package me.wiefferink.areashop.managers; import; import; import; import; import me.wiefferink.areashop.AreaShop; import; import; import; import; import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.BuyRegion; import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.GeneralRegion; import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.GeneralRegion.RegionEvent; import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.GeneralRegion.RegionType; import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.RegionGroup; import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.RentRegion; import; import me.wiefferink.bukkitdo.Do; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class FileManager extends Manager { private HashMap regions = null; private String regionsPath = null; private HashMap groups = null; private String configPath = null; private YamlConfiguration config = null; private String groupsPath = null; private YamlConfiguration groupsConfig = null; private String defaultPath = null; private YamlConfiguration defaultConfig = null; private YamlConfiguration defaultConfigFallback = null; private boolean saveGroupsRequired = false; private final Set worldRegionsRequireSaving; private HashMap versions = null; private String versionPath = null; private String schemFolder = null; // Enum for region types public enum AddResult { BLACKLISTED("blacklisted"), NOPERMISSION("nopermission"), ALREADYADDED("alreadyadded"), ALREADYADDEDOTHERWORLD("alreadyaddedotherworld"), SUCCESS("success"); private final String value; AddResult(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } } /** * Constructor, initialize variabeles. */ public FileManager() { regions = new HashMap<>(); regionsPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.regionsFolder; configPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "config.yml"; groups = new HashMap<>(); groupsPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.groupsFile; defaultPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.defaultFile; versionPath = plugin.getDataFolder().getPath() + File.separator + AreaShop.versionFile; schemFolder = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.schematicFolder; worldRegionsRequireSaving = new HashSet<>(); File schemFile = new File(schemFolder); if(!schemFile.exists() & !schemFile.mkdirs()) { AreaShop.warn("Could not create schematic files directory: " + schemFile.getAbsolutePath()); } loadVersions(); } @Override public void shutdown() { // Update lastactive time for players that are online now for(GeneralRegion region : getRegions()) { Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(region.getOwner()); if(player != null) { region.updateLastActiveTime(); } } // Save files that need to be saved saveRequiredFilesAtOnce(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GETTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the folder where schematics are stored. * @return The folder where schematics are stored */ public String getSchematicFolder() { return schemFolder; } /** * Get a group. * @param name The name of the group to get (will be normalized) * @return The group if found, otherwise null */ public RegionGroup getGroup(String name) { return groups.get(name.toLowerCase()); } /** * Get all groups. * @return Collection with all groups (safe to modify) */ public Collection getGroups() { return groups.values(); } /** * Get the default region settings as provided by the user (default.yml). * @return YamlConfiguration with the settings (might miss settings, which should be filled in with {@link #getFallbackRegionSettings()}) */ public YamlConfiguration getRegionSettings() { return defaultConfig; } /** * Get the default regions settings as provided by AreaShop (default.yml). * @return YamlConfiguration with the default settings */ public YamlConfiguration getFallbackRegionSettings() { return defaultConfigFallback; } /** * Get the config file (config.yml). * @return YamlConfiguration with the settings of users, with fallback to the settings provided by AreaShop */ public YamlConfiguration getConfig() { return config; } /** * Get a region. * @param name The name of the region to get (will be normalized) * @return The region if found, otherwise null */ public GeneralRegion getRegion(String name) { return regions.get(name.toLowerCase()); } /** * Get a rental region. * @param name The name of the rental region (will be normalized) * @return RentRegion if it could be found, otherwise null */ public RentRegion getRent(String name) { GeneralRegion region = regions.get(name.toLowerCase()); if(region instanceof RentRegion) { return (RentRegion)region; } return null; } /** * Get a buy region. * @param name The name of the buy region (will be normalized) * @return BuyRegion if it could be found, otherwise null */ public BuyRegion getBuy(String name) { GeneralRegion region = regions.get(name.toLowerCase()); if(region instanceof BuyRegion) { return (BuyRegion)region; } return null; } /** * Get all rental regions. * @return List of all rental regions */ public List getRents() { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for(GeneralRegion region : regions.values()) { if(region instanceof RentRegion) { result.add((RentRegion)region); } } return result; } /** * Get all buy regions. * @return List of all buy regions */ public List getBuys() { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for(GeneralRegion region : regions.values()) { if(region instanceof BuyRegion) { result.add((BuyRegion)region); } } return result; } /** * Get all regions. * @return List of all regions (it is safe to modify the list) */ public List getRegions() { return new ArrayList<>(regions.values()); } /** * Get a list of names of all buy regions. * @return A String list with all the names */ public List getBuyNames() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); for(BuyRegion region : getBuys()) { result.add(region.getName()); } return result; } /** * Get a list of names of all rent regions. * @return A String list with all the names */ public List getRentNames() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); for(RentRegion region : getRents()) { result.add(region.getName()); } return result; } /** * Get a list of names of all regions. * @return A String list with all the names */ public List getRegionNames() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); for(GeneralRegion region : getRegions()) { result.add(region.getName()); } return result; } /** * Get a list of names of all groups. * @return A String list with all the names */ public List getGroupNames() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); for(RegionGroup group : getGroups()) { result.add(group.getName()); } return result; } /** * Add a region to the list and mark it as to-be-saved. * @param region Then region to add * @return true when successful, otherwise false (denied by an event listener) */ public AddingRegionEvent addRegion(GeneralRegion region) { AddingRegionEvent event = addRegionNoSave(region); if (event.isCancelled()) { return event; } region.saveRequired(); markGroupsAutoDirty(); return event; } /** * Add a region to the list without saving it to disk (useful for loading at startup). * @param region The region to add * @return true when successful, otherwise false (denied by an event listener) */ public AddingRegionEvent addRegionNoSave(GeneralRegion region) { AddingRegionEvent event = new AddingRegionEvent(region); if(region == null) { AreaShop.debug("Tried adding a null region!"); event.cancel("null region"); return event; } Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return event; } regions.put(region.getName().toLowerCase(), region); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new AddedRegionEvent(region)); return event; } /** * Mark all RegionGroups that they should regenerate regions. */ public void markGroupsAutoDirty() { for(RegionGroup group : getGroups()) { group.autoDirty(); } } /** * Add a RegionGroup. * @param group The RegionGroup to add */ public void addGroup(RegionGroup group) { groups.put(group.getName().toLowerCase(), group); String lowGroup = group.getName().toLowerCase(); groupsConfig.set(lowGroup + ".name", group.getName()); groupsConfig.set(lowGroup + ".priority", 0); saveGroupsIsRequired(); } /** * Check if a player can add a certain region as rent or buy region. * @param sender The player/console that wants to add a region * @param region The WorldGuard region to add * @param world The world the ProtectedRegion is located in * @param type The type the region should have in AreaShop * @return The result if a player would want to add this region */ public AddResult checkRegionAdd(CommandSender sender, ProtectedRegion region, World world, RegionType type) { Player player = null; if(sender instanceof Player) { player = (Player)sender; } // Determine if the player is an owner or member of the region boolean isMember = player != null && plugin.getWorldGuardHandler().containsMember(region, player.getUniqueId()); boolean isOwner = player != null && plugin.getWorldGuardHandler().containsOwner(region, player.getUniqueId()); AreaShop.debug("checkRegionAdd: isOwner=" + isOwner + ", isMember=" + isMember); String typeString; if(type == RegionType.RENT) { typeString = "rent"; } else { typeString = "buy"; } AreaShop.debug(" permissions: .create=" + sender.hasPermission("areashop.create" + typeString) + ", .create.owner=" + sender.hasPermission("areashop.create" + typeString + ".owner") + ", .create.member=" + sender.hasPermission("areashop.create" + typeString + ".member")); if(!(sender.hasPermission("areashop.create" + typeString) || (sender.hasPermission("areashop.create" + typeString + ".owner") && isOwner) || (sender.hasPermission("areashop.create" + typeString + ".member") && isMember))) { return AddResult.NOPERMISSION; } GeneralRegion asRegion = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(region.getId()); if(asRegion != null) { if(asRegion.getWorld().equals(world)) { return AddResult.ALREADYADDED; } else { return AddResult.ALREADYADDEDOTHERWORLD; } } else if(plugin.getFileManager().isBlacklisted(region.getId())) { return AddResult.BLACKLISTED; } else { return AddResult.SUCCESS; } } /** * Remove a region from the list. * @param region The region to remove * @param giveMoneyBack use true to give money back to the player if someone is currently holding this region, otherwise false * @return true if the region has been removed, false otherwise */ public DeletingRegionEvent deleteRegion(GeneralRegion region, boolean giveMoneyBack) { DeletingRegionEvent event = new DeletingRegionEvent(region); if(region == null) { event.cancel("null region"); return event; } Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return event; } region.setDeleted(); if(region instanceof RentRegion && ((RentRegion)region).isRented()) { ((RentRegion)region).unRent(giveMoneyBack, null); } else if (region instanceof BuyRegion && ((BuyRegion)region).isSold()) { ((BuyRegion)region).sell(giveMoneyBack, null); } // Handle schematics region.handleSchematicEvent(RegionEvent.DELETED); // Delete the signs if(region.getWorld() != null) { for(Location sign : region.getSignsFeature().getSignLocations()) { sign.getBlock().setType(Material.AIR); } } // Remove from RegionGroups RegionGroup[] regionGroups = getGroups().toArray(new RegionGroup[0]); for(RegionGroup group : regionGroups) { group.removeMember(region); } region.resetRegionFlags(); regions.remove(region.getLowerCaseName()); // Remove file File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + AreaShop.regionsFolder + File.separator + region.getLowerCaseName() + ".yml"); if(file.exists()) { boolean deleted; try { deleted = file.delete(); } catch(Exception e) { deleted = false; } if(!deleted) { AreaShop.warn("File could not be deleted: " + file.toString()); } } // Broadcast event Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new DeletedRegionEvent(region)); return event; } /** * Remove a group. * @param group Group to remove */ public void removeGroup(RegionGroup group) { groups.remove(group.getLowerCaseName()); groupsConfig.set(group.getLowerCaseName(), null); saveGroupsIsRequired(); } /** * Update all signs that need periodic updating. */ public void performPeriodicSignUpdate() { Do.forAll( plugin.getConfig().getInt("signs.regionsPerTick"), getRents(), region -> { if(region.needsPeriodicUpdate()) { region.update(); } } ); } /** * Send out rent expire warnings. */ public void sendRentExpireWarnings() { Do.forAll( plugin.getConfig().getInt("expireWarning.regionsPerTick"), getRents(), RentRegion::sendExpirationWarnings ); } /** * Update regions in a task to minimize lag. * @param regions Regions to update * @param confirmationReceiver The CommandSender that should be notified at completion */ public void updateRegions(final List regions, final CommandSender confirmationReceiver) { final int regionsPerTick = plugin.getConfig().getInt("update.regionsPerTick"); if(confirmationReceiver != null) { plugin.message(confirmationReceiver, "reload-updateStart", regions.size(), regionsPerTick * 20); } Do.forAll( regionsPerTick, regions, GeneralRegion::update, () -> { if(confirmationReceiver != null) { plugin.message(confirmationReceiver, "reload-updateComplete"); } } ); } /** * Update a list of regions. * @param regions The list of regions to update. */ public void updateRegions(List regions) { updateRegions(regions, null); } /** * Update all regions, happens in a task to minimize lag. */ public void updateAllRegions() { updateRegions(getRegions(), null); } /** * Update all regions. * @param confirmationReceiver Optional CommandSender that should receive progress messages */ public void updateAllRegions(CommandSender confirmationReceiver) { updateRegions(getRegions(), confirmationReceiver); } /** * Save the group file to disk. */ public void saveGroupsIsRequired() { saveGroupsRequired = true; } /** * Check if saving the groups file is required. * @return true if changes are made and saving is required, otherwise false */ public boolean isSaveGroupsRequired() { return saveGroupsRequired; } /** * Save the groups file to disk synchronously. */ public void saveGroupsNow() { AreaShop.debug("saveGroupsNow() done"); saveGroupsRequired = false; try {; } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn("Groups file could not be saved: " + groupsPath); } } /** * Save all region related files spread over time (low load). */ public void saveRequiredFiles() { if(isSaveGroupsRequired()) { saveGroupsNow(); } this.saveWorldGuardRegions(); Do.forAll( plugin.getConfig().getInt("saving.regionsPerTick"), getRegions(), region -> { if(region.isSaveRequired()) { region.saveNow(); } } ); } /** * Save all region related files directly (only for cases like onDisable()). */ public void saveRequiredFilesAtOnce() { if(isSaveGroupsRequired()) { saveGroupsNow(); } for(GeneralRegion region : getRegions()) { if(region.isSaveRequired()) { region.saveNow(); } } this.saveWorldGuardRegions(); } /** * Indicates that a/multiple WorldGuard regions need to be saved. * @param worldName The world where the regions that should be saved is in */ public void saveIsRequiredForRegionWorld(String worldName) { worldRegionsRequireSaving.add(worldName); } /** * Save all worldGuard regions that need saving. */ public void saveWorldGuardRegions() { for(String world : worldRegionsRequireSaving) { World bukkitWorld = Bukkit.getWorld(world); if(bukkitWorld != null) { RegionManager manager = plugin.getRegionManager(bukkitWorld); if(manager != null) { try { if(plugin.getWorldGuard().getDescription().getVersion().startsWith("5.")) {; } else { manager.saveChanges(); } } catch(Exception e) { AreaShop.warn("WorldGuard regions in world " + world + " could not be saved"); } } } } } /** * Get the folder the region files are located in. * @return The folder where the region.yml files are in */ public String getRegionFolder() { return regionsPath; } /** * Check if a region is on the adding blacklist. * @param region The region name to check * @return true if the region may not be added, otherwise false */ public boolean isBlacklisted(String region) { for(String line : plugin.getConfig().getStringList("blacklist")) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(line, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(region); if(matcher.matches()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Unrent regions that have no time left, regions to check per tick is in the config. */ public void checkRents() { Do.forAll( plugin.getConfig().getInt("expiration.regionsPerTick"), getRents(), RentRegion::checkExpiration ); } /** * Check all regions and unrent/sell them if the player is inactive for too long. */ public void checkForInactiveRegions() { Do.forAll( plugin.getConfig().getInt("inactive.regionsPerTick"), getRegions(), GeneralRegion::checkInactive ); } /** * Load the file with the versions, used to check if the other files need conversion. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void loadVersions() { File file = new File(versionPath); if(file.exists()) { // Load versions from the file try (ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(versionPath))) { versions = (HashMap) input.readObject(); } catch(IOException | ClassNotFoundException | ClassCastException e) { AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong reading file: " + versionPath); versions = null; } } if(versions == null || versions.isEmpty()) { versions = new HashMap<>(); versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, 0); this.saveVersions(); } } /** * Save the versions file to disk. */ public void saveVersions() { if(!(new File(versionPath).exists())) { AreaShop.debug("versions file created, this should happen only after installing or upgrading the plugin"); } try (ObjectOutputStream output = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(versionPath))) { output.writeObject(versions); } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn("File could not be saved: " + versionPath); } } /** * Load all files from disk. * @param thisTick Load files in the current tick or a tick later * @return true if the files are loaded correctly, otherwise false */ public boolean loadFiles(boolean thisTick) { // Load config.yml + add defaults from .jar boolean result = loadConfigFile(); // Load default.yml + add defaults from .jar result &= loadDefaultFile(); // Convert old formats to the latest (object saving to .yml saving) preUpdateFiles(); if(thisTick) { // Load region files (regions folder) loadRegionFiles(); // Convert old formats to the latest (changes in .yml saving format) postUpdateFiles(); // Load groups.yml result &= loadGroupsFile(); } else { Do.sync(() -> { // Load region files (regions folder) loadRegionFiles(); // Convert old formats to the latest (changes in .yml saving format) postUpdateFiles(); // Load groups.yml loadGroupsFile(); }); } return result; } /** * Load the default.yml file * @return true if it has been loaded successfully, otherwise false */ public boolean loadDefaultFile() { boolean result = true; File defaultFile = new File(defaultPath); // Safe the file from the jar to disk if it does not exist if(!defaultFile.exists()) { try( InputStream input = plugin.getResource(AreaShop.defaultFile); OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(defaultFile) ) { int read; byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; while((read = != -1) { output.write(bytes, 0, read); }"File with default region settings has been saved, should only happen on first startup"); } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong saving the default region settings: " + defaultFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } // Load default.yml from the plugin folder, and as backup the default one try( InputStreamReader custom = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(defaultFile), Charsets.UTF_8); InputStreamReader normal = new InputStreamReader(plugin.getResource(AreaShop.defaultFile), Charsets.UTF_8) ) { defaultConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(custom); if(defaultConfig.getKeys(false).isEmpty()) { AreaShop.warn("File 'default.yml' is empty, check for errors in the log."); result = false; } defaultConfigFallback = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(normal); } catch(IOException e) { result = false; } return result; } /** * Load the default.yml file * @return true if it has been loaded successfully, otherwise false */ public boolean loadConfigFile() { boolean result = true; File configFile = new File(configPath); // Safe the file from the jar to disk if it does not exist if(!configFile.exists()) { try( InputStream input = plugin.getResource(AreaShop.configFile); OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(configFile) ) { int read; byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; while((read = != -1) { output.write(bytes, 0, read); }"Default config file has been saved, should only happen on first startup"); } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong saving the config file: " + configFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } // Load config.yml from the plugin folder try( InputStreamReader custom = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(configFile), Charsets.UTF_8); InputStreamReader normal = new InputStreamReader(plugin.getResource(AreaShop.configFile), Charsets.UTF_8); InputStreamReader hidden = new InputStreamReader(plugin.getResource(AreaShop.configFileHidden), Charsets.UTF_8) ) { config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(custom); if(config.getKeys(false).isEmpty()) { AreaShop.warn("File 'config.yml' is empty, check for errors in the log."); result = false; } else { config.addDefaults(YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(normal)); config.addDefaults(YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(hidden)); // Set the debug and chatprefix variables plugin.setDebug(this.getConfig().getBoolean("debug")); if(getConfig().isList("chatPrefix")) { plugin.setChatprefix(getConfig().getStringList("chatPrefix")); } else { ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(getConfig().getString("chatPrefix")); plugin.setChatprefix(list); } } } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong while reading the config.yml file: " + configFile.getAbsolutePath()); result = false; } Utils.initialize(config); return result; } /** * Load the groups.yml file from disk * @return true if succeeded, otherwise false */ public boolean loadGroupsFile() { boolean result = true; File groupFile = new File(groupsPath); if(groupFile.exists() && groupFile.isFile()) { try( InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(groupFile), Charsets.UTF_8) ) { groupsConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(reader); } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn("Could not load groups.yml file: " + groupFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } if(groupsConfig == null) { groupsConfig = new YamlConfiguration(); } for(String groupName : groupsConfig.getKeys(false)) { RegionGroup group = new RegionGroup(plugin, groupName); groups.put(groupName, group); } return result; } /** * Load all region files. */ public void loadRegionFiles() { regions.clear(); final File file = new File(regionsPath); if(!file.exists()) { if(!file.mkdirs()) { AreaShop.warn("Could not create region files directory: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return; } plugin.setReady(true); } else if(file.isDirectory()) { loadRegionFilesNow(); } } private void loadRegionFilesNow() { File file = new File(regionsPath); File[] regionFiles = file.listFiles(); if(regionFiles == null) { plugin.setReady(true); return; } List noRegionType = new ArrayList<>(); List noNamePaths = new ArrayList<>(); List noWorld = new ArrayList<>(); List noRegion = new ArrayList<>(); List incorrectDuration = new ArrayList<>(); for(File regionFile : regionFiles) { if(regionFile.exists() && regionFile.isFile() && !regionFile.isHidden()) { // Load the region file from disk in UTF8 mode YamlConfiguration regionConfig; try( InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(regionFile), Charsets.UTF_8) ) { regionConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(reader); if(regionConfig.getKeys(false).isEmpty()) { AreaShop.warn("Region file '" + regionFile.getName() + "' is empty, check for errors in the log."); } } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong reading region file: " + regionFile.getAbsolutePath()); continue; } // Construct the correct type of region String type = regionConfig.getString("general.type"); GeneralRegion region; if(RegionType.RENT.getValue().equals(type)) { region = new RentRegion(regionConfig); } else if(RegionType.BUY.getValue().equals(type)) { region = new BuyRegion(regionConfig); } else { noRegionType.add(regionFile.getPath()); continue; } // Check consistency boolean added = false; if(region.getName() == null) { noNamePaths.add(regionFile.getPath()); } else if(region.getWorld() == null) { noWorld.add(region); } else if(region.getRegion() == null) { noRegion.add(region); } else if(region instanceof RentRegion && !Utils.checkTimeFormat(((RentRegion)region).getDurationString())) { incorrectDuration.add(region); } else { added = true; addRegionNoSave(region); } if(!added) { region.destroy(); } } } // All files are loaded, print problems to the console if(!noRegionType.isEmpty()) { AreaShop.warn("The following region files do no have a region type: " + Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(noRegionType)); } if(!noNamePaths.isEmpty()) { AreaShop.warn("The following region files do no have a name in their file: " + Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(noNamePaths)); } if(!noRegion.isEmpty()) { List noRegionNames = new ArrayList<>(); for(GeneralRegion region : noRegion) { noRegionNames.add(region.getName()); } AreaShop.warn("AreaShop regions that are missing their WorldGuard region: " + Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(noRegionNames)); AreaShop.warn("Remove these regions from AreaShop with '/as del' or recreate their regions in WorldGuard."); } boolean noWorldRegions = !noWorld.isEmpty(); while(!noWorld.isEmpty()) { List toDisplay = new ArrayList<>(); String missingWorld = noWorld.get(0).getWorldName(); toDisplay.add(noWorld.get(0)); for(int i = 1; i < noWorld.size(); i++) { if(noWorld.get(i).getWorldName().equalsIgnoreCase(missingWorld)) { toDisplay.add(noWorld.get(i)); } } List noWorldNames = new ArrayList<>(); for(GeneralRegion region : toDisplay) { noWorldNames.add(region.getName()); } AreaShop.warn("World " + missingWorld + " is not loaded, the following AreaShop regions are not functional now: " + Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(noWorldNames)); noWorld.removeAll(toDisplay); } if(noWorldRegions) { AreaShop.warn("Remove these regions from AreaShop with '/as del' or load the world(s) on the server again."); } if(!incorrectDuration.isEmpty()) { List incorrectDurationNames = new ArrayList<>(); for(GeneralRegion region : incorrectDuration) { incorrectDurationNames.add(region.getName()); } AreaShop.warn("The following regions have an incorrect time format as duration: " + Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(incorrectDurationNames)); } plugin.setReady(true); } /** * Checks for old file formats and converts them to the latest format. * After conversion the region files need to be loaded. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void preUpdateFiles() { Integer fileStatus = versions.get(AreaShop.versionFiles); // If the the files are already the current version if(fileStatus != null && fileStatus == AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent) { return; }"Updating AreaShop data to the latest format:"); // Update to YAML based format if(fileStatus == null || fileStatus < 2) { String rentPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "rents"; String buyPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "buys"; File rentFile = new File(rentPath); File buyFile = new File(buyPath); String oldFolderPath = plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "#old" + File.separator; File oldFolderFile = new File(oldFolderPath); // Convert old rent files boolean buyFileFound = false, rentFileFound = false; if(rentFile.exists()) { rentFileFound = true; if(!oldFolderFile.exists() & !oldFolderFile.mkdirs()) { AreaShop.warn("Could not create directory: " + oldFolderFile.getAbsolutePath()); } versions.putIfAbsent("rents", -1); HashMap> rents = null; try { ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(rentPath)); rents = (HashMap>)input.readObject(); input.close(); } catch(IOException | ClassNotFoundException | ClassCastException e) { AreaShop.warn(" Error: Something went wrong reading file: " + rentPath); } // Delete the file if it is totally wrong if(rents == null) { try { if(!rentFile.delete()) { AreaShop.warn("Could not delete file: " + rentFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch(Exception e) { AreaShop.warn("Could not delete file: " + rentFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { // Move old file try { Files.move(new File(rentPath), new File(oldFolderPath + "rents")); } catch(Exception e) { AreaShop.warn(" Could not create a backup of '" + rentPath + "', check the file permissions (conversion to next version continues)"); } // Check if conversion is needed if(versions.get("rents") < 1) { // Upgrade the rent to the latest version if(versions.get("rents") < 0) { for(String rentName : rents.keySet()) { HashMap rent = rents.get(rentName); // Save the rentName in the hashmap and use a small caps rentName as key if(rent.get("name") == null) { rent.put("name", rentName); rents.remove(rentName); rents.put(rentName.toLowerCase(), rent); } // Save the default setting for region restoring rent.putIfAbsent("restore", "general"); // Save the default setting for the region restore profile rent.putIfAbsent("profile", "default"); // Change to version 0 versions.put("rents", 0); }" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from -1 to 0 (switch to using lowercase region names, adding default schematic enabling and profile)"); } if(versions.get("rents") < 1) { for(String rentName : rents.keySet()) { HashMap rent = rents.get(rentName); if(rent.get("player") != null) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Fake deprecation by Bukkit to inform developers, method will stay OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(rent.get("player")); rent.put("playeruuid", offlinePlayer.getUniqueId().toString()); rent.remove("player"); } // Change version to 1 versions.put("rents", 1); }" Updated version of '" + rentPath + "' from 0 to 1 (switch to UUID's for player identification)"); } } // Save rents to new format File regionsFile = new File(regionsPath); if(!regionsFile.exists() & !regionsFile.mkdirs()) { AreaShop.warn("Could not create directory: " + regionsFile.getAbsolutePath()); return; } for(HashMap rent : rents.values()) { YamlConfiguration regionConfig = new YamlConfiguration(); regionConfig.set("", rent.get("name").toLowerCase()); regionConfig.set("general.type", "rent"); regionConfig.set("", rent.get("world")); regionConfig.set("", rent.get("world")); regionConfig.set("general.signs.0.location.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("x"))); regionConfig.set("general.signs.0.location.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("y"))); regionConfig.set("general.signs.0.location.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("z"))); regionConfig.set("rent.price", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("price"))); regionConfig.set("rent.duration", rent.get("duration")); if(rent.get("restore") != null && !rent.get("restore").equals("general")) { regionConfig.set("general.enableRestore", rent.get("restore")); } if(rent.get("profile") != null && !rent.get("profile").equals("default")) { regionConfig.set("general.schematicProfile", rent.get("profile")); } if(rent.get("tpx") != null) { regionConfig.set("", rent.get("world")); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpx"))); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpy"))); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(rent.get("tpz"))); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.yaw", rent.get("tpyaw")); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.pitch", rent.get("tppitch")); } if(rent.get("playeruuid") != null) { regionConfig.set("rent.renter", rent.get("playeruuid")); regionConfig.set("rent.renterName", Utils.toName(rent.get("playeruuid"))); regionConfig.set("rent.rentedUntil", Long.parseLong(rent.get("rented"))); } try { File(regionsPath + File.separator + rent.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml")); } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn(" Error: Could not save region file while converting: " + regionsPath + File.separator + rent.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml"); } }" Updated rent regions to new .yml format (check the /regions folder)"); } // Change version number versions.remove("rents"); versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent); saveVersions(); } if(buyFile.exists()) { buyFileFound = true; if(!oldFolderFile.exists() & !oldFolderFile.mkdirs()) { AreaShop.warn("Could not create directory: " + oldFolderFile.getAbsolutePath()); return; } versions.putIfAbsent("buys", -1); HashMap> buys = null; try { ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(buyPath)); buys = (HashMap>)input.readObject(); input.close(); } catch(IOException | ClassNotFoundException | ClassCastException e) { AreaShop.warn(" Something went wrong reading file: " + buyPath); } // Delete the file if it is totally wrong if(buys == null) { try { if(!buyFile.delete()) { AreaShop.warn("Could not delete file: " + buyFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch(Exception e) { AreaShop.warn("Could not delete file: " + buyFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { // Backup current file try { Files.move(new File(buyPath), new File(oldFolderPath + "buys")); } catch(Exception e) { AreaShop.warn(" Could not create a backup of '" + buyPath + "', check the file permissions (conversion to next version continues)"); } // Check if conversion is needed if(versions.get("buys") < 1) { // Upgrade the buy to the latest version if(versions.get("buys") < 0) { for(String buyName : buys.keySet()) { HashMap buy = buys.get(buyName); // Save the buyName in the hashmap and use a small caps buyName as key if(buy.get("name") == null) { buy.put("name", buyName); buys.remove(buyName); buys.put(buyName.toLowerCase(), buy); } // Save the default setting for region restoring buy.putIfAbsent("restore", "general"); // Save the default setting for the region restore profile buy.putIfAbsent("profile", "default"); // Change to version 0 versions.put("buys", 0); }" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from -1 to 0 (switch to using lowercase region names, adding default schematic enabling and profile)"); } if(versions.get("buys") < 1) { for(String buyName : buys.keySet()) { HashMap buy = buys.get(buyName); if(buy.get("player") != null) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Fake deprecation by Bukkit to inform developers, method will stay OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(buy.get("player")); buy.put("playeruuid", offlinePlayer.getUniqueId().toString()); buy.remove("player"); } // Change version to 1 versions.put("buys", 1); }" Updated version of '" + buyPath + "' from 0 to 1 (switch to UUID's for player identification)"); } } // Save buys to new format File regionsFile = new File(regionsPath); if(!regionsFile.exists() & !regionsFile.mkdirs()) { AreaShop.warn("Could not create directory: " + regionsFile.getAbsolutePath()); } for(HashMap buy : buys.values()) { YamlConfiguration regionConfig = new YamlConfiguration(); regionConfig.set("", buy.get("name").toLowerCase()); regionConfig.set("general.type", "buy"); regionConfig.set("", buy.get("world")); regionConfig.set("", buy.get("world")); regionConfig.set("general.signs.0.location.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("x"))); regionConfig.set("general.signs.0.location.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("y"))); regionConfig.set("general.signs.0.location.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("z"))); regionConfig.set("buy.price", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("price"))); if(buy.get("restore") != null && !buy.get("restore").equals("general")) { regionConfig.set("general.enableRestore", buy.get("restore")); } if(buy.get("profile") != null && !buy.get("profile").equals("default")) { regionConfig.set("general.schematicProfile", buy.get("profile")); } if(buy.get("tpx") != null) { regionConfig.set("", buy.get("world")); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.x", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpx"))); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.y", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpy"))); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.z", Double.parseDouble(buy.get("tpz"))); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.yaw", buy.get("tpyaw")); regionConfig.set("general.teleportLocation.pitch", buy.get("tppitch")); } if(buy.get("playeruuid") != null) { regionConfig.set("buy.buyer", buy.get("playeruuid")); regionConfig.set("buy.buyerName", Utils.toName(buy.get("playeruuid"))); } try { File(regionsPath + File.separator + buy.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml")); } catch(IOException e) { AreaShop.warn(" Error: Could not save region file while converting: " + regionsPath + File.separator + buy.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".yml"); } }" Updated buy regions to new .yml format (check the /regions folder)"); } // Change version number versions.remove("buys"); } // Separate try-catch blocks to try them all individually (don't stop after 1 has failed) try { Files.move(new File(rentPath + ".old"), new File(oldFolderPath + "rents.old")); } catch(Exception e) { // Ignore } try { Files.move(new File(buyPath + ".old"), new File(oldFolderPath + "buys.old")); } catch(Exception e) { // Ignore } if(buyFileFound || rentFileFound) { try { Files.move(new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "config.yml"), new File(oldFolderPath + "config.yml")); } catch(Exception e) { // Ignore } } // Update versions file to 2 versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, 2); saveVersions(); if(buyFileFound || rentFileFound) {" Updated to YAML based storage (v1 to v2)"); } } } /** * Checks for old file formats and converts them to the latest format. * This is to be triggered after the load of the region files. */ private void postUpdateFiles() { Integer fileStatus = versions.get(AreaShop.versionFiles); // If the the files are already the current version if(fileStatus != null && fileStatus == AreaShop.versionFilesCurrent) { return; } // Add 'general.lastActive' to rented/bought regions (initialize at current time) if(fileStatus == null || fileStatus < 3) { for(GeneralRegion region : getRegions()) { region.updateLastActiveTime(); } // Update versions file to 3 versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, 3); saveVersions(); if(!getRegions().isEmpty()) {" Added last active time to regions (v2 to v3)"); } } } /** * Get the settings of a group. * @param groupName Name of the group to get the settings from * @return The settings of the group */ public ConfigurationSection getGroupSettings(String groupName) { return groupsConfig.getConfigurationSection(groupName.toLowerCase()); } /** * Set a setting for a group. * @param group The group to set it for * @param path The path to set * @param setting The value to set */ public void setGroupSetting(RegionGroup group, String path, Object setting) { groupsConfig.set(group.getName().toLowerCase() + "." + path, setting); } }