2017-09-01 12:14:58 +01:00

722 lines
45 KiB

package com.sekwah.advancedportals;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.api.portaldata.PortalArg;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.listeners.Listeners;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.portals.AdvancedPortal;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.portals.Portal;
import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.material.Wool;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import java.util.*;
public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
private final ArrayList<String> blockMaterialList = new ArrayList<>();
private AdvancedPortalsPlugin plugin;
private int portalArgsStringLength = 0;
// TODO recode the portal args to be put into a hashmap and use a string array
// to store all possible portal arguments. Makes code shorter and possibly more efficient.
//private HashMap<String, String> portalArgs = new HashMap<>();
public AdvancedPortalsCommand(AdvancedPortalsPlugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
for(Material material : Material.values()) {
this.blockMaterialList.add("triggerblock:" +;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String command, String[] args) {
System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s%n", sender, cmd, command, args );
ConfigAccessor config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "config.yml");
ConfigAccessor portalConfig = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "portals.yml");
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You cannot use commands with the console.");
return true;
Player player = (Player) sender;
PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory();
if (sender.hasPermission("advancedportals.portal")) {
if (args.length > 0) { switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "wand":
case "selector":
String ItemID = config.getConfig().getString("AxeItemId");
Material WandMaterial = Material.getMaterial(ItemID);
if (WandMaterial == null) {
WandMaterial = Material.IRON_AXE;
ItemStack regionselector = new ItemStack(WandMaterial);
ItemMeta selectorname = regionselector.getItemMeta();
selectorname.setDisplayName("\u00A7ePortal Region Selector");
selectorname.setLore(Arrays.asList("\u00A7rThis wand with has the power to help"
, "\u00A7r create portals bistowed upon it!"));
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " You have been given a \u00A7ePortal Region Selector\u00A7a!");
case "portalblock":
// TODO change this to a purple wool block and give it a name with a color. Then listen to when its placed.
// Also do this for other blocks such as gateways and end portals just in case they want it.
ItemStack portalBlock = new Wool(DyeColor.PURPLE).toItemStack(1);
ItemMeta blockName = portalBlock.getItemMeta();
blockName.setDisplayName("\u00A75Portal Block Placer");
blockName.setLore(Arrays.asList("\u00A7rThis wool is made of a magical substance",
"\u00A7rRight Click: Place portal block",
"\u00A7rLeft Click: Rotate portal block"));
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " You have been given a \u00A7ePortal Block\u00A7a!");
case "endportalblock":
// TODO change this to a purple wool block and give it a name with a color. Then listen to when its placed.
// Also do this for other blocks such as gateways and end portals just in case they want it.
portalBlock = new Wool(DyeColor.BLACK).toItemStack(1);
blockName = portalBlock.getItemMeta();
blockName.setDisplayName("\u00A78End Portal Block Placer");
blockName.setLore(Arrays.asList("\u00A7rThis wool is made of a magical substance",
"\u00A7rRight Click: Place portal block"));
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " You have been given a \u00A7ePortal Block\u00A7a!");
case "gatewayblock":
// TODO change this to a purple wool block and give it a name with a color. Then listen to when its placed.
// Also do this for other blocks such as gateways and end portals just in case they want it.
portalBlock = new Wool(DyeColor.BLACK).toItemStack(1);
blockName = portalBlock.getItemMeta();
blockName.setDisplayName("\u00A78Gateway Block Placer");
blockName.setLore(Arrays.asList("\u00A7rThis wool is made of a magical substance",
"\u00A7rRight Click: Place portal block"));
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " You have been given a \u00A7ePortal Block\u00A7a!");
case "create":
if (player.hasMetadata("Pos1World") && player.hasMetadata("Pos2World")) {
if (player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString().equals(player.getMetadata("Pos2World").get(0).asString())
&& player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString().equals(player.getLocation().getWorld().getName())) {
if (args.length >= 2) { // may make this next piece of code more efficient, maybe check against a list of available variables or something
// TODO change system to use arrays and hashmaps
boolean hasName = false;
boolean hasTriggerBlock = false;
boolean hasDestination = false;
boolean isBungeePortal = false;
boolean needsPermission = false;
boolean executesCommand = false;
String destination = null;
String portalName = null;
String triggerBlock = null;
String serverName = null;
String permission = null;
String portalCommand = null;
ArrayList<PortalArg> extraData = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("name:") && args[i].length() > 5) {
hasName = true;
portalName = args[i].replaceFirst("name:", "");
} else if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("name:")) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You must include a name for the portal that isnt nothing!");
return true;
} else if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("destination:") && args[i].length() > 12) {
hasDestination = true;
destination = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("destination:", "");
} else if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("desti:") && args[i].length() > 6) {
hasDestination = true;
destination = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("desti:", "");
} else if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("triggerblock:") && args[i].length() > 13) {
hasTriggerBlock = true;
triggerBlock = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("triggerblock:", "");
} else if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("triggerblock:") && args[i].length() > 13) {
hasTriggerBlock = true;
triggerBlock = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("triggerblock:", "");
} else if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("bungee:") && args[i].length() > 7) { // not completely implemented
isBungeePortal = true;
serverName = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("bungee:", "");
//extraData.add(new PortalArgs("bungee", serverName));
} else if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("permission:") && args[i].length() > 11) { // not completely implemented
needsPermission = true;
permission = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("permission:", "");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("permission", permission));
} else if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("command:") && args[i].length() > 8) { // not completely implemented
executesCommand = true;
portalCommand = parseArgVariable(args, i, "command:");
i += this.portalArgsStringLength - 1;
if(portalCommand.startsWith("#") && ((this.plugin.getSettings().hasCommandLevel("c")
&& (sender.hasPermission("advancedportals.createportal.commandlevel.console"))
|| (this.plugin.getSettings().hasCommandLevel("k") && sender.isOp())))) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You need permission to make a console command portal!");
return true;
else if(portalCommand.startsWith("!") && ((this.plugin.getSettings().hasCommandLevel("o")
&& (sender.hasPermission("advancedportals.createportal.commandlevel.op"))
|| (this.plugin.getSettings().hasCommandLevel("p") && sender.isOp())))) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You need permission to make a op command portal!");
return true;
else if(portalCommand.startsWith("^") && ((this.plugin.getSettings().hasCommandLevel("p")
&& (sender.hasPermission("advancedportals.createportal.commandlevel.perms"))
|| (this.plugin.getSettings().hasCommandLevel("e") && sender.isOp())))) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You need permission to make a all perms command portal!");
return true;
extraData.add(new PortalArg("command.1", portalCommand));
if (!hasName) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You must include a name for the portal that you are creating in the variables!");
return true;
World world = org.bukkit.Bukkit.getWorld(player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString());
Location pos1 = new Location(world, player.getMetadata("Pos1X").get(0).asInt(), player.getMetadata("Pos1Y").get(0).asInt(), player.getMetadata("Pos1Z").get(0).asInt());
Location pos2 = new Location(world, player.getMetadata("Pos2X").get(0).asInt(), player.getMetadata("Pos2Y").get(0).asInt(), player.getMetadata("Pos2Z").get(0).asInt());
ConfigAccessor desticonfig = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "destinations.yml");
String destiPosX = desticonfig.getConfig().getString(destination + ".pos.X");
if (!Portal.portalExists(portalName)) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + "\u00A7e You have created a new portal with the following details:");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7aname: \u00A7e" + portalName);
if (hasDestination) {
if (destiPosX == null) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7cdestination: \u00A7e" + destination + " (destination does not exist)");
return true;
player.sendMessage("\u00A7adestination: \u00A7e" + destination);
} else {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7cdestination: \u00A7eN/A (will not teleport to a location)");
if (isBungeePortal) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7abungee: \u00A7e" + serverName);
if (needsPermission) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7apermission: \u00A7e" + permission);
} else {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7apermission: \u00A7e(none needed)");
if (executesCommand) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7acommand: \u00A7e" + portalCommand);
Material triggerBlockMat;
if (hasTriggerBlock) {
triggerBlockMat = Material.getMaterial(triggerBlock.toUpperCase());
if (triggerBlockMat != null) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7atriggerBlock: \u00A7e" + triggerBlock.toUpperCase());
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination, triggerBlockMat, serverName, portalArgs));
} else {
hasTriggerBlock = false;
ConfigAccessor Config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "config.yml");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7ctriggerBlock: \u00A7edefault(" + Config.getConfig().getString("DefaultPortalTriggerBlock") + ")");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7cThe block " + triggerBlock.toUpperCase() + " is not a valid block name in minecraft so the trigger block has been set to the default!");
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination, serverName, portalArgs));
} else {
ConfigAccessor Config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "config.yml");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7atriggerBlock: \u00A7edefault(" + Config.getConfig().getString("DefaultPortalTriggerBlock") + ")");
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination, serverName, portalArgs));
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " A portal by that name already exists!");
// add code to save the portal to the portal config and reload the portals
} else {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You need to at least add the name of the portal as a variable, \u00A7cType \u00A7e/portal variables\u00A7c"
+ " for a full list of currently available variables and an example command!");
} else {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " The points you have selected need to be in the same world!");
} else {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You need to have two points selected to make a portal!");
case "variables" :
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " \u00A77Variables \u00A7c: \u00A7aname, triggerBlock, desti, destination, bungee, permission, command");
sender.sendMessage("\u00A7aExample command: \u00A7e/portal create name:test triggerId:portal");
case "select":
// TODO finish the select command and the hit block to replace!
if (!player.hasMetadata("selectingPortal")) {
if (args.length > 1) {
if (Portal.portalExists(args[1])) {
player.setMetadata("selectedPortal", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, args[1]));
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " You have selected\u00A7e" + args[1] + "\u00A7a.");
} else {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No portal by the name \u00A7e" + args[1] + "\u00A7c exists (maybe you got the caps wrong)\n Try typing \u00A7e/portal select\u00A7c and hit inside the apropriate portals area!");
} else {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " Hit a block inside the portal region to select the portal!");
player.setMetadata("selectingPortal", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, true));
} else {
player.removeMetadata("selectingPortal", plugin);
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Portal selection cancelled!");
case "unselect":
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " You have unselected\u00A7e" + player.getMetadata("selectedPortal").get(0).asString()
+ "\u00A7a.");
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You had no portal selected!");
case "gui" :
if (args.length > 1) {
if (args[1].toLowerCase().equals("remove") && args.length > 2) {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Are you sure you would like to remove the portal \u00A7e" + args[2] + "\u00A7c?");
plugin.compat.sendRawMessage("{\"text\":\" \",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"\u00A7e[Yes]\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\"," +
"\"value\":\"Confirm removing this portal\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/portal remove " + args[2] + "\"}}, " +
"{\"text\":\" \"},{\"text\":\"\u00A7e[No]\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Cancel removing this portal\"}" +
",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/portal edit " + args[2] + "\"}}]}", player);
case "edit":
if (args.length > 1) {
if (Portal.portalExists(args[1])) {
player.setMetadata("selectedPortal", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, args[1]));
portalEditMenu(sender, portalConfig, args[1]);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No portal by the name \u00A7e" + args[1] + "\u00A7c exists!");
} else {
if (player.hasMetadata("selectedPortal")) {
String portalName = player.getMetadata("selectedPortal").get(0).asString();
String posX = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos1.X");
if (posX != null) {
portalEditMenu(sender, portalConfig, portalName);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " The portal you had selected no longer seems to exist!");
player.removeMetadata("selectedPortal", plugin);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No portal has been defined or selected!");
case "rename":
// not finished yet /
if (args.length > 1) {
if (player.hasMetadata("selectedPortal")) {
String portalName = player.getMetadata("selectedPortal").get(0).asString();
if (portalName.toLowerCase() != args[1].toLowerCase()) {
String posX = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos1.X");
String newPortalPosX = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(args[1] + ".pos1.X");
if (posX != null && newPortalPosX == null) {
Portal.rename(portalName, args[1]);
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " The portal \u00A7e" + portalName + "\u00A7a has been renamed to \u00A7e" + args[1] + "\u00A7a.");
player.setMetadata("selectedPortal", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, args[1]));
} else if (newPortalPosX != null) {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " There is already a portal with the name \u00A7e" + args[1] + "\u00A7c!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " The portal you had selected no longer seems to exist!");
player.removeMetadata("selectedPortal", plugin);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " The portal you have selected is already called that!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No portal has been defined or selected!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You must select a portal first and then type \u00A7e/portal rename (new name)\u00A7c!");
case "command":
if (player.hasMetadata("selectedPortal")) {
String portalName = player.getMetadata("selectedPortal").get(0).asString();
if (args.length > 1) {
// TODO add the command autocompletes, add, remove and show
if (args[1].toLowerCase().equals("add")) {
if (args.length > 2) {
String portalCommand = args[2];
for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
portalCommand += args[i];
if (Portal.addCommand(portalName, portalCommand)) {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Command added to portal!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Failed to add command to portal!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You must actually specify a command to execute!");
} else if (args[1].toLowerCase().equals("remove")) {
// Specify what line to remove
} else if (args[1].toLowerCase().equals("show")) {
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You must specify to \u00A7eadd\u00A7c or \u00A7eremove a command!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " You must specify to \u00A7eadd\u00A7c or \u00A7eremove\u00A7c a command!");
} else {
case "remove":
if (args.length > 1) {
String posX = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(args[1] + ".pos1.X");
if (posX != null) {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " The portal \u00A7e" + args[1] + "\u00A7c has been removed!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No portal by that name exists!");
} else {
if (player.hasMetadata("selectedPortal")) {
String portalName = player.getMetadata("selectedPortal").get(0).asString();
String posX = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos1.X");
if (posX != null) {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " The portal \u00A77" + portalName + "\u00A7c has been removed!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " The portal you had selected no longer seems to exist!");
player.removeMetadata("selectedPortal", plugin);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No portal has been defined or selected!");
case "help":
helpCommand(sender, command, args);
case "show":
if (args.length > 1) {
String posX = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(args[1] + ".pos1.X");
if (posX != null) {, this.plugin, args[1]);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No portal by that name exists!");
} else {
if (player.hasMetadata("selectedPortal")) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " Your currently selected portal has been shown, it will dissapear shortly!");, this.plugin, player.getMetadata("selectedPortal").get(0).asString());
} else if (player.hasMetadata("Pos1World") && player.hasMetadata("Pos2World")) {
if (player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString().equals(player.getMetadata("Pos2World").get(0).asString())
&& player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString().equals(player.getLocation().getWorld().getName())) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " Your currently selected area has been shown, it will dissapear shortly!");, this.plugin, null);
} else {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No regions selected!");
case "reload":
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " Reloaded values!");
case "list" :
String message = PluginMessages.customPrefix + " \u00A77Portals \u00A7c:\u00A7a";
LinkedList<String> portals = new LinkedList<>();
for (AdvancedPortal portal : Portal.portals) {
for (Object portalName : portals.toArray()) {
message = message + " " + portalName;
PluginMessages.UnknownCommand(sender, command);
} else {
PluginMessages.UnknownCommand(sender, command);
} else {
PluginMessages.NoPermission(sender, command);
return true;
private void helpCommand(CommandSender sender, String command, String[] args) {
// Add pages if there starts to become too many
if(args.length == 1) {
sendMenu(sender, "Help Menu",
"\u00A76/" + command + " selector \u00A7a- gives you a region selector",
"\u00A76/" + command + " create \u00A7c[tags] \u00A7a- creates a portal with a selection ",
"\u00A76/" + command + " portalblock \u00A7a- gives you a portal block",
"\u00A76/" + command + " endportalblock \u00A7a- gives you an end portal block",
"\u00A76/" + command + " gatewayblock \u00A7a- gives you a gateway block",
"\u00A76/" + command + " select \u00A7a- selects an existing portal",
"\u00A76/" + command + " unselect \u00A7a- unselects the current portal",
"\u00A76/" + command + " command \u00A7a- adds or removes commands from the selected portal",
"\u00A76/" + command + " help \u00A7a- shows this help section",
"\u00A76/" + command + " help <arg> \u00A7a- shows help for the specified arg",
"\u00A76/" + command + " remove \u00A7a- removes a portal",
"\u00A76/" + command + " list \u00A7a- lists all the current portals",
"\u00A76/" + command + " variables \u00A7a- lists all available tags");
else if(args.length > 1){
if(args[1].toLowerCase().equals("help")) {
sendMenu(sender, "Help Command",
"Shows the help section. You can also use a single argument after it to show the " +
"help section for the corresponding command.");
else if(args[1].toLowerCase().equals("portalblock")) {
sendMenu(sender, "Help Command",
"Gives you a special wool block to place portal blocks.",
"\u00A7eLeft Click: \u00A76Rotates the hit portal block",
"\u00A7eRight Click: \u00A76Placed a portal block");
else if(args[1].toLowerCase().equals("endportalblock")) {
sendMenu(sender, "Help Command",
"Gives you a special wool block to place end portal blocks.",
"\u00A7eRight Click: \u00A76Placed a end portal block");
else if(args[1].toLowerCase().equals("gatewayblock")) {
sendMenu(sender, "Help Command",
"Gives you a special wool block to place gateway blocks.",
"\u00A7eRight Click: \u00A76Placed a gateway block");
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " Either \u00A7e" + args[1] + "\u00A7a is not a command or a help page has not been added yet.");
private void sendMenu(CommandSender sender, String title, String... lines) {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " " + title);
for(String line : lines){
sender.sendMessage("\u00A7a" + line);
private String parseArgVariable(String[] args, int currentArg, String argStarter) {
String variableString = args[currentArg].replaceFirst(argStarter, "");
this.portalArgsStringLength = 1;
if (variableString.charAt(0) == '"') {
variableString = variableString.substring(1, variableString.length());
if (variableString.charAt(variableString.length() - 1) != '"') {
for (; currentArg < args.length; currentArg++) {
variableString += " " + args[currentArg];
this.portalArgsStringLength += 1;
if (variableString.charAt(variableString.length() - 1) == '"') {
variableString = variableString.substring(0, variableString.length() - 1);
} else {
variableString = variableString.substring(0, variableString.length() - 1);
return variableString;
private void portalEditMenu(CommandSender sender, ConfigAccessor portalConfig, String portalName) {
// make the text gui with the json message for a list of edit commands to be clicked or hovered
// put \" for a " in the json messages
// sadly there is no newline code so these three lines will have to be copied and pasted for each line
// use the usual messages for normal lines but anything that needs special features make sure you use the
// chat steriliser
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " Editing: \u00A7e" + portalName);
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7apos1\u00A7e: " + portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos1.X")
+ ", " + portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos1.Y") + ", " + portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos1.Z"));
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7apos2\u00A7e: " + portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos2.X")
+ ", " + portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos2.Y") + ", " + portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos2.Z"));
String destination = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".destination");
if (destination != null) {
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7adestination\u00A7e: " + destination);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7cdestination\u00A7e: null");
String trigger = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".triggerblock");
if (trigger != null) {
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7atriggerBlock\u00A7e: " + trigger);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7ctriggerBlock\u00A7e: null");
if (portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command.1") != null) {
int commands = 0;
String command = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command.1");
// TODO possibly change code so it counds number of subvalues rather than a loop.
while (command != null) {
command = portalConfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command." + ++commands);
if (--commands > 1) {
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7acommands\u00A7e: " + commands + " commands");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7acommands\u00A7e: " + commands + " command");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(" \u00A7ccommands\u00A7e: none");
Player player = (Player) sender;
plugin.compat.sendRawMessage("{\"text\":\"\u00A7aFunctions\u00A7e: \"," +
"\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"\u00A7eRemove\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Remove the selected portal\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/portal gui remove " + portalName + "\"}}"
+ ",{\"text\":\" \"},{\"text\":\"\u00A7eShow\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Show the selected portal\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/portal show " + portalName + "\"}}"
+ ",{\"text\":\" \"},{\"text\":\"\u00A7eRename\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Change the name of the portal\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"suggest_command\",\"value\":\"/portal rename \"}}"
+ ",{\"text\":\" \"},{\"text\":\"\u00A7eTeleport\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Teleport to the set destination\n(If there is one)\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/desti warp " + destination + "\"}}]}", player);
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String command, String[] args) {
LinkedList<String> autoComplete = new LinkedList<String>();
if (sender.hasPermission("advancedportals.createportal")) {
if (args.length == 1 || (args.length == 2 && args[0].toLowerCase().equals("help"))) {
autoComplete.addAll(Arrays.asList("create", "list", "portalblock", "select", "unselect", "command", "selector"
, "show", "gatewayblock", "endportalblock", "variables", "wand", "remove", "rename", "help", "bukkitpage", "helppage"));
} else if (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("create")) {
boolean hasName = false;
boolean hasTriggerBlock = false;
boolean hasDestination = false;
boolean isBungeePortal = false;
boolean needsPermission = false;
boolean hasCommand = false;
// TODO change auto complete when quotes are opened and closed. Such as autocomplete @Player and stuff when specifying commands
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
String argTag = getTag(args[i].toLowerCase());
if (argTag.length() + 1 < args[i].length()) {
switch (argTag) {
case "name":
hasName = true;
case "destination":
hasDestination = true;
case "desti":
hasDestination = true;
case "triggerblock":
hasTriggerBlock = true;
case "bungee":
isBungeePortal = true;
case "permission":
needsPermission = true;
case "command":
hasCommand = true;
if (!hasName) {
if (!hasTriggerBlock) {
if (!hasDestination) {
if (!isBungeePortal) {
if (!needsPermission) {
if (!hasCommand) {
for (Object result : autoComplete.toArray()) {
if (!result.toString().startsWith(args[args.length - 1])) {
return autoComplete;
private String getTag(String arg) {
int indexOfSplitter = arg.indexOf(':');
if (indexOfSplitter > 0) {
return arg.substring(0, indexOfSplitter);
return "";