# ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ # ║ config.yml file of the AreaShop plugin created by NLThijs48, Github can be found at https://github.com/NLthijs48/AreaShop ║ # ║ This file contains options to change the working of the plugin, the profiles defined here can be used in default.yml ║ # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ # │ GENERAL: Options that influence the global state of the plugin │ # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ## Chatprefix used for all messages in the chat. Also check the 'greeting' lines in the 'flagProfiles' section, ## these also contain the prefix and you may want to change those to chatPrefix: '&2[AreaShop]&r ' ## The characters used for the prices of regions, will appear before the number, for the euro character use '%euro%' moneyCharacter: '$' ## The characters used after a currency number, '%euro%' will become the euro character moneyCharacterAfter: '' ## How many numbers behind the dot should be shown (2 will make numbers like '8.55', '9.01') fractionalNumbers: 2 ## Set this to true if you want to hide '.0' for a number like '15.0' ('4.50' will still stay '4.50') hideEmptyFractionalPart: true ## The .yml language file that should be used, provided by this plugin: EN, NL language: EN ## Enable Schematic saving and restoring in general enableSchematics: true ## The tags you need to write on the sign to trigger the plugin signTags: ## Tag for adding a rent region rent: '[rent]' ## Tag for adding a buy region buy: '[buy]' ## Tag for adding a sign to an existing region add: '[as]' ## Enable sending stats to http://mcstats.org/ (Metrics plugin) sendStats: true ## Use colors when sending messages to console and log files useColorsInConsole: false ## Post error messages in the console when a command run from the config fails (from the 'runCommands' section for example) postCommandErrors: true ## Enables / disables debug messages in the console, could be useful to figure out where errors come from debug: false ## Version of the config, do not change! version: 2.1.0 # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ # │ RENTING: Options that apply to all rent regions │ # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ## Timeformat to use on the signs, default is like '30-06 14:52', US format: 'MM-dd KK:mm a' ## Search for 'java SimpleDateFormat' for more options and documentation timeFormatSign: 'dd-MM HH:mm' ## Timeformat used in the chat, default is like '30 june 2014 14:52', US format: 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM dd yyyy KK:mm a' ## Search for 'java SimpleDateFormat' for more options and documentation timeFormatChat: 'dd MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yyyy HH:mm' ## Time indicators, used for specifing rent duration on the signs ## Be careful with deleting words, will break signs using those, adding is no problem minutes: [m, min, mins, minute, minutes, minuten, minuut] hours: [h, hour, hours, uur, uren] days: [d, day, days, dag, dagen] months: [M, month, months, maanden, maand] years: [y, year, years, jaar, jaren] # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ # │ PERMISSION GROUPS: Assigned by giving players certain permissions │ # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ## Configure the max total regions, max rent regions and max buy regions with different groups (-1 is unlimited) ## Assign a group to players by giving them the permission 'areashop.limits.' ## Every player already has the group 'default' and ops have the unlimited group ## All the groups applied to the player will be checked and only if they all allow an extra region it will be permitted ## Add a 'worlds' or 'groups' list to a group to only count regions from those worlds and/or groups . ## This can be used to get different limits for other worlds or area's. ## Give players permissions globally and not per world! That would break limits when then try renting/buying from within another world limitGroups: default: total: 1 rents: 1 buys: 1 # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ # │ PROFILES: Assigned in general (default.yml), for a group (groups.yml) or individually (.yml) │ # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ## Below is a list of tags that can be used with all the profiles below. ## If a tag has no value (for example when you use %player% when the region is not rented/bought) then the tag will not get replaced ## %region% The region name (with correct capitalization) ## %player% The name of the player that rents/buys the region (with correct capitalization), will not get replaced if no renter/buyer ## %uuid% The uuid of the player that rents/buys the region, will not get replaced if no renter/buyer ## %friends% The names of friends added to this region separated by ', ' ## %friendsuuid% The UUID's of friends added to this region separated by ', ' ## %price% The price of the region formatted with the configured characters before and after the number ## %duration% The duration of a rent region, for example '1 d', '4 minutes' or '2 years' ## %world% The name of the world that the region is in ## %type% The type of the region, 'rent' or 'buy' ## %until% The end time of a rent formatted as configured with 'timeFormatChat' ## %untilshort% The end time of a rent formatted as configured with 'timeFormatSign' ## %width% The width of the region (amount of blocks on the x-axis) ## %depth% The depth of the region (amount of blocks on the z-axis) ## %height% The height of the region (amount of blocks on the y-axis) ## %timeleft% The time left on the rent (uses the unit of time that fits best, minutes used from 121 seconds till 120 minutes) ## %clicker% The name of the player that clicked the sign (only to be used in the signProfiles section) ## %resellprice% The price of a region when it is in resell mode ## %moneyback% The amount of money the player will get back when unrenting/selling the region (formatted with currency characters) ## %moneybackpercent% The percentage of the price the player will get back when unrenting (only the number between 0-100) ## %maxextends% The maximum number of extends a player can do on the region ## %extendsleft% The number of extends that are left (maxextends - timesextended) ## %maxrenttime% The maximum time you can rent a region in advance (human readble) ## %inactivetime% The maximum time a player may be inactive before unrent/sell (human readble) ## Below are profiles for the signs, you can assign profiles to regions ## by setting 'general.signProfile' in default.yml, groups or individual regions signProfiles: default: ## The following sections can be added for performing certain commands when the sign is clicked: ## rightClickPlayer, rightClickConsole, shiftRightClickPlayer, shiftRightClickConsole, ## leftClickPlayer, leftClickConsole, shiftLeftClickPlayer, shiftLeftClickConsole ## Sections with 'Player' at the end will be run by the clicking player and 'Console' ones from the console forrent: line1: '&2&l[For Rent]' line2: '%region%' line3: '%duration%' line4: '%price%' rightClickPlayer: - 'areashop rent %region%' leftClickPlayer: - 'areashop info region %region%' rented: line1: '&4&l[Rented]' line2: '%region%' line3: '%player%' line4: '%untilshort%' rightClickPlayer: - 'areashop rent %region%' leftClickPlayer: - 'areashop info region %region%' shiftRightClickPlayer: - 'areashop unrent %region%' forsale: line1: '&2&l[For Sale]' line2: '%region%' line3: '%price%' line4: rightClickPlayer: - 'areashop buy %region%' leftClickPlayer: - 'areashop info region %region%' resell: line1: '&9&l[Resale]' line2: '%region%' line3: '%resellprice%' line4: '&8%player%' rightClickPlayer: - 'areashop buy %region%' leftClickPlayer: - 'areashop info region %region%' shiftRightClickPlayer: - 'areashop stopresell %region%' sold: line1: '&4&l[Sold]' line2: '%region%' line3: '%player%' line4: rightClickPlayer: - 'areashop buy %region%' leftClickPlayer: - 'areashop info region %region%' shiftRightClickPlayer: - 'areashop sell %region%' ## Option to run certain commands when one of these events happen ## Commands at a 'before' section will execute before the region details are changed in the AreaShop system ## and before any other actions occurred (changing signs, saving/loading schematics, etc.), ## the 'after' commands will be run when all changes are done. ## After 'before' or 'after' you can create a list of commands (see example at the created event) eventCommandProfiles: default: created: before: after: ## - "say An AreaShop region has been created: %region%" deleted: before: after: rented: before: after: extended: before: after: unrented: before: after: bought: before: after: sold: before: after: resell: before: after: ## For the following events you can specify if you want to restore or save the region to a schematic ## After 'save:' or 'restore:' you enter the name of the file to restore from/to ## If you want your regions all looking the same then you can leave out the %region% part to use the same schematic for all ## Be carefull with these options, it could crash your server or destroy (parts of) your world if used wrong! ## The limit 'maximumBlocks' applies to restoring/saving schematics, be sure your regions are below the limit schematicProfiles: default: created: save: '%type%-%region%' restore: '' deleted: save: '' restore: '%type%-%region%' rented: save: '' restore: '' unrented: save: '' restore: '%type%-%region%' bought: save: '' restore: '' sold: save: '' restore: '%type%-%region%' resell: save: '' restore: '' ## Flag profiles to specify what flags should be set on the WorldGuard regions ## All normal region flags as present in WorldGuard can be used, and also members, owners, priority and parent ## The members and owners flag normally take a list of UUID's separated by 'comma space', adding by name is possible with 'n:' ## You can add groups by using 'g:', so in total you could use: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%, g:vip, n:cool-guy' ## For flags like 'entry' and 'exit' you can add group setting by using 'g:' behind it, is one of the following: ## members, non_members, owners, non_owners, all. Example, only owners can enter the region: ## entry: 'deny g:non_owners' ## Use '' for a flag to reset it. flagProfiles: default: forrent: members: '' greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-forrent%' rented: members: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%' greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-rented%' forsale: members: '' greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-forsale%' sold: members: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%' greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-bought%' resale: members: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%' greetin: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-resale%' ## Profiles that specify when players should get messages about rent that almost run out ## The numbers that start sections in the profile specify how time before it actually runs out it should be executed ## When warnPlayer is set to true a message will be send that is specified in the language file ## All commands in the list below 'commands:' will execute together with the warning, all normal variables can be used expirationWarningProfiles: default: "1 day": warnPlayer: true commands: ## - "say %region% is about to expire for %player%: %timeleft% left" "1 hour": warnPlayer: true commands: "5 minutes": warnPlayer: true commands: # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ # │ LIMITS AND TIMINGS: Options for limits and the frequencies for certain functions (be very carefull with these!) │ # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ## Setting the 'delay' setting to 0 or lower will prevent the taks from runnning, if you don't use a certain feature you ## could switch the task off this way. ## Maximum number of blocks to save to or restore from a .schemetic maximumBlocks: 1000000 ## Maximum number of locations the teleport function should check to find a safe spot maximumTries: 50000 ## Timings for saving files that need saving saving: ## Time between saving files that need to be saved (not all files will be saved by default) delay: 10 ## How many regions per tick will be saved regionsPerTick: 1 ## Timings for rent expiration checking expiration: ## Time between checking if rent regions have been expired (seconds) delay: 59 ## Number of rent regions to check per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second) regionsPerTick: 5 ## Timings for expiration warning to online players expireWarning: ## The time between checking if expiration warning need to be sent delay: 5 ## Number of regions to update per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second) regionsPerTick: 1 ## Timings for updating signs and region flags (/as updaterents or /as updatebuys) update: ## Number of regions to update per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second) regionsPerTick: 2 ## Time between checking if any regions need to be unrented because the player was not online for the specified time period (minutes) ## -1 means never, 1440 is one day, 43200 is one month, 525600 is one year inactive: ## Time between checking if a regions needs to be unrented/sold because of inactivity by the player (minutes) delay: 15 ## Number of rent regions to check per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second) regionsPerTick: 5 ## Timings for the periodic updating of signs (for timeleft tags etc) signs: ## Time between updates of all signs (seconds) delay: 60 ## Number of regions to update signs for per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second) regionsPerTick: 1