# How to release a version of AreaShop Below the steps to follow for releasing a version of AreaShop are listed. ## Pull the latest translations from Transifex **Setup:** 1. Clone the [InteractiveMessengerTransifex](https://github.com/NLthijs48/InteractiveMessengerTransifex) repository 2. Run `mvn package` - The `target\InteractiveMessengerTransifex.jar` file should now be present **Pull translations:** 1. Run `target/InteractiveMessengerTransifex.jar` using Java with the following arguments: - **`download`** - ****, get from Transifex - **`areashop`**, project name - **`enyml`**, name of the file to download, this is the name AreaShop uses on Transifex - **`./AreaShop/src/main/resources/lang`**, path to the `lang` directory in your clone of the AreaShop repository - **`70`**, meaning only languages translated for at least 70% will get downloaded - **`true`**, reformat the files to be suitable for using in the plugin - **`./langHeader.yml`**, header to add to language file, this file is in the AreaShop repository - **``**, release version to put in the header 2. Commit the changed files in the AreaShop repository 3. Push the commit to Github ## Update the version number 1. In `./AreaShop/pom.xml` update the `` tag with the new version (following semantic versioning) 2. In `./changelog.md` add notes about the features/fixes of this new version 3. Commit the updated files 4. Push the commit to Github 5. Jenkins will build a new version and make it available on Maven ## Uploading to distribution platforms The order is important, uploading to Github will trigger the update notification, but points people to Spigot 1. Post a [resource update on Spigot](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/areashop.2991/add-version) - Use the changelog in the update message - Indicate major features in the update title - Update the supported Spigot versions if necessary 2. Upload a [new file on Bukkit](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/regionbuyandrent/files/upload) - Use the changelog in the update message - The file needs to be approved before it will be available for everyone 3. Add a [new release on Github](https://github.com/NLthijs48/AreaShop/releases/new) - Enter a tag like `v2.6.0` - Enter a title like `AreaShop 2.6.0` - Add the changelog - Add the .jar file as `AreaShop.jar`