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package me.wiefferink.areashop;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.interfaces.AreaShopInterface;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.interfaces.WorldEditInterface;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.interfaces.WorldGuardInterface;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.listeners.PlayerLoginLogoutListener;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.CommandManager;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.FeatureManager;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.FileManager;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.Manager;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.SignLinkerManager;
2017-03-09 15:09:05 +01:00
import me.wiefferink.bukkitdo.Do;
import me.wiefferink.interactivemessenger.processing.Message;
import me.wiefferink.interactivemessenger.source.LanguageManager;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
2016-08-01 16:18:05 +02:00
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Main class for the AreaShop plugin.
* Contains methods to get parts of the plugins functionality and definitions for constants.
public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin implements AreaShopInterface {
// Statically available instance
private static AreaShop instance = null;
// General variables
private WorldGuardPlugin worldGuard = null;
private WorldGuardInterface worldGuardInterface = null;
private WorldEditPlugin worldEdit = null;
private WorldEditInterface worldEditInterface = null;
private FileManager fileManager = null;
private LanguageManager languageManager = null;
private CommandManager commandManager = null;
private SignLinkerManager signLinkerManager = null;
private FeatureManager featureManager = null;
private Set<Manager> managers = null;
private boolean debug = false;
private List<String> chatprefix = null;
private boolean ready = false;
private GithubUpdateCheck githubUpdateCheck = null;
// Folders and file names
public static final String languageFolder = "lang";
public static final String schematicFolder = "schem";
public static final String regionsFolder = "regions";
public static final String groupsFile = "groups.yml";
public static final String defaultFile = "default.yml";
public static final String configFile = "config.yml";
public static final String configFileHidden = "hiddenConfig.yml";
public static final String versionFile = "versions";
// Euro tag for in the config
public static final String currencyEuro = "%euro%";
// Constants for handling file versions
public static final String versionFiles = "files";
public static final int versionFilesCurrent = 3;
// Keys for replacing parts of flags, commands, strings
public static final String tagPlayerName = "player";
public static final String tagPlayerUUID = "uuid";
public static final String tagWorldName = "world";
public static final String tagRegionName = "region";
public static final String tagRegionType = "type";
public static final String tagPrice = "price";
public static final String tagRawPrice = "rawprice";
public static final String tagDuration = "duration";
public static final String tagRentedUntil = "until";
public static final String tagRentedUntilShort = "untilshort";
public static final String tagWidth = "width"; // x-axis
public static final String tagHeight = "height"; // y-axis
public static final String tagDepth = "depth"; // z-axis
public static final String tagVolume = "volume"; // Number of blocks in the region (accounting for polygon regions)
public static final String tagTimeLeft = "timeleft";
public static final String tagClicker = "clicker";
public static final String tagResellPrice = "resellprice";
public static final String tagRawResellPrice = "rawresellprice";
public static final String tagFriends = "friends";
public static final String tagFriendsUUID = "friendsuuid";
public static final String tagMoneyBackPercentage = "moneybackpercent";
public static final String tagMoneyBackAmount = "moneyback";
public static final String tagRawMoneyBackAmount = "rawmoneyback";
public static final String tagTimesExtended = "timesExtended";
public static final String tagMaxExtends = "maxextends";
public static final String tagExtendsLeft = "extendsleft";
public static final String tagMaxRentTime = "maxrenttime";
public static final String tagMaxInactiveTime = "inactivetime";
public static final String tagLandlord = "landlord";
public static final String tagLandlordUUID = "landlorduuid";
public static final String tagDateTime = "datetime";
public static final String tagDateTimeShort = "datetimeshort";
public static final String tagYear = "year";
public static final String tagMonth = "month";
public static final String tagDay = "day";
public static final String tagHour = "hour";
public static final String tagMinute = "minute";
public static final String tagSecond = "second";
public static final String tagMillisecond = "millisecond";
public static final String tagEpoch = "epoch";
public static final String tagTeleportX = "tpx";
public static final String tagTeleportY = "tpy";
public static final String tagTeleportZ = "tpz";
public static final String tagTeleportBlockX = "tpblockx";
public static final String tagTeleportBlockY = "tpblocky";
public static final String tagTeleportBlockZ = "tpblockz";
public static final String tagTeleportPitch = "tppitch";
public static final String tagTeleportYaw = "tpyaw";
public static final String tagTeleportPitchRound = "tppitchround";
public static final String tagTeleportYawRound = "tpyawround";
public static final String tagTeleportWorld = "tpworld";
public static AreaShop getInstance() {
return AreaShop.instance;
* Called on start or reload of the server.
public void onEnable() {
AreaShop.instance = this;
managers = new HashSet<>();
boolean error = false;
// Find WorldEdit integration version to load
String weVersion = null;
String rawWeVersion = null;
String weBeta = null;
Plugin plugin = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldEdit");
if(!(plugin instanceof WorldEditPlugin) || !plugin.isEnabled()) {
error("WorldEdit plugin is not present or has not loaded correctly");
error = true;
} else {
worldEdit = (WorldEditPlugin)plugin;
rawWeVersion = worldEdit.getDescription().getVersion();
// Find beta version
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("beta-?\\d+");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(rawWeVersion);
if (matcher.find()) {
weBeta =;
// Get correct WorldEditInterface (handles things that changed version to version)
if(worldEdit.getDescription().getVersion().startsWith("5.")) {
weVersion = "5";
} else if(worldEdit.getDescription().getVersion().startsWith("6.")) {
weVersion = "6";
} else if ("beta-01".equalsIgnoreCase(weBeta)) {
weVersion = "7_beta_1";
} else {
// beta-02 and beta-03 also have the new vector system already
weVersion = "7_beta_4";
weVersion = "WorldEditHandler" + weVersion;
// Find WorldGuard integration version to load
String wgVersion = null;
String rawWgVersion = null;
int major = 0;
int minor = 0;
int fixes = 0;
Integer build = null;
plugin = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldGuard");
if(!(plugin instanceof WorldGuardPlugin) || !plugin.isEnabled()) {
error("WorldGuard plugin is not present or has not loaded correctly");
error = true;
} else {
worldGuard = (WorldGuardPlugin)plugin;
// Get correct WorldGuardInterface (handles things that changed version to version)
try {
rawWgVersion = worldGuard.getDescription().getVersion();
if(rawWgVersion.contains("-SNAPSHOT;")) {
String buildNumber = rawWgVersion.substring(rawWgVersion.indexOf("-SNAPSHOT;") + 10);
if(buildNumber.contains("-")) {
buildNumber = buildNumber.substring(0, buildNumber.indexOf("-"));
try {
build = Integer.parseInt(buildNumber);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
warn("Could not correctly parse the build of WorldGuard, raw version: " + rawWgVersion + ", buildNumber: " + buildNumber);
// Clear stuff from the version string that is not a number
String[] versionParts = rawWgVersion.split("\\.");
for(int i = 0; i < versionParts.length; i++) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\\d+");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(versionParts[i]);
if(matcher.find()) {
versionParts[i] =;
// Find major, minor and fix numbers
try {
if(versionParts.length > 0) {
major = Integer.parseInt(versionParts[0]);
if(versionParts.length > 1) {
minor = Integer.parseInt(versionParts[1]);
if(versionParts.length > 2) {
fixes = Integer.parseInt(versionParts[2]);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
warn("Something went wrong while parsing WorldGuard version number: " + rawWgVersion);
// Determine correct implementation to use
if(rawWgVersion.startsWith("5.")) {
wgVersion = "5";
} else if(major == 6 && minor == 1 && fixes < 3) {
wgVersion = "6";
} else if(major == 6) {
if(build != null && build == 1672) {
error = true;
error("Build 1672 of WorldGuard is broken, update to a later build or a stable version!");
} else if(build != null && build < 1672) {
wgVersion = "6";
} else {
wgVersion = "6_1_3";
} else if ("beta-01".equalsIgnoreCase(weBeta)) {
// When using WorldEdit beta-01, we need to use the WorldGuard variant with the old vector system
wgVersion = "7_beta_1";
} else {
// Even though the WorldGuard file is called beta-02, the reported version is still beta-01!
wgVersion = "7_beta_2";
} catch(Exception e) { // If version detection fails, at least try to load the latest version
warn("Parsing the WorldGuard version failed, assuming version 7_beta_2:", rawWgVersion);
wgVersion = "7_beta_2";
wgVersion = "WorldGuardHandler" + wgVersion;
// Check if FastAsyncWorldEdit is installed
boolean fawe;
try {
Class.forName("com.boydti.fawe.Fawe" );
fawe = true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {
fawe = false;
if (fawe) {
boolean useNewIntegration = true;
List<String> standardIntegrationVersions = Arrays.asList("1.7", "1.8", "1.9", "1.10", "1.11", "1.12");
for(String standardIntegrationVersion : standardIntegrationVersions) {
String version = Bukkit.getBukkitVersion();
// Detects '1.8', '1.8.3', '1.8-pre1' style versions
|| version.startsWith(standardIntegrationVersion + ".")
|| version.startsWith(standardIntegrationVersion + "-")) {
useNewIntegration = false;
if (useNewIntegration) {
weVersion = "FastAsyncWorldEditHandler";
wgVersion = "FastAsyncWorldEditWorldGuardHandler";
// Load WorldEdit
try {
final Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("me.wiefferink.areashop.handlers." + weVersion);
// Check if we have a NMSHandler class at that location.
if(WorldEditInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { // Make sure it actually implements WorldEditInterface
worldEditInterface = (WorldEditInterface)clazz.getConstructor(AreaShopInterface.class).newInstance(this); // Set our handler
} catch(final Exception e) {
error("Could not load the handler for WorldEdit (tried to load " + weVersion + "), report this problem to the author: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
error = true;
weVersion = null;
// Load WorldGuard
try {
final Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("me.wiefferink.areashop.handlers." + wgVersion);
// Check if we have a NMSHandler class at that location.
if(WorldGuardInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { // Make sure it actually implements WorldGuardInterface
worldGuardInterface = (WorldGuardInterface)clazz.getConstructor(AreaShopInterface.class).newInstance(this); // Set our handler
} catch(final Exception e) {
error("Could not load the handler for WorldGuard (tried to load " + wgVersion + "), report this problem to the author:" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
error = true;
wgVersion = null;
// Check if Vault is present
if(getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null) {
error("Vault plugin is not present or has not loaded correctly");
error = true;
// Load all data from files and check versions
fileManager = new FileManager();
error = error | !fileManager.loadFiles(false);
// Print loaded version of WG and WE in debug
if(wgVersion != null) {
AreaShop.debug("Loaded WorldGuardHandler", wgVersion, "(raw version:" + rawWgVersion + ", major:" + major + ", minor:" + minor + ", fixes:" + fixes + ", build:" + build + ")");
if(weVersion != null) {
AreaShop.debug("Loaded WorldEditHandler", weVersion, "(raw version:" + rawWeVersion + ", beta:" + weBeta + ")");
if(error) {
error("The plugin has not started, fix the errors listed above");
} else {
featureManager = new FeatureManager();
// Register the event listeners
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PlayerLoginLogoutListener(this), this);
// Startup the CommandManager (registers itself for the command)
commandManager = new CommandManager();
// Create a signLinkerManager
signLinkerManager = new SignLinkerManager();
// Enable Metrics if config allows it
if(getConfig().getBoolean("sendStats")) {
// Register dynamic permission (things declared in config)
// Don't initialize the updatechecker if disabled in the config
if(getConfig().getBoolean("checkForUpdates")) {
githubUpdateCheck = new GithubUpdateCheck(
).withVersionComparator((latestVersion, currentVersion) ->
).checkUpdate((result) -> {
AreaShop.debug("Update check result:", result);
if(!result.hasUpdate()) {
}"Update from AreaShop V" + cleanVersion(result.getCurrentVersion()) + " to AreaShop V" + cleanVersion(result.getLatestVersion()) + " available, get the latest version at");
for(Player player : Utils.getOnlinePlayers()) {
* Notify a player about an update if he wants notifications about it and an update is available.
* @param sender CommandSender to notify
public void notifyUpdate(CommandSender sender) {
if(githubUpdateCheck != null && githubUpdateCheck.hasUpdate() && sender.hasPermission("areashop.notifyupdate")) {
AreaShop.getInstance().message(sender, "update-playerNotify", cleanVersion(githubUpdateCheck.getCurrentVersion()), cleanVersion(githubUpdateCheck.getLatestVersion()));
* Cleanup a version number.
* @param version Version to clean
* @return Cleaned up version (removed prefixes and suffixes)
private String cleanVersion(String version) {
version = version.toLowerCase();
// Strip 'v' as used on Github tags
if(version.startsWith("v")) {
version = version.substring(1);
// Strip build number as used by Jenkins
if(version.contains("#")) {
version = version.substring(0, version.indexOf("#"));
return version;
* Called on shutdown or reload of the server.
public void onDisable() {
// Cleanup managers
for(Manager manager : managers) {
managers = null;
fileManager = null;
languageManager = null;
commandManager = null;
signLinkerManager = null;
featureManager = null;
// Cleanup plugins
worldGuard = null;
worldGuardInterface = null;
worldEdit = null;
worldEditInterface = null;
// Cleanup other stuff
chatprefix = null;
debug = false;
ready = false;
* Indicates if the plugin is ready to be used.
* @return true if the plugin is ready, false otherwise
public boolean isReady() {
return ready;
* Set if the plugin is ready to be used or not (not to be used from another plugin!).
* @param ready Indicate if the plugin is ready to be used
public void setReady(boolean ready) {
this.ready = ready;
* Set if the plugin should output debug messages (loaded from config normally).
* @param debug Indicates if the plugin should output debug messages or not
public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
this.debug = debug;
* Setup a new LanguageManager.
private void setupLanguageManager() {
languageManager = new LanguageManager(
* Set the chatprefix to use in the chat (loaded from config normally).
* @param chatprefix The string to use in front of chat messages (supports formatting codes)
public void setChatprefix(List<String> chatprefix) {
this.chatprefix = chatprefix;
* Function to get the WorldGuard plugin.
* @return WorldGuardPlugin
public WorldGuardPlugin getWorldGuard() {
return worldGuard;
* Function to get WorldGuardInterface for version dependent things.
* @return WorldGuardInterface
public WorldGuardInterface getWorldGuardHandler() {
return this.worldGuardInterface;
* Get the RegionManager.
* @param world World to get the RegionManager for
* @return RegionManager for the given world, if there is one, otherwise null
public RegionManager getRegionManager(World world) {
return this.worldGuardInterface.getRegionManager(world);
* Function to get the WorldEdit plugin.
* @return WorldEditPlugin
public WorldEditPlugin getWorldEdit() {
return worldEdit;
* Function to get WorldGuardInterface for version dependent things.
* @return WorldGuardInterface
public WorldEditInterface getWorldEditHandler() {
return this.worldEditInterface;
* Function to get the LanguageManager.
* @return the LanguageManager
public LanguageManager getLanguageManager() {
return languageManager;
* Function to get the CommandManager.
* @return the CommandManager
public CommandManager getCommandManager() {
return commandManager;
* Get the SignLinkerManager.
* Handles sign linking mode.
* @return The SignLinkerManager
public SignLinkerManager getSignlinkerManager() {
return signLinkerManager;
* Get the FeatureManager.
* Manages region specific features.
* @return The FeatureManager
public FeatureManager getFeatureManager() {
return featureManager;
* Function to get the Vault plugin.
* @return Economy
public Economy getEconomy() {
RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> economy = getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy.class);
if(economy == null || economy.getProvider() == null) {
error("There is no economy provider to support Vault, make sure you installed an economy plugin");
return null;
return economy.getProvider();
* Get the Vault permissions provider.
* @return Vault permissions provider
public net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission getPermissionProvider() {
RegisteredServiceProvider<net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission> permissionProvider = getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission.class);
if (permissionProvider == null || permissionProvider.getProvider() == null) {
return null;
return permissionProvider.getProvider();
* Check for a permission of a (possibly offline) player.
* @param offlinePlayer OfflinePlayer to check
* @param permission Permission to check
* @return true if the player has the permission, false if the player does not have permission or, is offline and there is not Vault-compatible permission plugin
public boolean hasPermission(OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer, String permission) {
// Online, return through Bukkit
if(offlinePlayer.getPlayer() != null) {
return offlinePlayer.getPlayer().hasPermission(permission);
// Resolve while offline if possible
net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission permissionProvider = getPermissionProvider();
if(permissionProvider != null) {
// TODO: Should we provide a world here?
return permissionProvider.playerHas(null, offlinePlayer, permission);
// Player offline and no offline permission provider available, safely say that there is no permission
return false;
* Method to get the FileManager (loads/save regions and can be used to get regions).
* @return The fileManager
public FileManager getFileManager() {
return fileManager;
* Register dynamic permissions controlled by config settings.
private void registerDynamicPermissions() {
// Register limit groups of amount of regions a player can have
ConfigurationSection section = getConfig().getConfigurationSection("limitGroups");
if(section == null) {
for(String group : section.getKeys(false)) {
if(!"default".equals(group)) {
Permission perm = new Permission("areashop.limits." + group);
try {
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
warn("Could not add the following permission to be used as limit: " + perm.getName());
* Register all required tasks.
private void setupTasks() {
// Rent expiration timer
long expirationCheck = Utils.millisToTicks(Utils.getDurationFromSecondsOrString("expiration.delay"));
final AreaShop finalPlugin = this;
if(expirationCheck > 0) {
Do.syncTimer(expirationCheck, () -> {
if(isReady()) {
AreaShop.debugTask("Checking rent expirations...");
} else {
AreaShop.debugTask("Skipped checking rent expirations, plugin not ready");
// Inactive unrenting/selling timer
long inactiveCheck = Utils.millisToTicks(Utils.getDurationFromMinutesOrString("inactive.delay"));
if(inactiveCheck > 0) {
Do.syncTimer(inactiveCheck, () -> {
if(isReady()) {
AreaShop.debugTask("Checking for regions with players that are inactive too long...");
} else {
AreaShop.debugTask("Skipped checking for regions of inactive players, plugin not ready");
// Periodic updating of signs for timeleft tags
long periodicUpdate = Utils.millisToTicks(Utils.getDurationFromSecondsOrString("signs.delay"));
if(periodicUpdate > 0) {
Do.syncTimer(periodicUpdate, () -> {
if(isReady()) {
AreaShop.debugTask("Performing periodic sign update...");
} else {
AreaShop.debugTask("Skipped performing periodic sign update, plugin not ready");
// Saving regions and group settings
long saveFiles = Utils.millisToTicks(Utils.getDurationFromMinutesOrString("saving.delay"));
if(saveFiles > 0) {
Do.syncTimer(saveFiles, () -> {
if(isReady()) {
AreaShop.debugTask("Saving required files...");
} else {
AreaShop.debugTask("Skipped saving required files, plugin not ready");
// Sending warnings about rent regions to online players
long expireWarning = Utils.millisToTicks(Utils.getDurationFromMinutesOrString("expireWarning.delay"));
if(expireWarning > 0) {
Do.syncTimer(expireWarning, () -> {
if(isReady()) {
AreaShop.debugTask("Sending rent expire warnings...");
} else {
AreaShop.debugTask("Skipped sending rent expire warnings, plugin not ready");
// Update all regions on startup
if(getConfig().getBoolean("updateRegionsOnStartup")) {
Do.syncLater(20, () -> {
AreaShop.debugTask("Updating all regions at startup...");
* Send a message to a target without a prefix.
* @param target The target to send the message to
* @param key The key of the language string
* @param replacements The replacements to insert in the message
public void messageNoPrefix(Object target, String key, Object... replacements) {
* Send a message to a target, prefixed by the default chat prefix.
* @param target The target to send the message to
* @param key The key of the language string
* @param replacements The replacements to insert in the message
public void message(Object target, String key, Object... replacements) {
* Return the config.
public YamlConfiguration getConfig() {
return fileManager.getConfig();
* Sends an debug message to the console.
* @param message The message that should be printed to the console
public static void debug(Object... message) {
if(AreaShop.getInstance().debug) {
info("Debug: " + StringUtils.join(message, " "));
* Non-static debug to use as implementation of the interface.
* @param message Object parts of the message that should be logged, toString() will be used
2016-08-10 16:07:39 +02:00
public void debugI(Object... message) {
AreaShop.debug(StringUtils.join(message, " "));
* Print an information message to the console.
* @param message The message to print
2016-08-10 16:07:39 +02:00
public static void info(Object... message) {
AreaShop.getInstance().getLogger().info(StringUtils.join(message, " "));
2016-08-01 16:18:05 +02:00
* Print a warning to the console.
2016-08-01 16:18:05 +02:00
* @param message The message to print
2016-08-10 16:07:39 +02:00
public static void warn(Object... message) {
2016-08-01 16:18:05 +02:00
AreaShop.getInstance().getLogger().warning(StringUtils.join(message, " "));
* Print an error to the console.
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* @param message The message to print
2016-08-01 16:18:05 +02:00
2016-08-10 16:07:39 +02:00
public static void error(Object... message) {
AreaShop.getInstance().getLogger().severe(StringUtils.join(message, " "));
2016-08-01 16:18:05 +02:00
* Print debug message for periodic task.
* @param message The message to print
2016-08-10 16:07:39 +02:00
public static void debugTask(Object... message) {
if(AreaShop.getInstance().getConfig().getBoolean("debugTask")) {
2016-08-10 16:07:39 +02:00
AreaShop.debug(StringUtils.join(message, " "));
* Reload all files of the plugin and update all regions.
* @param confirmationReceiver The CommandSender which should be notified when complete, null for nobody
public void reload(final CommandSender confirmationReceiver) {
message(confirmationReceiver, "reload-reloading");
* Reload all files of the plugin and update all regions.
public void reload() {