# v0.6.1 (Sun Jun 27 2021) #### 🐛 Bug Fix - chore(ci): Remove isDevBranch remains [#265](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/pull/265) ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) - chore(ci): Fix forgotten sha in build gradle [#264](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/pull/264) ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) - chore(ci): Update version-bumping task order [#263](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/pull/263) ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) - chore(deps): pin dependencies [#261](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/pull/261) ([@renovate-bot](https://github.com/renovate-bot)) - fix: Spigot 1.17 error message [#260](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/pull/260) ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) - chore(ci): Swapping build pipeline ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) - ci: Fixed java version ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) - ci: Fix changelog reference ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) - ci: Updated build pipelines to newer module ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) #### Authors: 2 - Sekwah ([@sekwah41](https://github.com/sekwah41)) - WhiteSource Renovate ([@renovate-bot](https://github.com/renovate-bot)) --- # Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines. For the release changelogs see [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) For the snapshot changelogs see [SNAPSHOT_CHANGELOG.md](SNAPSHOT_CHANGELOG.md) ## 0.6.0 (2021-05-19) ### Features * **proxy:** Added a ForceEnableProxySupport config option ([99c810e](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/commit/99c810e1beeee743734ec451ffe5df312eec8726)) * **proxy:** Added Velocity support ([b243b4d](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/commit/b243b4d889b8039cb800d981d44d85da06ff62d5)) * **proxy:** Modern forwarding will be automatically detected. ([f3c8f73](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/commit/f3c8f73975857a4e5d31a6a21111eee8b7888bdd)) * Added configurable proxy teleport delay ([a1121ad](https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/commit/a1121adc10addfcce515d1358d1274232109fdfd)) ### 0.5.12 * Added support for Velocity. * Also fixed some issues with entity teleporting. ### 0.5.11 * Missing changelogs ### 0.5.10 * Missing changelogs ### 0.5.10 * Added fix for command portals spam triggering if they didn't teleport you out. * Made portals not activate if you were teleported into them by another portal (to allow linking zones like a star trek warp pad) ### 0.5.9 * Missing changelogs ### 0.5.8 * Missing changelogs ### 0.5.7 * Extra checks added by @tmantti to fix slow connections to new servers from activating the destination location too quick. ### 0.5.6 * Fixed packet exploit affecting destinations (only effecting versions 0.5.0 to 0.5.5). ### 0.5.5 * Added support for 1.16 * Reworked chat menus to better use Spigot API * Changed edit menu to have Activate instead of Teleport to destination * Compat code changed. You must now use Spigot rather than CraftBukkit. ### 0.5.4 * Added bungee backup methods to ensure bungee and desti work correctly together * Fixed protection region issue * Reworked the warp command and fixed the surrounding permissions * Disabling gateway beams is now enabled for placing the blocks as well as by a few other means ### 0.5.3 * Fixed destination bug. ### 0.5.2 * Fixed issue with bungee destinations. ### 0.5.1 * Fixed warp permission info ### 0.5.0 * Added command: * Fix for bungee warps ### 0.4.0 * Individual portal cooldown added * Bungee improvements ### Earlier * See github releases and spigot pages for more info.