package me.wiefferink.areashop.features.signs; import; import me.wiefferink.areashop.AreaShop; import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.GeneralRegion; import; import; import me.wiefferink.interactivemessenger.processing.Message; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.block.Sign; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Sign that is connected to a region to display information and interact with the region. */ public class RegionSign { private final SignsFeature signsFeature; private final String key; public RegionSign(SignsFeature signsFeature, String key) { this.signsFeature = signsFeature; this.key = key; } /** * Get the location of this sign. * @return The location of this sign */ public Location getLocation() { return Utils.configToLocation(getRegion().getConfig().getConfigurationSection("general.signs." + key + ".location")); } /** * Location string to be used as key in maps. * @return Location string */ public String getStringLocation() { return SignsFeature.locationToString(getLocation()); } /** * Chunk string to be used as key in maps. * @return Chunk string */ public String getStringChunk() { return SignsFeature.chunkToString(getLocation()); } /** * Get the region this sign is linked to. * @return The region this sign is linked to */ public GeneralRegion getRegion() { return signsFeature.getRegion(); } /** * Remove this sign from the region. */ public void remove() { getLocation().getBlock().setType(Material.AIR); signsFeature.getSignsRef().remove(getStringLocation()); SignsFeature.getAllSigns().remove(getStringLocation()); SignsFeature.getSignsByChunk().get(getStringChunk()).remove(this); getRegion().setSetting("general.signs." + key, null); } /** * Get the ConfigurationSection defining the sign layout. * @return The sign layout config */ public ConfigurationSection getProfile() { return getRegion().getConfigurationSectionSetting("general.signProfile", "signProfiles", getRegion().getConfig().get("general.signs." + key + ".profile")); } /** * Get the facing of the sign as saved in the config. * @return BlockFace the sign faces, or null if unknown */ public BlockFace getFacing() { try { return BlockFace.valueOf(getRegion().getConfig().getString("general.signs." + key + ".facing")); } catch(NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } /** * Get the material of the sign as saved in the config. * @return Material of the sign, usually {@link Material#OAK_WALL_SIGN}, {@link Material#OAK_SIGN}, or one of the other wood types (different result for 1.13-), Material.AIR if none. */ public Material getMaterial() { String name = getRegion().getConfig().getString("general.signs." + key + ".signType"); Material result = Materials.signNameToMaterial(name); return result == null ? Material.AIR : result; } /** * Update this sign. * @return true if the update was successful, otherwise false */ public boolean update() { // Ignore updates of signs in chunks that are not loaded Location signLocation = getLocation(); if(signLocation == null || signLocation.getWorld() == null || !signLocation.getWorld().isChunkLoaded(signLocation.getBlockX() >> 4, signLocation.getBlockZ() >> 4)) { return false; } if(getRegion().isDeleted()) { return false; } YamlConfiguration regionConfig = getRegion().getConfig(); ConfigurationSection signConfig = getProfile(); Block block = signLocation.getBlock(); if(signConfig == null || !signConfig.isSet(getRegion().getState().getValue())) { block.setType(Material.AIR); return true; } ConfigurationSection stateConfig = signConfig.getConfigurationSection(getRegion().getState().getValue()); // Get the lines String[] signLines = new String[4]; boolean signEmpty = true; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { signLines[i] = stateConfig.getString("line" + (i + 1)); signEmpty &= (signLines[i] == null || signLines[i].isEmpty()); } if(signEmpty) { block.setType(Material.AIR); return true; } // Place the sign back (with proper rotation and type) after it has been hidden or (indirectly) destroyed if(!Materials.isSign(block.getType())) { Material signType = getMaterial(); // Don't do physics here, we first need to update the direction block.setType(signType, false); // This triggers a physics update, which pops the sign if not attached properly if (!AreaShop.getInstance().getBukkitHandler().setSignFacing(block, getFacing())) { AreaShop.warn("Failed to update the facing direction of the sign at", getStringLocation(), "to ", getFacing(), ", region:", getRegion().getName()); } // Check if the sign has popped if(!Materials.isSign(block.getType())) { AreaShop.warn("Setting sign", key, "of region", getRegion().getName(), "failed, could not set sign block back"); return false; } } // Save current rotation and type if(!regionConfig.isString("general.signs." + key + ".signType")) { getRegion().setSetting("general.signs." + key + ".signType", block.getType().name()); } if(!regionConfig.isString("general.signs." + key + ".facing")) { BlockFace signFacing = AreaShop.getInstance().getBukkitHandler().getSignFacing(block); getRegion().setSetting("general.signs." + key + ".facing", signFacing == null ? null : signFacing.toString()); } // Apply replacements and color and then set it on the sign Sign signState = (Sign) block.getState(); for(int i = 0; i < signLines.length; i++) { if(signLines[i] == null) { signState.setLine(i, ""); continue; } signLines[i] = Message.fromString(signLines[i]).replacements(getRegion()).getSingle(); signLines[i] = Utils.applyColors(signLines[i]); signState.setLine(i, signLines[i]); } signState.update(); return true; } /** * Check if the sign needs to update periodically. * @return true if it needs periodic updates, otherwise false */ public boolean needsPeriodicUpdate() { ConfigurationSection signConfig = getProfile(); if(signConfig == null || !signConfig.isSet(getRegion().getState().getValue().toLowerCase())) { return false; } ConfigurationSection stateConfig = signConfig.getConfigurationSection(getRegion().getState().getValue().toLowerCase()); if(stateConfig == null) { return false; } // Check the lines for the timeleft tag for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { String line = stateConfig.getString("line" + i); if(line != null && !line.isEmpty() && line.contains(Message.VARIABLE_START + AreaShop.tagTimeLeft + Message.VARIABLE_END)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Run commands when a player clicks a sign. * @param clicker The player that clicked the sign * @param clickType The type of clicking * @return true if the commands ran successfully, false if any of them failed */ public boolean runSignCommands(Player clicker, GeneralRegion.ClickType clickType) { ConfigurationSection signConfig = getProfile(); if(signConfig == null) { return false; } ConfigurationSection stateConfig = signConfig.getConfigurationSection(getRegion().getState().getValue().toLowerCase()); // Run player commands if specified List playerCommands = new ArrayList<>(); for(String command : stateConfig.getStringList(clickType.getValue() + "Player")) { // TODO move variable checking code to InteractiveMessenger? playerCommands.add(command.replace(Message.VARIABLE_START + AreaShop.tagClicker + Message.VARIABLE_END, clicker.getName())); } getRegion().runCommands(clicker, playerCommands); // Run console commands if specified List consoleCommands = new ArrayList<>(); for(String command : stateConfig.getStringList(clickType.getValue() + "Console")) { consoleCommands.add(command.replace(Message.VARIABLE_START + AreaShop.tagClicker + Message.VARIABLE_END, clicker.getName())); } getRegion().runCommands(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), consoleCommands); return !playerCommands.isEmpty() || !consoleCommands.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { return object instanceof RegionSign && ((RegionSign)object).getRegion().equals(this.getRegion()) && ((RegionSign)object).key.equals(this.key); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(key, getRegion().getName()); } }