reload-reloaded:"All files have been reloaded successfully."
reload-updateStart:"&7Updating %0% regions at %1% per second."
reload-updateComplete:"&7Updating regions complete."
reload-noPermission:"You don't have permission to reload the config files."
reload-updateCommandChanged:"'/as updaterents' and '/as updatebuys' have been removed, '/as reload' will also update the regions now so use that command instead."
setrestore-noPermission:"You don't have permission to change the restore settings."
setrestore-notRegistered:"%0% is not registered."
setrestore-invalidSetting:"'%0%' is not a valid state, should be true, false or general."
setrestore-success:"Successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%'."
setrestore-successProfile:"Successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%' and the profile to '%2%'."
setprice-noPermission:"You don't have permission to change the price of a region."
setprice-help:"/as setprice <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
setprice-notRegistered:"%0% is not registered in AreaShop."
setprice-wrongPrice:"'%0%' is not a valid price."
setprice-successRent:"Price of region %0% changed to %1% per %2%."
setprice-successBuy:"Price of region %0% changed to %1%."
setduration-noPermission:"You don't have permission to change the duration of a rent."
setduration-help:"/as setduration <amount> <identifier> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
setduration-notRegistered:"%0% is not registered as a rent."
setduration-wrongAmount:"'%0%' is not a valid amount, use a whole number."
setduration-wrongFormat:"'%0%' is not a proper timeformat, check the documentation on Bukkit."
setduration-success:"Duration of region %0% changed to '%1%'."
setup-noRegion:"You did not specify a region on the second line."
setup-wrongRegion:"The region you specified does not exist."
setup-alreadyRentSign:"The region you specified is already added to AreaShop as a rent region, add signs with [as] on the first line or '/as addsign'."
setup-alreadyBuySign:"The region you specified is already added to AreaShop as a buy region, add signs with [as] on the first line or '/as addsign'."
setup-noDuration:"You did not specify how long the region can be rented, do this on the third line."
setup-wrongDuration:"The time specified is not in the correct format, example: 1 day."
setup-noPrice:"You did not specify the price on the fourth line."
setup-wrongPrice:"You did not specify the price correctly, use a number only."
setup-rentSuccess:"Renting of region %0% is setup correctly."
setup-buySuccess:"Buying of region %0% is setup correctly."
setup-noPermissionRent:"You don't have permission for setting up renting of regions."
setup-noPermissionBuy:"You don't have permission for setting up buying of regions."
setup-couldNotDetect:"Found multiple regions with the same priority and/or parent/child relation, specify one on the second line (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)."
setup-blacklisted:"%0% is on the blacklist and cannot be added to AreaShop."
destroy-noPermissionRent:"You don't have permission for destroying a sign for renting a region."
destroy-noPermissionBuy:"You don't have permission for destroying a sign for buying a region."
destroy-successRent:"Renting of %0% successfully removed."
destroy-successBuy:"Buying of %0% successfully removed."
teleport-help:"/as tp <region> [sign]."
teleport-noRentOrBuy:"Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy."
teleport-noPermission:"You don't have permission to teleport to your region."
teleport-noPermissionOther:"You don't have permission to teleport to regions you do not own."
teleport-noPermissionSign:"You don't have permission to teleport to the sign of your region."
teleport-noPermissionOtherSign:"You don't have permission to teleport to signs of regions you do not own."
teleport-noPermissionFriend:"You don't have permission to teleport to regions you are added as friend."
teleport-noPermissionFriendSign:"You don't have permission to teleport to the sign of region you are added as friend."
teleport-success:"You teleported to %0%."
teleport-successSign:"You teleported to the sign of %0%."
teleport-noSafe:"No safe position found in region %0%, no spots in region left or maximum tries exceeded (%1%/%2%)."
teleport-blocked:"You can't teleport because the position is outside the region and you are forced to teleport inside."
setteleport-help:"/as settp [region] [reset], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
setteleport-noPermission:"You don't have permission to set the teleport location."
setteleport-noPermissionOther:"You don't have permission to set the teleport location for a region you do not own."
setteleport-noRentOrBuy:"Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy."
setteleport-success:"Teleport location of %0% set."
setteleport-notInside:"The location has to be inside the region."
setteleport-reset:"Teleport location of %0% has been reset."
schemevent-noRegion:"The specified region is not registered: %0%."
schemevent-wrongEvent:"The specified event '%0%' does not exist, use one of the following: &7%1%."
schemevent-success:"Event '%0%' has successfully been triggered for region %1%."
schemevent-noPermission:"You don't have permission to trigger schematic events."
add-help:"/as add <rent|buy> [region] [world]."
add-noPermission:"You don't have permission to add a region to AreaShop."
add-success:"Added as %0%: &7%1%."
add-failed:"Already registered: &7%0%."
add-blacklisted:"On the blacklist: &7%0%."
add-specifyWorld:"Specify the world of the region when using from console."
add-incorrectWorld:"World '%0%' not found, try again (case-sensitive)."
add-noRegion:"Region '%0%' does not exist in this world."
del-noRegion:"Region '%0%' is not registered in AreaShop."
del-noPermission:"You don't have permission to remove regions."
del-success:"Removed regions: &7%0%."
del-failed:"No permission to remove or not registered: &7%0%."
addsign-help:"/as addsign [region] [profile]."
addsign-noSign:"You are not looking at a sign."
addsign-noRegion:"Region '%0%' cannot be found."
addsign-noRegions:"No region found around the sign position."
addsign-couldNotDetect:"Found multiple regions around the sign, specify region as extra argument (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)."
addsign-couldNotDetectSign:"Found multiple regions around the sign, specify region on the second line (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)."
addsign-wrongProfile:"The specified profile does not exist, use one of the following (check config): &7%0%."
addsign-success:"The sign has been added to %region%."
addsign-successProfile:"The sign has been added to %region% with profile %0%."
addsign-alreadyRegistered:"That sign is already registered for region %0%."
addsign-noPermission:"You don't have permission to add a sign."
delsign-noSign:"You are not looking at a sign."
delsign-noPermission:"You don't have permission to delete a sign."
delsign-noRegion:"That sign does not belong to an AreaShop region."
delsign-success:"The sign has been removed from region %0%."
me-noPermission:"You don't have permission to check which regions you have."
me-notAPlayer:"You are not a player so you can't have any regions."
me-noRentRegions:"You have not rented any rent regions."
me-noBuyRegions:"You have not bought any buy regions."
me-rentRegions:"You have rented the following regions:"
me-buyRegions:"You have bought the following regions:"
me-rentLine:"&2&l►&r %region% until %until% &7(%timeleft% left)."
me-buyLine:"&2&l►&r %region%."
me-noFriendRegions:"You have not been added to regions as friend."
me-friendRegions:"You are added as friend to the following regions:"
linksigns-multipleRegionsAdvice:"Click another time to try again or use '/as linksigns' to stop."
linksigns-noRegions:"No AreaShop regions found in the direction of your cursor, make sure the region is added to AreaShop &7(maximum range 100 blocks)."
linksigns-regionFound:"Region %region% has been found, now point to a sign and leftclick to link it."
linksigns-signFound:"Found a sign at (%0%, %1%, %2%), now point towards a region and rightclick to link it"
linksigns-noSign:"No sign found in the direction of your cursor, make sure you have a direct sight to a sign and click again &7(maximum range 100 blocks)."
linksigns-alreadyRegistered:"That sign is already registered for region %region%, click again to select another sign."
linksigns-first:"You have entered sign linking mode."
linksigns-next:"&7Leftclick to select a sign, rightclick to select a region, use /as linksigns to stop."
linksigns-noPermission:"You don't have permission to enter bulk sign linking mode."
stack-help:"/as stack <amount> <gap> <name> <rent|buy> [group].\n&7 <amount> Number of regions that will be created.\n <gap> Blocks distance between the regions.\n <name> Name of the regions (number will be behind it).\n <rent|buy> Make then rent or buy regions.\n [group] A group to add the created regions to.\n The regions will be created in the direction you are facing."
stack-accepted:"Starting to create %0% %1% regions with %2% blocks in between, names start with %3% and have a number behind them.%4%"
stack-addToGroup:" Created regions will be added to the group '%0%'."
stack-noPermission:"You don't have permission to create and add regions to AreaShop in bulk."
stack-wrongAmount:"'%0%' is not a correct amount of regions."
stack-wrongGap:"'%0%' is not a correct number for the number of blocks gap between regions."
stack-noSelection:"You don't have a selection that indicates where the first region should be created."
stack-addStart:"&7Adding %0% regions at %1% per second."
stack-addComplete:"&7Adding regions complete."
stack-unclearDirection:"Please look clearly in the north, east, south or west direction, currently detected %0%."