2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
# English language file for the AreaShop plugin #
# Latest update: V2.0.2 #
# Copy this file and change the strings to your #
# favor. Then change the 'language' setting in #
# the config to the filename (excluding .yml) #
########## General strings
total-maximum : "You can't rent and buy more than %0% region(s) in total (you already have %1% in group '%2%')"
cmd-notValid : "That command is not valid, use '/as help' for info"
cmd-onlyByPlayer : "This command can only be run by a player"
cmd-weOnlyByPlayer : "Using a WorldEdit selection is only possible as a player, specify the region name as extra argument"
cmd-noSelection : "You don't have a WorldEdit selection"
cmd-noRegionsFound : "No regions registered in AreaShop are found in your selection"
cmd-noWERegionsFound : "No WorldEdit regions intersecting your selection are found"
2014-11-27 20:38:48 +01:00
cmd-notRegistered : "%0% is not registered in AreaShop"
2014-11-27 23:59:44 +01:00
cmd-noRegionsAtLocation : "No regions found at your location, specify the region as argument"
cmd-moreRegionsAtLocation : "More than one region has been found at your location, specify the region as argument"
cmd-automaticRegionOnlyByPlayer : "Automatically determining the region is only possible for players, specify the region as argument"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
########## Help command strings
help-header : "Help page, commands that you can execute"
help-alias : "Command aliases: /areashop, /as"
help-help : "&6/as help &7-&r Shows this help page"
help-info : "&6/as info &7-&r Get info about current regions"
help-rent : "&6/as rent &7-&r Rent a region or extend your current rent"
help-buy : "&6/as buy &7-&r Buy a region"
help-unrent : "&6/as unrent &7-&r Unrent a region"
help-unrentOwn : "&6/as unrent &7-&r Unrent your own region"
help-sell : "&6/as sell &7-&r Sell a region"
help-sellOwn : "&6/as sell &7-&r Sell your own region"
help-updaterents : "&6/as updaterents &7-&r Update all rent signs and regions"
help-updatebuys : "&6/as updatebuys &7-&r Update all buy signs and regions"
help-reload : "&6/as reload &7-&r Reload the config and languages"
help-setrestore : "&6/as setrestore &7-&r Set restoring on/off and choose profile"
help-setprice : "&6/as setprice &7-&r Change the price of a region"
2014-11-29 16:37:24 +01:00
help-setduration : "&6/as setduration &7-&r Change the duration of a rent region"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
help-teleport : "&6/as tp &7-&r Teleport to your bought/rented regions"
help-teleportAll : "&6/as tp &7-&r Teleport to a rent/buy region"
help-setteleport : "&6/as settp &7-&r Set teleport position for bought/rented regions"
help-setteleportAll : "&6/as settp &7-&r Set teleport position for a region"
help-find : "&6/as find &7-&r Find an empty buy or rent"
help-groupadd : "&6/as groupadd &7-&r Add a region to a group"
help-groupdel : "&6/as groupdel &7-&r Delete a region from a group"
help-grouplist : "&6/as grouplist &7-&r Display all groups currently registered"
help-groupinfo : "&6/as groupinfo &7-&r Display information about a group"
help-schemevent : "&6/as schemevent &7-&r Trigger a schematic event for a region"
help-add : "&6/as add &7-&r Register a region as rent or buy"
help-del : "&6/as del &7-&r Delete a registered region from AreaShop"
help-addsign : "&6/as addsign &7-&r Add a sign to an existing region"
help-delsign : "&6/as delsign &7-&r Delete the sign you are looking at"
help-me : "&6/as me &7-&r Check which regions you have (+expiration)"
help-setowner : "&6/as setowner &7-&r Set region owner or extend the rent"
2014-11-24 19:16:55 +01:00
help-resell : "&6/as resell &7-&r Put one of your regions into resell mode"
help-resellAll : "&6/as resell &7-&r Put a region into resell mode"
2014-11-27 20:38:48 +01:00
help-stopResell : "&6/as stopresell &7-&r Put your region back into sold mode"
help-stopResellAll : "&6/as stopresell &7-&r Put a region back into sold mode"
2014-11-27 23:59:44 +01:00
help-addFriend : "&6/as addfriend &7-&r Add a friend to your region"
help-addFriendAll : "&6/as addfriend &7-&r Add a friend to a region"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
############ Other command strings
rent-help : "/as rent [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
rent-noPermission : "You don't have permission to rent a region"
rent-maximum : "You can't rent more than %0% region(s) (you already have %1% in group '%2%')"
rent-payError : "Something went wrong with paying, try again later"
rent-rented : "You rented %0% until %1%"
rent-extended : "You extended your rent of %0% until %1%"
rent-extend : "You can extend your rent by rightclicking the sign again or using /as rent"
rent-lowMoneyExtend : "You don't have enough money to extend the rent (you have %0% and you need %1%)"
rent-lowMoneyRent : "You don't have enough money to rent this region (you have %0% and you need %1%)"
rent-someoneElse : "Someone else already rented this region"
rent-notRentable : "That region is not available for renting"
rent-maxExtends : "You cannot extend this rent anymore (the maximum is %0% times), however after the rent is over you can rent this region again"
rent-maxRentTime : "You cannot rent this region more time in advance, the maximum time is %0% minutes and you have currently rented it for %1% minutes"
rent-restrictedToWorld : "You need to be in the '%0%' world to rent this region (you are in '%1%')"
rent-restrictedToRegion : "You need to be inside '%0%' to rent it"
2014-11-16 22:41:41 +01:00
rent-expireWarning : "Your region %region% has %timeleft% left, be sure to extend it if you want to keep it"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
buy-help : "/as buy [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
buy-noPermission : "You don't have permission to buy a region"
buy-notBuyable : "That region is not available for buying"
buy-maximum : "You can't buy more than %0% region(s) (you already have %1% in group '%2%')"
buy-payError : "Something went wrong with paying, try again later"
2014-11-24 19:16:55 +01:00
buy-succes : "You successfully bought %0%"
buy-successResale : "You successfully bought %0% from %1%"
buy-successSeller : "Your region %0% has been sold to %1% for %2%"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
buy-lowMoney : "You don't have enough money to buy this region (you have %0% and you need %1%)"
buy-yours : "You already own this region"
buy-someoneElse : "Someone else already bought this region"
buy-restrictedToWorld : "You need to be in the '%0%' world to buy this region (you are in '%1%')"
buy-restrictedToRegion : "You need to be inside '%0%' to buy it"
unrent-help : "/as unrent [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
unrent-noPermission : "You don't have permission to unrent a region"
unrent-noPermissionOther : "You don't have permission to unrent another region"
unrent-notRegistered : "The region can't be unrent because it is not registered for renting"
unrent-notRented : "The region can't be unrent because it is not rented"
unrent-unrented : "Your region has been unrented"
unrent-other : "The region has been unrented for player %0%"
unrent-expired : "Your rent of %0% has expired"
sell-help : "/as sell [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
sell-notRegistered : "The region can't be selled because it is not registered for buying"
sell-notBought : "The region can't be selled because it is not someone's property"
sell-sold : "The region has been sold for player %0%"
sell-soldYours : "Your region has been sold"
sell-noPermission : "You don't have permission to sell a region"
sell-noPermissionOther : "You don't have permission to sell another region"
rents-updated : "All signs and regions for renting have been updated"
rents-noPermission : "You don't have permission to update all rent signs and regions"
rents-notUpdated : "Not all signs have been updated, maybe reload fixes it"
buys-updated : "All signs and regions for selling have been updated"
buys-noPermission : "You don't have permission to update all buy signs and regions"
buys-notUpdated : "Not all signs have been updated, maybe reload fixes it"
reload-reloaded : "The config has been reloaded successfully"
reload-noPermission : "You don't have permission to reload the config"
info-help : "/as info <all|rented|forrent|sold|forsale|player|region>"
2014-11-29 16:37:24 +01:00
info-noPermission : "You don't have permission to get information about regions"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
info-all-rents : "Regions registered for renting: &7%0%"
info-all-noRents : "There are no regions registered for renting"
info-all-buys : "Regions registered for buying: &7%0%"
info-all-noBuys : "There are no regions registered for buying"
info-rented : "Rented regions: &7%0%"
info-noRented : "No regions are rented"
info-unrented : "Unrented regions: &7%0%"
info-noUnrented : "All regions are rented"
info-sold : "Sold regions: &7%0%"
info-noSold : "No regions are sold"
info-forsale : "Regions for sale: &7%0%"
info-noForsale : "All regions are sold"
info-playerHelp : "/as info player <name>"
info-playerRents : "Regions rented by %0%: &7%1%"
info-playerNoRents : "%0% has not rented a region"
info-playerBuys : "Regions bought by %0%: &7%1%"
info-playerNoBuys : "%0% has not bought a region"
info-regionHelp : "/as info region [name], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
info-regionNoRenting : "%0% is not registered for renting"
info-regionRenting : "&6Renting details for %0%:"
info-regionRentedBy : "Rented by: &7%0% until %1%"
info-regionNotRented : "Currently not rented"
info-regionBuying : "&6Buying details for %0%:"
info-regionNoBuying : "%0% is not registered for buying"
info-regionNotBought : "Currently not sold"
info-regionBoughtBy : "Bought by: &7%0%"
info-regionSign : "Sign location(s): %0%"
info-regionSignLocation : "&7(%0%, %1%, %2%, %3%)&r"
info-regionNoSign : "There is no sign registered for this region"
info-regionPriceDuration : "Price: &7%0% for each %1%"
info-regionPrice : "Price: &7%0%"
info-regionRestore : "Restoring enabled: &7%0%"
info-regionRestoreProfile : "Restoring profile: &7%0%"
info-regionTPLocation : "Teleport location: &7World=%0%, X=%1%, Y=%2%, Z=%3%, Pitch=%4%, Yaw=%5%"
info-regionNoTP : "No teleport location set"
info-regionNotExisting : "Region %0% is not registered"
setrestore-help : "/as setrestore <region> <true|false|general> [profile]"
setrestore-noPermission : "You don't have permission to change the restore settings"
setrestore-notRegistered : "%0% is not registered"
setrestore-invalidSetting : "'%0%' is not a valid state, should be true, false or general"
2014-11-24 19:16:55 +01:00
setrestore-success : "successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%'"
setrestore-successProfile : "successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%' and the profile to '%2%'"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
setprice-noPermission : "You don't have permission to change the price of a region"
setprice-help : "/as setprice <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setprice-notRegistered : "%0% is not registered in AreaShop"
setprice-wrongPrice : "'%0%' is not a valid price"
setprice-successRent : "Price of region %0% changed to %1% per %2%"
setprice-successBuy : "Price of region %0% changed to %1%"
2014-11-16 22:41:41 +01:00
setduration-noPermission : "You don't have permission to change the duration of a rent"
setduration-help : "/as setduration <amount> <identifier> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setduration-notRegistered : "%0% is not registered as a rent"
setduration-wrongAmount : "'%0%' is not a valid amount, use a whole number"
setduration-wrongFormat : "'%0%' is not a proper timeformat, check the documentation on Bukkit"
setduration-success : "Duration of region %0% changed to '%1%'"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
setup-noRegion : "You did not specify a region on the second line"
setup-wrongRegion : "The region you specified does not exist"
setup-alreadyRentSign : "The region you specified already has a sign for renting"
setup-alreadyBuySign : "The region you specified already has a sign for buying"
setup-noDuration : "You did not specify how long the region can be rented, do this on the third line"
setup-wrongDuration : "The time specified is not in the correct format, example: 1 day"
setup-noPrice : "You did not specify the price on the fourth line"
setup-wrongPrice : "You did not specify the price correctly, use a number only"
setup-rentSuccess : "Renting of region %0% is setup correctly"
setup-buySuccess : "Buying of region %0% is setup correctly"
setup-noPermissionRent : "You don't have permission for setting up renting of regions"
setup-noPermissionBuy : "You don't have permission for setting up buying of regions"
setup-couldNotDetect : "Found multiple regions with the same priority and/or parent/child relation, specify one on the second line (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)"
destroy-noPermissionRent : "You don't have permission for destroying a sign for renting a region"
destroy-noPermissionBuy : "You don't have permission for destroying a sign for buying a region"
destroy-successRent : "Renting of %0% successfully removed"
destroy-successBuy : "Buying of %0% successfully removed"
teleport-help : "/as tp <region> [sign]"
teleport-noRentOrBuy : "Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy"
teleport-noPermission : "You don't have permission to teleport to your region"
teleport-noPermissionOther : "You don't have permission to teleport to regions you do not own"
teleport-noPermissionSign : "You don't have permission to teleport to the sign of your region"
teleport-noPermissionOtherSign : "You don't have permission to teleport to signs of regions you do not own"
teleport-success : "You teleported to %0%"
teleport-successSign : "You teleported to the sign of %0%"
teleport-noSafe : "No safe position found in region %0%, no spots in region left or maximum tries exceeded (%1%/%2%)"
teleport-blocked : "You can't teleport because the position is outside the region and you are forced to teleport inside"
setteleport-help : "/as settp [region] [reset], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setteleport-noPermission : "You don't have permission to set the teleport location"
setteleport-noPermissionOther : "You don't have permission to set the teleport location for a region you do not own"
setteleport-noRentOrBuy : "Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy"
setteleport-success : "Teleport location of %0% set"
setteleport-notInside : "The location has to be inside the region"
setteleport-reset : "Teleport location of %0% has been reset"
find-help : "/as find <buy|rent> [maxprice] [group]"
find-noPermission : "You don't have permission to teleport to signs, so you can't use find"
find-success : "Found a %0% region: %1%, while searching with a max price of your balance: %2%%3%"
find-successMax : "Found a %0% region: %1%, while searching with a max price of %2%%3%"
find-wrongMaxPrice : "The specified maximum price is not a correct number: %0%"
find-wrongGroup : "The specified group does not exist: %0%"
find-noneFound : "No %0% region found while searching with a max price of your balance: %1%%2%"
find-noneFoundMax : "No %0% region found while searching with a max price of %1%%2%"
find-onlyInGroup : ", only searched for regions in group: %0%"
groupadd-help : "/as groupadd <group> [region], if no region specified all regions from your WorldEdit selection are used"
groupadd-noPermission : "You don't have permission to add regions to groups"
groupadd-noRegion : "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
groupadd-success : "Region %0% has been added to group '%1%', this group now has %2% member(s)"
groupadd-failed : "Region %0% is already a member of group '%1%'"
groupadd-weSuccess : "Added to group %0%: &7%1%"
groupadd-weFailed : "Were already in group %0%: &7%1%"
groupdel-help : "/as groupdel <group> [region], if no region specified all regions from your WorldEdit selection are used"
groupdel-noPermission : "You don't have permission to remove regions from groups"
groupdel-noRegion : "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
groupdel-success : "Region %0% has been removed from group '%1%', this group now has %2% member(s)"
groupdel-failed : "Region %0% is not a member of group '%1%'"
groupdel-weSuccess : "Removed from group %0%: &7%1%"
groupdel-weFailed : "Were not in group %0% anyway: &7%1%"
grouplist-noPermission : "You don't have permission to display the registered groups"
grouplist-noGroups : "There are currently no groups registered"
grouplist-success : "The following groups are registered: &7%0%"
groupinfo-help : "/as groupinfo <group>"
groupinfo-noPermission : "You don't have permission to display information about a group"
groupinfo-noGroup : "There is no group registered with the name '%0%', use /as grouplist to check groups"
groupinfo-members : "The following regions are member of group %0%: &7%1%"
groupinfo-noMembers : "Group %0% does not have any members"
schemevent-help : "/as schemevent <region> <created|deleted|rented|unrented|bought|sold>"
schemevent-noRegion : "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
schemevent-wrongEvent : "The specified event '%0%' does not exist, use one of the following: &7%1%"
2014-11-24 19:16:55 +01:00
schemevent-success : "Event '%0%' has successfully been triggered for region %1%"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
schemevent-noPermission : "You don't have permission to trigger schematic events"
add-help : "/as add <rent|buy> [region] [world]"
add-noPermission : "You don't have permission to add a region to AreaShop"
add-success : "Added as %0%: &7%1%"
add-failed : "Already registered: &7%0%"
add-specifyWorld : "Specify the world of the region when using from console"
add-incorrectWorld : "World '%0%' not found, try again (case-sensitive)"
add-noRegion : "Region '%0%' does not exist in this world"
del-noRegion : "Region '%0%' is not registered in AreaShop"
del-noPermission : "You don't have permission to remove regions"
del-success : "Removed regions: &7%0%"
del-failed : "No permission to remove or not registered: &7%0%"
addsign-help : "/as addsign [region] [profile]"
addsign-noSign : "You are not looking at a sign"
addsign-noRegion : "Region '%0%' cannot be found"
addsign-noRegions : "No region found around the sign position"
addsign-couldNotDetect : "Found multiple regions around the sign, specify region as extra argument (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)"
addsign-couldNotDetectSign : "Found multiple regions around the sign, specify region on the second line (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)"
addsign-wrongProfile : "The specified profile does not exist, use one of the following (check config): &7%0%"
addsign-success : "The sign has been added to %0%"
addsign-successProfile : "The sign has been added to %0% with profile %1%"
addsign-alreadyRegistered : "That sign is already registered for region %0%"
addsign-noPermission : "You don't have permission to add a sign"
delsign-noSign : "You are not looking at a sign"
delsign-noPermission : "You don't have permission to delete a sign"
delsign-noRegion : "That sign does not belong to an AreaShop region"
delsign-success : "The sign has been removed from region %0%"
me-noPermission : "You don't have permission to check which regions you have"
me-notAPlayer : "You are not a player so you can't have any regions"
me-noRentRegions : "You have not rented any rent regions"
me-noBuyRegions : "You have not bought any buy regions"
me-rentRegions : "You have rented the following regions:"
me-buyRegions : "You have bought the following regions:"
me-rentLine : "%region% until %until% (%timeleft% left)"
me-buyLine : "%region%"
setowner-help : "/as setowner <player> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setowner-noPermission : "You don't have permission to set the owner of a region"
setowner-noPermissionRent : "You don't have permission to set the owner of rent regions"
setowner-noPermissionBuy : "You don't have permission to set the owner of buy regions"
setowner-notRegistered : "The specified region is not registered, owner cannot be set"
setowner-noPlayer : "Could not get the UUID of the specified player: %0%"
2014-11-24 19:16:55 +01:00
setowner-succesRent : "Owner of %region% successfully changed to %player%, rented until %until% (%timeleft% left)"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
setowner-succesRentExtend : "Owner was already %player%, rent extended with '%duration%', now rented until %until% (%timeleft% left)"
2014-11-24 19:16:55 +01:00
setowner-succesBuy : "Owner of %region% successfully changed to %player%"
resell-help : "/as resell <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
resell-wrongPrice : "'%0%' is not a valid price"
resell-notRegistered : "%0% is not registered in AreaShop"
resell-noRegionFound : "No AreaShop region could be found at your location, try specifying the region as argument"
resell-notBought : "You can't resell %region% because it is not sold yet"
resell-success : "%region% is successfully put into reselling mode for %resellprice%"
resell-noPermission : "You don't have permission to set your region in reselling mode"
resell-noPermissionOther : "You don't have permission to set regions in reselling mode"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
2014-11-27 23:59:44 +01:00
stopresell-help : "/as stopresell [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
stopresell-notRegistered : "%0% is not registered in AreaShop"
stopresell-noRegionFound : "No AreaShop region could be found at your location, try specifying the region as argument"
stopresell-notResell : "You can't stop reselling %region% because it is not in resell mode"
stopresell-success : "%region% is successfully put back into sold mode"
stopresell-noPermission : "You don't have permission to set your region back to sold mode"
stopresell-noPermissionOther : "You don't have permission to set regions back to sold mode"
addfriend-help : "/as addfriend <player> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
2014-11-29 16:37:24 +01:00
addfriend-noPermissionOther : "You don't have permission to add friends to regions that are not yours"
addfriend-noPermission : "You don't have permission to add friends to your region"
2014-11-27 23:59:44 +01:00
addfriend-notRegistered : "%0% is not registered in AreaShop"
2014-11-29 16:37:24 +01:00
addfriend-successOther : "%0% has been added as friend to region %1%"
addfriend-success : "%0% has been added as friend to your region %1%"
addfriend-alreadyAdded : "%0% is already added as friend for this region"
addfriend-self : "Adding the owner of the region as friend would be pointless"
2014-11-27 20:38:48 +01:00
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00
############ Sign, greeting and other strings
timeleft-years : "%0% years"
timeleft-months : "%0% months"
timeleft-days : "%0% days"
timeleft-hours : "%0% hours"
timeleft-minutes : "%0% minutes"
timeleft-second : "%0% second"
timeleft-seconds : "%0% seconds"
timeleft-ended : "Expired"
greeting-forrent : "%region% can be rented for %price% per %duration%"
greeting-rented : "%region% is rented by %player% until %until%"
greeting-forsale : "%region% can be bought for %price%"
greeting-bought : "%region% is bought by %player%"
2014-11-24 19:16:55 +01:00
greeting-resale : "%region% can be bought for %resaleprice% from %player%"
2014-11-14 20:13:47 +01:00