github.com/zeshan321/ActionHealth/blob/master/translations/Polish.yml) - Server IP: LetCraft.pl # More info Custom styles, screenshots, command information and more can be found on the spigot page. Spigot page: [Click Here](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/action-bar-health.2661/)