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synced 2025-02-23 07:11:38 +01:00
Add variable support to all messages where a region is known (mostly messages of commands were not using it yet).
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,49 +75,49 @@ public class AddfriendCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.addfriendall")) {
if((region.isRentRegion() && !((RentRegion)region).isRented())
|| (region.isBuyRegion() && !((BuyRegion)region).isSold())) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-noOwner");
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-noOwner", region);
OfflinePlayer friend = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]);
if(friend.getLastPlayed() == 0 && !plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("addFriendNotExistingPlayers")) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-notVisited", args[1]);
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-notVisited", args[1], region);
if(region.getFriends().contains(friend.getUniqueId())) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-alreadyAdded", friend.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-alreadyAdded", friend.getName(), region);
if(region.isOwner(friend.getUniqueId())) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-self", friend.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-self", friend.getName(), region);
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-successOther", friend.getName(), region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-successOther", friend.getName(), region);
} else {
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.addfriend") && sender instanceof Player) {
if(region.isOwner((Player)sender)) {
OfflinePlayer friend = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]);
if(friend.getLastPlayed() == 0 && !plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("addFriendNotExistingPlayers")) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-notVisited", args[1]);
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-notVisited", args[1], region);
if(region.getFriends().contains(friend.getUniqueId())) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-alreadyAdded", friend.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-alreadyAdded", friend.getName(), region);
if(region.isOwner(friend.getUniqueId())) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-self", friend.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-self", friend.getName(), region);
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-success", friend.getName(), region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-success", friend.getName(), region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-noPermissionOther");
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-noPermissionOther", region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-noPermission");
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-noPermission", region);
@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ public class AddsignCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
profile = args[2];
Set<String> profiles = plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("signProfiles").getKeys(false);
if(!profiles.contains(profile)) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-wrongProfile", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(profiles));
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-wrongProfile", Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(profiles), region);
GeneralRegion signRegion = plugin.getFileManager().getRegionBySignLocation(block.getLocation());
if(signRegion != null) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-alreadyRegistered", signRegion.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-alreadyRegistered", signRegion);
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class AddsignCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(profile == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-success", region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-successProfile", region, profile);
plugin.message(sender, "addsign-successProfile", profile, region);
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class DelCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
plugin.message(player, "cmd-noRegionsFound");
// Start removing the region that he has permission for
// Start removing the regions that he has permission for
ArrayList<String> namesSuccess = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> namesFailed = new ArrayList<>();
for(GeneralRegion region : regions) {
@ -100,17 +100,17 @@ public class DelCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
// Remove the rent if the player has permission
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroyrent") || (isLandlord && sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroyrent.landlord"))) {
plugin.getFileManager().removeRent((RentRegion)region, true);
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-successRent", region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-successRent", region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-noPermissionRent");
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-noPermissionRent", region);
} else if(region.isBuyRegion()) {
// Remove the buy if the player has permission
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroybuy") || (isLandlord && sender.hasPermission("areashop.destroybuy.landlord"))) {
plugin.getFileManager().removeBuy((BuyRegion)region, true);
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-successBuy", region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-successBuy", region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-noPermissionBuy");
plugin.message(sender, "destroy-noPermissionBuy", region);
Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new RemovedRegionEvent(region));
@ -73,33 +73,33 @@ public class DelfriendCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.delfriendall")) {
if((region.isRentRegion() && !((RentRegion)region).isRented())
|| (region.isBuyRegion() && !((BuyRegion)region).isSold())) {
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-noOwner");
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-noOwner", region);
OfflinePlayer friend = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]);
if(!region.getFriends().contains(friend.getUniqueId())) {
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-notAdded", friend.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-notAdded", friend.getName(), region);
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-successOther", friend.getName(), region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-successOther", friend.getName(), region);
} else {
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.delfriend") && sender instanceof Player) {
if(region.isOwner((Player)sender)) {
OfflinePlayer friend = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]);
if(!region.getFriends().contains(friend.getUniqueId())) {
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-notAdded", friend.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-notAdded", friend.getName(), region);
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-success", friend.getName(), region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-success", friend.getName(), region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-noPermissionOther");
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-noPermissionOther", region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-noPermission");
plugin.message(sender, "delfriend-noPermission", region);
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class DelsignCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
plugin.message(sender, "delsign-noRegion");
plugin.message(sender, "delsign-success", region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "delsign-success", region);
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ public class FindCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
onlyInGroup = plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("find-onlyInGroup", args[3]);
if(maxPriceSet) {
plugin.message(player, "find-successMax", "buy", region.getName(), Utils.formatCurrency(maxPrice), onlyInGroup);
plugin.message(player, "find-successMax", "buy", Utils.formatCurrency(maxPrice), onlyInGroup, region);
} else {
plugin.message(player, "find-success", "buy", region.getName(), Utils.formatCurrency(balance), onlyInGroup);
plugin.message(player, "find-success", "buy", Utils.formatCurrency(balance), onlyInGroup, region);
region.teleportPlayer(player, region.getBooleanSetting("general.findTeleportToSign"), false);
} else {
@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ public class FindCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
onlyInGroup = plugin.getLanguageManager().getLang("find-onlyInGroup", args[3]);
if(maxPriceSet) {
plugin.message(player, "find-successMax", "rent", region.getName(), Utils.formatCurrency(maxPrice), onlyInGroup);
plugin.message(player, "find-successMax", "rent", Utils.formatCurrency(maxPrice), onlyInGroup, region);
} else {
plugin.message(player, "find-success", "rent", region.getName(), Utils.formatCurrency(balance), onlyInGroup);
plugin.message(player, "find-success", "rent", Utils.formatCurrency(balance), onlyInGroup, region);
region.teleportPlayer(player, region.getBooleanSetting("general.findTeleportToSign"), false);
} else {
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ public class GroupaddCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(group.addMember(region)) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-success", region.getName(), group.getName(), group.getMembers().size());
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-success", group.getName(), group.getMembers().size(), region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-failed", region.getName(), group.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "groupadd-failed", group.getName(), region);
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ public class GroupdelCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(group.removeMember(region)) {
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-success", region.getName(), group.getName(), group.getMembers().size());
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-success", group.getName(), group.getMembers().size(), region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-failed", region.getName(), group.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "groupdel-failed", group.getName(), region);
@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ public class ResellCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
plugin.message(sender, "resell-success", buy);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "resell-noPermissionOther");
plugin.message(sender, "resell-noPermissionOther", buy);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "resell-noPermission");
plugin.message(sender, "resell-noPermission", buy);
@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ public class SchematiceventCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
for(RegionEvent value : RegionEvent.values()) {
plugin.message(sender, "schemevent-wrongEvent", args[2], Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(values));
plugin.message(sender, "schemevent-wrongEvent", args[2], Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(values), region);
plugin.message(sender, "schemevent-success", args[2], region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "schemevent-success", args[2], region);
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class SellCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(!buy.isSold()) {
plugin.message(sender, "sell-notBought");
plugin.message(sender, "sell-notBought", buy);
buy.sell(true, sender);
@ -80,16 +80,16 @@ public class SetdurationCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
try {
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.message(sender, "setduration-wrongAmount", args[1]);
plugin.message(sender, "setduration-wrongAmount", args[1], rent);
if(!Utils.checkTimeFormat(args[1]+" "+args[2])) {
plugin.message(sender, "setduration-wrongFormat", args[1]+" "+args[2]);
plugin.message(sender, "setduration-wrongFormat", args[1]+" "+args[2], rent);
rent.setDuration(args[1]+" "+args[2]);
plugin.message(sender, "setduration-success", rent.getName(), rent.getDurationString());
plugin.message(sender, "setduration-success", rent);
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public class SetlandlordCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
region.setLandlord(player.getUniqueId(), playerName);
plugin.message(sender, "setlandlord-success", playerName, region.getName());
plugin.message(sender, "setlandlord-success", playerName, region);
@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ public class SetownerCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(region.isRentRegion() && !sender.hasPermission("areashop.setownerrent")) {
plugin.message(sender, "setowner-noPermissionRent");
plugin.message(sender, "setowner-noPermissionRent", region);
if(region.isBuyRegion() && !sender.hasPermission("areashop.setownerbuy")) {
plugin.message(sender, "setowner-noPermissionBuy");
plugin.message(sender, "setowner-noPermissionBuy", region);
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class SetownerCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
uuid = player.getUniqueId();
if(uuid == null) {
plugin.message(sender, "setowner-noPlayer", args[1]);
plugin.message(sender, "setowner-noPlayer", args[1], region);
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public class SetpriceCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
try {
price = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-wrongPrice", args[1]);
plugin.message(sender, "setprice-wrongPrice", args[1], region);
if(region.isRentRegion()) {
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ public class SetrestoreCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(args.length > 3) {
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-successProfile", region.getName(), valueString, args[3]);
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-successProfile", valueString, args[3], region);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-success", region.getName(), valueString);
plugin.message(sender, "setrestore-success", valueString, region);
@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ public class SetteleportCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
owner = player.getUniqueId().equals(((BuyRegion)region).getBuyer());
if(!player.hasPermission("areashop.setteleport")) {
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-noPermission");
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-noPermission", region);
} else if(!owner && !player.hasPermission("areashop.setteleportall")) {
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-noPermissionOther");
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-noPermissionOther", region);
@ -84,16 +84,16 @@ public class SetteleportCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(args.length > 2 && args[2] != null && (args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("reset") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) {
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-reset", region.getName());
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-reset", region);
if(!player.hasPermission("areashop.setteleportoutsideregion") && (wgRegion == null || !wgRegion.contains(player.getLocation().getBlockX(), player.getLocation().getBlockY(), player.getLocation().getBlockZ()))) {
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-notInside", region.getName());
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-notInside", region);
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-success", region.getName());
plugin.message(player, "setteleport-success", region);
@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ public class StopresellCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
plugin.message(sender, "stopresell-success", buy);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "stopresell-noPermissionOther");
plugin.message(sender, "stopresell-noPermissionOther", buy);
} else {
plugin.message(sender, "stopresell-noPermission");
plugin.message(sender, "stopresell-noPermission", buy);
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class UnrentCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(!rent.isRented()) {
plugin.message(sender, "unrent-notRented");
plugin.message(sender, "unrent-notRented", rent);
rent.unRent(true, sender);
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ public final class SignBreakListener implements Listener {
// Remove the sign of the rental region if the player has permission
if(event.getPlayer().hasPermission("areashop.delsign")) {
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "delsign-success", region.getName());
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "delsign-success", region);
} else { // Cancel the breaking of the sign
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "delsign-noPermission");
plugin.message(event.getPlayer(), "delsign-noPermission", region);
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ public final class SignChangeListener implements Listener {
plugin.message(player, "addsign-success", region);
} else {
region.addSign(event.getBlock().getLocation(), event.getBlock().getType(), sign.getFacing(), thirdLine);
plugin.message(player, "addsign-successProfile", region, thirdLine);
plugin.message(player, "addsign-successProfile", thirdLine, region);
// Update the region later because this event will do it first
@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ limitGroups:
## %uuid% The UUID of the player that rents/buys the region.
## %friends% The names of friends added to this region separated by ', '.
## %friendsuuid% The UUID's of friends added to this region separated by ', '.
## $landlord$ The name of the landlord.
## %landlorduuid% The UUID of the landlord.
## %price% The price of the region formatted with the configured characters before and after the number.
## %rawprice% The price without formatting, like '10.0' or '7.77'.
## %duration% The duration of a rent region, for example '1 d', '4 minutes' or '2 years'.
@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ buy-help: "/as buy [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not spe
buy-noPermission: "You don't have permission to buy a region."
buy-noPermissionResell: "You don't have permission to buy a region in resell mode."
buy-noPermissionNoResell: "You don't have permission to buy a region that is not in resell mode."
buy-notBuyable: "That region is not available for buying."
buy-notBuyable: "Region %region% is not available for buying."
buy-maximum: "You can't buy more than %0% region(s) (you already have %1% in group '%2%')."
buy-payError: "Something went wrong with paying, try again later."
buy-succes: "You successfully bought %region%."
buy-successResale: "You successfully bought %region% from %0%."
buy-successSeller: "Your region %region% has been sold to %player% for %0%."
buy-lowMoney: "You don't have enough money to buy this region (you have %0% and you need %price%)."
buy-lowMoneyResell: "You don't have enough money to buy this region (you have %0% and you need %resellprice%)."
buy-lowMoneyResell: "You don't have enugh money to buy this region (you have %0% and you need %resellprice%)."
buy-yours: "You already own this region."
buy-someoneElse: "Someone else already bought this region."
buy-restrictedToWorld: "You need to be in the '%world%' world to buy this region (you are in '%0%')."
@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ setrestore-help: "/as setrestore <region> <true|false|general> [profile]."
setrestore-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the restore settings."
setrestore-notRegistered: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
setrestore-invalidSetting: "'%0%' is not a valid state, should be true, false or general."
setrestore-success: "Successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%'."
setrestore-successProfile: "Successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%' and the profile to '%2%'."
setrestore-success: "Successfully set the restore setting of %region% to '%0%'."
setrestore-successProfile: "Successfully set the restore setting of %region% to '%0%' and the profile to '%1%'."
setprice-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the price of a region."
setprice-help: "/as setprice <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ setduration-help: "/as setduration <amount> <identifier> [region], the region yo
setduration-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered for renting."
setduration-wrongAmount: "'%0%' is not a valid amount, use a whole number."
setduration-wrongFormat: "'%0%' is not a proper timeformat, check the documentation on Bukkit."
setduration-success: "Duration of region %0% changed to '%1%'."
setduration-success: "Duration of region %region% changed to '%duration%'."
setduration-noLandlord: "You don't have permission to change the duration because you are not the landlord of %region%."
setduration-successRemoved: "Duration of %region% has been removed, it will now use the duration from a group or the default.yml file, new duration: %duration%."
@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ setup-noPermission: "You cannot add the region '%0%', you are not an owner/membe
destroy-noPermissionRent: "You don't have permission for deregistering a rental region."
destroy-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission for deregistering a buy region."
destroy-successRent: "%0% successfully deregistered as rental region."
destroy-successBuy: "%0% successfully deregistered as buy region."
destroy-successRent: "%region% successfully deregistered as rental region."
destroy-successBuy: "%region% successfully deregistered as buy region."
teleport-help: "/as tp <region> [sign]."
teleport-noRentOrBuy: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ setteleport-help: "/as settp [region] [reset], the region you stand in will be u
setteleport-noPermission: "You don't have permission to set the teleport location."
setteleport-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to set the teleport location for a region you do not own."
setteleport-noRentOrBuy: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
setteleport-success: "Teleport location of %0% set."
setteleport-success: "Teleport location of %region% set."
setteleport-notInside: "The location has to be inside the region."
setteleport-reset: "Teleport location of %0% has been reset."
setteleport-reset: "Teleport location of %region% has been reset."
find-help: "/as find <buy|rent> [maxprice] [group]."
find-noPermission: "You don't have permission to search regions and teleport to them."
find-success: "Found a %0% region: %1%, while searching with a max price of your balance: %2%%3%."
find-successMax: "Found a %0% region: %1%, while searching with a max price of %2%%3%."
find-success: "Found a %0% region: %region%, while searching with a max price of your balance: %1%%2%."
find-successMax: "Found a %0% region: %region%, while searching with a max price of %1%%2%."
find-wrongMaxPrice: "The specified maximum price is not a correct number: %0%."
find-wrongGroup: "The specified group does not exist: %0%."
find-noneFound: "No %0% region found while searching with a max price of your balance: %1%%2%."
@ -272,16 +272,16 @@ find-onlyInGroup: ", only searched for regions in group: %0%."
groupadd-help: "/as groupadd <group> [region], if no region specified all regions from your WorldEdit selection are used."
groupadd-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add regions to groups."
groupadd-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
groupadd-success: "Region %0% has been added to group '%1%', this group now has %2% member(s)."
groupadd-failed: "Region %0% is already a member of group '%1%'."
groupadd-success: "Region %region% has been added to group '%0%', this group now has %1% member(s)."
groupadd-failed: "Region %region% is already a member of group '%0%'."
groupadd-weSuccess: "Added to group %0%: &7%1%."
groupadd-weFailed: "Were already in group %0%: &7%1%."
groupdel-help: "/as groupdel <group> [region], if no region specified all regions from your WorldEdit selection are used."
groupdel-noPermission: "You don't have permission to remove regions from groups."
groupdel-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
groupdel-success: "Region %0% has been removed from group '%1%', this group now has %2% member(s)."
groupdel-failed: "Region %0% is not a member of group '%1%'."
groupdel-success: "Region %region% has been removed from group '%0%', this group now has %1% member(s)."
groupdel-failed: "Region %region% is not a member of group '%0%'."
groupdel-weSuccess: "Removed from group %0%: &7%1%."
groupdel-weFailed: "Were not in group %0% anyway: &7%1%."
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ groupinfo-noMembers: "Group %0% does not have any members."
schemevent-help: "/as schemevent <region> <created|deleted|rented|unrented|bought|sold>."
schemevent-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
schemevent-wrongEvent: "The specified event '%0%' does not exist, use one of the following: &7%1%."
schemevent-success: "Event '%0%' has successfully been triggered for region %1%."
schemevent-success: "Event '%0%' has successfully been triggered for region %region%."
schemevent-noPermission: "You don't have permission to trigger schematic events."
add-help: "/as add <rent|buy> [region] [world]."
@ -326,13 +326,13 @@ addsign-couldNotDetectSign: "Found multiple regions around the sign, specify reg
addsign-wrongProfile: "The specified profile does not exist, use one of the following (check config): &7%0%."
addsign-success: "The sign has been added to %region%."
addsign-successProfile: "The sign has been added to %region% with profile %0%."
addsign-alreadyRegistered: "That sign is already registered for region %0%."
addsign-alreadyRegistered: "That sign is already registered for region %region%."
addsign-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add a sign."
delsign-noSign: "You are not looking at a sign."
delsign-noPermission: "You don't have permission to delete a sign."
delsign-noRegion: "That sign does not belong to an AreaShop region."
delsign-success: "The sign has been removed from region %0%."
delsign-success: "The sign has been removed from region %region%."
me-noPermission: "You don't have permission to check which regions you have."
me-notAPlayer: "You are not a player so you can't have any regions."
@ -376,18 +376,18 @@ stopresell-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to set regions back to
addfriend-help: "/as addfriend <player> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
addfriend-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to add friends to regions that are not yours."
addfriend-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add friends to your region."
addfriend-successOther: "%0% has been added as friend to region %1%."
addfriend-success: "%0% has been added as friend to your region %1%."
addfriend-successOther: "%0% has been added as friend to region %region%."
addfriend-success: "%0% has been added as friend to your region %region%."
addfriend-alreadyAdded: "%0% is already added as friend for this region."
addfriend-self: "Adding the owner of the region as friend would be pointless."
addfriend-noOwner: "You cannot add friends to a region without owner."
addfriend-notVisited: "You cannot add %0% because he did not visit the server yet"
addfriend-notVisited: "You cannot add %0% because he did not visit the server yet."
delfriend-help: "/as delfriend <player> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
delfriend-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to delete friends from regions that are not yours."
delfriend-noPermission: "You don't have permission to delete friends from your region."
delfriend-successOther: "%0% has been deleted as friend from region %1%."
delfriend-success: "%0% has been deleted as friend from your region %1%."
delfriend-successOther: "%0% has been deleted as friend from region %region%."
delfriend-success: "%0% has been deleted as friend from your region %region%."
delfriend-notAdded: "%0% is not added as friend for this region."
delfriend-noOwner: "You cannot remove friends from a region without owner."
@ -416,9 +416,8 @@ stack-unclearDirection: "Please look clearly in the north, east, south or west d
setlandlord-help: "/as setlandlord <player> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified."
setlandlord-noPermission: "You don't have permission to set the landlord for a region."
setlandlord-didNotPlayBefore: "&7Note: '%0%' did not play on the server yet, are you using the correct player?"
setlandlord-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%."
setlandlord-success: "%0% has successfully been set as landlord of %1%."
setlandlord-success: "%landlord% has successfully been set as landlord of %region%."
timeleft-years: "%0% years"
timeleft-months: "%0% months"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user