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synced 2025-02-27 09:12:10 +01:00
Fix some unclear and wrong messages in the language file
Thanks to qlick for suggesting these language changes. Also fixes a bug with the '/as info player' command, would cause an error if a region has an incorrect UUID as owner or an UUID without name.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ cmd-weOnlyByPlayer: "Using a WorldEdit selection is only possible as a player, s
cmd-noSelection: "You don't have a WorldEdit selection."
cmd-noRegionsFound: "No regions registered in AreaShop are found in your selection."
cmd-noWERegionsFound: "No WorldEdit regions intersecting your selection are found."
cmd-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered in AreaShop."
cmd-notRegistered: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
cmd-noRegionsAtLocation: "No regions found at your location, specify the region as argument."
cmd-moreRegionsAtLocation: "More than one region has been found at your location, specify the region as argument."
cmd-automaticRegionOnlyByPlayer: "Automatically determining the region is only possible for players, specify the region as argument."
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ buy-restrictedToRegion: "You need to be inside '%0%' to buy it."
unrent-help: "/as unrent [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
unrent-noPermission: "You don't have permission to unrent a region."
unrent-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to unrent another region."
unrent-notRegistered: "The region can't be unrent because it is not registered for renting."
unrent-notRented: "The region can't be unrent because it is not rented."
unrent-notRegistered: "The region can't be unrented because it is not registered for renting."
unrent-notRented: "The region can't be unrented because it is not rented."
unrent-unrented: "Your region has been unrented."
unrent-other: "The region has been unrented for player %0%."
unrent-expired: "Your rent of %0% has expired."
@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ info-regionReselPrice: "&2&l►&r Resell price: &7%resellprice% (you can buy it
info-regionFriends: "&2&l►&r Added friends: &7%friends%."
info-regionMoneyBackBuy: "&2&l►&r Selling payback: &7%moneyback% (%moneybackpercent%% of the price)."
info-regionMoneyBackRent: "&2&l►&r Unrenting payback: &7%moneyback% (%moneybackpercent%% of the remaining time)."
info-regionMaxExtends: "&2&l►&r Maximum number of extends: &7%maxextends% time(s)."
info-regionMaxExtends: "&2&l►&r Maximum number of extensions: &7%maxextends% time(s)."
info-regionNoExtending: "&2&l►&r Rent cannot be extended."
info-regionExtendsLeft: "&2&l►&r Extending left: &7%extendsleft% time(s) out of %maxextends%."
info-regionExtendsLeft: "&2&l►&r Extensions left: &7%extendsleft% time(s) out of %maxextends%."
info-regionMaxRentTime: "&2&l►&r In advance renting: &7%maxrenttime% at maximum."
info-regionNoTeleport: "&2&l►&r Teleport location not set%0%."
info-regionTeleportHint: " &7(use '/as settp' for a better spot)"
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ info-regionSignLocation: "&7(%0%, %1%, %2%, %3%)&r"
info-regionGroups: "&2&l►&r Assigned groups: &7%0%."
info-regionInactiveUnrent: "&2&l►&r Auto unrent after: &7%inactivetime% of inactivity by the player."
info-regionInactiveSell: "&2&l►&r Auto sell after: &7%inactivetime% of inactivity by the player."
info-regionRestrictedRegionRent: "&2&l►&r To rent this region you need to be inside it."
info-regionRestrictedWorldRent: "&2&l►&r To rent this region you need to be inside world '%world%'."
info-regionRestrictedRegionBuy: "&2&l►&r To buy this region you need to be inside it."
info-regionRestrictedWorldBuy: "&2&l►&r To buy this region you need to be inside world '%world%'."
info-regionRestrictedRegionRent: "&2&l►&r You must be inside this region to rent it."
info-regionRestrictedWorldRent: "&2&l►&r You need to be inside world '%world%' to rent this region."
info-regionRestrictedRegionBuy: "&2&l►&r You must be inside this region to buy it."
info-regionRestrictedWorldBuy: "&2&l►&r You need to be inside world '%world%' to buy this region."
info-regionRestoringRent: "&2&l►&r Restoring is enabled &7(region will reset at unrent)%0%."
info-regionRestoringBuy: "&2&l►&r Restoring is enabled &7(region will reset at sell)%0%."
info-regionRestoringProfile: " (profile: %0%)"
@ -180,25 +180,25 @@ info-regionRestore: "Restoring enabled: &7%0%."
info-regionRestoreProfile: "Restoring profile: &7%0%."
info-regionTPLocation: "Teleport location: &7World=%0%, X=%1%, Y=%2%, Z=%3%, Pitch=%4%, Yaw=%5%."
info-regionNoTP: "No teleport location set."
info-regionNotExisting: "Region %0% is not registered."
info-regionNotExisting: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
setrestore-help: "/as setrestore <region> <true|false|general> [profile]."
setrestore-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the restore settings."
setrestore-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered."
setrestore-notRegistered: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
setrestore-invalidSetting: "'%0%' is not a valid state, should be true, false or general."
setrestore-success: "Successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%'."
setrestore-successProfile: "Successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%' and the profile to '%2%'."
setprice-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the price of a region."
setprice-help: "/as setprice <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
setprice-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered in AreaShop."
setprice-notRegistered: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
setprice-wrongPrice: "'%0%' is not a valid price."
setprice-successRent: "Price of region %0% changed to %1% per %2%."
setprice-successBuy: "Price of region %0% changed to %1%."
setduration-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the duration of a rent."
setduration-help: "/as setduration <amount> <identifier> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
setduration-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered as a rent."
setduration-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered for renting."
setduration-wrongAmount: "'%0%' is not a valid amount, use a whole number."
setduration-wrongFormat: "'%0%' is not a proper timeformat, check the documentation on Bukkit."
setduration-success: "Duration of region %0% changed to '%1%'."
@ -210,36 +210,36 @@ setup-alreadyBuySign: "The region you specified is already added to AreaShop as
setup-noDuration: "You did not specify how long the region can be rented, do this on the third line."
setup-wrongDuration: "The time specified is not in the correct format, example: 1 day."
setup-noPrice: "You did not specify the price on the fourth line."
setup-wrongPrice: "You did not specify the price correctly, use a number only."
setup-wrongPrice: "You did not specify the price correctly, use numbers only."
setup-rentSuccess: "Renting of region %0% is setup correctly."
setup-buySuccess: "Buying of region %0% is setup correctly."
setup-noPermissionRent: "You don't have permission for setting up renting of regions."
setup-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission for setting up buying of regions."
setup-noPermissionRent: "You don't have permission for setting up rental regions."
setup-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission for setting up buy regions."
setup-couldNotDetect: "Found multiple regions with the same priority and/or parent/child relation, specify one on the second line (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)."
setup-blacklisted: "%0% is on the blacklist and cannot be added to AreaShop."
destroy-noPermissionRent: "You don't have permission for destroying a sign for renting a region."
destroy-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission for destroying a sign for buying a region."
destroy-successRent: "Renting of %0% successfully removed."
destroy-successBuy: "Buying of %0% successfully removed."
destroy-noPermissionRent: "You don't have permission for deregistering a rental region."
destroy-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission for deregistering a buy region."
destroy-successRent: "%0% successfully deregistered as rental region."
destroy-successBuy: "%0% successfully deregistered as buy region."
teleport-help: "/as tp <region> [sign]."
teleport-noRentOrBuy: "Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy."
teleport-noRentOrBuy: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
teleport-noPermission: "You don't have permission to teleport to your region."
teleport-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to teleport to regions you do not own."
teleport-noPermissionSign: "You don't have permission to teleport to the sign of your region."
teleport-noPermissionOtherSign: "You don't have permission to teleport to signs of regions you do not own."
teleport-noPermissionFriend: "You don't have permission to teleport to regions you are added as friend."
teleport-noPermissionFriendSign: "You don't have permission to teleport to the sign of region you are added as friend."
teleport-noPermissionFriend: "You don't have permission to teleport to regions you are added to as a friend."
teleport-noPermissionFriendSign: "You don't have permission to teleport to the sign of regions you are added to as a friend."
teleport-success: "You teleported to %0%."
teleport-successSign: "You teleported to the sign of %0%."
teleport-noSafe: "No safe position found in region %0%, no spots in region left or maximum tries exceeded (%1%/%2%)."
teleport-blocked: "You can't teleport because the position is outside the region and you are forced to teleport inside."
teleport-blocked: "You can't teleport because the position is outside the region, and you are forced to teleport inside."
setteleport-help: "/as settp [region] [reset], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
setteleport-noPermission: "You don't have permission to set the teleport location."
setteleport-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to set the teleport location for a region you do not own."
setteleport-noRentOrBuy: "Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy."
setteleport-noRentOrBuy: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
setteleport-success: "Teleport location of %0% set."
setteleport-notInside: "The location has to be inside the region."
setteleport-reset: "Teleport location of %0% has been reset."
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ add-specifyWorld: "Specify the world of the region when using from console."
add-incorrectWorld: "World '%0%' not found, try again (case-sensitive)."
add-noRegion: "Region '%0%' does not exist in this world."
del-noRegion: "Region '%0%' is not registered in AreaShop."
del-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
del-noPermission: "You don't have permission to remove regions."
del-success: "Removed regions: &7%0%."
del-failed: "No permission to remove or not registered: &7%0%."
@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ me-rentRegions: "You have rented the following regions:"
me-buyRegions: "You have bought the following regions:"
me-rentLine: "&2&l►&r %region% until %until% &7(%timeleft% left)."
me-buyLine: "&2&l►&r %region%."
me-noFriendRegions: "You have not been added to regions as friend."
me-friendRegions: "You are added as friend to the following regions:"
me-noFriendRegions: "You have not been added to any regions as friend."
me-friendRegions: "You are added as a friend to the following regions:"
me-friendLine: "&2&l►&r %region% &7(owner: %player%)."
setowner-help: "/as setowner <player> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ setowner-succesBuy: "Owner of %region% successfully changed to %player%."
resell-help: "/as resell <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
resell-wrongPrice: "'%0%' is not a valid price."
resell-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered in AreaShop."
resell-notRegistered: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
resell-noRegionFound: "No AreaShop region could be found at your location, try specifying the region as argument."
resell-notBought: "You can't resell %region% because it is not sold yet."
resell-success: "%region% is successfully put into reselling mode for %resellprice%."
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ resell-noPermission: "You don't have permission to set your region in reselling
resell-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to set regions in reselling mode."
stopresell-help: "/as stopresell [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
stopresell-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered in AreaShop."
stopresell-notRegistered: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
stopresell-noRegionFound: "No AreaShop region could be found at your location, try specifying the region as argument."
stopresell-notResell: "You can't stop reselling %region% because it is not in resell mode."
stopresell-success: "%region% is successfully put back into sold mode."
@ -558,9 +558,14 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin {
public String toName(UUID uuid) {
if(uuid == null) {
return null;
return "";
} else {
return Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(uuid).getName();
String name = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(uuid).getName();
if(name != null) {
return name;
} else {
return uuid.toString();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user