
588 lines
18 KiB

package me.wiefferink.areashop.regions;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.AreaShop;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.EconomyResponse;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.UUID;
public class BuyRegion extends GeneralRegion {
public BuyRegion(YamlConfiguration config) {
public BuyRegion(String name, World world) {
super(name, world);
public RegionType getType() {
return RegionType.BUY;
public RegionState getState() {
if(isSold() && isInResellingMode()) {
return RegionState.RESELL;
} else if(isSold() && !isInResellingMode()) {
return RegionState.SOLD;
} else {
return RegionState.FORSALE;
public boolean isAvailable() {
return !isSold();
* Get the UUID of the owner of this region.
* @return The UUID of the owner of this region
public UUID getBuyer() {
String buyer = config.getString("buy.buyer");
if(buyer != null) {
try {
return UUID.fromString(buyer);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Incorrect UUID
return null;
* Check if a player is the buyer of this region.
* @param player Player to check
* @return true if this player owns this region, otherwise false
public boolean isBuyer(OfflinePlayer player) {
return player != null && isBuyer(player.getUniqueId());
public boolean isBuyer(UUID player) {
UUID buyer = getBuyer();
return !(buyer == null || player == null) && buyer.equals(player);
* Set the buyer of this region.
* @param buyer The UUID of the player that should be set as buyer
public void setBuyer(UUID buyer) {
if(buyer == null) {
setSetting("buy.buyer", null);
setSetting("buy.buyerName", null);
} else {
setSetting("buy.buyer", buyer.toString());
setSetting("buy.buyerName", Utils.toName(buyer));
* Get the name of the player that owns this region.
* @return The name of the player that owns this region, if unavailable by UUID it will return the old cached name, if that is unavailable it will return <UNKNOWN>
public String getPlayerName() {
String result = Utils.toName(getBuyer());
if(result == null || result.isEmpty()) {
result = getStringSetting("buy.buyerName");
if(result == null || result.isEmpty()) {
result = "<UNKNOWN>";
return result;
* Check if the region is sold.
* @return true if the region is sold, otherwise false
public boolean isSold() {
return getBuyer() != null;
* Check if the region is being resold.
* @return true if the region is available for reselling, otherwise false
public boolean isInResellingMode() {
return config.getBoolean("buy.resellMode");
* Get the price of the region.
* @return The price of the region
public double getPrice() {
return Math.max(0, Utils.evaluateToDouble(getStringSetting("buy.price"), this));
* Get the resell price of this region.
* @return The resell price if isInResellingMode(), otherwise 0.0
public double getResellPrice() {
return Math.max(0, config.getDouble("buy.resellPrice"));
* Get the formatted string of the price (includes prefix and suffix).
* @return The formatted string of the price
public String getFormattedPrice() {
return Utils.formatCurrency(getPrice());
* Get the formatted string of the resellprice (includes prefix and suffix).
* @return The formatted string of the resellprice
public String getFormattedResellPrice() {
return Utils.formatCurrency(getResellPrice());
* Change the price of the region.
* @param price The price to set this region to
public void setPrice(Double price) {
setSetting("buy.price", price);
* Set the region into resell mode with the given price.
* @param price The price this region should be put up for sale
public void enableReselling(double price) {
setSetting("buy.resellMode", true);
setSetting("buy.resellPrice", price);
* Stop this region from being in resell mode.
public void disableReselling() {
setSetting("buy.resellMode", null);
setSetting("buy.resellPrice", null);
* Get the moneyBack percentage.
* @return The % of money the player will get back when selling
public double getMoneyBackPercentage() {
return Utils.evaluateToDouble(getStringSetting("buy.moneyBack"), this);
* Get the amount of money that should be paid to the player when selling the region.
* @return The amount of money the player should get back
public double getMoneyBackAmount() {
return getPrice() * (getMoneyBackPercentage() / 100.0);
* Get the formatted string of the amount of the moneyBack amount.
* @return String with currency symbols and proper fractional part
public String getFormattedMoneyBackAmount() {
return Utils.formatCurrency(getMoneyBackAmount());
public Object provideReplacement(String variable) {
switch(variable) {
case AreaShop.tagPrice:
return getFormattedPrice();
case AreaShop.tagRawPrice:
return getPrice();
case AreaShop.tagPlayerName:
return getPlayerName();
case AreaShop.tagPlayerUUID:
return getBuyer();
case AreaShop.tagResellPrice:
return getFormattedResellPrice();
case AreaShop.tagRawResellPrice:
return getResellPrice();
case AreaShop.tagMoneyBackAmount:
return getFormattedMoneyBackAmount();
case AreaShop.tagRawMoneyBackAmount:
return getMoneyBackAmount();
case AreaShop.tagMoneyBackPercentage:
return getMoneyBackPercentage() % 1.0 == 0.0 ? (int)getMoneyBackPercentage() : getMoneyBackPercentage();
case AreaShop.tagMaxInactiveTime:
return this.getFormattedInactiveTimeUntilSell();
return super.provideReplacement(variable);
* Minutes until automatic unrent when player is offline.
* @return The number of milliseconds until the region is unrented while player is offline
public long getInactiveTimeUntilSell() {
return Utils.getDurationFromMinutesOrStringInput(getStringSetting("buy.inactiveTimeUntilSell"));
* Get a human readable string indicating how long the player can be offline until automatic unrent.
* @return String indicating the inactive time until unrent
public String getFormattedInactiveTimeUntilSell() {
return Utils.millisToHumanFormat(getInactiveTimeUntilSell());
* Buy a region.
* @param offlinePlayer The player that wants to buy the region
* @return true if it succeeded and false if not
public boolean buy(OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer) {
// Check if the player has permission
if(!plugin.hasPermission(offlinePlayer, "")) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-noPermission");
return false;
if(plugin.getEconomy() == null) {
message(offlinePlayer, "general-noEconomy");
return false;
if(isInResellingMode()) {
if(!plugin.hasPermission(offlinePlayer, "areashop.buyresell")) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-noPermissionResell");
return false;
} else {
if(!plugin.hasPermission(offlinePlayer, "areashop.buynormal")) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-noPermissionNoResell");
return false;
if(getWorld() == null) {
message(offlinePlayer, "general-noWorld");
return false;
if(getRegion() == null) {
message(offlinePlayer, "general-noRegion");
return false;
if (isSold() && !(isInResellingMode() && !isBuyer(offlinePlayer))) {
if(isBuyer(offlinePlayer)) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-yours");
} else {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-someoneElse");
return false;
boolean isResell = isInResellingMode();
// Only relevant if the player is online
Player player = offlinePlayer.getPlayer();
if(player != null) {
// Check if the players needs to be in the region for buying
if(restrictedToRegion() && (!player.getWorld().getName().equals(getWorldName())
|| !getRegion().contains(player.getLocation().getBlockX(), player.getLocation().getBlockY(), player.getLocation().getBlockZ()))) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-restrictedToRegion");
return false;
// Check if the players needs to be in the world for buying
if(restrictedToWorld() && !player.getWorld().getName().equals(getWorldName())) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-restrictedToWorld", player.getWorld().getName());
return false;
// Check region limits
LimitResult limitResult = this.limitsAllow(RegionType.BUY, offlinePlayer);
AreaShop.debug("LimitResult: " + limitResult.toString());
if(!limitResult.actionAllowed()) {
if(limitResult.getLimitingFactor() == LimitType.TOTAL) {
message(offlinePlayer, "total-maximum", limitResult.getMaximum(), limitResult.getCurrent(), limitResult.getLimitingGroup());
return false;
if(limitResult.getLimitingFactor() == LimitType.BUYS) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-maximum", limitResult.getMaximum(), limitResult.getCurrent(), limitResult.getLimitingGroup());
return false;
// Should not be reached, but is safe like this
return false;
// Check if the player has enough money
if (isResell && !plugin.getEconomy().has(offlinePlayer, getWorldName(), getResellPrice())) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-lowMoneyResell", Utils.formatCurrency(plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(offlinePlayer, getWorldName())));
return false;
if (!isResell && !plugin.getEconomy().has(offlinePlayer, getWorldName(), getPrice())) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-lowMoney", Utils.formatCurrency(plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(offlinePlayer, getWorldName())));
return false;
UUID oldOwner = getBuyer();
if(isResell && oldOwner != null) {
// Broadcast and check event
ResellingRegionEvent event = new ResellingRegionEvent(this, offlinePlayer);
if(event.isCancelled()) {
message(offlinePlayer, "general-cancelled", event.getReason());
return false;
double resellPrice = getResellPrice();
// Transfer the money to the previous owner
EconomyResponse r = plugin.getEconomy().withdrawPlayer(offlinePlayer, getWorldName(), getResellPrice());
if(!r.transactionSuccess()) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-payError");
AreaShop.debug("Something went wrong with getting money from " + offlinePlayer.getName() + " while buying " + getName() + ": " + r.errorMessage);
return false;
r = null;
OfflinePlayer oldOwnerPlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(oldOwner);
String oldOwnerName = getPlayerName();
if(oldOwnerPlayer != null && oldOwnerPlayer.getName() != null) {
r = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(oldOwnerPlayer, getWorldName(), getResellPrice());
oldOwnerName = oldOwnerPlayer.getName();
} else if(oldOwnerName != null) {
r = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(oldOwnerName, getWorldName(), getResellPrice());
if(r == null || !r.transactionSuccess()) {
AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong with paying '" + oldOwnerName + "' " + getFormattedPrice() + " for his resell of region " + getName() + " to " + offlinePlayer.getName());
// Resell is done, disable that now
// Set the owner
// Update everything
// Notify about updates
this.notifyAndUpdate(new ResoldRegionEvent(this, oldOwner));
// Send message to the player
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-successResale", oldOwnerName);
Player seller = Bukkit.getPlayer(oldOwner);
if(seller != null) {
message(seller, "buy-successSeller", resellPrice);
} else {
// Broadcast and check event
BuyingRegionEvent event = new BuyingRegionEvent(this, offlinePlayer);
if(event.isCancelled()) {
message(offlinePlayer, "general-cancelled", event.getReason());
return false;
// Substract the money from the players balance
EconomyResponse r = plugin.getEconomy().withdrawPlayer(offlinePlayer, getWorldName(), getPrice());
if(!r.transactionSuccess()) {
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-payError");
return false;
// Optionally give money to the landlord
OfflinePlayer landlordPlayer = null;
if(getLandlord() != null) {
landlordPlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getLandlord());
String landlordName = getLandlordName();
if(landlordName != null) {
if(landlordPlayer != null && landlordPlayer.getName() != null) {
r = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(landlordPlayer, getWorldName(), getPrice());
} else {
r = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(landlordName, getWorldName(), getPrice());
if(r != null && !r.transactionSuccess()) {
AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong with paying '" + landlordName + "' " + getFormattedPrice() + " for his sell of region " + getName() + " to " + offlinePlayer.getName());
// Set the owner
// Send message to the player
message(offlinePlayer, "buy-succes");
// Update everything
// Notify about updates
this.notifyAndUpdate(new BoughtRegionEvent(this));
return true;
* Sell a buyed region, get part of the money back.
* @param giveMoneyBack true if the player should be given money back, otherwise false
* @param executor CommandSender to receive a message when the sell fails, or null
* @return true if the region has been sold, otherwise false
public boolean sell(boolean giveMoneyBack, CommandSender executor) {
boolean own = executor instanceof Player && this.isBuyer((Player)executor);
if(executor != null) {
if(!executor.hasPermission("areashop.sell") && !own) {
message(executor, "sell-noPermissionOther");
return false;
if(!executor.hasPermission("areashop.sell") && !executor.hasPermission("areashop.sellown") && own) {
message(executor, "sell-noPermission");
return false;
&& executor.hasPermission("areashop.sellown")
&& own
&& getBooleanSetting("buy.sellDisabled")) {
message(executor, "sell-disabled");
return false;
if(plugin.getEconomy() == null) {
return false;
// Broadcast and check event
SellingRegionEvent event = new SellingRegionEvent(this);
if(event.isCancelled()) {
message(executor, "general-cancelled", event.getReason());
return false;
// Give part of the buying price back
double moneyBack = getMoneyBackAmount();
if(moneyBack > 0 && giveMoneyBack) {
boolean noPayBack = false;
OfflinePlayer landlordPlayer = null;
if(getLandlord() != null) {
landlordPlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getLandlord());
String landlordName = getLandlordName();
EconomyResponse r;
if(landlordName != null) {
if(landlordPlayer != null && landlordPlayer.getName() != null) {
r = plugin.getEconomy().withdrawPlayer(landlordPlayer, getWorldName(), moneyBack);
} else {
r = plugin.getEconomy().withdrawPlayer(landlordName, getWorldName(), moneyBack);
if(r == null || !r.transactionSuccess()) {
noPayBack = true;
// Give back the money
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getBuyer());
if(player != null && !noPayBack) {
EconomyResponse response = null;
boolean error = false;
try {
if(player.getName() != null) {
response = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(player, getWorldName(), moneyBack);
} else if(getPlayerName() != null) {
response = plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(getPlayerName(), getWorldName(), moneyBack);
} catch(Exception e) {
error = true;
if(error || response == null || !response.transactionSuccess()) {
AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong with paying back money to " + getPlayerName() + " while selling region " + getName());
// Handle schematic save/restore (while %uuid% is still available)
// Remove friends and the owner
UUID oldBuyer = getBuyer();
message(executor, "sell-sold");
// Notify about updates
this.notifyAndUpdate(new SoldRegionEvent(this, oldBuyer, Math.max(moneyBack, 0)));
return true;
public boolean checkInactive() {
if(isDeleted() || !isSold()) {
return false;
long inactiveSetting = getInactiveTimeUntilSell();
OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(getBuyer());
if(inactiveSetting <= 0 || player.isOp()) {
return false;
long lastPlayed = getLastActiveTime();
//AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + lastPlayed + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting=" + inactiveSetting);
if(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() > (lastPlayed + inactiveSetting)) {"Region " + getName() + " unrented because of inactivity for player " + getPlayerName());
AreaShop.debug("currentTime=" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ", getLastPlayed()=" + lastPlayed + ", timeInactive=" + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - player.getLastPlayed()) + ", inactiveSetting=" + inactiveSetting);
return this.sell(true, null);
return false;