package com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** *

Helper class for getting targets using various methods

*/ public class TargetHelper { /** *

Number of pixels that end up displaying about 1 degree of vision in the client window


Not really useful since you can't get the client's window size, but I added it in case * it becomes useful sometime

*/ private static final int PIXELS_PER_DEGREE = 35; /** *

Gets all entities the player is looking at within the range


Has a little bit of tolerance to make targeting easier

* * @param source living entity to get the targets of * @param range maximum range to check * @return all entities in the player's vision line */ public static List getLivingTargets(LivingEntity source, double range) { return getLivingTargets(source, range, 4); } /** *

Gets all entities the player is looking at within the range using * the given tolerance.

* * @param source living entity to get the targets of * @param range maximum range to check * @param tolerance tolerance of the line calculation * @return all entities in the player's vision line */ public static List getLivingTargets(LivingEntity source, double range, double tolerance) { List list = source.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range); List targets = new ArrayList(); Vector facing = source.getLocation().getDirection(); double fLengthSq = facing.lengthSquared(); for (Entity entity : list) { if (!isInFront(source, entity) || !(entity instanceof LivingEntity)) continue; Vector relative = entity.getLocation().subtract(source.getLocation()).toVector(); double dot =; double rLengthSq = relative.lengthSquared(); double cosSquared = (dot * dot) / (rLengthSq * fLengthSq); double sinSquared = 1 - cosSquared; double dSquared = rLengthSq * sinSquared; // If close enough to vision line, return the entity if (dSquared < tolerance) targets.add((LivingEntity) entity); } return targets; } /** *

Gets the entity the player is looking at


Has a little bit of tolerance to make targeting easier

* * @param source living entity to get the target of * @param range maximum range to check * @return entity player is looing at or null if not found */ public static LivingEntity getLivingTarget(LivingEntity source, double range) { return getLivingTarget(source, range, 4); } /** *

Gets the entity the player is looking at


Has a little bit of tolerance to make targeting easier

* * @param source living entity to get the target of * @param range maximum range to check * @param tolerance tolerance of the line calculation * @return entity player is looking at or null if not found */ public static LivingEntity getLivingTarget(LivingEntity source, double range, double tolerance) { List targets = getLivingTargets(source, range, tolerance); if (targets.size() == 0) return null; LivingEntity target = targets.get(0); double minDistance = target.getLocation().distanceSquared(source.getLocation()); for (LivingEntity entity : targets) { double distance = entity.getLocation().distanceSquared(source.getLocation()); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; target = entity; } } return target; } /** * Gets the targets in a cone * * @param source entity to get the targets for * @param arc arc angle of the cone * @param range range of the cone * @return list of targets */ public static List getConeTargets(LivingEntity source, double arc, double range) { List targets = new ArrayList(); List list = source.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range); if (arc <= 0) return targets; // Initialize values Vector dir = source.getLocation().getDirection(); dir.setY(0); double cos = Math.cos(arc * Math.PI / 180); double cosSq = cos * cos; // Get the targets in the cone for (Entity entity : list) { if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) { // Greater than 360 degrees is all targets if (arc >= 360) { targets.add((LivingEntity) entity); } // Otherwise, select targets based on dot product else { Vector relative = entity.getLocation().subtract(source.getLocation()).toVector(); relative.setY(0); double dot =; double value = dot * dot / relative.lengthSquared(); if (arc < 180 && dot > 0 && value >= cosSq) targets.add((LivingEntity) entity); else if (arc >= 180 && (dot > 0 || dot <= cosSq)) targets.add((LivingEntity) entity); } } } return targets; } /** * Checks if the entity is in front of the entity * * @param entity entity to check for * @param target target to check against * @return true if the target is in front of the entity */ public static boolean isInFront(Entity entity, Entity target) { // Get the necessary vectors Vector facing = entity.getLocation().getDirection(); Vector relative = target.getLocation().subtract(entity.getLocation()).toVector(); // If the dot product is positive, the target is in front return >= 0; } /** * Checks if the entity is in front of the entity restricted to the given angle * * @param entity entity to check for * @param target target to check against * @param angle angle to restrict it to (0-360) * @return true if the target is in front of the entity */ public static boolean isInFront(Entity entity, Entity target, double angle) { if (angle <= 0) return false; if (angle >= 360) return true; // Get the necessary data double dotTarget = Math.cos(angle); Vector facing = entity.getLocation().getDirection(); Vector relative = target.getLocation().subtract(entity.getLocation()).toVector().normalize(); // Compare the target dot product with the actual result return >= dotTarget; } /** * Checks if the target is behind the entity * * @param entity entity to check for * @param target target to check against * @return true if the target is behind the entity */ public static boolean isBehind(Entity entity, Entity target) { return !isInFront(entity, target); } /** * Checks if the entity is behind the player restricted to the given angle * * @param entity entity to check for * @param target target to check against * @param angle angle to restrict it to (0-360) * @return true if the target is behind the entity */ public static boolean isBehind(Entity entity, Entity target, double angle) { if (angle <= 0) return false; if (angle >= 360) return true; // Get the necessary data double dotTarget = Math.cos(angle); Vector facing = entity.getLocation().getDirection(); Vector relative = entity.getLocation().subtract(target.getLocation()).toVector().normalize(); // Compare the target dot product and the actual result return >= dotTarget; } /** * Checks whether or not the line between the two points is obstructed * * @param loc1 first location * @param loc2 second location * @return the location of obstruction or null if not obstructed */ public static boolean isObstructed(Location loc1, Location loc2) { if (loc1.getX() == loc2.getX() && loc1.getY() == loc2.getY() && loc1.getZ() == loc2.getZ()) { return false; } Vector slope = loc2.clone().subtract(loc1).toVector(); int steps = (int) (slope.length() * 4) + 1; slope.multiply(1.0 / steps); Location temp = loc1.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { temp.add(slope); if (temp.getBlock().getType().isSolid() && temp.getBlock().getType() != Material.IRON_FENCE && !temp.getBlock().getType().toString().contains("GLASS")) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Retrieves an open location along the line for teleporting or linear targeting * * @param loc1 start location of the path * @param loc2 end location of the path * @param throughWall whether or not going through walls is allowed * @return the farthest open location along the path */ public static Location getOpenLocation(Location loc1, Location loc2, boolean throughWall) { // Special case if (loc1.getX() == loc2.getX() && loc1.getY() == loc2.getY() && loc1.getZ() == loc2.getZ()) { return loc1; } // Common data Vector slope = loc2.clone().subtract(loc1).toVector(); int steps = (int) (slope.length() * 4) + 1; slope.multiply(1.0 / steps); // Going through walls starts at the end and traverses backwards if (throughWall) { Location temp = loc2.clone(); while (temp.getBlock().getType().isSolid() && steps > 0) { temp.subtract(slope); steps--; } temp.setX(temp.getBlockX() + 0.5); temp.setZ(temp.getBlockZ() + 0.5); temp.setY(temp.getBlockY() + 1); return temp; } // Not going through walls starts at the beginning and traverses forward else { Location temp = loc1.clone(); while (!temp.getBlock().getType().isSolid() && steps > 0) { temp.add(slope); steps--; } temp.subtract(slope); temp.setX(temp.getBlockX() + 0.5); temp.setZ(temp.getBlockZ() + 0.5); temp.setY(temp.getBlockY() + 1); return temp; } } public static Block getTarget(Location from, int distance, byte... transparentTypeIds) { if (transparentTypeIds.length == 0) { return getTarget(from, distance, (Set) null); } else { Set types = new HashSet<>(transparentTypeIds.length); for (byte b : transparentTypeIds) types.add(b); return getTarget(from, distance, types); } } public static Block getTarget(Location from, int distance, Set transparentTypeIds) { BlockIterator itr = new BlockIterator(from, 0, distance); while (itr.hasNext()) { Block block =; int id = block.getTypeId(); if (transparentTypeIds == null) { if (id == 0) continue; } else if (transparentTypeIds.contains((byte) id)) { continue; } return block; } return null; } public static Block getTarget(LivingEntity from, int distance, Set transparentTypeIds) { return getTarget(from.getEyeLocation(), distance, transparentTypeIds); } public static Block getTarget(LivingEntity from, int distance, byte... transparentTypeIds) { return getTarget(from.getEyeLocation(), distance, transparentTypeIds); } public static boolean canSee(LivingEntity from, Location to, Set transparentTypeIds) { return getTarget(from, (int) Math.ceil(from.getLocation().distance(to)), transparentTypeIds) == null; } public static boolean canSee(LivingEntity from, Location to, byte... transparentTypeIds) { return getTarget(from, (int) Math.ceil(from.getLocation().distance(to)), transparentTypeIds) == null; } }