package com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfigurationOptions; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import; import java.util.Set; public class FileHandler { private File file = null; private YamlConfiguration yaml = new YamlConfiguration(); public FileHandler(File file) { this.file = file; if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.load(); } public FileHandler(String path) { this.file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.load(); } public static boolean fileExists(String path) { File file = new File(path); return file.exists(); } public String getName() { return file.getName(); } public String getPath() { return file.getPath(); } private void load() { try { this.yaml.load(this.file); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void save() { try {; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("CR: Error saving: " + file.getName()); } } public void delete() { try { this.file.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public final File getfile(String PlayerName) { return this.file; } /** * Get an Integer from the given path. * * @param s Path to the Integer. * @return Integer at given path. */ public int getInteger(String s) { if (!(this.yaml.contains(s))) { return 0; } return this.yaml.getInt(s); } /** * Save, then load the Yaml file. **Warning** Very Unstable. */ public void reload() {; this.load(); } /** * Get a String from the path defined. * * @param s Path to the String. * @return String at given path. */ public String getString(String s) { return this.yaml.getString(s); } /** * Gets an Object at the given path. * * @param s Path to given Object. * @return An Object at the given Path. */ public Object get(String s) { return this.yaml.get(s); } /** * Gets all keys in file. * * @return An Set */ public Set getKeys() { return this.yaml.getKeys(false); } /** * Gets a boolean at the given path. * * @param s Path to the boolean. * @return Boolean at the given path. */ public boolean getBoolean(String s) { return this.yaml.getBoolean(s); } /** * If the given path has no variable, it will be given a variable. * * @param s Path to look for. * @param o Variable to be assigned if not existing. */ public void add(String s, Object o) { if (!this.contains(s)) { this.set(s, o); } } /** * Adds a String to a List of Strings. * * @param s Path to given String List. * @param o String to add to the String List. */ public void addToStringList(String s, String o) { this.yaml.getStringList(s).add(o); } /** * Removes a String to a List of Strings. * * @param s Path to given String List. * @param o String to remove from the String List. */ public void removeFromStringList(String s, String o) { this.yaml.getStringList(s).remove(o); } /** * Looks for a String List at given Path. * * @param s Path to String List. * @return String List at given Path. */ public java.util.List getStringList(String s) { return this.yaml.getStringList(s); } /** * Adds an Integer to a List of Integers. * * @param s Path to given Integer List. * @param o Integer to add to the Integer List. */ public void addToIntegerList(String s, int o) { this.yaml.getIntegerList(s).add(o); } /** * Removes an Integer to a List of Integers. * * @param s Path to given Integer List. * @param o Integer to remove to the Integer List. */ public void removeFromIntegerList(String s, int o) { this.yaml.getIntegerList(s).remove(o); } /** * Looks for a Integer List at given Path. * * @param s Path to Integer List. * @return Integer List at given Path. */ public java.util.List getIntegerList(String s) { return this.yaml.getIntegerList(s); } /** * Creates a new String List at given Path. * * @param s Path to create String List at. * @param list List to add. */ public void createNewStringList(String s, java.util.List list) { this.yaml.set(s, list); } /** * Creates a new Integer List at given Path. * * @param s Path to create Integer List at. * @param list List to add. */ public void createNewIntegerList(String s, java.util.List list) { this.yaml.set(s, list); } /** * **Untested/Unstable** Attempts to remove a variable at the given Path. * * @param s Path to given variable needing removal. */ public void remove(String s) { this.set(s, null); } /** * Returns true if the given Path has a value. * * @param s Path to value. * @return True if the given Path has a value. */ public boolean contains(String s) { return this.yaml.contains(s); } /** * Gets a double at the given Path. * * @param s Path to double. * @return Double at given Path. */ public double getDouble(String s) { return this.yaml.getDouble(s); } /** * Sets a Object to the given Path. * * @param s Path to variable being assigned. * @param o Variable being assigned. */ public void set(String s, Object o) { this.yaml.set(s, o); } /** * Increases an Integer by 1. * * @param s Path to Integer being incremented. */ public void increment(String s) { this.yaml.set(s, this.getInteger(s) + 1); } /** * Decreases an Integer by 1. * * @param s Path to Integer being decremented. */ public void decrement(String s) { this.yaml.set(s, this.getInteger(s) - 1); } /** * Increases an Integer by i. * * @param s Path to Integer being incremented. */ public void increment(String s, int i) { this.yaml.set(s, this.getInteger(s) + i); } /** * Decreases an Integer by 1. * * @param s Path to Integer being decremented. */ public void decrement(String s, int i) { this.yaml.set(s, this.getInteger(s) - i); } /** * Gets Itemstack. * * @param s Path to Itemstack. */ public ItemStack getItemStack(String s) { return this.yaml.getItemStack(s); } /** * Returns the YamlConfiguration's Options. * * @return YamlConfiguration's Options. */ public YamlConfigurationOptions options() { return this.yaml.options(); } }