let versionRegex = /(\nversion:\s)([0-9.-]+)/; let velocityVersionRegex = /(\sversion\s=\s")([0-9.-]+)(",)/; const ymlUpdater = { updater: { 'readVersion': (contents) => { return versionRegex.exec(contents)[2]; }, 'writeVersion': (contents, version) => { return contents.replace(versionRegex, `$1${version}`); } } } const bungee = { filename: 'src/main/resources/bungee.yml', ...ymlUpdater, } const plugin = { filename: 'src/main/resources/plugin.yml', ...ymlUpdater, } const velocity_plugin = { filename: 'src/main/java/com/sekwah/advancedportals/velocity/AdvancedPortalsPlugin.java', updater: { 'readVersion': (contents) => { return velocityVersionRegex.exec(contents)[2]; }, 'writeVersion': (contents, version) => { return contents.replace(velocityVersionRegex, `$1${version}$3`); } } } const files = [plugin, velocity_plugin, bungee]; module.exports = { bumpFiles: files, packageFiles: files, // In case you need to force a version change (mostly due to change of scope of the update e.g. major now instead of patch) //releaseAs: '0.16.0', header:"# Changelog\n" + "\n" + "All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines.\n" + "\n" + "For the release changelogs see [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) \n" + "For the snapshot changelogs see [SNAPSHOT_CHANGELOG.md](SNAPSHOT_CHANGELOG.md)\n", }