2017-05-16 15:13:40 -04:00

69 lines
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# The message the player is sent.
# {name} shows the name of the mob or player.
# {health} shows current health of the mob or player.
# {maxhealth} shows the max health of the mob or player.
# {usestyle} will use the defined chars.
# {displayname} will use player/mob custom name.
Health Message: '&7&l{name}: {usestyle}'
# The message the player is sent to the player if they have actionhealth disabled.
# {name} shows the name of the player.
Toggle Message: ''
# Message sent to player when player enables actionhealth
# {name} shows the name of the player.
On Enable: '&7ActionHealth has been &cenabled&7.'
# Message sent to player when player disables actionhealth
# {name} shows the name of the player.
On Disable: '&7ActionHealth has been &cdisabled&7.'
# Strip Name.
Strip Name: true
# If enabled players with the permission 'ActionHealth.Health' will only see the action health message.
Use Permissions: false
# If set to false player will not see health messages from mobs.
Show Mob: true
# If set to false player will not see health messages from other players.
Show Player: true
# If set to true player will get the message in a delay to get 100% accurate health. Useful for plugins that add damage by reading item lore.
# This also uses more resources :(
Delay Message: false
# Style Health
Full Health Icon: "&4\u2764"
Half Health Icon: "&c\u2764"
Empty Health Icon: "&7\u2764"
# Set names. Case sensitive!
Name Change: false
- Cow = Kuh
# ActionHealth will be disabled for any world names added below. Case sensitive!
Disabled worlds:
- randomworld
Disabled regions:
- testing_region
# Disable ActionHealth in regions where PvP is denied.
Region PvP: true
# When set to true and style health is enabled this will limit the health symbols to 10.
Limit Health: true
# Saves players /actionhealth toggle state.
Remember Toggle: false
# Blacklist by entity name or entity display name.
- 'CCPD Officer'
# Show the health of the entity that the player is looking at.
Show On Look: false
Look Distance: 10