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synced 2024-11-27 04:35:43 +01:00
After executing the command the player is still owner and can do everything like normal. The sign changes to the 'resell' section of the chosen sign profile. The region flags change to the 'resale' section of the flag profile (other greeting). When a player buys the region it transfers the money to the previous owner. New schematic event and commandevents are available for this action. Previous owner will get a message if he is online. A command to stop reselling your region is on the TODO list.
362 lines
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362 lines
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# English language file for the AreaShop plugin #
# Latest update: V2.0.2 #
# Copy this file and change the strings to your #
# favor. Then change the 'language' setting in #
# the config to the filename (excluding .yml) #
########## General strings
total-maximum: "You can't rent and buy more than %0% region(s) in total (you already have %1% in group '%2%')"
cmd-notValid: "That command is not valid, use '/as help' for info"
cmd-onlyByPlayer: "This command can only be run by a player"
cmd-weOnlyByPlayer: "Using a WorldEdit selection is only possible as a player, specify the region name as extra argument"
cmd-noSelection: "You don't have a WorldEdit selection"
cmd-noRegionsFound: "No regions registered in AreaShop are found in your selection"
cmd-noWERegionsFound: "No WorldEdit regions intersecting your selection are found"
########## Help command strings
help-header: "Help page, commands that you can execute"
help-alias: "Command aliases: /areashop, /as"
help-help: "&6/as help &7-&r Shows this help page"
help-info: "&6/as info &7-&r Get info about current regions"
help-rent: "&6/as rent &7-&r Rent a region or extend your current rent"
help-buy: "&6/as buy &7-&r Buy a region"
help-unrent: "&6/as unrent &7-&r Unrent a region"
help-unrentOwn: "&6/as unrent &7-&r Unrent your own region"
help-sell: "&6/as sell &7-&r Sell a region"
help-sellOwn: "&6/as sell &7-&r Sell your own region"
help-updaterents: "&6/as updaterents &7-&r Update all rent signs and regions"
help-updatebuys: "&6/as updatebuys &7-&r Update all buy signs and regions"
help-reload: "&6/as reload &7-&r Reload the config and languages"
help-setrestore: "&6/as setrestore &7-&r Set restoring on/off and choose profile"
help-setprice: "&6/as setprice &7-&r Change the price of a region"
help-rentduration: "&6/as rentduration &7-&r Change the duration of a rent region"
help-teleport: "&6/as tp &7-&r Teleport to your bought/rented regions"
help-teleportAll: "&6/as tp &7-&r Teleport to a rent/buy region"
help-setteleport: "&6/as settp &7-&r Set teleport position for bought/rented regions"
help-setteleportAll: "&6/as settp &7-&r Set teleport position for a region"
help-find: "&6/as find &7-&r Find an empty buy or rent"
help-groupadd: "&6/as groupadd &7-&r Add a region to a group"
help-groupdel: "&6/as groupdel &7-&r Delete a region from a group"
help-grouplist: "&6/as grouplist &7-&r Display all groups currently registered"
help-groupinfo: "&6/as groupinfo &7-&r Display information about a group"
help-schemevent: "&6/as schemevent &7-&r Trigger a schematic event for a region"
help-add: "&6/as add &7-&r Register a region as rent or buy"
help-del: "&6/as del &7-&r Delete a registered region from AreaShop"
help-addsign: "&6/as addsign &7-&r Add a sign to an existing region"
help-delsign: "&6/as delsign &7-&r Delete the sign you are looking at"
help-me: "&6/as me &7-&r Check which regions you have (+expiration)"
help-setowner: "&6/as setowner &7-&r Set region owner or extend the rent"
help-resell: "&6/as resell &7-&r Put one of your regions into resell mode"
help-resellAll: "&6/as resell &7-&r Put a region into resell mode"
############ Other command strings
rent-help: "/as rent [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
rent-noPermission: "You don't have permission to rent a region"
rent-maximum: "You can't rent more than %0% region(s) (you already have %1% in group '%2%')"
rent-payError: "Something went wrong with paying, try again later"
rent-rented: "You rented %0% until %1%"
rent-extended: "You extended your rent of %0% until %1%"
rent-extend: "You can extend your rent by rightclicking the sign again or using /as rent"
rent-lowMoneyExtend: "You don't have enough money to extend the rent (you have %0% and you need %1%)"
rent-lowMoneyRent: "You don't have enough money to rent this region (you have %0% and you need %1%)"
rent-someoneElse: "Someone else already rented this region"
rent-notRentable: "That region is not available for renting"
rent-maxExtends: "You cannot extend this rent anymore (the maximum is %0% times), however after the rent is over you can rent this region again"
rent-maxRentTime: "You cannot rent this region more time in advance, the maximum time is %0% minutes and you have currently rented it for %1% minutes"
rent-restrictedToWorld: "You need to be in the '%0%' world to rent this region (you are in '%1%')"
rent-restrictedToRegion: "You need to be inside '%0%' to rent it"
rent-expireWarning: "Your region %region% has %timeleft% left, be sure to extend it if you want to keep it"
buy-help: "/as buy [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
buy-noPermission: "You don't have permission to buy a region"
buy-notBuyable: "That region is not available for buying"
buy-maximum: "You can't buy more than %0% region(s) (you already have %1% in group '%2%')"
buy-payError: "Something went wrong with paying, try again later"
buy-succes: "You successfully bought %0%"
buy-successResale: "You successfully bought %0% from %1%"
buy-successSeller: "Your region %0% has been sold to %1% for %2%"
buy-lowMoney: "You don't have enough money to buy this region (you have %0% and you need %1%)"
buy-yours: "You already own this region"
buy-someoneElse: "Someone else already bought this region"
buy-restrictedToWorld: "You need to be in the '%0%' world to buy this region (you are in '%1%')"
buy-restrictedToRegion: "You need to be inside '%0%' to buy it"
unrent-help: "/as unrent [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
unrent-noPermission: "You don't have permission to unrent a region"
unrent-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to unrent another region"
unrent-notRegistered: "The region can't be unrent because it is not registered for renting"
unrent-notRented: "The region can't be unrent because it is not rented"
unrent-unrented: "Your region has been unrented"
unrent-other: "The region has been unrented for player %0%"
unrent-expired: "Your rent of %0% has expired"
sell-help: "/as sell [regionname], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
sell-notRegistered: "The region can't be selled because it is not registered for buying"
sell-notBought: "The region can't be selled because it is not someone's property"
sell-sold: "The region has been sold for player %0%"
sell-soldYours: "Your region has been sold"
sell-noPermission: "You don't have permission to sell a region"
sell-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to sell another region"
rents-updated: "All signs and regions for renting have been updated"
rents-noPermission: "You don't have permission to update all rent signs and regions"
rents-notUpdated: "Not all signs have been updated, maybe reload fixes it"
buys-updated: "All signs and regions for selling have been updated"
buys-noPermission: "You don't have permission to update all buy signs and regions"
buys-notUpdated: "Not all signs have been updated, maybe reload fixes it"
reload-reloaded: "The config has been reloaded successfully"
reload-noPermission: "You don't have permission to reload the config"
info-help: "/as info <all|rented|forrent|sold|forsale|player|region>"
info-all-rents: "Regions registered for renting: &7%0%"
info-all-noRents: "There are no regions registered for renting"
info-all-buys: "Regions registered for buying: &7%0%"
info-all-noBuys: "There are no regions registered for buying"
info-rented: "Rented regions: &7%0%"
info-noRented: "No regions are rented"
info-unrented: "Unrented regions: &7%0%"
info-noUnrented: "All regions are rented"
info-sold: "Sold regions: &7%0%"
info-noSold: "No regions are sold"
info-forsale: "Regions for sale: &7%0%"
info-noForsale: "All regions are sold"
info-playerHelp: "/as info player <name>"
info-playerRents: "Regions rented by %0%: &7%1%"
info-playerNoRents: "%0% has not rented a region"
info-playerBuys: "Regions bought by %0%: &7%1%"
info-playerNoBuys: "%0% has not bought a region"
info-regionHelp: "/as info region [name], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
info-regionNoRenting: "%0% is not registered for renting"
info-regionRenting: "&6Renting details for %0%:"
info-regionRentedBy: "Rented by: &7%0% until %1%"
info-regionNotRented: "Currently not rented"
info-regionBuying: "&6Buying details for %0%:"
info-regionNoBuying: "%0% is not registered for buying"
info-regionNotBought: "Currently not sold"
info-regionBoughtBy: "Bought by: &7%0%"
info-regionSign: "Sign location(s): %0%"
info-regionSignLocation: "&7(%0%, %1%, %2%, %3%)&r"
info-regionNoSign: "There is no sign registered for this region"
info-regionPriceDuration: "Price: &7%0% for each %1%"
info-regionPrice: "Price: &7%0%"
info-regionRestore: "Restoring enabled: &7%0%"
info-regionRestoreProfile: "Restoring profile: &7%0%"
info-regionTPLocation: "Teleport location: &7World=%0%, X=%1%, Y=%2%, Z=%3%, Pitch=%4%, Yaw=%5%"
info-regionNoTP: "No teleport location set"
info-regionNotExisting: "Region %0% is not registered"
setrestore-help: "/as setrestore <region> <true|false|general> [profile]"
setrestore-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the restore settings"
setrestore-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered"
setrestore-invalidSetting: "'%0%' is not a valid state, should be true, false or general"
setrestore-success: "successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%'"
setrestore-successProfile: "successfully set the restore setting of %0% to '%1%' and the profile to '%2%'"
setprice-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the price of a region"
setprice-help: "/as setprice <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setprice-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered in AreaShop"
setprice-wrongPrice: "'%0%' is not a valid price"
setprice-successRent: "Price of region %0% changed to %1% per %2%"
setprice-successBuy: "Price of region %0% changed to %1%"
setduration-noPermission: "You don't have permission to change the duration of a rent"
setduration-help: "/as setduration <amount> <identifier> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setduration-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered as a rent"
setduration-wrongAmount: "'%0%' is not a valid amount, use a whole number"
setduration-wrongFormat: "'%0%' is not a proper timeformat, check the documentation on Bukkit"
setduration-success: "Duration of region %0% changed to '%1%'"
setup-noRegion: "You did not specify a region on the second line"
setup-wrongRegion: "The region you specified does not exist"
setup-alreadyRentSign: "The region you specified already has a sign for renting"
setup-alreadyBuySign: "The region you specified already has a sign for buying"
setup-noDuration: "You did not specify how long the region can be rented, do this on the third line"
setup-wrongDuration: "The time specified is not in the correct format, example: 1 day"
setup-noPrice: "You did not specify the price on the fourth line"
setup-wrongPrice: "You did not specify the price correctly, use a number only"
setup-rentSuccess: "Renting of region %0% is setup correctly"
setup-buySuccess: "Buying of region %0% is setup correctly"
setup-noPermissionRent: "You don't have permission for setting up renting of regions"
setup-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission for setting up buying of regions"
setup-couldNotDetect: "Found multiple regions with the same priority and/or parent/child relation, specify one on the second line (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)"
destroy-noPermissionRent: "You don't have permission for destroying a sign for renting a region"
destroy-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission for destroying a sign for buying a region"
destroy-successRent: "Renting of %0% successfully removed"
destroy-successBuy: "Buying of %0% successfully removed"
teleport-help: "/as tp <region> [sign]"
teleport-noRentOrBuy: "Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy"
teleport-noPermission: "You don't have permission to teleport to your region"
teleport-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to teleport to regions you do not own"
teleport-noPermissionSign: "You don't have permission to teleport to the sign of your region"
teleport-noPermissionOtherSign: "You don't have permission to teleport to signs of regions you do not own"
teleport-success: "You teleported to %0%"
teleport-successSign: "You teleported to the sign of %0%"
teleport-noSafe: "No safe position found in region %0%, no spots in region left or maximum tries exceeded (%1%/%2%)"
teleport-blocked: "You can't teleport because the position is outside the region and you are forced to teleport inside"
setteleport-help: "/as settp [region] [reset], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setteleport-noPermission: "You don't have permission to set the teleport location"
setteleport-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to set the teleport location for a region you do not own"
setteleport-noRentOrBuy: "Region '%0%' is not registered as rent or buy"
setteleport-success: "Teleport location of %0% set"
setteleport-notInside: "The location has to be inside the region"
setteleport-reset: "Teleport location of %0% has been reset"
find-help: "/as find <buy|rent> [maxprice] [group]"
find-noPermission: "You don't have permission to teleport to signs, so you can't use find"
find-success: "Found a %0% region: %1%, while searching with a max price of your balance: %2%%3%"
find-successMax: "Found a %0% region: %1%, while searching with a max price of %2%%3%"
find-wrongMaxPrice: "The specified maximum price is not a correct number: %0%"
find-wrongGroup: "The specified group does not exist: %0%"
find-noneFound: "No %0% region found while searching with a max price of your balance: %1%%2%"
find-noneFoundMax: "No %0% region found while searching with a max price of %1%%2%"
find-onlyInGroup: ", only searched for regions in group: %0%"
groupadd-help: "/as groupadd <group> [region], if no region specified all regions from your WorldEdit selection are used"
groupadd-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add regions to groups"
groupadd-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
groupadd-success: "Region %0% has been added to group '%1%', this group now has %2% member(s)"
groupadd-failed: "Region %0% is already a member of group '%1%'"
groupadd-weSuccess: "Added to group %0%: &7%1%"
groupadd-weFailed: "Were already in group %0%: &7%1%"
groupdel-help: "/as groupdel <group> [region], if no region specified all regions from your WorldEdit selection are used"
groupdel-noPermission: "You don't have permission to remove regions from groups"
groupdel-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
groupdel-success: "Region %0% has been removed from group '%1%', this group now has %2% member(s)"
groupdel-failed: "Region %0% is not a member of group '%1%'"
groupdel-weSuccess: "Removed from group %0%: &7%1%"
groupdel-weFailed: "Were not in group %0% anyway: &7%1%"
grouplist-noPermission: "You don't have permission to display the registered groups"
grouplist-noGroups: "There are currently no groups registered"
grouplist-success: "The following groups are registered: &7%0%"
groupinfo-help: "/as groupinfo <group>"
groupinfo-noPermission: "You don't have permission to display information about a group"
groupinfo-noGroup: "There is no group registered with the name '%0%', use /as grouplist to check groups"
groupinfo-members: "The following regions are member of group %0%: &7%1%"
groupinfo-noMembers: "Group %0% does not have any members"
schemevent-help: "/as schemevent <region> <created|deleted|rented|unrented|bought|sold>"
schemevent-noRegion: "The specified region is not registered: %0%"
schemevent-wrongEvent: "The specified event '%0%' does not exist, use one of the following: &7%1%"
schemevent-success: "Event '%0%' has successfully been triggered for region %1%"
schemevent-noPermission: "You don't have permission to trigger schematic events"
add-help: "/as add <rent|buy> [region] [world]"
add-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add a region to AreaShop"
add-success: "Added as %0%: &7%1%"
add-failed: "Already registered: &7%0%"
add-specifyWorld: "Specify the world of the region when using from console"
add-incorrectWorld: "World '%0%' not found, try again (case-sensitive)"
add-noRegion: "Region '%0%' does not exist in this world"
del-noRegion: "Region '%0%' is not registered in AreaShop"
del-noPermission: "You don't have permission to remove regions"
del-success: "Removed regions: &7%0%"
del-failed: "No permission to remove or not registered: &7%0%"
addsign-help: "/as addsign [region] [profile]"
addsign-noSign: "You are not looking at a sign"
addsign-noRegion: "Region '%0%' cannot be found"
addsign-noRegions: "No region found around the sign position"
addsign-couldNotDetect: "Found multiple regions around the sign, specify region as extra argument (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)"
addsign-couldNotDetectSign: "Found multiple regions around the sign, specify region on the second line (2 of the regions that were found: %0% and %1%)"
addsign-wrongProfile: "The specified profile does not exist, use one of the following (check config): &7%0%"
addsign-success: "The sign has been added to %0%"
addsign-successProfile: "The sign has been added to %0% with profile %1%"
addsign-alreadyRegistered: "That sign is already registered for region %0%"
addsign-noPermission: "You don't have permission to add a sign"
delsign-noSign: "You are not looking at a sign"
delsign-noPermission: "You don't have permission to delete a sign"
delsign-noRegion: "That sign does not belong to an AreaShop region"
delsign-success: "The sign has been removed from region %0%"
me-noPermission: "You don't have permission to check which regions you have"
me-notAPlayer: "You are not a player so you can't have any regions"
me-noRentRegions: "You have not rented any rent regions"
me-noBuyRegions: "You have not bought any buy regions"
me-rentRegions: "You have rented the following regions:"
me-buyRegions: "You have bought the following regions:"
me-rentLine: "%region% until %until% (%timeleft% left)"
me-buyLine: "%region%"
setowner-help: "/as setowner <player> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
setowner-noPermission: "You don't have permission to set the owner of a region"
setowner-noPermissionRent: "You don't have permission to set the owner of rent regions"
setowner-noPermissionBuy: "You don't have permission to set the owner of buy regions"
setowner-notRegistered: "The specified region is not registered, owner cannot be set"
setowner-noPlayer: "Could not get the UUID of the specified player: %0%"
setowner-succesRent: "Owner of %region% successfully changed to %player%, rented until %until% (%timeleft% left)"
setowner-succesRentExtend: "Owner was already %player%, rent extended with '%duration%', now rented until %until% (%timeleft% left)"
setowner-succesBuy: "Owner of %region% successfully changed to %player%"
resell-help: "/as resell <price> [region], the region you stand in will be used if not specified"
resell-wrongPrice: "'%0%' is not a valid price"
resell-notRegistered: "%0% is not registered in AreaShop"
resell-noRegionFound: "No AreaShop region could be found at your location, try specifying the region as argument"
resell-notBought: "You can't resell %region% because it is not sold yet"
resell-success: "%region% is successfully put into reselling mode for %resellprice%"
resell-noPermission: "You don't have permission to set your region in reselling mode"
resell-noPermissionOther: "You don't have permission to set regions in reselling mode"
############ Sign, greeting and other strings
timeleft-years: "%0% years"
timeleft-months: "%0% months"
timeleft-days: "%0% days"
timeleft-hours: "%0% hours"
timeleft-minutes: "%0% minutes"
timeleft-second: "%0% second"
timeleft-seconds: "%0% seconds"
timeleft-ended: "Expired"
greeting-forrent: "%region% can be rented for %price% per %duration%"
greeting-rented: "%region% is rented by %player% until %until%"
greeting-forsale: "%region% can be bought for %price%"
greeting-bought: "%region% is bought by %player%"
greeting-resale: "%region% can be bought for %resaleprice% from %player%"