Save last online time self instead of using the Bukkit API

The Bukkit API returns an incorrect last online time when the player.dat
file is not present (for example when a server saves inventories etc.
somewhere else, or when it is cleaned).

Improves landlord handling when there is no UUID present in the config

Closes #34
This commit is contained in:
Thijs Wiefferink 2015-07-28 23:02:52 +02:00
parent d466658f36
commit f76c1b8a9f
9 changed files with 386 additions and 308 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.Updater.UpdateType;
import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.interfaces.AreaShopInterface;
import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.interfaces.WorldEditInterface;
import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.interfaces.WorldGuardInterface;
import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.listeners.PlayerLoginListener;
import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.listeners.PlayerLoginLogoutListener;
import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.listeners.SignBreakListener;
import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.listeners.SignChangeListener;
import nl.evolutioncoding.areashop.listeners.SignClickListener;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin implements AreaShopInterface {
/* Constants for handling file versions */
public static final String versionFiles = "files";
public static final int versionFilesCurrent = 2;
public static final int versionFilesCurrent = 3;
/* Keys for replacing parts of flags, commands, strings */
public static final String tagPlayerName = "%player%";
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ public final class AreaShop extends JavaPlugin implements AreaShopInterface {
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignChangeListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignBreakListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignClickListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PlayerLoginListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PlayerLoginLogoutListener(this), this);

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class AddfriendCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
OfflinePlayer friend = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]);
if(friend.getLastPlayed() == 0) {
if(friend.getLastPlayed() == 0 && !plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("addFriendNotExistingPlayers")) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-notVisited", args[1]);
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public class AddfriendCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
if(sender.hasPermission("areashop.addfriend") && sender instanceof Player) {
if(region.isOwner((Player)sender)) {
OfflinePlayer friend = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]);
if(friend.getLastPlayed() == 0) {
if(friend.getLastPlayed() == 0 && !plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("addFriendNotExistingPlayers")) {
plugin.message(sender, "addfriend-notVisited", args[1]);

View File

@ -43,10 +43,7 @@ public class SetlandlordCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]);
if(player == null || player.getLastPlayed() == 0) {
plugin.message(sender, "setlandlord-didNotPlayBefore", args[1]); // Using args[1] instead of playername because that could return nothing if not played before
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[1]);
GeneralRegion region = null;
if(args.length < 3) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
@ -69,14 +66,14 @@ public class SetlandlordCommand extends CommandAreaShop {
region = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(args[2]);
if(region == null) {
plugin.message(player, "setlandlord-noRegion", args[2]);
plugin.message(sender, "setlandlord-noRegion", args[2]);
region.setLandlord(player.getUniqueId(), args[1]);
String playerName = player.getName();
if(playerName.isEmpty()) {
if(playerName == null || playerName.isEmpty()) {
playerName = args[1];
region.setLandlord(player.getUniqueId(), playerName);
plugin.message(sender, "setlandlord-success", playerName, region.getName());

View File

@ -11,22 +11,24 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent.Result;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
* Checks for placement of signs for this plugin
* @author NLThijs48
public final class PlayerLoginListener implements Listener {
public final class PlayerLoginLogoutListener implements Listener {
AreaShop plugin;
* Constructor
* @param plugin The AreaShop plugin
public PlayerLoginListener(AreaShop plugin) {
public PlayerLoginLogoutListener(AreaShop plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
@ -112,6 +114,29 @@ public final class PlayerLoginListener implements Listener {
}.runTaskTimer(plugin, 22, 1); // Wait a bit before starting to prevent a lot of stress on the server when a player joins (a lot of plugins already do stuff then)
// Active time updates
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPlayerLogout(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPlayerKick(PlayerKickEvent event) {
* Update the last active time for all regions the player is owner off
* @param player The player to update the active times for
public void updateLastActive(Player player) {
for(GeneralRegion region : plugin.getFileManager().getRegions()) {
if(region.isOwner(player)) {

View File

@ -218,9 +218,8 @@ public class FileManager {
* Add a rent to the list
* @param regionName Name of the region that can be rented
* @param rent Map containing all the info for a rent
* Add a rent to the list without saving it to disk (useful for loading at startup)
* @param rent The rental region to add
public void addRentNoSave(RentRegion rent) {
if(rent == null) {
@ -229,15 +228,18 @@ public class FileManager {
regions.put(rent.getName().toLowerCase(), rent);
* Add a rent to the list and mark it as to-be-saved
* @param rent Then rental region to add
public void addRent(RentRegion rent) {
* Add a buy to the list
* @param regionName Name of the region that can be buyed
* @param buy Map containing all the info for a buy
* Add a buy to the list without saving it to disk (useful for laoding at startup)
* @param buy The buy region to add
public void addBuyNoSave(BuyRegion buy) {
if(buy == null) {
@ -246,6 +248,10 @@ public class FileManager {
regions.put(buy.getName().toLowerCase(), buy);
* Add a buy to the list and mark it as to-be-saved
* @param buy The buy region to add
public void addBuy(BuyRegion buy) {
@ -806,9 +812,10 @@ public class FileManager {
// Load default.yml + add defaults from .jar
result = result & loadDefaultFile();
// Convert old formats to the latest
// Load region files (regions folder)
result = result & loadRegionFiles();
// Load groups.yml
result = result & loadGroupsFile();
@ -1063,280 +1070,302 @@ public class FileManager {
* After conversion the region files need to be loaded
public void convertFiles() {
String rentPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "rents";
String buyPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "buys";
File rentFile = new File(rentPath);
File buyFile = new File(buyPath);
String oldFolderPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "#old" + File.separator;
File oldFolderFile = new File(oldFolderPath);
public void preUpdateFiles() {
Integer fileStatus = versions.get(AreaShop.versionFiles);
// If the the files are already the current version
if(versions.get(AreaShop.versionFiles) != null && versions.get(AreaShop.versionFiles) == AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent) {
if(fileStatus != null && fileStatus == AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Updating AreaShop data to the latest format:");
// Update to YAML based format
if(fileStatus == null || fileStatus < 2) {
String rentPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "rents";
String buyPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "buys";
File rentFile = new File(rentPath);
File buyFile = new File(buyPath);
String oldFolderPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "#old" + File.separator;
File oldFolderFile = new File(oldFolderPath);
// Convert old rent files
boolean buyFileFound = false, rentFileFound = false;
if(rentFile.exists()) {
rentFileFound = true;
if(!oldFolderFile.exists()) {
if(versions.get("rents") == null) {
versions.put("rents", -1);
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> rents = null;
try {
ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(rentPath));
rents = (HashMap<String,HashMap<String,String>>)input.readObject();
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException | ClassCastException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Error: Something went wrong reading file: " + rentPath);
// Delete the file if it is totally wrong
if(rents == null) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {}
} else {
// Move old file
try {
Files.move(new File(rentPath), new File(oldFolderPath + "rents"));
} catch (Exception e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Could not create a backup of '" + rentPath + "', check the file permissions (conversion to next version continues)");
// Check if conversion is needed
if(versions.get("rents") < 1) {
/* Upgrade the rent to the latest version */
if(versions.get("rents") < 0) {
for(String rentName : rents.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> rent = rents.get(rentName);
/* Save the rentName in the hashmap and use a small caps rentName as key */
if(rent.get("name") == null) {
rent.put("name", rentName);
rents.put(rentName.toLowerCase(), rent);
/* Save the default setting for region restoring */
if(rent.get("restore") == null) {
rent.put("restore", "general");
/* Save the default setting for the region restore profile */
if(rent.get("profile") == null) {
rent.put("profile", "default");
/* Change to version 0 */
versions.put("rents", 0);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from -1 to 0 (switch to using lowercase region names, adding default schematic enabling and profile)");
if(versions.get("rents") < 1) {
for(String rentName : rents.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> rent = rents.get(rentName);
if(rent.get("player") != null) {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Fake deprecation by Bukkit to inform developers, method will stay
OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(rent.get("player"));
rent.put("playeruuid", offlinePlayer.getUniqueId().toString());
/* Change version to 1 */
versions.put("rents", 1);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + rentPath + "' from 0 to 1 (switch to UUID's for player identification)");
// Save rents to new format
File regionsFile = new File(regionsPath);
if(!regionsFile.exists()) {
for(HashMap<String, String> rent : rents.values()) {
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
config.set("", rent.get("name").toLowerCase());
config.set("general.type", "rent");
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("x")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("y")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("z")));
config.set("rent.price", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("price")));
config.set("rent.duration", rent.get("duration"));
if(rent.get("restore") != null && !rent.get("restore").equals("general")) {
config.set("general.enableRestore", rent.get("restore"));
if(rent.get("profile") != null && !rent.get("profile").equals("default")) {
config.set("general.schematicProfile", rent.get("profile"));
if(rent.get("tpx") != null) {
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpx")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpy")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpz")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.yaw", rent.get("tpyaw"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.pitch", rent.get("tppitch"));
if(rent.get("playeruuid") != null) {
config.set("rent.renter", rent.get("playeruuid"));
config.set("rent.renterName", plugin.toName(rent.get("playeruuid")));
config.set("rent.rentedUntil", Long.parseLong(rent.get("rented")));
try { File(regionsPath + File.separator + rent.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Error: Could not save region file while converting: " + regionsPath + File.separator + rent.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml");
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated rent regions to new .yml format (check the /regions folder)");
// Change version number
versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent);
if(buyFile.exists()) {
buyFileFound = true;
if(!oldFolderFile.exists()) {
if(versions.get("buys") == null) {
versions.put("buys", -1);
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> buys = null;
try {
ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(buyPath));
buys = (HashMap<String,HashMap<String,String>>)input.readObject();
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException | ClassCastException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Something went wrong reading file: " + buyPath);
// Delete the file if it is totally wrong
if(buys == null) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {}
} else {
// Backup current file
try {
Files.move(new File(buyPath), new File(oldFolderPath + "buys"));
} catch (Exception e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Could not create a backup of '" + buyPath + "', check the file permissions (conversion to next version continues)");
// Check if conversion is needed
if(versions.get("buys") < 1) {
/* Upgrade the buy to the latest version */
if(versions.get("buys") < 0) {
for(String buyName : buys.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> buy = buys.get(buyName);
/* Save the buyName in the hashmap and use a small caps buyName as key */
if(buy.get("name") == null) {
buy.put("name", buyName);
buys.put(buyName.toLowerCase(), buy);
/* Save the default setting for region restoring */
if(buy.get("restore") == null) {
buy.put("restore", "general");
/* Save the default setting for the region restore profile */
if(buy.get("profile") == null) {
buy.put("profile", "default");
/* Change to version 0 */
versions.put("buys", 0);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from -1 to 0 (switch to using lowercase region names, adding default schematic enabling and profile)");
if(versions.get("buys") < 1) {
for(String buyName : buys.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> buy = buys.get(buyName);
if(buy.get("player") != null) {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Fake deprecation by Bukkit to inform developers, method will stay
OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(buy.get("player"));
buy.put("playeruuid", offlinePlayer.getUniqueId().toString());
/* Change version to 1 */
versions.put("buys", 1);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from 0 to 1 (switch to UUID's for player identification)");
// Save buys to new format
File regionsFile = new File(regionsPath);
if(!regionsFile.exists()) {
for(HashMap<String, String> buy : buys.values()) {
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
config.set("", buy.get("name").toLowerCase());
config.set("general.type", "buy");
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("x")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("y")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("z")));
config.set("buy.price", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("price")));
if(buy.get("restore") != null && !buy.get("restore").equals("general")) {
config.set("general.enableRestore", buy.get("restore"));
if(buy.get("profile") != null && !buy.get("profile").equals("default")) {
config.set("general.schematicProfile", buy.get("profile"));
if(buy.get("tpx") != null) {
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpx")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpy")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpz")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.yaw", buy.get("tpyaw"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.pitch", buy.get("tppitch"));
if(buy.get("playeruuid") != null) {
config.set("buy.buyer", buy.get("playeruuid"));
config.set("buy.buyerName", plugin.toName(buy.get("playeruuid")));
try { File(regionsPath + File.separator + buy.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Error: Could not save region file while converting: " + regionsPath + File.separator + buy.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml");
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated buy regions to new .yml format (check the /regions folder)");
// Change version number
// Separate try-catch blocks to try them all individually (don't stop after 1 has failed)
try {
Files.move(new File(rentPath + ".old"), new File(oldFolderPath + "rents.old"));
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
Files.move(new File(buyPath + ".old"), new File(oldFolderPath + "buys.old"));
} catch (Exception e) {}
if(buyFileFound || rentFileFound) {
try {
Files.move(new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "config.yml"), new File(oldFolderPath + "config.yml"));
} catch (Exception e) {}
// Update versions file to 2
versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, 2);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated to YAML based storage (v1 to v2)");
* Checks for old file formats and converts them to the latest format.
* This is to be triggered after the load of the region files
public void postUpdateFiles() {
Integer fileStatus = versions.get(AreaShop.versionFiles);
// If the the files are already the current version
if(fileStatus != null && fileStatus == AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Conversion to a new version of the file format starts, could take some time");
boolean rentFileFound = false;
// Convert old rent files
if(rentFile.exists()) {
rentFileFound = true;
if(!oldFolderFile.exists()) {
// Add 'general.lastActive' to rented/bought regions (initialize at current time)
if(fileStatus == null || fileStatus < 3) {
for(GeneralRegion region : getRegions()) {
if(versions.get("rents") == null) {
versions.put("rents", -1);
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> rents = null;
try {
ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(rentPath));
rents = (HashMap<String,HashMap<String,String>>)input.readObject();
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException | ClassCastException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Error: Something went wrong reading file: " + rentPath);
// Delete the file if it is totally wrong
if(rents == null) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {}
} else {
// Move old file
try {
Files.move(new File(rentPath), new File(oldFolderPath + "rents"));
} catch (Exception e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Could not create a backup of '" + rentPath + "', check the file permissions (conversion to next version continues)");
// Check if conversion is needed
if(versions.get("rents") < 1) {
/* Upgrade the rent to the latest version */
if(versions.get("rents") < 0) {
for(String rentName : rents.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> rent = rents.get(rentName);
/* Save the rentName in the hashmap and use a small caps rentName as key */
if(rent.get("name") == null) {
rent.put("name", rentName);
rents.put(rentName.toLowerCase(), rent);
/* Save the default setting for region restoring */
if(rent.get("restore") == null) {
rent.put("restore", "general");
/* Save the default setting for the region restore profile */
if(rent.get("profile") == null) {
rent.put("profile", "default");
/* Change to version 0 */
versions.put("rents", 0);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from -1 to 0 (switch to using lowercase region names, adding default schematic enabling and profile)");
if(versions.get("rents") < 1) {
for(String rentName : rents.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> rent = rents.get(rentName);
if(rent.get("player") != null) {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Fake deprecation by Bukkit to inform developers, method will stay
OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(rent.get("player"));
rent.put("playeruuid", offlinePlayer.getUniqueId().toString());
/* Change version to 1 */
versions.put("rents", 1);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + rentPath + "' from 0 to 1 (switch to UUID's for player identification)");
// Save rents to new format
File regionsFile = new File(regionsPath);
if(!regionsFile.exists()) {
for(HashMap<String, String> rent : rents.values()) {
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
config.set("", rent.get("name").toLowerCase());
config.set("general.type", "rent");
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("x")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("y")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("z")));
config.set("rent.price", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("price")));
config.set("rent.duration", rent.get("duration"));
if(rent.get("restore") != null && !rent.get("restore").equals("general")) {
config.set("general.enableRestore", rent.get("restore"));
if(rent.get("profile") != null && !rent.get("profile").equals("default")) {
config.set("general.schematicProfile", rent.get("profile"));
if(rent.get("tpx") != null) {
config.set("", rent.get("world"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpx")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpy")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpz")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.yaw", rent.get("tpyaw"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.pitch", rent.get("tppitch"));
if(rent.get("playeruuid") != null) {
config.set("rent.renter", rent.get("playeruuid"));
config.set("rent.renterName", plugin.toName(rent.get("playeruuid")));
config.set("rent.rentedUntil", Long.parseLong(rent.get("rented")));
try { File(regionsPath + File.separator + rent.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Error: Could not save region file while converting: " + regionsPath + File.separator + rent.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml");
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated rent regions to new .yml format (check the /regions folder)");
// Change version number
versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent);
boolean buyFileFound = false;
if(buyFile.exists()) {
buyFileFound = true;
if(!oldFolderFile.exists()) {
if(versions.get("buys") == null) {
versions.put("buys", -1);
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> buys = null;
try {
ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(buyPath));
buys = (HashMap<String,HashMap<String,String>>)input.readObject();
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException | ClassCastException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Something went wrong reading file: " + buyPath);
// Delete the file if it is totally wrong
if(buys == null) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {}
} else {
// Backup current file
try {
Files.move(new File(buyPath), new File(oldFolderPath + "buys"));
} catch (Exception e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Could not create a backup of '" + buyPath + "', check the file permissions (conversion to next version continues)");
// Check if conversion is needed
if(versions.get("buys") < 1) {
/* Upgrade the buy to the latest version */
if(versions.get("buys") < 0) {
for(String buyName : buys.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> buy = buys.get(buyName);
/* Save the buyName in the hashmap and use a small caps buyName as key */
if(buy.get("name") == null) {
buy.put("name", buyName);
buys.put(buyName.toLowerCase(), buy);
/* Save the default setting for region restoring */
if(buy.get("restore") == null) {
buy.put("restore", "general");
/* Save the default setting for the region restore profile */
if(buy.get("profile") == null) {
buy.put("profile", "default");
/* Change to version 0 */
versions.put("buys", 0);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from -1 to 0 (switch to using lowercase region names, adding default schematic enabling and profile)");
if(versions.get("buys") < 1) {
for(String buyName : buys.keySet()) {
HashMap<String,String> buy = buys.get(buyName);
if(buy.get("player") != null) {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Fake deprecation by Bukkit to inform developers, method will stay
OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(buy.get("player"));
buy.put("playeruuid", offlinePlayer.getUniqueId().toString());
/* Change version to 1 */
versions.put("buys", 1);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from 0 to 1 (switch to UUID's for player identification)");
// Save buys to new format
File regionsFile = new File(regionsPath);
if(!regionsFile.exists()) {
for(HashMap<String, String> buy : buys.values()) {
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
config.set("", buy.get("name").toLowerCase());
config.set("general.type", "buy");
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("x")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("y")));
config.set("general.signs.0.location.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("z")));
config.set("buy.price", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("price")));
if(buy.get("restore") != null && !buy.get("restore").equals("general")) {
config.set("general.enableRestore", buy.get("restore"));
if(buy.get("profile") != null && !buy.get("profile").equals("default")) {
config.set("general.schematicProfile", buy.get("profile"));
if(buy.get("tpx") != null) {
config.set("", buy.get("world"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpx")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpy")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpz")));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.yaw", buy.get("tpyaw"));
config.set("general.teleportLocation.pitch", buy.get("tppitch"));
if(buy.get("playeruuid") != null) {
config.set("buy.buyer", buy.get("playeruuid"));
config.set("buy.buyerName", plugin.toName(buy.get("playeruuid")));
try { File(regionsPath + File.separator + buy.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning(" Error: Could not save region file while converting: " + regionsPath + File.separator + buy.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml");
plugin.getLogger().info(" Updated buy regions to new .yml format (check the /regions folder)");
// Change version number
versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent);
if(!buyFileFound && !rentFileFound) {
versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent);
// Update versions file to 3
versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, 3);
plugin.getLogger().info(" Added last active time to regions (v2 to v3)");
// Separate try-catch blocks to try them all individually (don't stop after 1 has failed)
try {
Files.move(new File(rentPath + ".old"), new File(oldFolderPath + "rents.old"));
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
Files.move(new File(buyPath + ".old"), new File(oldFolderPath + "buys.old"));
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
Files.move(new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "config.yml"), new File(oldFolderPath + "config.yml"));
} catch (Exception e) {}
plugin.getLogger().info("Conversion to new version of the file format complete, this should not show up anymore next restart/reload");

View File

@ -455,15 +455,16 @@ public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
if(isDeleted() || !isSold()) {
return false;
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getBuyer());
long inactiveSetting = getInactiveTimeUntilSell();
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getBuyer());
if(inactiveSetting <= 0 || player.isOp()) {
return false;
//AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + player.getLastPlayed() + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting*60*1000=" + inactiveSetting * 60 * 1000);
if(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() > (player.getLastPlayed() + inactiveSetting)) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Region " + getName() + " sold because of inactivity for player " + getPlayerName());
AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + player.getLastPlayed() + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting*60*1000=" + inactiveSetting * 60 * 1000);
long lastPlayed = getLastActiveTime();
AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + lastPlayed + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting*60*1000=" + inactiveSetting * 60 * 1000);
if(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() > (lastPlayed + inactiveSetting)) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Region " + getName() + " unrented because of inactivity for player " + getPlayerName());
AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + lastPlayed + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting*60*1000=" + inactiveSetting * 60 * 1000);
return true;

View File

@ -272,13 +272,30 @@ public abstract class GeneralRegion implements GeneralRegionInterface {
* @return
* Get the time that the player was last active
* @return Current time if he is online, last online time if offline, -1 if the region has no owner
public long getLastActiveTime() {
if(getOwner() == null) {
return -1;
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(getOwner());
// Check if he is online currently
if(player != null) {
return Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
return getLongSetting("general.lastActive");
* Set the last active time of the player to the current time
public void updateLastActiveTime() {
if(getOwner() != null) {
setSetting("general.lastActive", Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());
* Get the World of the region
* @return The World where the region is located
@ -364,19 +381,25 @@ public abstract class GeneralRegion implements GeneralRegionInterface {
* Set the landlord of this region (the player that receives all revenue of this region)
* @param landlord The UUID of the player that should be set as landlord
* @param name The backup name of the player (for in case that the UUID cannot be resolved to a playername)
public void setLandlord(UUID landlord, String name) {
if(landlord == null) {
setSetting("general.landlord", null);
setSetting("general.landlordName", null);
} else {
if(landlord != null) {
setSetting("general.landlord", landlord.toString());
String properName = plugin.toName(landlord);
if(properName != null) {
name = properName;
setSetting("general.landlordName", properName);
String properName = plugin.toName(landlord);
if(properName != null) {
name = properName;
setSetting("general.landlordName", properName);
* Remove the landlord from this region
public void removelandlord() {
setSetting("general.landlord", null);
setSetting("general.landlordName", null);

View File

@ -607,15 +607,16 @@ public class RentRegion extends GeneralRegion {
if(isDeleted() || !isRented()) {
return false;
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getRenter());
long inactiveSetting = getInactiveTimeUntilUnrent();
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getRenter());
if(inactiveSetting <= 0 || player.isOp()) {
return false;
//AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + player.getLastPlayed() + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting*60*1000=" + inactiveSetting * 60 * 1000);
if(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() > (player.getLastPlayed() + inactiveSetting)) {
long lastPlayed = getLastActiveTime();
AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + lastPlayed + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting*60*1000=" + inactiveSetting * 60 * 1000);
if(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() > (lastPlayed + inactiveSetting)) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Region " + getName() + " unrented because of inactivity for player " + getPlayerName());
AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + player.getLastPlayed() + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting*60*1000=" + inactiveSetting * 60 * 1000);
AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + lastPlayed + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting*60*1000=" + inactiveSetting * 60 * 1000);
return true;

View File

@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ blacklist:
## Minimum length of the numbers that are suffixed for region names generated by the '/as stack' command.
## When having this at 3 it will generate names like this: 'region-001', 'region-014', 'region-4567'.
stackRegionNumberLength: 3
# Allow/disallow adding players that did not visit the server yet as friend of a region
addFriendNotExistingPlayers: false
## Enable sending stats to (Metrics plugin).
## This information will give me an indication about how much the plugin is used and encourages me to continue development.
sendStats: true