Adds all function from version 2.0.0

This commit is contained in:
Thijs Wiefferink 2014-08-28 11:45:36 +02:00
parent 63e8f10e20
commit b3ea7f7e73
46 changed files with 3649 additions and 1517 deletions

View File

@ -16,31 +16,165 @@ moneyCharacterAfter: ''
debug: false
## The .yml language file that should be used, provided by this plugin: EN, NL
language: EN
## Maximum total amount of rents and buys together
maximumTotal: 1
## Enable Schematic saving and restoring in general
enableSchematics: true
## Maximum number of blocks to save to or restore from a .schemetic
maximumBlocks: 1000000
## Enable sending stats to (Metrics plugin)
sendStats: true
## Use colors when sending messages to console and log files
useColorsInConsole: false
## Post error messages in the console when a command run from the config fails (from the 'runCommands' section for example)
postCommandErrors: true
## Version of the config, do not change!
version: 1.3.0
version: 2.0.0
## The y location within the region to start searching for safe teleport spots (x and z will be in the middle of the region)
## Possible values: bottom, middle, top
teleportLocationY: bottom
## The different tags you can write on the sign to trigger the plugin
## Tag for adding a rent region
rent: '[rent]'
## Tag for adding a buy region
buy: '[buy]'
## Tag for adding a sign to an existing region
add: '[as]'
## Configure the max total regions, max rent regions and max buy regions with different groups (-1 is unlimited)
## Assign a group to players by giving them the permission 'areashop.limits.<group>'
## Every player already has the group 'default' and ops have the unlimited group
## If a player has multiple groups the highest numbers are used
total: 1
rents: 1
buys: 1
total: -1
rents: -1
buys: -1
## Below are profiles for the signs, you can assign profiles to regions
## by setting 'general.signProfile' in default.yml, groups or individual regions
## Below is the format for each sign state, the following tags can be used for signs and commands:
## %region%, %player%, %uuid%, %price%, %duration%, %world%, %type%, %until%, %untilshort%
## The following sections can be added for performing certain commands when the sign is clicked:
## rightClickPlayer, rightClickConsole, shiftRightClickPlayer, shiftRightClickConsole,
## leftClickPlayer, leftClickConsole, shiftLeftClickPlayer, shiftLeftClickConsole
## Sections with 'Player' at the end will be run by the clicking player and 'Console' ones from the console
line1: '&2&l[For Rent]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%duration%'
line4: '%price%'
- 'as rent %region%'
- 'as info region %region%'
line1: '&4&l[Rented]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%player%'
line4: '%untilshort%'
- 'as rent %region%'
- 'as info region %region%'
- 'as unrent %region%'
line1: '&2&l[For Sale]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%price%'
- 'as buy %region%'
- 'as info region %region%'
line1: '&4&l[Sold]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%player%'
- 'as buy %region%'
- 'as info region %region%'
- 'as sell %region%'
## Option to run certain commands when one of these events happen
## Commands at a 'before' section will execute before the region details are changed in the AreaShop system
## and before any other actions occurred (changing signs, saving/loading schematics, etc.),
## the 'after' commands will be run when all changes are done.
## After 'before' or 'after' you can create a list of commands (see example at the created event)
## - "say An AreaShop region has been created: %region%"
## For the following events you can specify if you want to restore or save the region to a schematic
## After 'save:' or 'restore:' you enter the name of the file, %region% will be replaced by the region name (.schematic will be added automatically)
## %type% represents the type of the region, could be 'rent' or 'buy'
## If your regions are all the same size you could use just 1 file as the restore file, just enter a name without %region%
## Be carefull with these options, it could crash your server or destroy (parts of) your world if used wrong!
save: '%type%-%region%'
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: '%type%-%region%'
save: ''
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: '%type%-%region%'
save: ''
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: '%type%-%region%'
## Flag profiles to specify what flags should be set on the WorldGuard regions
## All region flags can be used + members, owners, priority and parent.
members: -%player%
greeting: '&2[AreaShop]&f %region% can be rented for %price% per %duration%'
members: +%player%
greeting: '&2[AreaShop]&f %region% is rented by %player% until %until%'
members: -%player%
greeting: '&2[AreaShop]&f %region% can be bought for %price%'
members: +%player%
greeting: '&2[AreaShop]&f %region% is bought by %player%'
########## RENTING ##########
## The tag you have to write on the sign for renting a region
rentSign: '[rent]'
## The line that should be placed on the sign when the region is not rented
signRentable: '&2&l[For Rent]'
## The line that should be placed on the sign when the region is rented
signRented: '&4&l[Rented]'
## How much regions a player can rent at the same time, -1 for not limited
maximumRents: 1
## The percentage of the renting price you get back if you unrent the region (price of time left will be multiplied by this/100)
rentMoneyBack: 100
## How much seconds between checking if renting has expired (don't put this to low)
checkDelay: 60
## Timeformat to use on the signs, default is like '30-06 14:52', US format: 'MM-dd KK:mm a'
@ -56,78 +190,5 @@ hours: [h, hour, hours, uur, uren]
days: [d, day, days, dag, dagen]
months: [M, month, months, maanden, maand]
years: [y, year, years, jaar, jaren]
## Flags for the 'For Rent' regions, flags and options to apply when the region is not rented
## All region flags can be used + members, owners, priority and parent.
members: -%player%
greeting: '%region% can be rented for %price% per %duration%'
## Flags for the 'Rented' regions, flags and options to apply when the region is rented
## All region flags can be used + members, owners, priority and parent.
members: +%player%
greeting: '%region% is rented by %player% until %until%'
## Enable or disable saving and restoring for rents that don't have their individual option set
useRentRestore: false
## For the following events you can specify if you want to restore or save the region to a schematic
## After 'save:' or 'restore:' you enter the name of the file, %region% will be replaced by the region name (.schematic will be added automatically)
## If your regions are all the same size you could use just 1 file as the restore file, just enter a name without %region%
## Be carefull with these options, it could crash your server or destroy (parts of) your world if used wrong!
save: 'rent-%region%'
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: 'rent-%region%'
save: ''
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: 'rent-%region%'
########## BUYING ##########
## The tag you have to write on the sign for renting a region
buySign: '[buy]'
## The line that should be placed on the sign when the region is not sold
signBuyable: '&2&l[For Sale]'
## The line that should be placed on the sign when the region is sold
signBuyed: '&4&l[Sold]'
## How much regions a player can buy at the same time, -1 for not limited
maximumBuys: 1
## The percentage of the buying price you get back if you sell the region
buyMoneyBack: 100
## Flags for the 'For Sale' regions, flags and options to apply when the region is for sale
## All region flags can be used + members, owners, priority and parent.
members: -%player%
greeting: '%region% can be bought for %price%'
## Flags for the 'Sold' regions, flags and options to apply when the region is rented
## All region flags can be used + members, owners, priority and parent.
members: +%player%
greeting: '%region% is bought by %player%'
## Enable or disable saving and restoring for buys that don't have their individual option set
useBuyRestore: false
## For the following events you can specify if you want to restore or save the region to a schematic
## After 'save:' or 'restore:' you enter the name of the file, %region% will be replaced by the region name (.schematic will be added automatically)
## If your regions are all the same size you could use just 1 file as the restore file, just enter a name without %region%
## Be carefull with these options, it could crash your server or destroy (parts of) your world if used wrong!
## ('bought' and 'sold' are from the players perspective)
save: 'buy-%region%'
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: 'buy-%region%'
save: ''
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: 'buy-%region%'

View File

@ -1,17 +1,56 @@
### All settings below are default settings and can be overridden
### by group settings or region settings (copy a section to a region or group and change them there)
########## GENERAL ##########
## Set this to true to enable saving/restoring for regions as specified in the profile below, which is specified in the config
enableRestore: false
## The schematic profile as specified in the config
schematicProfile: 'default'
## The event commands profile as specified in the config
eventCommandProfile: 'default'
## The profile for the format of the sign as specified in the config
signProfile: 'default'
## The profile for the WorldGuard flags as specified in the config
flagProfile: 'default'
- "say An AreaShop region has been created: %region%"
########## RENTING ##########
## The default price of a renting region
price: 1000
## The default duration of a renting region
duration: '1 day'
### Enable or disable saving and restoring for rents that don't have their individual option set
enableRestore: false
restoreProfile: 'default'
## The percentage of the renting price you get back if you unrent the region (price of time left will be multiplied by this/100)
moneyBack: 100
## Maximum number of extends a player can do (-1 for infinite, 0 for no extending)
maxExtends: -1
########## BUYING ##########
## The default price of a buying region
price: 1000
### Enable or disable saving and restoring for buys that don't have their individual option set
enableRestore: false
restoreProfile: 'default'
## The percentage of the buying price you get back if you sell the region
moneyBack: 100

View File

@ -6,13 +6,50 @@
# the config to the filename (excluding .yml) #
########## Command strings
########## General strings
total-maximum: "You can't rent and buy more than %0% region(s) in total"
cmd-notValid: "That command is not valid, use '/as help' for info"
cmd-onlyByPlayer: "This command can only be run by a player"
cmd-weOnlyByPlayer: "Using a WorldEdit selection is only possible as a player, specify the region name as extra argument"
cmd-noSelection: "You don't have a WorldEdit selection"
cmd-noRegionsFound: "No regions registered in AreaShop are found in your selection"
cmd-noWERegionsFound: "No WorldEdit regions intersecting your selection are found"
rent-help: "/as rent <regionname>"
########## Help command strings
help-header: "Help page, commands that you can execute"
help-alias: "Command aliases: /areashop, /as"
help-help: "&6/as help &7-&r Shows this help page"
help-info: "&6/as info &7-&r Get info about current regions"
help-rent: "&6/as rent &7-&r Rent a region or extend your current rent"
help-buy: "&6/as buy &7-&r Buy a region"
help-unrent: "&6/as unrent &7-&r Unrent a region"
help-unrentOwn: "&6/as unrent &7-&r Unrent your own region"
help-sell: "&6/as sell &7-&r Sell a region"
help-sellOwn: "&6/as sell &7-&r Sell your own region"
help-updaterents: "&6/as updaterents &7-&r Update all rent signs and regions"
help-updatebuys: "&6/as updatebuys &7-&r Update all buy signs and regions"
help-reload: "&6/as reload &7-&r Reload the config and languages"
help-setrestore: "&6/as setrestore &7-&r Set the profile for restoring and on/off "
help-setprice: "&6/as setprice &7-&r Change the price of a rent region"
help-rentduration: "&6/as rentduration &7-&r Change the duration of a rent region"
help-teleport: "&6/as tp &7-&r Teleport to your bought/rented regions"
help-teleportAll: "&6/as tp &7-&r Teleport to a rent/buy region"
help-setteleport: "&6/as settp &7-&r Set teleport position for bought/rented regions"
help-setteleportAll: "&6/as settp &7-&r Set teleport position for a region"
help-find: "&6/as find &7-&r Find an empty buy or rent"
help-groupadd: "&6/as groupadd &7-&r Add a region to a group"
help-groupdel: "&6/as groupdel &7-&r Delete a region from a group"
help-grouplist: "&6/as grouplist &7-&r Display all groups currently registered"
help-groupinfo: "&6/as groupinfo &7-&r Display information about a group"
help-schemevent: "&6/as schemevent &7-&r Trigger a schematic event for a region"
help-add: "&6/as add &7-&r Register a region as rent or buy"
help-del: "&6/as del &7-&r Delete a registered region from AreaShop"
help-addsign: "&6/as addsign &7-&r Add a sign to an existing region"
help-delsign: "&6/as delsign &7-&r Delete the sign you are looking at"
############ Other command strings
rent-help: "/as rent [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
rent-noPermission: "You don't have permission to rent a region"
rent-maximum: "You can't rent more than %0% region(s)"
rent-payError: "Something went wrong with paying, try again later"
@ -23,8 +60,9 @@ rent-lowMoneyExtend: "You don't have enough money to extend the rent (you have %
rent-lowMoneyRent: "You don't have enough money to rent this region (you have %0% and you need %1%)"
rent-someoneElse: "Someone else already rented this region"
rent-notRentable: "That region is not available for renting"
rent-maxExtends: "You cannot extend this rent anymore (the maximum is %0% times), however after the rent is over you can rent this region again"
buy-help: "/as buy <regionname>"
buy-help: "/as buy [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
buy-noPermission: "You don't have permission to buy a region"
buy-notBuyable: "That region is not available for buying"
buy-maximum: "You can't buy more than %0% region(s)"
@ -34,7 +72,7 @@ buy-lowMoney: "You don't have enough money to buy this region (you have %0% and
buy-yours: "You already own this region"
buy-someoneElse: "Someone else already bought this region"
unrent-help: "/as unrent <regionname>"
unrent-help: "/as unrent [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
unrent-noPermission: "You don't have permission to unrent a region"
unrent-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to unrent another region"
unrent-notRegistered: "The region can't be unrent because it is not registered for renting"
@ -43,7 +81,7 @@ unrent-unrented: "Your region has been unrented"
unrent-other: "The region has been unrented for player %0%"
unrent-expired: "Your rent of %0% has expired"
sell-help: "/as sell <regionname>"
sell-help: "/as sell [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
sell-notRegistered: "The region can't be selled because it is not registered for buying"
sell-notBought: "The region can't be selled because it is not someone's property"
sell-sold: "The region has been sold for player %0%"
@ -63,89 +101,56 @@ reload-reloaded: "The config has been reloaded successfully"
reload-noPermission: "You don't have permission to reload the config"
info-help: "/as info <all|rented|forrent|sold|forsale|player|region>"
info-all-rents: "Regions registered for renting: %0%"
info-all-rents: "Regions registered for renting: &7%0%"
info-all-noRents: "There are no regions registered for renting"
info-all-buys: "Regions registered for buying: %0%"
info-all-buys: "Regions registered for buying: &7%0%"
info-all-noBuys: "There are no regions registered for buying"
info-rented: "Rented regions: %0%"
info-rented: "Rented regions: &7%0%"
info-noRented: "No regions are rented"
info-unrented: "Unrented regions: %0%"
info-unrented: "Unrented regions: &7%0%"
info-noUnrented: "All regions are rented"
info-sold: "Sold regions: %0%"
info-sold: "Sold regions: &7%0%"
info-noSold: "No regions are sold"
info-forsale: "Regions for sale: %0%"
info-forsale: "Regions for sale: &7%0%"
info-noForsale: "All regions are sold"
info-playerHelp: "/as info player <name>"
info-playerRents: "Regions rented by %0%: %1%"
info-playerRents: "Regions rented by %0%: &7%1%"
info-playerNoRents: "%0% has not rented a region"
info-playerBuys: "Regions bought by %0%: %1%"
info-playerBuys: "Regions bought by %0%: &7%1%"
info-playerNoBuys: "%0% has not bought a region"
info-regionHelp: "/as info region <name>"
info-regionHelp: "/as info region [name], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
info-regionNoRenting: "%0% is not registered for renting"
info-regionRenting: "&6Renting details for %0%"
info-regionRentedBy: "Rented by: %0% until %1%"
info-regionRenting: "&6Renting details for %0%:"
info-regionRentedBy: "Rented by: &7%0% until %1%"
info-regionNotRented: "Currently not rented"
info-regionBuying: "&6Buying details for %0%"
info-regionBuying: "&6Buying details for %0%:"
info-regionNoBuying: "%0% is not registered for buying"
info-regionNotBought: "Currently not sold"
info-regionBoughtBy: "Bought by: %0%"
info-regionSign: "Sign position: world=%0%, X=%1%, Y=%2%, Z=%3%"
info-regionPriceDuration: "Price: %0% for each %1%"
info-regionPrice: "Price: %0%"
info-regionRestore: "Restoring enabled: %0%"
info-regionRestoreProfile: "Restoring profile: %0%"
info-regionTPLocation: "Teleport position: World=%0%, X=%1%, Y=%2%, Z=%3%, Pitch=%4%, Yaw=%5%"
info-regionBoughtBy: "Bought by: &7%0%"
info-regionSign: "Sign location(s): %0%"
info-regionSignLocation: "&7(%0%, %1%, %2%, %3%)&r"
info-regionNoSign: "There is no sign registered for this region"
info-regionPriceDuration: "Price: &7%0% for each %1%"
info-regionPrice: "Price: &7%0%"
info-regionRestore: "Restoring enabled: &7%0%"
info-regionRestoreProfile: "Restoring profile: &7%0%"
info-regionTPLocation: "Teleport location: &7World=%0%, X=%1%, Y=%2%, Z=%3%, Pitch=%4%, Yaw=%5%"
info-regionNoTP: "No teleport location set"
info-regionNotExisting: "Region %0% is not registered"
help-header: "Help page, commands that you can execute"
help-alias: "Command aliases: /areashop, /as"
help-help: "&6/as help &7-&r Shows this help page"
help-info: "&6/as info &7-&r Get info about current regions"
help-rent: "&6/as rent &7-&r Rent a region or extend your current rent"
help-buy: "&6/as buy &7-&r Buy a region"
help-unrent: "&6/as unrent &7-&r Unrent a region"
help-unrentOwn: "&6/as unrent &7-&r Unrent your own region"
help-sell: "&6/as sell &7-&r Sell a region"
help-sellOwn: "&6/as sell &7-&r Sell your own region"
help-updaterents: "&6/as updaterents &7-&r Update all rent signs and regions"
help-updatebuys: "&6/as updatebuys &7-&r Update all buy signs and regions"
help-reload: "&6/as reload &7-&r Reload the config and languages"
help-rentrestore: "&6/as rentrestore &7-&r Set the profile for restoring and on/off "
help-buyrestore: "&6/as buyrestore &7-&r Set the profile for restoring and on/off"
help-rentprice: "&6/as rentprice &7-&r Change the price of a rent region"
help-buyprice: "&6/as buyprice &7-&r Change the price of a buy region"
help-rentduration: "&6/as rentduration &7-&r Change the duration of a rent region"
help-teleport: "&6/as tp &7-&r Teleport to your bought/rented regions"
help-teleportAll: "&6/as tp &7-&r Teleport to a rent/buy region"
help-setteleport: "&6/as settp &7-&r Set teleport position for bought/rented regions"
help-setteleportAll: "&6/as settp &7-&r Set teleport position for a region"
setrestore-help: "/as setrestore <region> <true|false|general> [profile]"
setrestore-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the restore settings"
setrestore-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered"
setrestore-invalidSetting: "'%0%' is not a valid state, should be true, false or general"
setrestore-success: "Succesfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%'"
setrestore-successProfile: "Succesfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%' and the profile to '%2%'"
rentrestore-help: "/as rentrestore <region> <true|false|general> [profile]"
rentrestore-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the restore settings of a rent"
rentrestore-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered as a rent"
rentrestore-invalidSetting: "'%0%' is not a valid state, should be true, false or general"
rentrestore-success: "Succesfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%'"
rentrestore-successProfile: "Succesfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%' and the profile to '%2%'"
buyrestore-help: "/as buyrestore <region> <true|false|general> [profile]"
buyrestore-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the restore settings of a buy"
buyrestore-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered as a buy"
buyrestore-invalidSetting: "'%0%' is not a valid state, should be true, false or general"
buyrestore-success: "Succesfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%'"
buyrestore-successProfile: "Succesfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%' and the profile to '%2%'"
rentprice-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the price of a rent"
rentprice-help: "/as rentprice <region> <price>"
rentprice-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered as a rent"
rentprice-wrongPrice: "'%0%' is not a valid price"
rentprice-success: "Price of region %0% changed to %1% per %2%"
buyprice-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the price of a buy"
buyprice-help: "/as buyprice <region> <price>"
buyprice-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered as a buy"
buyprice-wrongPrice: "'%0%' is not a valid price"
buyprice-success: "Price of region %0% changed to %1%"
setprice-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the price of a region"
setprice-help: "/as setprice <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setprice-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered in AreaShop"
setprice-wrongPrice: "'%0%' is not a valid price"
setprice-successRent: "Price of region %0% changed to %1% per %2%"
setprice-successBuy: "Price of region %0% changed to %1%"
rentduration-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the duration of a rent"
rentduration-help: "/as rentduration <region> <amount> <identifier>"
@ -173,14 +178,14 @@ destroy-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission for destroying a sign for bu
destroy-successRent: "Renting of %0% successfully removed"
destroy-successBuy: "Buying of %0% successfully removed"
teleport-help: "/as tp <region>"
teleport-help: "/as tp <region> [sign]"
teleport-noRentOrBuy: "Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy"
teleport-noPermission: "You don't have permission to teleport to a region"
teleport-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to teleport to region you do not own"
teleport-success: "You teleported to %0%"
teleport-noSafe: "No safe position found in region %0%, change the region or set position yourself"
setteleport-help: "/as settp <region> [reset]"
setteleport-help: "/as settp [region] [reset], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setteleport-noPermission: "You don't have permission to set the teleport location"
setteleport-noPermissionAll: "You don't have permission to set the teleport location for a region you do not own"
setteleport-noRentOrBuy: "Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy"
@ -188,12 +193,74 @@ setteleport-success: "Teleport location of %0% set"
setteleport-notInside: "The location has to be inside the region"
setteleport-reset: "Teleport location of %0% has been reset"
find-help: "/as find <buy|rent> [maxprice]"
find-noPermission: "You don't have permission to teleport to signs, so you can't use find"
find-success: "Found a %0% region: %1%, while searching with a max price of your balance: %2%"
find-successMax: "Found a %0% region: %1%, while searching with a max price of %2%"
find-wrongMaxPrice: "The specified maximum price is not a correct number: %0%"
find-noneFound: "No %0% region found while searching with a max price of your balance: %1%"
find-noneFoundMax: "No %0% region found while searching with a max price of %1%"
groupadd-help: "/as groupadd <group> [region], if no region specified all regions from your WorldEdit selection are used"
groupadd-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add regions to groups"
groupadd-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
groupadd-success: "Region %0% has been added to group '%1%', this group now has %2% member(s)"
groupadd-failed: "Region %0% is already a member of group '%1%'"
groupadd-weSuccess: "Added to group %0%: &7%1%"
groupadd-weFailed: "Were already in group %0%: &7%1%"
groupdel-help: "/as groupdel <group> [region], if no region specified all regions from your WorldEdit selection are used"
groupdel-noPermission: "You don't have permission to remove regions from groups"
groupdel-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
groupdel-success: "Region %0% has been removed from group '%1%', this group now has %2% member(s)"
groupdel-failed: "Region %0% is not a member of group '%1%'"
groupdel-weSuccess: "Removed from group %0%: &7%1%"
groupdel-weFailed: "Were not in group %0% anyway: &7%1%"
grouplist-noPermission: "You don't have permission to display the registered groups"
grouplist-noGroups: "There are currently no groups registered"
grouplist-success: "The following groups are registered: &7%0%"
groupinfo-help: "/as groupinfo <group>"
groupinfo-noPermission: "You don't have permission to display information about a group"
groupinfo-noGroup: "There is no group registered with the name '%0%', use /as grouplist to check groups"
groupinfo-members: "The following regions are member of group %0%: &7%1%"
groupinfo-noMembers: "Group %0% does not have any members"
schemevent-help: "/as schemevent <region> <created|deleted|rented|unrented|bought|sold>"
schemevent-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
schemevent-wrongEvent: "The specified event '%0%' does not exist, use one of the following: &7%1%"
schemevent-success: "Event '%0%' has succesfully been triggered for region %1%"
add-help: "/as add <rent|buy> [region] [world]"
add-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add a region to AreaShop"
add-success: "Added as %0%: &7%1%"
add-failed: "Already registered: &7%0%"
add-specifyWorld: "Specify the world of the region when using from console"
add-incorrectWorld: "World '%0%' not found, try again (case-sensitive)"
add-noRegion: "Region '%0%' does not exist in this world"
del-noRegion: "Region '%0%' is not registered in AreaShop"
del-noPermission: "You don't have permission to remove regions"
del-success: "Removed regions: &7%0%"
del-failed: "No permission to remove or not registered: &7%0%"
addsign-help: "/as addsign [region] [profile]"
addsign-noSign: "You are not looking at a sign"
addsign-noRegion: "Region '%0%' cannot be found"
addsign-noRegions: "No region found around the sign position"
addsign-couldNotDetect: "Found multiple regions around the sign, specify region as extra argument (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)"
addsign-couldNotDetectSign: "Found multiple regions around the sign, specify region on the second line (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)"
addsign-wrongProfile: "The specified profile does not exist, use one of the following (check config): &7%0%"
addsign-success: "The sign has been added to %0%"
addsign-successProfile: "The sign has been added to %0% with profile %1%"
addsign-alreadyRegistered: "That sign is already registered for region %0%"
addsign-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add a sign"
delsign-noSign: "You are not looking at a sign"
delsign-noPermission: "You don't have permission to delete a sign"
delsign-noRegion: "That sign does not belong to an AreaShop region"
delsign-success: "The sign has been removed from region %0%"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Copy this file and change the strings to your #
# favor. Then change the 'language' setting in #
# the config to the filename (excluding .yml) #
# NOT UPDATED since 1.2.1 #
########## Command strings

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: AreaShop
main: nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop
version: 1.4.0
version: 2.0.0
depend: [Vault, WorldGuard, WorldEdit]
softdepend: [Multiverse-Core]
@ -26,15 +26,23 @@ permissions:
areashop.updaterents: true
areashop.updatebuys: true
areashop.reload: true
areashop.rentrestore: true
areashop.buyrestore: true
areashop.rentprice: true
areashop.buyprice: true
areashop.setrestore: true
areashop.setprice: true
areashop.rentduration: true
areashop.teleportall: true
areashop.setteleportall: true
areashop.teleportsign: true
areashop.tabcomplete: true
areashop.setteleportoutsideregion: true
areashop.find: true
areashop.groupadd: true
areashop.groupdel: true
areashop.grouplist: true
areashop.groupinfo: true
areashop.limits.unlimited: true
areashop.schematicevents: true
areashop.addsign: true
areashop.delsign: true
description: Allows you to see the help pages
default: true
@ -80,17 +88,11 @@ permissions:
description: Allows you to reload the config
default: op
description: Allows you to change the restore settings of a rent
description: Allows you to change the restore settings
default: op
description: Allows you to change the restore settings of a buy
default: op
description: Allows you to change the price of a rent
default: op
description: Allows you to change the price of a buy
description: Allows you to change the price
default: op
description: Allows you to change the duration of a rent
@ -100,7 +102,10 @@ permissions:
default: true
description: Teleport to all regions
default: op
default: true
description: Teleport to signs of regions
default: true
description: Set the teleport spot for your region
default: true
@ -113,3 +118,36 @@ permissions:
description: Allows you to tabcomplete all commands (also where you dont have permission)
default: op
description: Allows you to teleport to a free region (/as find)
default: true
description: Allows you to add regions to groups
default: op
description: Allows you to delete regions from groups
default: op
description: Allows you to list all the groups currently created
default: op
description: Allows you to display information about a group (all members)
default: op
description: Bypass the extend limit on rents
default: op
description: Assign limits as set in the 'default' group in the 'limitGroups' section of the config
default: not op
description: Assign limits as set in the 'unlimited' group in the 'limitGroups' section of the config
default: op
description: Allows you to trigger schematic events for regions
default: op
description: Allows you to add signs to existing regions
default: op
description: Allows you to delete signs from existing regions
default: op

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
@ -55,41 +56,14 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin {
/* Keys for replacing parts of flags */
public static final String tagPlayerName = "%player%";
public static final String tagPlayerUUID = "%uuid%";
public static final String tagWorldName = "%world%";
public static final String tagRegionName = "%region%";
public static final String tagRegionType = "%type%";
public static final String tagPrice = "%price%";
public static final String tagDuration = "%duration%";
public static final String tagRentedUntil = "%until%";
/* Enum for schematic event types */
// TODO delete
public enum RegionEventType {
private final String value;
private RegionEventType(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
/* Enum for region types */
public enum RegionType {
private final String value;
private RegionType(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public static final String tagRentedUntilShort = "%untilshort%";
public static AreaShop getInstance() {
return AreaShop.instance;
@ -102,11 +76,9 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin {
AreaShop.instance = this;
boolean error = false;
/* Save a copy of the default config.yml if one is not present */
/* Check the config, loads default if errors */
configOk = this.checkConfig();
debug = this.getConfig().getBoolean("debug");
configOk = true;
/* Check if WorldGuard is present */
Plugin plugin = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldGuard");
@ -146,25 +118,31 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin {
error = error & !fileManager.loadFiles();
/* Save a copy of the default config.yml if one is not present */
if(error) {
this.getLogger().info("The plugin has not started, fix the errors listed above");
} else {
/* Register the event listeners */
// Register the event listeners
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignChangeListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignBreakListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new RightClickListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignClickListener(this), this);
/* Start thread for checking renting */
// Start thread for checking renting
int checkDelay = Integer.parseInt(this.config().getString("checkDelay"))*20;
new RentCheck(this).runTaskTimer(this, checkDelay, checkDelay);
/* Bind commands for this plugin */
// Bind commands for this plugin
commandManager = new CommandManager(this);
// Enable Metrics if config allows it
if(this.config().getBoolean("sendStats")) {
// Register dynamic permission (things declared in config)
@ -230,13 +208,28 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin {
return fileManager;
* Register dynamic permissions controlled by config settings
public void registerDynamicPermissions() {
// Register limit groups of amount of regions a player can have
for(String group : config().getConfigurationSection("limitGroups").getKeys(false)) {
if(!"unlimited".equals(group) && !"default".equals(group)) {
Permission perm = new Permission("areashop.limits." + group);
* Method to send a message to a CommandSender, using chatprefix if it is a player
* @param target The CommandSender you wan't to send the message to (e.g. a player)
* @param key The key to get the translation
* @param prefix Specify if the message should have a prefix
* @param params The parameters to inject into the message string
public void message(Object target, String key, Object... params) {
public void configurableMessage(Object target, String key, boolean prefix, Object... params) {
String langString = this.fixColors(languageManager.getLang(key, params));
if(langString == null) {
this.getLogger().info("Something is wrong with the language file, could not find key: " + key);
@ -244,17 +237,34 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin {
// Do nothing, message is disabled
} else {
if(target instanceof Player) {
if(prefix) {
((Player)target).sendMessage(this.fixColors(chatprefix) + langString);
} else {
} else if(target instanceof CommandSender) {
if(!config().getBoolean("useColorsInConsole")) {
langString = ChatColor.stripColor(langString);
else if(target instanceof Logger) {
if(!config().getBoolean("useColorsInConsole")) {
langString = ChatColor.stripColor(langString);
} else {
langString = ChatColor.stripColor(langString);
this.getLogger().info("Could not send message, target is wrong: " + langString);
public void messageNoPrefix(Object target, String key, Object... params) {
configurableMessage(target, key, false, params);
public void message(Object target, String key, Object... params) {
configurableMessage(target, key, true, params);
* Convert color and formatting codes to bukkit values
@ -313,193 +323,18 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin {
* Start the Metrics stats collection
private void startMetrics() {
try {
Metrics metrics = new Metrics(this);
// Number of rents rented/not rented
/*Graph rentGraph = metrics.createGraph("Rent regions");
rentGraph.addPlotter(new Metrics.Plotter("For rent") {
public int getValue() {
int result = 0;
for(String rent : fileManager.getRents().keySet()) {
if(fileManager.getRent(rent).get(keyPlayer) == null) {
return result;
rentGraph.addPlotter(new Metrics.Plotter("Rented") {
public int getValue() {
int result = 0;
for(String rent : fileManager.getRents().keySet()) {
if(fileManager.getRent(rent).get(keyPlayer) != null) {
return result;
// Number of buys bought/not bought
Graph buyGraph = metrics.createGraph("Buy regions");
buyGraph.addPlotter(new Metrics.Plotter("For sale") {
public int getValue() {
int result = 0;
for(String buy : fileManager.getBuys().keySet()) {
if(fileManager.getBuy(buy).get(keyPlayer) == null) {
return result;
buyGraph.addPlotter(new Metrics.Plotter("Sold") {
public int getValue() {
int result = 0;
for(String buy : fileManager.getBuys().keySet()) {
if(fileManager.getBuy(buy).get(keyPlayer) != null) {
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
AreaShop.debug("Could not start Metrics");
* Checks the config for errors, loads default config if they occur
public boolean checkConfig() {
int error = 0;
debug = this.getConfig().getString("debug").equalsIgnoreCase("true");
String chatPrefix = this.getConfig().getString("chatPrefix");
if (chatPrefix.length() == 0) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: chatPrefix has length zero");
String maximumTotal = this.getConfig().getString("maximumTotal");
try {
int maximumTotalInt = Integer.parseInt(maximumTotal);
if(maximumTotalInt < -1) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: maximumTotal must be -1 or higher");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: maximumTotal is not a valid number");
String rentSign = this.getConfig().getString("rentSign");
if (rentSign.length() > 15) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: rentSign is too long, maximum length is 15 characters");
String signRentable = this.getConfig().getString("signRentable");
if (signRentable.length() > 15) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: signRentable is too long, maximum length is 15 characters");
String signRented = this.getConfig().getString("signRented");
if (signRented.length() > 15) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: signRented is too long, maximum length is 15 characters");
String maximumRents = this.getConfig().getString("maximumRents");
try {
int maximumRentsInt = Integer.parseInt(maximumRents);
if(maximumRentsInt < -1) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: maximumRents must be -1 or higher");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: maximumRents is not a valid number");
String rentMoneyBack = this.getConfig().getString("rentMoneyBack");
try {
int rentMoneyBackInt = Integer.parseInt(rentMoneyBack);
if(rentMoneyBackInt < 0 || rentMoneyBackInt > 100) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: rentMoneyBack must be between 0 and 100");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: rentMoneyBack is not a valid number");
String checkDelay = this.getConfig().getString("checkDelay");
try {
int checkDelayInt = Integer.parseInt(checkDelay);
if(checkDelayInt < 1) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: checkDelay can't be below 1");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: checkDelay is not a valid number");
/* BUYING */
String buySign = this.getConfig().getString("buySign");
if (buySign.length() > 15) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: buySign is too long, maximum length is 15 characters");
String signBuyable = this.getConfig().getString("signBuyable");
if (signBuyable.length() > 15) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: signBuyable is too long, maximum length is 15 characters");
String signBuyed = this.getConfig().getString("signBuyed");
if (signBuyed.length() > 15) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: signBuyed is too long, maximum length is 15 characters");
String maximumBuys = this.getConfig().getString("maximumBuys");
try {
int maximumBuysInt = Integer.parseInt(maximumBuys);
if(maximumBuysInt < -1) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: maximumBuys must be -1 or higher");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: maximumBuys is not a valid number");
String buyMoneyBack = this.getConfig().getString("buyMoneyBack");
try {
int buyMoneyBackInt = Integer.parseInt(buyMoneyBack);
if(buyMoneyBackInt < 0 || buyMoneyBackInt > 100) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: buyMoneyBack must be between 0 and 100");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
this.getLogger().info("Config-Error: buyMoneyBack is not a valid number");
/* Load default config if errors have occurred */
if (error > 0) {
this.getLogger().info("The plugin has " + error + " error(s) in the config, default config will be used");
/* return true if no errors, false if there are errors */
return (error == 0);
* Checks if the string is a correct time period
* @param time String that has to be checked
@ -544,9 +379,11 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin {
public void reload() {
configOk = this.checkConfig();
configOk = true;
chatprefix = this.config().getString("chatPrefix");
debug = this.getConfig().getBoolean("debug");
languageManager = new LanguageManager(this);

View File

@ -5,28 +5,38 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.AddCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.AddsignCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.BuyCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.BuypriceCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.BuyrestoreCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.CommandAreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.DelCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.DelsignCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.FindCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.GroupaddCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.GroupdelCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.GroupinfoCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.GrouplistCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.HelpCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.InfoCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.ReloadCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.RentCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.RentdurationCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.RentpriceCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.RentrestoreCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.SchematiceventCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.SellCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.SetpriceCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.SetrestoreCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.SetteleportCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.TeleportCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.UnrentCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.UpdatebuysCommand;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands.UpdaterentsCommand;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class CommandManager implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
AreaShop plugin;
@ -47,14 +57,22 @@ public class CommandManager implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
commands.add(new InfoCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new TeleportCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new SetteleportCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new FindCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new UpdaterentsCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new UpdatebuysCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new RentrestoreCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new BuyrestoreCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new RentpriceCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new BuypriceCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new SetrestoreCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new SetpriceCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new RentdurationCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new ReloadCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new GroupaddCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new GroupdelCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new GrouplistCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new GroupinfoCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new SchematiceventCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new AddCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new DelCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new AddsignCommand(plugin));
commands.add(new DelsignCommand(plugin));
/* Register commands in bukkit */
@ -87,9 +105,13 @@ public class CommandManager implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
/* Send the messages to the target */
for(String message : messages) {
if(!plugin.config().getBoolean("useColorsInConsole") && !(target instanceof Player)) {
} else {
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String alias, String[] args) {

View File

@ -17,18 +17,27 @@ import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Exceptions.RegionCreateException;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion.RegionEvent;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion.RegionType;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RegionGroup;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.BlockVector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.CuboidSelection;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.Selection;
public class FileManager {
private static FileManager instance = null;
@ -144,6 +153,10 @@ public class FileManager {
return new ArrayList<GeneralRegion>(regions.values());
* Get a list of names of a certain group of things
* @return A String list with all the names
public List<String> getBuyNames() {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for(BuyRegion region : getBuys()) {
@ -151,7 +164,6 @@ public class FileManager {
return result;
public List<String> getRentNames() {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for(RentRegion region : getRents()) {
@ -159,6 +171,20 @@ public class FileManager {
return result;
public List<String> getRegionNames() {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for(GeneralRegion region : getRegions()) {
return result;
public List<String> getGroupNames() {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for(RegionGroup group : getGroups()) {
return result;
* Add a rent to the list
@ -166,6 +192,9 @@ public class FileManager {
* @param rent Map containing all the info for a rent
public void addRent(RentRegion rent) {
if(rent == null) {
AreaShop.debug("Tried adding a null rent!");
regions.put(rent.getName().toLowerCase(), rent);;
@ -176,32 +205,52 @@ public class FileManager {
* @param buy Map containing all the info for a buy
public void addBuy(BuyRegion buy) {
if(buy == null) {
AreaShop.debug("Tried adding a null buy!");
regions.put(buy.getName().toLowerCase(), buy);;
public void addGroup(RegionGroup group) {
groups.put(group.getName().toLowerCase(), group);
String lowGroup = group.getName().toLowerCase();
ConfigurationSection result = groupsConfig.getConfigurationSection(lowGroup);
if(result == null) {
result = groupsConfig.createSection(lowGroup);
groupsConfig.set(lowGroup + ".name", group.getName());
groupsConfig.set(lowGroup + ".priority", 0);
* Remove a rent from the list
* @param regionName
public boolean removeRent(String regionName, boolean giveMoneyBack) {
regionName = regionName.toLowerCase();
public boolean removeRent(RentRegion rent, boolean giveMoneyBack) {
boolean result = false;
RentRegion rent = getRent(regionName);
if(rent != null) {
if(rent.isRented()) {
// Handle schematics and run commands
rent.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.DELETED, true);
/* Delete the sign and the variable */
if(rent.getWorld() != null) {
for(Location sign : rent.getSignLocations()) {
if(rent.getRegion() != null) {
rent.getRegion().setFlag(DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE, null);
rent.getRegion().setFlag(DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE, null);
File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.regionsFolder + File.separator + regionName + ".yml");
RegionGroup[] groups = getGroups().toArray(new RegionGroup[getGroups().size()]);
for(RegionGroup group : groups) {
File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.regionsFolder + File.separator + rent.getLowerCaseName() + ".yml");
boolean deleted = true;
try {
deleted = file.delete();
@ -211,37 +260,60 @@ public class FileManager {
if(!deleted) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("File could not be deleted: " + file.toString());
for(RegionGroup group : getGroups()) {
result = true;
// Run commands
rent.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.DELETED, false);
return result;
* Get a region by providing a location of the sign
* @param location The locatin of the sign
* @return The generalRegion that has a sign at this location
public GeneralRegion getRegionBySignLocation(Location location) {
for(GeneralRegion region : getRegions()) {
if(region.isSignOfRegion(location)) {
return region;
return null;
* Remove a buy from the list
* @param regionName
public boolean removeBuy(String regionName, boolean giveMoneyBack) {
regionName = regionName.toLowerCase();
public boolean removeBuy(BuyRegion buy, boolean giveMoneyBack) {
boolean result = false;
BuyRegion buy = getBuy(regionName);
if(buy != null) {
if(buy.isSold()) {
// Handle schematics and run commands
buy.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.DELETED, true);
// Delete the sign and the variable
if(buy.getWorld() != null) {
for(Location sign : buy.getSignLocations()) {
if(buy.getRegion() != null) {
buy.getRegion().setFlag(DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE, null);
buy.getRegion().setFlag(DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE, null);
// Removing from groups
for(RegionGroup group : getGroups()) {
// Deleting the file
File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.regionsFolder + File.separator + regionName + ".yml");
File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.regionsFolder + File.separator + buy.getLowerCaseName() + ".yml");
boolean deleted = true;
try {
deleted = file.delete();
@ -252,15 +324,24 @@ public class FileManager {
plugin.getLogger().warning("File could not be deleted: " + file.toString());
// Removing from groups
for(RegionGroup group : getGroups()) {
result = true;
// Run commands
buy.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.DELETED, false);
return result;
* Remove a group
* @param group Group to remove
public void removeGroup(RegionGroup group) {
groupsConfig.set(group.getLowerCaseName(), null);
* Update all rent signs
* @return true if all signs are updated, otherwise false
@ -393,6 +474,10 @@ public class FileManager {
* Load all files from disk
* @return true
public boolean loadFiles() {
boolean result = false;
@ -406,7 +491,7 @@ public class FileManager {
for(File region : file.listFiles()) {
if(region.isFile()) {
YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(region);
if(config.isSet("rent")) {
if(RegionType.RENT.getValue().equals(config.getString("general.type"))) {
try {
RentRegion rent = new RentRegion(plugin, config);
@ -417,12 +502,14 @@ public class FileManager {
} catch(Exception e) {}
} else if(config.isSet("buy")) {
} else if(RegionType.BUY.getValue().equals(config.getString("general.type"))) {
try {
BuyRegion buy = new BuyRegion(plugin, config);
} catch (RegionCreateException exception) {
// This prints out a message in the console that indicates why the region cannot be created
// Catch all exeptions because it just has to try delete the region, if it fails it does not matter
try {
} catch(Exception e) {}
@ -441,9 +528,6 @@ public class FileManager {
for(String groupName : groupsConfig.getKeys(false)) {
RegionGroup group = new RegionGroup(plugin, groupName);
for(String region : groupsConfig.getConfigurationSection(groupName).getStringList("regions")) {
groups.put(groupName, group);
@ -491,6 +575,8 @@ public class FileManager {
plugin.getLogger().info("Conversion to a new version of the file format starts, could take some time");
// Convert old rent files
if(rentFile.exists()) {
if(!oldFolderFile.exists()) {
@ -547,7 +633,6 @@ public class FileManager {
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from -1 to 0 (switch to using lowercase region names, adding default schematic enabling and profile)");
if(versions.get("rents") < 1) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Starting UUID conversion of '" + buyPath + "', could take a while");
for(String rentName : rents.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> rent = rents.get(rentName);
if(rent.get("player") != null) {
@ -569,27 +654,28 @@ public class FileManager {
for(HashMap<String, String> rent : rents.values()) {
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
config.set("name", rent.get("name").toLowerCase());
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("rent.signLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("x")));
config.set("rent.signLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("y")));
config.set("rent.signLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("z")));
config.set("", rent.get("name").toLowerCase());
config.set("general.type", "rent");
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("x")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("y")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("z")));
config.set("rent.price", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("price")));
config.set("rent.duration", rent.get("duration"));
if(rent.get("restore") != null && !rent.get("restore").equals("general")) {
config.set("rent.enableRestore", rent.get("restore"));
config.set("general.enableRestore", rent.get("restore"));
if(rent.get("profile") != null && !rent.get("profile").equals("default")) {
config.set("rent.restoreProfile", rent.get("profile"));
config.set("general.schematicProfile", rent.get("profile"));
if(rent.get("tpx") != null) {
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("rent.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpx")));
config.set("rent.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpy")));
config.set("rent.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpz")));
config.set("rent.teleportLocation.yaw", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpyaw")));
config.set("rent.teleportLocation.pitch", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tppitch")));
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpx")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpy")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpz")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.yaw", rent.get("tpyaw"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.pitch", rent.get("tppitch"));
if(rent.get("playeruuid") != null) {
config.set("rent.renter", rent.get("playeruuid"));
@ -601,6 +687,7 @@ public class FileManager {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Error: Could not save region file while converting: " + regionsPath + File.separator + rent.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml");
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated rent regions to new .yml format (check the /regions folder)");
// Change version number
@ -664,7 +751,6 @@ public class FileManager {
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from -1 to 0 (switch to using lowercase region names, adding default schematic enabling and profile)");
if(versions.get("buys") < 1) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Starting UUID conversion of '" + buyPath + "', could take a while");
for(String buyName : buys.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> buy = buys.get(buyName);
if(buy.get("player") != null) {
@ -687,27 +773,27 @@ public class FileManager {
for(HashMap<String, String> buy : buys.values()) {
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
config.set("name", buy.get("name").toLowerCase());
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("buy.signLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("x")));
config.set("buy.signLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("y")));
config.set("buy.signLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("z")));
config.set("", buy.get("name").toLowerCase());
config.set("general.type", "buy");
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("x")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("y")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("z")));
config.set("buy.price", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("price")));
config.set("buy.duration", buy.get("duration"));
if(buy.get("restore") != null && !buy.get("restore").equals("general")) {
config.set("buy.enableRestore", buy.get("restore"));
config.set("general.enableRestore", buy.get("restore"));
if(buy.get("profile") != null && !buy.get("profile").equals("default")) {
config.set("buy.restoreProfile", buy.get("profile"));
config.set("general.schematicProfile", buy.get("profile"));
if(buy.get("tpx") != null) {
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("buy.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpx")));
config.set("buy.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpy")));
config.set("buy.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpz")));
config.set("buy.teleportLocation.yaw", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpyaw")));
config.set("buy.teleportLocation.pitch", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tppitch")));
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpx")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpy")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpz")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.yaw", buy.get("tpyaw"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.pitch", buy.get("tppitch"));
if(buy.get("playeruuid") != null) {
config.set("buy.buyer", buy.get("playeruuid"));
@ -718,6 +804,7 @@ public class FileManager {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Error: Could not save region file while converting: " + regionsPath + File.separator + buy.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml");
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated buy regions to new .yml format (check the /regions folder)");
// Change version number
@ -730,7 +817,10 @@ public class FileManager {
try {
Files.move(new File(rentPath + ".old"), new File(oldFolderPath + "rents.old"));
Files.move(new File(buyPath + ".old"), new File(oldFolderPath + "buys.old"));
Files.move(new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "config.yml"), new File(oldFolderPath + "config.yml"));
} catch (Exception e) {}
plugin.getLogger().info("Conversion to new version of the file format complete, this should not show up anymore next restart/reload");
@ -741,6 +831,137 @@ public class FileManager {
public ConfigurationSection getGroupSettings(String groupName) {
return groupsConfig.getConfigurationSection(groupName.toLowerCase());
* Set a setting for a group
* @param group The group to set it for
* @param path The path to set
* @param setting The value to set
public void setGroupSetting(RegionGroup group, String path, Object setting) {
groupsConfig.set(group.getName().toLowerCase() + "." + path, setting);
* Get all AreaShop regions intersecting with a WorldEdit selection
* @param selection The selection to check
* @return A list with all the AreaShop regions intersecting with the selection
public List<GeneralRegion> getASRegionsInSelection(Selection selection) {
ArrayList<GeneralRegion> result = new ArrayList<GeneralRegion>();
for(ProtectedRegion region : getWERegionsInSelection(selection)) {
GeneralRegion asRegion = getRegion(region.getId());
if(asRegion != null) {
return result;
public List<GeneralRegion> getASRegionsByLocation(Location location) {
Selection selection = new CuboidSelection(location.getWorld(), location, location);
return getASRegionsInSelection(selection);
public List<ProtectedRegion> getWERegionsInSelection(Selection selection) {
// Get all regions inside or intersecting with the WorldEdit selection of the player
World world = selection.getWorld();
RegionManager regionManager = plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(world);
ArrayList<ProtectedRegion> result = new ArrayList<ProtectedRegion>();
Location selectionMin = selection.getMinimumPoint();
Location selectionMax = selection.getMaximumPoint();
for(ProtectedRegion region : regionManager.getRegions().values()) {
BlockVector regionMin = region.getMinimumPoint();
BlockVector regionMax = region.getMaximumPoint();
( // x part, resolves to true if the selection and region overlap anywhere on the x-axis
(regionMin.getBlockX() <= selectionMax.getBlockX() && regionMin.getBlockX() >= selectionMin.getBlockX())
|| (regionMax.getBlockX() <= selectionMax.getBlockX() && regionMax.getBlockX() >= selectionMin.getBlockX())
|| (selectionMin.getBlockX() >= regionMin.getBlockX() && selectionMin.getBlockX() <= regionMax.getBlockX())
|| (selectionMax.getBlockX() >= regionMin.getBlockX() && selectionMax.getBlockX() <= regionMax.getBlockX())
) && ( // Y part, resolves to true if the selection and region overlap anywhere on the y-axis
(regionMin.getBlockY() <= selectionMax.getBlockY() && regionMin.getBlockY() >= selectionMin.getBlockY())
|| (regionMax.getBlockY() <= selectionMax.getBlockY() && regionMax.getBlockY() >= selectionMin.getBlockY())
|| (selectionMin.getBlockY() >= regionMin.getBlockY() && selectionMin.getBlockY() <= regionMax.getBlockY())
|| (selectionMax.getBlockY() >= regionMin.getBlockY() && selectionMax.getBlockY() <= regionMax.getBlockY())
) && ( // Z part, resolves to true if the selection and region overlap anywhere on the z-axis
(regionMin.getBlockZ() <= selectionMax.getBlockZ() && regionMin.getBlockZ() >= selectionMin.getBlockZ())
|| (regionMax.getBlockZ() <= selectionMax.getBlockZ() && regionMax.getBlockZ() >= selectionMin.getBlockZ())
|| (selectionMin.getBlockZ() >= regionMin.getBlockZ() && selectionMin.getBlockZ() <= regionMax.getBlockZ())
|| (selectionMax.getBlockZ() >= regionMin.getBlockZ() && selectionMax.getBlockZ() <= regionMax.getBlockZ())
) {
return result;
* Get a list of regions around a location
* - Returns highest priority, child instead of parent regions
* @param location The location to check for regions
* @return empty list if no regions found, 1 member if 1 region is a priority, more if regions with the same priority
public List<ProtectedRegion> getApplicableRegions(Location location) {
List<ProtectedRegion> result = new ArrayList<ProtectedRegion>();
// If the secondLine does not contain a name try to find the region by location
ApplicableRegionSet regions = plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(location.getWorld()).getApplicableRegions(location);
if(regions != null) {
boolean first = true;
for(ProtectedRegion pr : regions) {
if(first) {
first = false;
} else {
if(pr.getPriority() > result.get(0).getPriority()) {
} else if(pr.getParent() != null && pr.getParent().equals(result.get(0))) {
} else {
return result;
public List<GeneralRegion> getApplicalbeASRegions(Location location) {
List<GeneralRegion> result = new ArrayList<GeneralRegion>();
// If the secondLine does not contain a name try to find the region by location
ApplicableRegionSet regions = plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(location.getWorld()).getApplicableRegions(location);
if(regions != null) {
List<GeneralRegion> candidates = new ArrayList<GeneralRegion>();
for(ProtectedRegion pr : regions) {
GeneralRegion region = getRegion(pr.getId());
if(region != null) {
boolean first = true;
for(GeneralRegion region : candidates) {
if(first) {
first = false;
} else {
if(region.getRegion().getPriority() > result.get(0).getRegion().getPriority()) {
} else if(region.getRegion().getParent() != null && region.getRegion().getParent().equals(result.get(0))) {
} else {
return result;

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
public class RightClickListener implements Listener {
AreaShop plugin;
* Constructor
* @param plugin The AreaShop plugin
public RightClickListener(AreaShop plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
* Called when a player interacts
* @param event The event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
public void onRightClick(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
Block block = event.getClickedBlock();
/* Check for clicking a sign and rightclicking */
if(event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && (block.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST || block.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN)) {
/* Check if the rent sign is really the same as a saved rent */
GeneralRegion result = null;
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getRegions();
for(int i=0; i<regions.size(); i++) {
if(regions.get(i).getSignLocation().equals(block.getLocation())) {
result = regions.get(i);
if(result != null && result.isRentRegion()) {
/* Cancel placing a block */
} else if(result != null && result.isBuyRegion()) {
/* Cancel placing a block */

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.Material;
@ -37,30 +38,25 @@ public final class SignBreakListener implements Listener {
Block block = event.getBlock();
/* Check if it is a sign */
if(block.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN || block.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST) {
Sign sign = (Sign)(block.getState());
/* Check if the rent sign is really the same as a saved rent */
RentRegion rent = plugin.getFileManager().getRent(sign.getLine(1));
BuyRegion buy = plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(sign.getLine(1));
if(rent != null && block.getLocation().equals(rent.getSignLocation())) {
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionBySignLocation(block.getLocation());
if(region == null) {
if(region.isRentRegion()) {
/* Remove the rent if the player has permission */
if(event.getPlayer().hasPermission("areashop.destroyrent")) {
boolean result = plugin.getFileManager().removeRent(sign.getLine(1), true);
if(result) {
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "destroy-successRent", sign.getLine(1));
plugin.getFileManager().removeRent((RentRegion)region, true);
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "destroy-successRent", region.getName());
} else { /* Cancel the breaking of the sign */
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "destroy-noPermissionRent");
} else if(buy != null && block.getLocation().equals(buy.getSignLocation())) {
} else if(region.isBuyRegion()) {
/* Remove the buy if the player has permission */
if(event.getPlayer().hasPermission("areashop.destroybuy")) {
boolean result = plugin.getFileManager().removeBuy(sign.getLine(1), true);
if(result) {
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "destroy-successBuy", sign.getLine(1));
plugin.getFileManager().removeBuy((BuyRegion)region, true);
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "destroy-successBuy", region.getName());
} else { /* Cancel the breaking of the sign */
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "destroy-noPermissionBuy");
@ -81,21 +77,12 @@ public final class SignBreakListener implements Listener {
Block attachedTo = block.getRelative(((org.bukkit.material.Sign)sign.getData()).getAttachedFace());
if(attachedTo.getType() == Material.AIR){
/* Check if the rent sign is really the same as a saved rent */
RentRegion rent = plugin.getFileManager().getRent(sign.getLine(1));
BuyRegion buy = plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(sign.getLine(1));
if(rent != null && block.getLocation().equals(rent.getSignLocation())) {
/* Remove the rent */
boolean result = plugin.getFileManager().removeRent(sign.getLine(1), true);
if(result) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Renting of region '" + sign.getLine(1) + "' has been removed by indirectly breaking the sign");
} else if(buy != null && block.getLocation().equals(buy.getSignLocation())) {
/* Remove the buy */
boolean result = plugin.getFileManager().removeBuy(sign.getLine(1), true);
if(result) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Buying of region '" + sign.getLine(1) + "' has been removed by indirectly breaking the sign");
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionBySignLocation(block.getLocation());
if(region == null) {
plugin.getLogger().info("A sign of region " + region.getName() + " has been removed by indirectly breaking it (block below/behind is destroyed)");

View File

@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion.BuyEvent;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion.RegionEvent;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion.RentEvent;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import org.bukkit.material.Sign;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.CuboidSelection;
@ -38,22 +43,22 @@ public final class SignChangeListener implements Listener {
public void onSignChange(SignChangeEvent event) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
/* Check if the sign is meant for this plugin */
if(event.getLine(0).contains(plugin.config().getString("rentSign"))) {
// Check if the sign is meant for this plugin
if(event.getLine(0).contains(plugin.config().getString(""))) {
if(!player.hasPermission("areashop.createrent")) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-noPermissionRent");
/* Get the other lines */
// Get the other lines
String secondLine = event.getLine(1);
String thirdLine = event.getLine(2);
String fourthLine = event.getLine(3);
/* Get the regionManager for accessing regions */
// Get the regionManager for accessing regions
RegionManager regionManager = plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(event.getPlayer().getWorld());
/* If the secondLine does not contain a name try to find the region by location */
// If the secondLine does not contain a name try to find the region by location
if(secondLine == null || secondLine.length() == 0) {
ApplicableRegionSet regions = regionManager.getApplicableRegions(event.getBlock().getLocation());
if(regions != null) {
@ -80,7 +85,9 @@ public final class SignChangeListener implements Listener {
/* check if all the lines are correct */
boolean priceSet = fourthLine != null && fourthLine.length() != 0;
boolean durationSet = thirdLine != null && thirdLine.length() != 0;
// check if all the lines are correct
if(secondLine == null || secondLine.length() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-noRegion");
@ -90,52 +97,66 @@ public final class SignChangeListener implements Listener {
} else if(plugin.getFileManager().getRent(secondLine) != null) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-alreadyRentSign");
} else if(thirdLine == null || thirdLine.length() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-noDuration");
} else if(!plugin.checkTimeFormat(thirdLine)) {
} else if(thirdLine != null && thirdLine.length() != 0 && !plugin.checkTimeFormat(thirdLine)) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-wrongDuration");
} else if(fourthLine == null || fourthLine.length() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-noPrice");
} else {
/* Check the fourth line */
double price = 0.0;
if(priceSet) {
// Check the fourth line
try {
price = Double.parseDouble(fourthLine);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-wrongPrice");
/* Add rent to the FileManager */
RentRegion rent = new RentRegion(plugin, secondLine, event.getPlayer().getWorld(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), Double.parseDouble(fourthLine), thirdLine);
String[] signLines = rent.getSignLines();
for(int i=0; i<signLines.length; i++) {
event.setLine(i, signLines[i]);
/* Set the flags for the region */
// Add rent to the FileManager
final RentRegion rent = new RentRegion(plugin, secondLine, event.getPlayer().getWorld());
if(priceSet) {
if(durationSet) {
Sign sign = (Sign)event.getBlock().getState().getData();
rent.addSign(event.getBlock().getLocation(), event.getBlock().getType(), sign.getFacing(), null);
// Run commands
rent.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.CREATED, true);
// Update the sign later because this event will do it first
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1);
// Set the flags for the region
plugin.message(player, "setup-rentSuccess", rent.getName());
// Run commands
rent.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.CREATED, false);
} else if (event.getLine(0).contains(plugin.config().getString("buySign"))) {
/* Check for permission */
} else if (event.getLine(0).contains(plugin.config().getString(""))) {
// Check for permission
if(!player.hasPermission("areashop.createbuy")) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-noPermissionBuy");
/* Get the other lines */
// Get the other lines
String secondLine = event.getLine(1);
String thirdLine = event.getLine(2);
/* Get the regionManager for accessing regions */
// Get the regionManager for accessing regions
RegionManager regionManager = plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(event.getPlayer().getWorld());
/* If the secondLine does not contain a name try to find the region by location */
// If the secondLine does not contain a name try to find the region by location
if(secondLine == null || secondLine.length() == 0) {
ApplicableRegionSet regions = regionManager.getApplicableRegions(event.getBlock().getLocation());
if(regions != null) {
@ -162,7 +183,8 @@ public final class SignChangeListener implements Listener {
/* Check if all the lines are correct */
boolean priceSet = thirdLine != null && thirdLine.length() != 0;
// Check if all the lines are correct
if(secondLine == null || secondLine.length() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-noRegion");
@ -172,33 +194,95 @@ public final class SignChangeListener implements Listener {
} else if(plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(secondLine) != null) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-alreadyBuySign");
} else if(thirdLine == null || thirdLine.length() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-noPrice");
} else {
/* Check the fourth line */
double price = 0.0;
if(priceSet) {
// Check the fourth line
try {
price = Double.parseDouble(thirdLine);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.message(player, "setup-wrongPrice");
/* Add buy to the FileManager */
BuyRegion buy = new BuyRegion(plugin, secondLine, event.getPlayer().getWorld(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), Double.parseDouble(thirdLine));
// Add buy to the FileManager
final BuyRegion buy = new BuyRegion(plugin, secondLine, event.getPlayer().getWorld());
if(priceSet) {
Sign sign = (Sign)event.getBlock().getState().getData();
buy.addSign(event.getBlock().getLocation(), event.getBlock().getType(), sign.getFacing(), null);
// Run commands
buy.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.CREATED, true);
String[] signLines = buy.getSignLines();
for(int i=0; i<signLines.length; i++) {
event.setLine(i, signLines[i]);
// Update the sign later because this event will do it first
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1);
/* Set the flags for the region */
// Set the flags for the region
plugin.message(player, "setup-buySuccess", regionManager.getRegion(secondLine).getId());
// Run commands
buy.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.CREATED, false);
} else if(event.getLine(0).contains(plugin.config().getString("signTags.add"))) {
// Check for permission
if(!player.hasPermission("areashop.addsign")) {
plugin.message(player, "addsign-noPermission");
// Get the other lines
String secondLine = event.getLine(1);
String thirdLine = event.getLine(2);
GeneralRegion region = null;
if(secondLine != null && secondLine.length() != 0) {
// Get region by secondLine of the sign
region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(secondLine);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(player, "addsign-noRegion", secondLine);
} else {
// Get region by sign position
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getASRegionsInSelection(new CuboidSelection(event.getBlock().getWorld(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), event.getBlock().getLocation()));
if(regions.isEmpty()) {
plugin.message(player, "addsign-noRegions");
} else if(regions.size() > 1) {
plugin.message(player, "addsign-couldNotDetectSign", regions.get(0).getName(), regions.get(1).getName());
region = regions.get(0);
Sign sign = (Sign)event.getBlock().getState().getData();
if(thirdLine == null || thirdLine.length() == 0) {
region.addSign(event.getBlock().getLocation(), event.getBlock().getType(), sign.getFacing(), null);
plugin.message(player, "addsign-success", region.getName());
} else {
region.addSign(event.getBlock().getLocation(), event.getBlock().getType(), sign.getFacing(), thirdLine);
plugin.message(player, "addsign-successProfile", region.getName(), thirdLine);
// Update the sign later because this event will do it first
final GeneralRegion regionUpdate = region;
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion.ClickType;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
public class SignClickListener implements Listener {
AreaShop plugin;
* Constructor
* @param plugin The AreaShop plugin
public SignClickListener(AreaShop plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
* Called when a player interacts
* @param event The event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
public void onSignClick(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
Block block = event.getClickedBlock();
/* Check for clicking a sign and rightclicking */
if( (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK || event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK)
&& (block.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST || block.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN)) {
/* Check if the rent sign is really the same as a saved rent */
GeneralRegion result = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionBySignLocation(block.getLocation());
if(result == null) {
String signName = result.getSignName(block.getLocation());
Player player = event.getPlayer();
// Get the clicktype
ClickType clickType = null;
if(player.isSneaking() && event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
clickType = ClickType.SHIFTLEFTCLICK;
} else if(!player.isSneaking() && event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
clickType = ClickType.LEFTCLICK;
} else if(player.isSneaking() && event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
clickType = ClickType.SHIFTRIGHTCLICK;
} else if(!player.isSneaking() && event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
clickType = ClickType.RIGHTCLICK;
// Run the commands
boolean runned = result.runSignCommands(signName, player, clickType);
// Only cancel event if at least one command has been executed

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
@ -59,4 +61,36 @@ public class Utils {
return result;
public static String createCommaSeparatedList(Collection<? extends Object> input) {
String result = "";
boolean first = true;
for(Object object : input) {
if(first) {
first = false;
result += object.toString();
} else {
result += ", " + object.toString();
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion.RegionEvent;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.Selection;
public class AddCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public AddCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop add";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.createrent") || target.hasPermission("areashop.createbuy")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-add");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(args.length < 2 || args[1] == null || (!"rent".equals(args[1].toLowerCase()) && !"buy".equals(args[1].toLowerCase()))) {
plugin.message(sender, "add-help");
boolean isRent = "rent".equals(args[1].toLowerCase());
if((isRent && !sender.hasPermission("areashop.createrent")) || (!isRent && !sender.hasPermission("areashop.createbuy"))) {
plugin.message(sender, "add-noPermission");
List<ProtectedRegion> regions = new ArrayList<ProtectedRegion>();
World world = null;
if(args.length == 2) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-weOnlyByPlayer");
Player player = (Player)sender;
Selection selection = plugin.getWorldEdit().getSelection(player);
if(selection == null) {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noSelection");
world = selection.getWorld();
regions = plugin.getFileManager().getWERegionsInSelection(selection);
if(regions.size() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noWERegionsFound");
} else {
if(sender instanceof Player) {
if(args.length == 4) {
world = Bukkit.getWorld(args[3]);
if(world == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "add-incorrectWorld", args[3]);
} else {
world = ((Player)sender).getWorld();
} else {
if(args.length < 4) {
plugin.message(sender, "add-specifyWorld");
} else {
world = Bukkit.getWorld(args[3]);
if(world == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "add-incorrectWorld", args[3]);
ProtectedRegion region = plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(world).getRegion(args[2]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "add-noRegion", args[2]);
ArrayList<String> namesSuccess = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> namesFailed = new ArrayList<String>();
for(ProtectedRegion region : regions) {
GeneralRegion asRegion = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(region.getId());
if(asRegion != null) {
} else {
if(isRent) {
RentRegion rent = new RentRegion(plugin, region.getId(), world);
// Run commands
rent.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.CREATED, true);
// Set the flags for the region
// Run commands
rent.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.CREATED, false);
} else {
BuyRegion buy = new BuyRegion(plugin, region.getId(), world);
// Run commands
buy.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.CREATED, true);
// Set the flags for the region
// Run commands
buy.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.CREATED, false);
if(namesSuccess.size() != 0) {
plugin.message(sender, "add-success", args[1], Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(namesSuccess));
if(namesFailed.size() != 0) {
plugin.message(sender, "add-failed", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(namesFailed));
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
// can't get the world so also can't get applicable regions
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.material.Sign;
import org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.CuboidSelection;
public class AddsignCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public AddsignCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop addsign";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.addsign")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-addsign");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-onlyByPlayer");
Player player = (Player)sender;
if(!player.hasPermission("areashop.addsign")) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-noPermission");
// Get the sign
Block block = null;
BlockIterator blockIterator = new BlockIterator(player, 100);
while(blockIterator.hasNext() && block == null) {
Block next =;
if(next.getType() != Material.AIR) {
block = next;
if(block == null || !(block.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN || block.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST)) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-noSign");
GeneralRegion region = null;
if(args.length > 1) {
// Get region by argument
region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[1]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-noRegion", args[1]);
} else {
// Get region by sign position
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getASRegionsInSelection(new CuboidSelection(block.getWorld(), block.getLocation(), block.getLocation()));
if(regions.isEmpty()) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-noRegions");
} else if(regions.size() > 1) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-couldNotDetect", regions.get(0).getName(), regions.get(1).getName());
region = regions.get(0);
Sign sign = (Sign)block.getState().getData();
String profile = null;
if(args.length > 2) {
profile = args[2];
Set<String> profiles = plugin.config().getConfigurationSection("signProfiles").getKeys(false);
if(!profiles.contains(profile)) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-wrongProfile", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(profiles));
GeneralRegion signRegion = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionBySignLocation(block.getLocation());
if(signRegion != null) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-alreadyRegistered", signRegion.getName());
region.addSign(block.getLocation(), block.getType(), sign.getFacing(), profile);
if(profile == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-success", region.getName());
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-successProfile", region.getName(), profile);
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
return result;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ public class BuyCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "onlyByPlayer");
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-onlyByPlayer");
Player player = (Player)sender;
@ -44,7 +45,17 @@ public class BuyCommand extends CommandAreaShop {;
} else {
plugin.message(player, "buy-help");
// get the region by location
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getApplicalbeASRegions(player.getLocation());
if(regions.size() != 1) {
plugin.message(sender, "buy-help");
} else {
if(!regions.get(0).isRentRegion()) {
plugin.message(sender, "buy-notBuyable");
} else {

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class BuypriceCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public BuypriceCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop buyprice";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.buyprice")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-buyprice");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.buyprice")) {
plugin.message(sender, "buyprice-noPermission");
if(args.length < 3 || args[1] == null || args[2] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "buyprice-help");
BuyRegion buy = plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(args[1]);
if(buy == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "buyprice-notRegistered", args[1]);
double price = 0.0;
try {
price = Double.parseDouble(args[2]);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.message(sender, "buyprice-wrongPrice", args[2]);
plugin.message(sender, "buyprice-success", buy.getName(), args[2]);
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getBuyNames();
return result;

View File

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class BuyrestoreCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public BuyrestoreCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop buyrestore";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.buyrestore")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-buyrestore");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.buyrestore")) {
plugin.message(sender, "buyrestore-noPermission");
if(args.length <= 2 || args[1] == null || args[2] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "buyrestore-help");
BuyRegion buy = plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(args[1]);
if(buy == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "buyrestore-notRegistered", args[1]);
} else {
String value = null;
if(args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("true") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("false") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("general")) {
value = args[2].toLowerCase();
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "buyrestore-invalidSetting", args[2]);
if(value != null) {
if(args.length > 3) {
plugin.message(sender, "buyrestore-successProfile", buy.getName(), value, args[3]);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "buyrestore-success", buy.getName(), value);
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getBuyNames();
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
} else if(toComplete == 4) {
return result;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
@ -39,9 +38,7 @@ public abstract class CommandAreaShop {
* @param start The already given start of the command
* @return A collection with all the possibilities for argument to complete
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
return new ArrayList<String>();
public abstract List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start);
* Get the argument that comes after the base command that this command reacts to

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.Selection;
public class DelCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public DelCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop del";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.destroyrent") || target.hasPermission("areashop.destroybuy")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-del");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroybuy") && !sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroyrent")) {
plugin.message(sender, "del-noPermission");
if(args.length < 2) {
// Only players can have a selection
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-weOnlyByPlayer");
Player player = (Player)sender;
Selection selection = plugin.getWorldEdit().getSelection(player);
if(selection == null) {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noSelection");
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getASRegionsInSelection(selection);
if(regions == null || regions.size() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noRegionsFound");
// Start removing the region that he has permission for
ArrayList<String> namesSuccess = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> namesFailed = new ArrayList<String>();
for(GeneralRegion region : regions) {
if(region.isRentRegion()) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroyrent")) {
} else {
plugin.getFileManager().removeRent((RentRegion)region, true);
} else if(region.isBuyRegion()) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroybuy")) {
} else {
plugin.getFileManager().removeBuy((BuyRegion)region, true);
// send messages
if(namesSuccess.size() != 0) {
plugin.message(sender, "del-success", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(namesSuccess));
if(namesFailed.size() != 0) {
plugin.message(sender, "del-failed", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(namesFailed));
} else {
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[1]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "del-noRegion", args[1]);
if(region.isRentRegion()) {
/* Remove the rent if the player has permission */
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroyrent")) {
plugin.getFileManager().removeRent((RentRegion)region, true);
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-successRent", region.getName());
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-noPermissionRent");
} else if(region.isBuyRegion()) {
/* Remove the buy if the player has permission */
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroybuy")) {
plugin.getFileManager().removeBuy((BuyRegion)region, true);
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-successBuy", region.getName());
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-noPermissionBuy");
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionNames();
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator;
public class DelsignCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public DelsignCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop delsign";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.delsign")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-delsign");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-onlyByPlayer");
Player player = (Player)sender;
if(!player.hasPermission("areashop.delsign")) {
plugin.message(sender, "delsign-noPermission");
// Get the sign
Block block = null;
BlockIterator blockIterator = new BlockIterator(player, 100);
while(blockIterator.hasNext() && block == null) {
Block next =;
if(next.getType() != Material.AIR) {
block = next;
if(block == null || !(block.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN || block.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST)) {
plugin.message(sender, "delsign-noSign");
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionBySignLocation(block.getLocation());
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "delsign-noRegion");
plugin.message(sender, "delsign-success", region.getName());
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
return new ArrayList<String>();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class FindCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public FindCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop find";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.find")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-find");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.find")) {
plugin.message(sender, "find-noPermission");
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-onlyByPlayer");
if(args.length <= 1 || args[1] == null || (!args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("buy") && !args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("rent"))) {
plugin.message(sender, "find-help");
Player player = (Player)sender;
double balance = plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(player);
double maxPrice = 0;
boolean maxPriceSet = false;
if(args.length == 3) {
try {
maxPrice = Double.parseDouble(args[2]);
maxPriceSet = true;
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.message(sender, "find-wrongMaxPrice", args[2]);
if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("buy")) {
List<BuyRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getBuys();
for(BuyRegion region : regions) {
if(!region.isSold() && ((region.getPrice() <= balance && !maxPriceSet) || (region.getPrice() <= maxPrice && maxPriceSet))) {
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(balance);
bigDecimal = bigDecimal.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
balance = bigDecimal.doubleValue();
if(maxPriceSet) {
plugin.message(player, "find-successMax", "buy", region.getName(), maxPrice);
} else {
plugin.message(player, "find-success", "buy", region.getName(), balance);
region.teleportPlayer(player, true);
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(balance);
bigDecimal = bigDecimal.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
balance = bigDecimal.doubleValue();
if(maxPriceSet) {
plugin.message(player, "find-noneFound", "buy", maxPrice);
} else {
plugin.message(player, "find-noneFoundMax", "buy", balance);
} else {
List<RentRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getRents();
for(RentRegion region : regions) {
if(!region.isRented() && ((region.getPrice() <= balance && !maxPriceSet) || (region.getPrice() <= maxPrice && maxPriceSet))) {
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(balance);
bigDecimal = bigDecimal.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
balance = bigDecimal.doubleValue();
if(maxPriceSet) {
plugin.message(player, "find-successMax", "rent", region.getName(), maxPrice);
} else {
plugin.message(player, "find-success", "rent", region.getName(), balance);
region.teleportPlayer(player, true);
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(balance);
bigDecimal = bigDecimal.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
balance = bigDecimal.doubleValue();
if(maxPriceSet) {
plugin.message(player, "find-noneFound", "rent", maxPrice);
} else {
plugin.message(player, "find-noneFoundMax", "rent", balance);
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RegionGroup;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.Selection;
public class GroupaddCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public GroupaddCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop groupadd";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.groupadd")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-groupadd");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.groupadd")) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-noPermission");
if(args.length < 2 || args[1] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-help");
RegionGroup group = plugin.getFileManager().getGroup(args[1]);
if(group == null) {
group = new RegionGroup(plugin, args[1]);
if(args.length == 2) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-weOnlyByPlayer");
Player player = (Player)sender;
Selection selection = plugin.getWorldEdit().getSelection(player);
if(selection == null) {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noSelection");
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getASRegionsInSelection(selection);
if(regions.size() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noRegionsFound");
ArrayList<String> namesSuccess = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> namesFailed = new ArrayList<String>();
for(GeneralRegion region : regions) {
if(group.addMember(region)) {
} else {
if(namesSuccess.size() != 0) {
plugin.message(player, "groupadd-weSuccess", group.getName(), Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(namesSuccess));
if(namesFailed.size() != 0) {
plugin.message(player, "groupadd-weFailed", group.getName(), Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(namesFailed));
} else {
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[2]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-noRegion", args[2]);
if(group.addMember(region)) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-success", region.getName(), group.getName(), group.getMembers().size());
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-failed", region.getName(), group.getName());
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getGroupNames();
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionNames();
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RegionGroup;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.Selection;
public class GroupdelCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public GroupdelCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop groupdel";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.groupdel")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-groupdel");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.groupdel")) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-noPermission");
if(args.length < 2 || args[1] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-help");
RegionGroup group = plugin.getFileManager().getGroup(args[1]);
if(group == null) {
group = new RegionGroup(plugin, args[1]);
if(args.length == 2) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-weOnlyByPlayer");
Player player = (Player)sender;
Selection selection = plugin.getWorldEdit().getSelection(player);
if(selection == null) {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noSelection");
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getASRegionsInSelection(selection);
if(regions.size() == 0) {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noRegionsFound");
ArrayList<String> namesSuccess = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> namesFailed = new ArrayList<String>();
for(GeneralRegion region : regions) {
if(group.removeMember(region)) {
} else {
if(namesSuccess.size() != 0) {
plugin.message(player, "groupdel-weSuccess", group.getName(), Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(namesSuccess));
if(namesFailed.size() != 0) {
plugin.message(player, "groupdel-weFailed", group.getName(), Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(namesFailed));
} else {
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[2]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-noRegion", args[2]);
if(group.removeMember(region)) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-success", region.getName(), group.getName(), group.getMembers().size());
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-failed", region.getName(), group.getName());
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getGroupNames();
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionNames();
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RegionGroup;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class GroupinfoCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public GroupinfoCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop groupinfo";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.groupinfo")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-groupinfo");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.groupinfo")) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupinfo-noPermission");
if(args.length < 2 || args[1] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupinfo-help");
RegionGroup group = plugin.getFileManager().getGroup(args[1]);
if(group == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupinfo-noGroup", args[1]);
List<String> members = group.getMembers();
if(members.size() == 0) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupinfo-noMembers", group.getName());
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "groupinfo-members", group.getName(), Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(members));
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getGroupNames();
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class GrouplistCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public GrouplistCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop grouplist";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.grouplist")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-grouplist");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.grouplist")) {
plugin.message(sender, "grouplist-noPermission");
List<String> groups = plugin.getFileManager().getGroupNames();
if(groups.size() == 0) {
plugin.message(sender, "grouplist-noGroups");
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "grouplist-success", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(groups));
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
return new ArrayList<String>();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
@ -29,4 +32,10 @@ public class HelpCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
return result;

View File

@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -198,43 +201,78 @@ public class InfoCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
plugin.message(sender, "info-playerHelp");
} else if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("region")) {
if(args.length > 2 && args[2] != null) {
RentRegion rent = plugin.getFileManager().getRent(args[2]);
BuyRegion buy = plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(args[2]);
if(rent == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRenting", args[2]);
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionNoRenting", args[2]);
if(args.length > 1) {
RentRegion rent = null;
BuyRegion buy = null;
if(args.length > 2) {
rent = plugin.getFileManager().getRent(args[2]);
buy = plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(args[2]);
} else {
if(sender instanceof Player) {
// get the region by location
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getApplicalbeASRegions(((Player)sender).getLocation());
if(regions.size() != 1) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionHelp");
} else {
if(regions.get(0).isRentRegion()) {
rent = (RentRegion)regions.get(0);
} else if(regions.get(0).isBuyRegion()) {
buy = (BuyRegion)regions.get(0);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionHelp");
if(rent == null && buy == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionNotExisting", args[2]);
if(rent != null) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRenting", rent.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionSign", rent.getWorldName(), rent.getSignLocation().getBlockX(), rent.getSignLocation().getBlockY(), rent.getSignLocation().getBlockZ());
List<String> signLocations = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Location location : rent.getSignLocations()) {
signLocations.add(plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("info-regionSignLocation", location.getWorld().getName(), location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ()));
if(signLocations.isEmpty()) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionNoSign");
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionSign", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(signLocations));
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionPriceDuration", rent.getFormattedPrice(), rent.getDurationString());
if(!rent.isRented()) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionNotRented");
} else {
SimpleDateFormat dateFull = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yyyy HH:mm");
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRentedBy", rent.getPlayerName(), dateFull.format(rent.getDuration()));
SimpleDateFormat dateFull = new SimpleDateFormat(plugin.config().getString("timeFormatChat"));
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRentedBy", rent.getPlayerName(), dateFull.format(rent.getRentedUntil()));
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.rentrestore")) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRestore", rent.getRestoreSetting());
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRestore", rent.isRestoreEnabled());
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRestoreProfile", rent.getRestoreProfile());
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.teleport")) {
if(rent.getTeleportLocation() == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionNoTP");
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionTPLocation", rent.getTeleportLocation().getWorld().toString(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getBlockX(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getBlockY(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getBlockZ(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getPitch(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getYaw());
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionTPLocation", rent.getTeleportLocation().getWorld().getName(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getBlockX(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getBlockY(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getBlockZ(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getPitch(), rent.getTeleportLocation().getYaw());
if(buy == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionBuying", args[2]);
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionNoBuying", args[2]);
} else {
if(buy != null) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionBuying", buy.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionSign", buy.getWorldName(), buy.getSignLocation().getBlockX(), buy.getSignLocation().getBlockY(), buy.getSignLocation().getBlockZ());
List<String> signLocations = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Location location : buy.getSignLocations()) {
signLocations.add(plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("info-regionSignLocation", location.getWorld().getName(), location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ()));
if(signLocations.isEmpty()) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionNoSign");
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionSign", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(signLocations));
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionPrice", buy.getFormattedPrice());
if(!buy.isSold()) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionNotBought");
@ -242,7 +280,7 @@ public class InfoCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionBoughtBy", buy.getPlayerName());
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.buyrestore")) {
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRestore", buy.getRestoreSetting());
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRestore", buy.isRestoreEnabled());
plugin.message(sender, "info-regionRestoreProfile", buy.getRestoreProfile());
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.teleport")) {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
@ -34,4 +37,10 @@ public class ReloadCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
return result;

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ public class RentCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "onlyByPlayer");
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-onlyByPlayer");
Player player = (Player)sender;
@ -44,7 +45,17 @@ public class RentCommand extends CommandAreaShop {;
} else {
// get the region by location
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getApplicalbeASRegions(player.getLocation());
if(regions.size() != 1) {
plugin.message(sender, "rent-help");
} else {
if(!regions.get(0).isRentRegion()) {
plugin.message(sender, "rent-notRentable");
} else {

View File

@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ public class RentdurationCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
rent.setDuration(args[2]+" "+args[3]);
plugin.message(sender, "rentduration-success", rent.getName(), rent.getDurationString());

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class RentpriceCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public RentpriceCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop rentprice";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.rentprice")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-rentprice");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.rentprice")) {
plugin.message(sender, "rentprice-noPermission");
if(args.length < 3 || args[1] == null || args[2] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "rentprice-help");
RentRegion rent = plugin.getFileManager().getRent(args[1]);
if(rent == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "rentprice-notRegistered", args[1]);
double price = 0.0;
try {
price = Double.parseDouble(args[2]);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.message(sender, "rentprice-wrongPrice", args[2]);
plugin.message(sender, "rentprice-success", rent.getName(), args[2], rent.getDurationString());
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getRentNames();
return result;

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class RentrestoreCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public RentrestoreCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop rentrestore";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.rentrestore")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-rentrestore");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.rentrestore")) {
plugin.message(sender, "rentrestore-noPermission");
if(args.length <= 2 || args[1] == null || args[2] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "rentrestore-help");
RentRegion rent = plugin.getFileManager().getRent(args[1]);
if(rent == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "rentrestore-notRegistered", args[1]);
String value = null;
if(args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("true") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("false") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("general")) {
value = args[2].toLowerCase();
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "rentrestore-invalidSetting", args[2]);
if(args.length > 3) {
plugin.message(sender, "rentrestore-successProfile", rent.getName(), value, args[3]);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "rentrestore-success", rent.getName(), value);
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getRentNames();
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
} else if(toComplete == 4) {
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Utils;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion.RegionEvent;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class SchematiceventCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public SchematiceventCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop schemevent";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.schematicevents")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-schemevent");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(args.length < 3 || args[1] == null || args[2] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "schemevent-help");
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[1]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "schemevent-noRegion", args[1]);
RegionEvent event = null;
boolean exception = false;
try {
event = RegionEvent.valueOf(args[2].toUpperCase());
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
exception = true;
// Check for a totally wrong event or a non matching event
if(exception) {
ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
for(RegionEvent value : RegionEvent.values()) {
plugin.message(sender, "schemevent-wrongEvent", args[2], Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(values));
plugin.message(sender, "schemevent-success", args[2], region.getName());
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(start[2]);
if(region != null) {
if(region.isRentRegion()) {
result.addAll(Arrays.asList("created", "deleted", "rented", "unrented"));
} else if(region.isBuyRegion()) {
result.addAll(Arrays.asList("created", "deleted", "bought", "sold"));
return result;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
@ -30,11 +34,26 @@ public class SellCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(args.length <= 1 || args[1] == null) {
BuyRegion buy = null;
if(args.length <= 1) {
if(sender instanceof Player) {
// get the region by location
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getApplicalbeASRegions(((Player)sender).getLocation());
if(regions.size() != 1) {
plugin.message(sender, "sell-help");
} else {
if(regions.get(0).isBuyRegion()) {
buy = (BuyRegion)regions.get(0);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "sell-help");
BuyRegion buy = plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(args[1]);
} else {
buy = plugin.getFileManager().getBuy(args[1]);
if(buy == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "sell-notRegistered");
@ -59,6 +78,19 @@ public class SellCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
for(BuyRegion region : plugin.getFileManager().getBuys()) {
if(region.isSold()) {
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class SetpriceCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public SetpriceCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop setprice";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.setprice")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-setprice");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.setprice")) {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-noPermission");
if(args.length < 2 || args[1] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-help");
GeneralRegion region = null;
if(args.length < 3) {
if(sender instanceof Player) {
// get the region by location
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getApplicalbeASRegions(((Player)sender).getLocation());
if(regions.size() != 1) {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-help");
} else {
region = regions.get(0);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-help");
} else {
region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[2]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-notRegistered", args[2]);
double price = 0.0;
try {
price = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-wrongPrice", args[1]);
if(region.isRentRegion()) {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-successRent", region.getName(), ((RentRegion)region).getFormattedPrice(), ((RentRegion)region).getDurationString());
} else if(region.isBuyRegion()) {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-successBuy", region.getName(), ((BuyRegion)region).getFormattedPrice());
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionNames();
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class SetrestoreCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public SetrestoreCommand(AreaShop plugin) {
public String getCommandStart() {
return "areashop setrestore";
public String getHelp(CommandSender target) {
if(target.hasPermission("areashop.setrestore")) {
return plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("help-setrestore");
return null;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(!sender.hasPermission("areashop.setrestore")) {
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-noPermission");
if(args.length <= 2 || args[1] == null || args[2] == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-help");
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[1]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-notRegistered", args[1]);
String value = null;
if(args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("true") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("false") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("general")) {
value = args[2].toLowerCase();
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-invalidSetting", args[2]);
if(args.length > 3) {
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-successProfile", region.getName(), value, args[3]);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-success", region.getName(), value);
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
result = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionNames();
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
} else if(toComplete == 4) {
return result;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.BuyRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
@ -38,13 +41,23 @@ public class SetteleportCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
plugin.message(sender, "onlyByPlayer");
if(args.length <= 1 || args[1] == null) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
GeneralRegion region = null;
if(args.length <= 1) {
// get the region by location
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getApplicalbeASRegions(((Player)sender).getLocation());
if(regions.size() != 1) {
plugin.message(sender, "setteleport-help");
} else {
region = regions.get(0);
Player player = (Player) sender;
} else {
region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[1]);
boolean owner = false;
GeneralRegion region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[1]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-noRentOrBuy", args[1]);
@ -65,15 +78,26 @@ public class SetteleportCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
ProtectedRegion wgRegion = region.getRegion();
if(args.length > 2 && args[2] != null && (args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("reset") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) {
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-reset", args[1]);
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-reset", region.getName());
if(!wgRegion.contains(player.getLocation().getBlockX(), player.getLocation().getBlockY(), player.getLocation().getBlockZ()) && !player.hasPermission(" areashop.setteleportoutsideregion")) {
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-notInside", args[1]);
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-notInside", region.getName());
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-success", args[1]);
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-success", region.getName());
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
return result;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ public class TeleportCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
plugin.message(sender, "onlyByPlayer");
plugin.message(sender, "cmd-onlyByPlayer");
if(args.length <= 1 || args[1] == null) {
@ -44,7 +47,23 @@ public class TeleportCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
plugin.message(player, "teleport-noRentOrBuy", args[1]);
if(args.length >= 3 && (args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("sign") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) {
region.teleportPlayer(player, true);
} else {
region.teleportPlayer(player, false);
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
} else if(toComplete == 3) {
return result;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
@ -30,11 +34,26 @@ public class UnrentCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
if(args.length <= 1 || args[1] == null) {
RentRegion rent = null;
if(args.length <= 1) {
if(sender instanceof Player) {
// get the region by location
List<GeneralRegion> regions = plugin.getFileManager().getApplicalbeASRegions(((Player)sender).getLocation());
if(regions.size() != 1) {
plugin.message(sender, "unrent-help");
} else {
if(regions.get(0).isRentRegion()) {
rent = (RentRegion)regions.get(0);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "unrent-help");
RentRegion rent = plugin.getFileManager().getRent(args[1]);
} else {
rent = plugin.getFileManager().getRent(args[1]);
if(rent == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "unrent-notRegistered");
@ -59,6 +78,19 @@ public class UnrentCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if(toComplete == 2) {
for(RentRegion region : plugin.getFileManager().getRents()) {
if(region.isRented()) {
return result;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ public class UpdatebuysCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
boolean result = plugin.getFileManager().updateBuySigns();
if(result) {
plugin.message(sender, "buys-updated");
} else {
@ -38,4 +42,10 @@ public class UpdatebuysCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
return result;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
@ -39,4 +42,9 @@ public class UpdaterentsCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
public List<String> getTabCompleteList(int toComplete, String[] start) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
return result;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.UUID;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.EconomyResponse;
@ -9,35 +8,33 @@ import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Exceptions.RegionCreateException;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
/* Enum for schematic event types */
public enum BuyEvent {
private final String value;
private BuyEvent(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public BuyRegion(AreaShop plugin, YamlConfiguration config) throws RegionCreateException {
super(plugin, config);
public BuyRegion(AreaShop plugin, String name, World world, Location signLocation, double price) {
super(plugin, name, world, signLocation);
setSetting("price", price);
public BuyRegion(AreaShop plugin, String name, World world) {
super(plugin, name, world);
public RegionType getType() {
return RegionType.BUY;
public RegionState getState() {
if(isSold()) {
return RegionState.SOLD;
} else {
return RegionState.FORSALE;
@ -45,7 +42,7 @@ public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @return The UUID of the owner of this region
public UUID getBuyer() {
String buyer = getStringSetting("buyer");
String buyer = getStringSetting("buy.buyer");
if(buyer != null) {
try {
return UUID.fromString(buyer);
@ -54,13 +51,31 @@ public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
return null;
* Check if a player is the buyer of this region
* @param player Player to check
* @return true if this player owns this region, otherwise false
public boolean isBuyer(Player player) {
UUID buyer = getBuyer();
if(buyer == null || player == null) {
return false;
} else {
return buyer.equals(player.getUniqueId());
* Set the buyer of this region
* @param buyer The UUID of the player that should be set as buyer
public void setBuyer(UUID buyer) {
if(buyer == null) {
setSetting("buyer", null);
setSetting("buyerName", null);
setSetting("buy.buyer", null);
setSetting("buy.buyerName", null);
} else {
setSetting("buyer", buyer.toString());
setSetting("buyerName", plugin.toName(buyer));
setSetting("buy.buyer", buyer.toString());
setSetting("buy.buyerName", plugin.toName(buyer));
@ -85,7 +100,7 @@ public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @return The price of the region
public double getPrice() {
return getDoubleSetting("price");
return getDoubleSetting("buy.price");
@ -101,9 +116,19 @@ public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @param price
public void setPrice(double price) {
setSetting("price", price);
setSetting("buy.price", price);
public HashMap<String, Object> getSpecificReplacements() {
// Fill the replacements map with things specific to a BuyRegion
HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
result.put(AreaShop.tagPrice, getFormattedPrice());
result.put(AreaShop.tagPlayerName, getPlayerName());
result.put(AreaShop.tagPlayerUUID, getBuyer());
// TODO: Add more?
return result;
@ -115,30 +140,15 @@ public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
/* Check if the player has permission */
if(player.hasPermission("")) {
if(!isSold()) {
/* Check if the player can still buy */
int rentNumber = 0;
Iterator<RentRegion> itRent = getFileManager().getRents().iterator();
while(itRent.hasNext()) {
RentRegion next =;
if(player.getUniqueId().equals(next.getRenter())) {
int buyNumber = 0;
Iterator<BuyRegion> itBuy = getFileManager().getBuys().iterator();
while(itBuy.hasNext()) {
BuyRegion next =;
if(player.getUniqueId().equals(next.getBuyer())) {
int maximumBuys = Integer.parseInt(plugin.config().getString("maximumBuys"));
if(maximumBuys != -1 && buyNumber >= maximumBuys) {
// Check if the player can still buy
int maximumBuys = getMaxBuyRegions(player);
AreaShop.debug("maximumBuys=" + maximumBuys);
if(getCurrentBuyRegions(player) >= maximumBuys) {
plugin.message(player, "buy-maximum", maximumBuys);
return false;
int maximumTotal = Integer.parseInt(plugin.config().getString("maximumTotal"));
if(maximumTotal != -1 && (rentNumber+buyNumber) >= maximumTotal) {
int maximumTotal = getMaxTotalRegions(player);
if(getCurrentTotalRegions(player) >= maximumTotal) {
plugin.message(player, "total-maximum", maximumTotal);
return false;
@ -152,20 +162,24 @@ public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
plugin.message(player, "buy-payError");
return false;
// Run commands
this.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.BOUGHT, true);
/* Set the owner */
/* Update everything */
/* Send message to the player */
plugin.message(player, "buy-succes", getName());
AreaShop.debug(player.getName() + " has bought region " + getName() + " for " + getFormattedPrice());;
// Run commands
this.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.BOUGHT, false);
return true;
} else {
/* Player has not enough money */
@ -189,97 +203,44 @@ public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @param regionName
public void sell(boolean giveMoneyBack) {
// Run commands
this.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.SOLD, true);
/* Give part of the buying price back */
double percentage = plugin.config().getDouble("buyMoneyBack") / 100.0;
double percentage = getDoubleSetting("buy.moneyBack") / 100.0;
double moneyBack = getPrice() * percentage;
if(moneyBack > 0 && giveMoneyBack) {
/* Give back the money */
EconomyResponse r = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getBuyer()), moneyBack);
if(!r.transactionSuccess()) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Something went wrong with paying back money while unrenting");
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getBuyer());
if(player != null) {
EconomyResponse r = null;
boolean error = false;
try {
r = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getBuyer()), moneyBack);
} catch(Exception e) {
error = true;
if(error || r == null || !r.transactionSuccess()) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Something went wrong with paying back money to " + getPlayerName() + " while selling region " + getName());
/* Debug message */
AreaShop.debug(getPlayerName() + " has sold " + getName() + ", got " + plugin.formatCurrency(moneyBack) + " money back");
/* Update everything */
/* Remove the player */
/* Update everything */
public String[] getSignLines() {
String[] lines = new String[3];
if(isSold()) {
lines[0] = plugin.fixColors(plugin.config().getString("signBuyed"));
lines[1] = getName();
lines[2] = plugin.toName(getBuyer());
} else {
lines[0] = plugin.fixColors(plugin.config().getString("signBuyable"));
lines[1] = getName();
lines[2] = getFormattedPrice();
return lines;
public void updateRegionFlags() {
HashMap<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<String, String>();
replacements.put(AreaShop.tagRegionName, getName());
replacements.put(AreaShop.tagPrice, getFormattedPrice());
replacements.put(AreaShop.tagPlayerName, getPlayerName());
if(isSold()) {
this.setRegionFlags(plugin.config().getConfigurationSection("flagsSold"), replacements);
} else {
this.setRegionFlags(plugin.config().getConfigurationSection("flagsForSale"), replacements);
* Checks an event and handles saving to and restoring from schematic for it
* @param type The type of event
public void handleSchematicEvent(BuyEvent type) {
// Check for the general killswitch
if(!plugin.config().getBoolean("enableSchematics")) {
// Check the individual options
if("false".equalsIgnoreCase(getRestoreSetting())) {
} else if("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getRestoreSetting())) {
} else {
if(!plugin.config().getBoolean("useBuyRestore")) {
// Get the safe and restore names
String save = plugin.config().getString("buySchematicProfiles." + getRestoreProfile() + "." + type.getValue() + ".save");
if(save == null) {
plugin.config().getString("buySchematicProfiles.default." + type.getValue() + ".save");
String restore = plugin.config().getString("buySchematicProfiles." + getRestoreProfile() + "." + type.getValue() + ".restore");
if(restore == null) {
plugin.config().getString("buySchematicProfiles.default." + type.getValue() + ".restore");
// Save the region if needed
if(save != null && save.length() != 0) {
save = save.replace(AreaShop.tagRegionName, getName());
// Restore the region if needed
if(restore != null && restore.length() != 0) {
restore = restore.replace(AreaShop.tagRegionName, getName());
// Run commands
this.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.SOLD, false);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.regions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
@ -11,43 +12,139 @@ public class RegionGroup {
private AreaShop plugin;
private String name;
* Constructor, used when creating new groups or restoring them from groups.yml at server boot
* @param plugin The AreaShop plugin
* @param name Name of the group, has to be unique
public RegionGroup(AreaShop plugin, String name) {
this.plugin = plugin; = name;
setSetting("name", name);
// Delete duplicates
List<String> members = getMembers();
List<String> newMembers = new ArrayList<String>();
while(!members.isEmpty()) {
String member = members.remove(0);
// If the region has been deleted also clean it from the group
if(plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(member) != null) {
while(members.contains(member)) {
if(newMembers.size() != members.size()) {
setSetting("regions", newMembers);
if(getMembers().size() == 0) {
public void addMember(GeneralRegion region) {
* Adds a member to a group
* @param region The region to add to the group (GeneralRegion or a subclass of it)
* @return true if the region was not already added, otherwise false
public boolean addMember(GeneralRegion region) {
List<String> members = getMembers();
if(members.contains(region.getLowerCaseName())) {
return false;
} else {
plugin.getFileManager().getGroupSettings(name).set("regions", members);
setSetting("regions", members);
return true;
public void removeMember(GeneralRegion region) {
* Remove a member from the group
* @param region The region to remove
* @return true if the region was in the group before, otherwise false
public boolean removeMember(GeneralRegion region) {
List<String> members = getMembers();
boolean result = isMember(region);
plugin.getFileManager().getGroupSettings(name).set("regions", members);
if(members.isEmpty()) {
} else {
setSetting("regions", members);
return result;
* Get all members of the group
* @return A list with the names of all members of the group
public List<String> getMembers() {
if(getSettings() == null || getSettings().getStringList("regions") == null) {
return new ArrayList<String>();
return getSettings().getStringList("regions");
* Get the name of the group
* @return The name of the group
public String getName() {
return name;
public boolean isMember(GeneralRegion region) {
return getMembers().contains(region);
* Get the lowercase name of the group (used for getting the config etc)
* @return The name of the group in lowercase
public String getLowerCaseName() {
return getName().toLowerCase();
* Check if a region is member of the group
* @param region Region to check
* @return true if the region is in the group, otherwise false
public boolean isMember(GeneralRegion region) {
return getMembers().contains(region.getName());
* Get the priority of the group (higher overwrites)
* @return The priority of the group
public int getPriority() {
return getSettings().getInt("priority");
* Get the configurationsection with the settings of this group
* @return The ConfigurationSection with the settings of the group
public ConfigurationSection getSettings() {
return plugin.getFileManager().getGroupSettings(name);
* Set a setting of this group
* @param path The path to set
* @param setting The value to set
public void setSetting(String path, Object setting) {
plugin.getFileManager().setGroupSetting(this, path, setting);
* Save the group to disk (currently saves all groups because they are all in 1 file)
public void save() {

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.UUID;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.EconomyResponse;
@ -13,30 +12,12 @@ import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.AreaShop;
import nl.evolutioncoding.AreaShop.Exceptions.RegionCreateException;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
/* Enum for schematic event types */
public enum RentEvent {
private final String value;
private RentEvent(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
* Constructor
* @param plugin The areashop plugin
@ -47,10 +28,28 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
super(plugin, config);
public RentRegion(AreaShop plugin, String name, World world, Location signLocation, double price, String duration) {
super(plugin, name, world, signLocation);
setSetting("price", price);
setSetting("duration", duration);
* Create a new RentRegion
* @param plugin The AreaShop plugin
* @param name The name of the region (correct casing)
* @param world The world of the WorldGuard region
public RentRegion(AreaShop plugin, String name, World world) {
super(plugin, name, world);
public RegionType getType() {
return RegionType.RENT;
public RegionState getState() {
if(isRented()) {
return RegionState.RENTED;
} else {
return RegionState.FORRENT;
@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @return The UUID of the renter
public UUID getRenter() {
String renter = getStringSetting("renter");
String renter = getStringSetting("rent.renter");
if(renter != null) {
try {
return UUID.fromString(renter);
@ -67,16 +66,80 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
return null;
* Check if a player is the renter of this region
* @param player Player to check
* @return true if this player rents this region, otherwise false
public boolean isRenter(Player player) {
UUID renter = getRenter();
if(player == null || renter == null) {
return false;
} else {
return renter.equals(player.getUniqueId());
* Set the renter of this region
* @param renter The UUID of the player that should be set as the renter
public void setRenter(UUID renter) {
if(renter == null) {
setSetting("renter", null);
setSetting("renterName", null);
setSetting("rent.renter", null);
setSetting("rent.renterName", null);
} else {
setSetting("renter", renter.toString());
setSetting("renterName", plugin.toName(renter));
setSetting("rent.renter", renter.toString());
setSetting("rent.renterName", plugin.toName(renter));
* Get the max number of extends of this region
* @return -1 if infinite otherwise the maximum number
public int getMaxExtends() {
return getIntegerSetting("rent.maxExtends");
* Get how many times the rent has already been extended
* @return The number of times extended
public int getTimesExtended() {
return config.getInt("rent.timesExtended");
* Set the number of times the region has been extended
* @param times The number of times the region has been extended
public void setTimesExtended(int times) {
if(times < 0) {
config.set("rent.timesExtended", null);
} else {
config.set("rent.timesExtended", times);
public HashMap<String, Object> getSpecificReplacements() {
// Fill the replacements map with things specific to a RentRegion
HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
result.put(AreaShop.tagPrice, getFormattedPrice());
result.put(AreaShop.tagDuration, getDurationString());
result.put(AreaShop.tagPlayerName, getPlayerName());
result.put(AreaShop.tagPlayerUUID, getRenter());
SimpleDateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat(plugin.config().getString("timeFormatChat"));
String dateString = date.format(new Date(getRentedUntil()));
result.put(AreaShop.tagRentedUntil, dateString);
date = new SimpleDateFormat(plugin.config().getString("timeFormatSign"));
dateString = date.format(new Date(getRentedUntil()));
result.put(AreaShop.tagRentedUntilShort, dateString);
return result;
* Check if the region is rented
* @return true if the region is rented, otherwise false
@ -98,14 +161,18 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @return
public long getRentedUntil() {
return getLongSetting("rentedUntil");
return getLongSetting("rent.rentedUntil");
* Set the time until the region is rented (milliseconds from 1970, system time)
* @param rentedUntil The time until the region is rented
public void setRentedUntil(Long rentedUntil) {
if(rentedUntil == null) {
setSetting("rentedUntil", null);
setSetting("rent.rentedUntil", null);
} else {
setSetting("rentedUntil", rentedUntil);
setSetting("rent.rentedUntil", rentedUntil);
@ -114,7 +181,7 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @return The price of the region
public double getPrice() {
return getDoubleSetting("price");
return getDoubleSetting("rent.price");
@ -164,7 +231,7 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @return The duration string
public String getDurationString() {
return getStringSetting("duration");
return getStringSetting("rent.duration");
@ -172,49 +239,15 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @param price
public void setPrice(double price) {
setSetting("price", price);
setSetting("rent.price", price);
* Set the duration of the rent
* @param duration The duration of the rent (as specified on the documentation pages)
public void setDuration(String duration) {
setSetting("duration", duration);
public String[] getSignLines() {
String[] lines = new String[4];
if(isRented()) {
SimpleDateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat(plugin.config().getString("timeFormatSign"));
String dateString = date.format(new Date(getRentedUntil()));
lines[0] = plugin.fixColors(plugin.config().getString("signRented"));
lines[1] = getName();
lines[2] = getPlayerName();
lines[3] = dateString;
} else {
lines[0] = plugin.fixColors(plugin.config().getString("signRentable"));
lines[1] = getName();
lines[2] = getDurationString();
lines[3] = getFormattedPrice();
return lines;
public void updateRegionFlags() {
HashMap<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<String, String>();
replacements.put(AreaShop.tagRegionName, getName());
replacements.put(AreaShop.tagPrice, getFormattedPrice());
replacements.put(AreaShop.tagDuration, getDurationString());
replacements.put(AreaShop.tagPlayerName, getPlayerName());
if(isRented()) {
replacements.put(AreaShop.tagRentedUntil, new SimpleDateFormat(plugin.config().getString("timeFormatChat")).format(getRentedUntil()));
this.setRegionFlags(plugin.config().getConfigurationSection("flagsRented"), replacements);
} else {
this.setRegionFlags(plugin.config().getConfigurationSection("flagsForRent"), replacements);
setSetting("rent.duration", duration);
@ -224,46 +257,36 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @return true if it succeeded and false if not
public boolean rent(Player player) {
Block block = getSignLocation().getBlock();
/* Check if the player has permission */
if(player.hasPermission("")) {
boolean extend = false;
if(getRenter() != null && player.getUniqueId().equals(getRenter())) {
extend = true;
/* Check if the region is available for renting */
// Check if the region is available for renting or if the player wants to extend the rent
if(!isRented() || extend) {
if(!extend) {
/* Check if the player can still rent */
int rentNumber = 0;
Iterator<RentRegion> itRent = getFileManager().getRents().iterator();
while(itRent.hasNext()) {
RentRegion next =;
if(player.getUniqueId().equals(next.getRenter())) {
int buyNumber = 0;
Iterator<BuyRegion> itBuy = getFileManager().getBuys().iterator();
while(itBuy.hasNext()) {
BuyRegion next =;
if(player.getUniqueId().equals(next.getBuyer())) {
int maximumRents = Integer.parseInt(plugin.config().getString("maximumRents"));
if(maximumRents != -1 && rentNumber >= maximumRents) {
// Check if the player can still rent more regions
int maximumRents = getMaxRentRegions(player);
if(getCurrentRentRegions(player) >= maximumRents) {
plugin.message(player, "rent-maximum", maximumRents);
return false;
int maximumTotal = Integer.parseInt(plugin.config().getString("maximumTotal"));
if(maximumTotal != -1 && (rentNumber+buyNumber) >= maximumTotal) {
int maximumTotal = getMaxTotalRegions(player);
if(getCurrentTotalRegions(player) >= maximumTotal) {
plugin.message(player, "total-maximum", maximumTotal);
return false;
// Check if the player can still extend this rent
if(extend && !player.hasPermission("areashop.rentextendbypass")) {
if(getMaxExtends() >= 0 && getTimesExtended() >= getMaxExtends()) {
plugin.message(player, "rent-maxExtends", getMaxExtends());
return false;
if(plugin.getEconomy().has(player, getWorldName(), getPrice())) {
/* Substract the money from the players balance */
EconomyResponse r = plugin.getEconomy().withdrawPlayer(player, getPrice());
@ -271,6 +294,13 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
plugin.message(player, "rent-payError");
return false;
if(!extend) {
// Run commands
runEventCommands(RegionEvent.RENTED, true);
} else {
// Run commands
runEventCommands(RegionEvent.EXTENDED, true);
/* Get the time until the region will be rented */
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
@ -285,13 +315,17 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
// Fire schematic event and updated times extended
if(!extend) {
} else {
setTimesExtended(getTimesExtended() + 1);
/* Change the sign and the region flags */
/* Send message to the player */
if(extend) {
@ -303,13 +337,20 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
AreaShop.debug(player.getName() + " has rented region " + getName() + " for " + getFormattedPrice() + " until " + dateFull.format(calendar.getTime()));;
if(!extend) {
// Run commands
this.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.RENTED, false);
} else {
// Run commands
this.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.EXTENDED, false);
return true;
} else {
/* Player has not enough money */
if(extend) {
plugin.message(player, "rent-lowMoneyExtend", plugin.formatCurrency(plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(player, block.getWorld().getName())), getFormattedPrice());
plugin.message(player, "rent-lowMoneyExtend", plugin.formatCurrency(plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(player, getWorldName())), getFormattedPrice());
} else {
plugin.message(player, "rent-lowMoneyRent", plugin.formatCurrency(plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(player, block.getWorld().getName())), getFormattedPrice());
plugin.message(player, "rent-lowMoneyRent", plugin.formatCurrency(plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(player, getWorldName())), getFormattedPrice());
} else {
@ -326,80 +367,52 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
* @param regionName Region that should be unrented
public void unRent(boolean giveMoneyBack) {
// Run commands
this.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.UNRENTED, true);
/* Get the time until the region will be rented */
Long currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
Double timeLeft = (double) ((getRentedUntil() - currentTime));
double percentage = (plugin.config().getDouble("rentMoneyBack")) / 100.0;
double percentage = (getDoubleSetting("rent.moneyBack")) / 100.0;
Double timePeriod = (double) (getDuration());
double periods = timeLeft / timePeriod;
double moneyBack = periods * getPrice() * percentage;
if(moneyBack > 0 && giveMoneyBack) {
/* Give back the money */
EconomyResponse r = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getRenter()), moneyBack);
if(!r.transactionSuccess()) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Something went wrong with paying back money while unrenting");
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getRenter());
if(player != null) {
EconomyResponse r = null;
boolean error = false;
try {
r = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getRenter()), moneyBack);
} catch(Exception e) {
error = true;
if(error || r == null || !r.transactionSuccess()) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Something went wrong with paying back to " + getPlayerName() + " money while unrenting region " + getName());
/* Debug message */
AreaShop.debug(getPlayerName() + " has unrented " + getName() + ", got " + plugin.formatCurrency(moneyBack) + " money back");
/* Update the signs and region flags */
/* Remove the player and renteduntil values */
/* Update the signs and region flags */
// Run commands
this.runEventCommands(RegionEvent.UNRENTED, false);
* Checks an event and handles saving to and restoring from schematic for it
* @param type The type of event
public void handleSchematicEvent(RentEvent type) {
// Check for the general killswitch
if(!plugin.config().getBoolean("enableSchematics")) {
// Check the individual options
if("false".equalsIgnoreCase(getRestoreSetting())) {
} else if("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getRestoreSetting())) {
} else {
if(!plugin.config().getBoolean("useRentRestore")) {
// Get the safe and restore names
String save = plugin.config().getString("rentSchematicProfiles." + getRestoreProfile() + "." + type.getValue() + ".save");
if(save == null) {
plugin.config().getString("rentSchematicProfiles.default." + type.getValue() + ".save");
String restore = plugin.config().getString("rentSchematicProfiles." + getRestoreProfile() + "." + type.getValue() + ".restore");
if(restore == null) {
plugin.config().getString("rentSchematicProfiles.default." + type.getValue() + ".restore");
// Save the region if needed
if(save != null && save.length() != 0) {
save = save.replace(AreaShop.tagRegionName, getName());
// Restore the region if needed
if(restore != null && restore.length() != 0) {
restore = restore.replace(AreaShop.tagRegionName, getName());