
1483 lines
46 KiB

package me.wiefferink.areashop.regions;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.AreaShop;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.features.FriendsFeature;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.features.RegionFeature;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.features.SignsFeature;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.features.TeleportFeature;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.interfaces.GeneralRegionInterface;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.FileManager;
import me.wiefferink.interactivemessenger.processing.Message;
import me.wiefferink.interactivemessenger.processing.ReplacementProvider;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandException;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
public abstract class GeneralRegion implements GeneralRegionInterface, Comparable<GeneralRegion>, ReplacementProvider {
static final AreaShop plugin = AreaShop.getInstance();
YamlConfiguration config;
private boolean saveRequired = false;
private boolean deleted = false;
private Map<Class<? extends RegionFeature>, RegionFeature> features;
// Enum for region types
public enum RegionType {
private final String value;
RegionType(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
// Enum for schematic event types
public enum RegionEvent {
private final String value;
RegionEvent(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
// Enum for Region states
public enum RegionState {
private final String value;
RegionState(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
// Enum for click types
public enum ClickType {
private final String value;
ClickType(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
// Enum for limit types
public enum LimitType {
private final String value;
LimitType(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
* Constructor, used to restore regions from disk at startup.
* @param config The configuration of the region
public GeneralRegion(YamlConfiguration config) {
this.config = config;
* Constructor, used for adding new regions.
* @param name Name of the WorldGuard region that this region is attached to
* @param world The world of the WorldGuard region
public GeneralRegion(String name, World world) {
config = new YamlConfiguration();
setSetting("", name);
setSetting("", world.getName());
setSetting("general.type", getType().getValue().toLowerCase());
* Shared setup of all constructors.
public void setup() {
features = new HashMap<>();
* Deregister everything.
public void destroy() {
for(RegionFeature feature : features.values()) {
* Get a feature of this region.
* @param clazz The class of the feature to get
* @return The feature (either just instanciated or cached)
public RegionFeature getFeature(Class<? extends RegionFeature> clazz) {
RegionFeature result = features.get(clazz);
if(result == null) {
result = plugin.getFeatureManager().getRegionFeature(this, clazz);
features.put(clazz, result);
return result;
* Get the friends feature to query and manipulate friends of this region.
* @return The FriendsFeature of this region
public FriendsFeature getFriendsFeature() {
return (FriendsFeature)getFeature(FriendsFeature.class);
* Get the signs feature to manipulate and update signs.
* @return The SignsFeature of this region
public SignsFeature getSignsFeature() {
return (SignsFeature)getFeature(SignsFeature.class);
* Get the teleport feature to teleport players to the region and signs.
* @return The TeleportFeature
public TeleportFeature getTeleportFeature() {
return (TeleportFeature)getFeature(TeleportFeature.class);
* Get the region type of the region.
* @return The RegionType of this region
public abstract RegionType getType();
* Get the region availability.
* @return true/false if region cant be rented or sell
public abstract boolean isAvailable();
// Sorting by name
* Compare this region to another region by name.
* @param o The region to compare to
* @return 0 if the names are the same, below zero if this region is earlier in the alphabet, otherwise above zero
public int compareTo(@Nonnull GeneralRegion o) {
return getName().compareTo(o.getName());
public String toString() {
return getName();
public boolean equals(Object region) {
return region instanceof GeneralRegion && ((GeneralRegion)region).getName().equals(getName());
* Get the config file that is used to store the region information.
* @return The config file that stores the region information
public YamlConfiguration getConfig() {
return config;
* Broadcast an event to indicate that region settings have been changed.
* This will update region flags, signs, etc.
public void update() {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new UpdateRegionEvent(this));
* Broadcast the given event and update the region status.
* @param event The update event that should be broadcasted
public void notifyAndUpdate(NotifyRegionEvent event) {
* Get the state of a region.
* @return The RegionState of the region
public abstract RegionState getState();
* Check if the region has been deleted.
* @return true if the region has been deleted, otherwise false
public boolean isDeleted() {
return deleted;
* Indicate that this region has been deleted.
public void setDeleted() {
deleted = true;
* Get the name of the region.
* @return The region name
public String getName() {
return config.getString("");
* Get the lowercase region name.
* @return The region name in lowercase
public String getLowerCaseName() {
return getName().toLowerCase();
* Check if restoring is enabled.
* @return true if restoring is enabled, otherwise false
public boolean isRestoreEnabled() {
return getBooleanSetting("general.enableRestore");
* Get the time that the player was last active.
* @return Current time if he is online, last online time if offline, -1 if the region has no owner
public long getLastActiveTime() {
if(getOwner() == null) {
return -1;
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(getOwner());
long savedTime = getLongSetting("general.lastActive");
// Check if he is online currently
if(player != null || savedTime == 0) {
return Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
return savedTime;
* Set the last active time of the player to the current time.
public void updateLastActiveTime() {
if(getOwner() != null) {
setSetting("general.lastActive", Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());
public void removeLastActiveTime() {
setSetting("general.lastActive", null);
* Get the World of the region.
* @return The World where the region is located
public World getWorld() {
return Bukkit.getWorld(getWorldName());
* Get the name of the world where the region is located.
* @return The name of the world of the region
public String getWorldName() {
return getStringSetting("");
* Get the FileManager from the plugin.
* @return The FileManager (responsible for saving/loading regions and getting them)
public FileManager getFileManager() {
return plugin.getFileManager();
* Check if the players is owner of this region.
* @param player Player to check ownership for
* @return true if the player currently rents or buys this region
public boolean isOwner(OfflinePlayer player) {
return isOwner(player.getUniqueId());
* Check if the players is owner of this region.
* @param player Player to check ownership for
* @return true if the player currently rents or buys this region
public boolean isOwner(UUID player) {
return (this instanceof RentRegion && ((RentRegion)this).isRenter(player)) || (this instanceof BuyRegion && ((BuyRegion)this).isBuyer(player));
* Get the player that is currently the owner of this region (either bought or rented it).
* @return The UUID of the owner of this region
public UUID getOwner() {
if(this instanceof RentRegion) {
return ((RentRegion)this).getRenter();
} else {
return ((BuyRegion)this).getBuyer();
* Get the landlord of this region (the player that receives any revenue from this region).
* @return The UUID of the landlord of this region
public UUID getLandlord() {
String landlord = getStringSetting("general.landlord");
if(landlord != null && !landlord.isEmpty()) {
try {
return UUID.fromString(landlord);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Incorrect UUID
String landlordName = getStringSetting("general.landlordName");
if(landlordName != null && !landlordName.isEmpty()) {
OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(landlordName);
if(offlinePlayer != null) {
return offlinePlayer.getUniqueId();
return null;
* Get the name of the landlord.
* @return The name of the landlord, if unavailable by UUID it will return the old cached name, if that is unavailable it will return &lt;UNKNOWN&gt;
public String getLandlordName() {
String result = Utils.toName(getLandlord());
if(result == null || result.isEmpty()) {
result = config.getString("general.landlordName");
if(result == null || result.isEmpty()) {
result = null;
return result;
* Set the landlord of this region (the player that receives all revenue of this region).
* @param landlord The UUID of the player that should be set as landlord
* @param name The backup name of the player (for in case that the UUID cannot be resolved to a playername)
public void setLandlord(UUID landlord, String name) {
if(landlord != null) {
setSetting("general.landlord", landlord.toString());
String properName = Utils.toName(landlord);
if(properName == null) {
properName = name;
setSetting("general.landlordName", properName);
* Remove the landlord from this region.
public void removelandlord() {
setSetting("general.landlord", null);
setSetting("general.landlordName", null);
* Check if the specified player is the landlord of this region.
* @param landlord The UUID of the players to check for landlord
* @return true if the player is the landlord, otherwise false
public boolean isLandlord(UUID landlord) {
return landlord != null && getLandlord() != null && getLandlord().equals(landlord);
* Get the WorldGuard region associated with this AreaShop region.
* @return The ProtectedRegion of WorldGuard or null if the region does not exist anymore
public ProtectedRegion getRegion() {
if(getWorld() == null
|| plugin.getWorldGuard() == null
|| plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(getWorld()) == null
|| plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(getWorld()).getRegion(getName()) == null) {
return null;
return plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(getWorld()).getRegion(getName());
* Get the width of the region (x-axis).
* @return The width of the region (x-axis)
public int getWidth() {
if(getRegion() == null) {
return 0;
return getRegion().getMaximumPoint().getBlockX() - getRegion().getMinimumPoint().getBlockX() + 1;
* Get the depth of the region (z-axis).
* @return The depth of the region (z-axis)
public int getDepth() {
if(getRegion() == null) {
return 0;
return getRegion().getMaximumPoint().getBlockZ() - getRegion().getMinimumPoint().getBlockZ() + 1;
* Get the height of the region (y-axis).
* @return The height of the region (y-axis)
public int getHeight() {
if(getRegion() == null) {
return 0;
return getRegion().getMaximumPoint().getBlockY() - getRegion().getMinimumPoint().getBlockY() + 1;
* Get the groups that this region is added to.
* @return A Set with all groups of this region
public Set<RegionGroup> getGroups() {
Set<RegionGroup> result = new HashSet<>();
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this)) {
return result;
* Get a list of names from groups this region is in.
* @return A list of groups this region is part of
public List<String> getGroupNames() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(RegionGroup group : getGroups()) {
return result;
public Object provideReplacement(String variable) {
switch(variable) {
// Basics
case AreaShop.tagRegionName:
return getName();
case AreaShop.tagRegionType:
return getType().getValue().toLowerCase();
case AreaShop.tagWorldName:
return getWorldName();
case AreaShop.tagWidth:
return getWidth();
case AreaShop.tagDepth:
return getDepth();
case AreaShop.tagHeight:
return getHeight();
case AreaShop.tagFriends:
return Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(getFriendsFeature().getFriendNames());
case AreaShop.tagFriendsUUID:
return Utils.createCommaSeparatedList(getFriendsFeature().getFriends());
case AreaShop.tagLandlord:
return getLandlordName();
case AreaShop.tagLandlordUUID:
return getLandlord();
// Date/time
case AreaShop.tagEpoch:
return Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
case AreaShop.tagMillisecond:
return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
case AreaShop.tagSecond:
return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.SECOND);
case AreaShop.tagMinute:
return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE);
case AreaShop.tagHour:
return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
case AreaShop.tagDay:
return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
case AreaShop.tagMonth:
return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH);
case AreaShop.tagYear:
return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);
case AreaShop.tagDateTime:
return new SimpleDateFormat(plugin.getConfig().getString("timeFormatChat")).format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
case AreaShop.tagDateTimeShort:
return new SimpleDateFormat(plugin.getConfig().getString("timeFormatSign")).format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
// Teleport locations
Location tp = getTeleportFeature().getTeleportLocation();
if(tp == null) {
return null;
switch(variable) {
case AreaShop.tagTeleportBlockX:
return tp.getBlockX();
case AreaShop.tagTeleportBlockY:
return tp.getBlockY();
case AreaShop.tagTeleportBlockZ:
return tp.getBlockZ();
case AreaShop.tagTeleportX:
return tp.getX();
case AreaShop.tagTeleportY:
return tp.getY();
case AreaShop.tagTeleportZ:
return tp.getZ();
case AreaShop.tagTeleportPitch:
return tp.getPitch();
case AreaShop.tagTeleportYaw:
return tp.getYaw();
case AreaShop.tagTeleportPitchRound:
return Math.round(tp.getPitch());
case AreaShop.tagTeleportYawRound:
return Math.round(tp.getYaw());
case AreaShop.tagTeleportWorld:
return tp.getWorld().getName();
return null;
* Check if for renting this region you should be inside of it.
* @return true if you need to be inside, otherwise false
public boolean restrictedToRegion() {
return getBooleanSetting("general.restrictedToRegion");
* Check if for renting you need to be in the correct world.
* @return true if you need to be in the same world as the region, otherwise false
public boolean restrictedToWorld() {
return getBooleanSetting("general.restrictedToWorld") || restrictedToRegion();
* Check now if the player has been inactive for too long, unrent/sell will happen when true.
* @return true if the region has been unrented/sold, otherwise false
public abstract boolean checkInactive();
* Method to send a message to a CommandSender, using chatprefix if it is a player.
* Automatically includes the region in the message, enabling the use of all variables.
* @param target The CommandSender you wan't to send the message to (e.g. a player)
* @param key The key to get the translation
* @param prefix Specify if the message should have a prefix
* @param params The parameters to inject into the message string
public void configurableMessage(Object target, String key, boolean prefix, Object... params) {
Object[] newParams = new Object[params.length + 1];
newParams[0] = this;
System.arraycopy(params, 0, newParams, 1, params.length);
public void messageNoPrefix(Object target, String key, Object... params) {
configurableMessage(target, key, false, params);
public void message(Object target, String key, Object... params) {
configurableMessage(target, key, true, params);
* Check if a sign needs periodic updating.
* @return true if the signs of this region need periodic updating, otherwise false
public boolean needsPeriodicUpdate() {
return !(isDeleted() || !(this instanceof RentRegion)) && getSignsFeature().needsPeriodicUpdate();
* Change the restore setting.
* @param restore true, false or general
public void setRestoreSetting(Boolean restore) {
setSetting("general.enableRestore", restore);
* Change the restore profile.
* @param profile default or the name of the profile as set in the config
public void setSchematicProfile(String profile) {
setSetting("general.schematicProfile", profile);
* Save all blocks in a region for restoring later.
* @param fileName The name of the file to save to (extension and folder will be added)
* @return true if the region has been saved properly, otherwise false
public boolean saveRegionBlocks(String fileName) {
// Check if the region is correct
ProtectedRegion region = getRegion();
if(region == null) {
AreaShop.debug("Region '" + getName() + "' does not exist in WorldGuard, save failed");
return false;
// The path to save the schematic
File saveFile = new File(plugin.getFileManager().getSchematicFolder() + File.separator + fileName + AreaShop.schematicExtension);
// Create parent directories
File parent = saveFile.getParentFile();
if(parent != null && !parent.exists()) {
if(!parent.mkdirs()) {
AreaShop.warn("Did not save region " + getName() + ", schematic directory could not be created: " + saveFile.getAbsolutePath());
return false;
boolean result = plugin.getWorldEditHandler().saveRegionBlocks(saveFile, this);
if(result) {
AreaShop.debug("Saved schematic for region " + getName());
return true;
* Restore all blocks in a region for restoring later.
* @param fileName The name of the file to save to (extension and folder will be added)
* @return true if the region has been restored properly, otherwise false
public boolean restoreRegionBlocks(String fileName) {
if(getRegion() == null) {
AreaShop.debug("Region '" + getName() + "' does not exist in WorldGuard, restore failed");
return false;
// The path to save the schematic
File restoreFile = new File(plugin.getFileManager().getSchematicFolder() + File.separator + fileName + AreaShop.schematicExtension);
if(!restoreFile.exists() || !restoreFile.isFile()) {"Did not restore region " + getName() + ", schematic file does not exist: " + restoreFile.getAbsolutePath());
return false;
boolean result = plugin.getWorldEditHandler().restoreRegionBlocks(restoreFile, this);
if(result) {
AreaShop.debug("Restored schematic for region " + getName());
// Workaround for signs inside the region in combination with async restore of plugins like AsyncWorldEdit and FastAsyncWorldEdit
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 10L);
return result;
* Reset all flags of the region.
public void resetRegionFlags() {
ProtectedRegion region = getRegion();
if(region != null) {
region.setFlag(DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE, null);
region.setFlag(DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE, null);
* Indicate this region needs to be saved, saving will happen by a repeating task.
public void saveRequired() {
saveRequired = true;
* Check if a save is required.
* @return true if a save is required because some data changed, otherwise false
public boolean isSaveRequired() {
return saveRequired && !isDeleted();
* Save this region to disk now, using this method could slow down the plugin, normally saveRequired() should be used.
* @return true if the region is saved successfully, otherwise false
public boolean saveNow() {
if(isDeleted()) {
return false;
saveRequired = false;
File file = new File(plugin.getFileManager().getRegionFolder() + File.separator + getName().toLowerCase() + ".yml");
try {;
return true;
} catch(IOException e) {
return false;
* Get a boolean setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - If the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @return The value of the setting (strings are handled as booleans)
public boolean getBooleanSetting(String path) {
if(config.isSet(path)) {
if(config.isString(path)) {
return config.getString(path).equalsIgnoreCase("true");
return config.getBoolean(path);
boolean result = false;
int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean found = false;
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this) && group.getSettings().isSet(path) && group.getPriority() > priority) {
if(group.getSettings().isString(path)) {
result = group.getSettings().getString(path).equalsIgnoreCase("true");
} else {
result = group.getSettings().getBoolean(path);
priority = group.getPriority();
found = true;
if(found) {
return result;
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isString(path)) {
return this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().getString(path).equalsIgnoreCase("true");
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isSet(path)) {
return this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().getBoolean(path);
} else {
return this.getFileManager().getFallbackRegionSettings().getBoolean(path);
* Get a boolean setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - If the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @return The value of the setting (strings are handled as booleans)
public int getIntegerSetting(String path) {
if(config.isSet(path)) {
return config.getInt(path);
int result = 0;
int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean found = false;
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this) && group.getSettings().isSet(path) && group.getPriority() > priority) {
result = group.getSettings().getInt(path);
priority = group.getPriority();
found = true;
if(found) {
return result;
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isSet(path)) {
return this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().getInt(path);
} else {
return this.getFileManager().getFallbackRegionSettings().getInt(path);
* Get a double setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - If the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @return The value of the setting
public double getDoubleSetting(String path) {
if(config.isSet(path)) {
return config.getDouble(path);
double result = 0;
int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean found = false;
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this) && group.getSettings().isSet(path) && group.getPriority() > priority) {
result = group.getSettings().getDouble(path);
priority = group.getPriority();
found = true;
if(found) {
return result;
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isSet(path)) {
return this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().getDouble(path);
} else {
return this.getFileManager().getFallbackRegionSettings().getDouble(path);
* Get a long setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - If the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @return The value of the setting
public long getLongSetting(String path) {
if(config.isSet(path)) {
return config.getLong(path);
long result = 0;
int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean found = false;
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this) && group.getSettings().isSet(path) && group.getPriority() > priority) {
result = group.getSettings().getLong(path);
priority = group.getPriority();
found = true;
if(found) {
return result;
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isSet(path)) {
return this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().getLong(path);
} else {
return this.getFileManager().getFallbackRegionSettings().getLong(path);
* Get a string setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - If the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @return The value of the setting
public String getStringSetting(String path) {
if(config.isSet(path)) {
return config.getString(path);
String result = null;
int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean found = false;
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this) && group.getSettings().isSet(path) && group.getPriority() > priority) {
result = group.getSettings().getString(path);
priority = group.getPriority();
found = true;
if(found) {
return result;
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isSet(path)) {
return this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().getString(path);
} else {
return this.getFileManager().getFallbackRegionSettings().getString(path);
* Get a string list setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - If the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @return The value of the setting
public List<String> getStringListSetting(String path) {
if(config.isSet(path)) {
return config.getStringList(path);
List<String> result = null;
int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean found = false;
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this) && group.getSettings().isSet(path) && group.getPriority() > priority) {
result = group.getSettings().getStringList(path);
priority = group.getPriority();
found = true;
if(found) {
return result;
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isSet(path)) {
return this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().getStringList(path);
} else {
return this.getFileManager().getFallbackRegionSettings().getStringList(path);
* Get a configuration section setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - If the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @return The value of the setting
public ConfigurationSection getConfigurationSectionSetting(String path) {
if(config.isSet(path)) {
return config.getConfigurationSection(path);
ConfigurationSection result = null;
int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean found = false;
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this) && group.getSettings().isSet(path) && group.getPriority() > priority) {
result = group.getSettings().getConfigurationSection(path);
priority = group.getPriority();
found = true;
if(found) {
return result;
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isSet(path)) {
return this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().getConfigurationSection(path);
} else {
return this.getFileManager().getFallbackRegionSettings().getConfigurationSection(path);
* Get a configuration section setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - If the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @param translateProfileName The name of the profile section in the plugin config file to translate result strings into sections
* @return The value of the setting
public ConfigurationSection getConfigurationSectionSetting(String path, String translateProfileName) {
return getConfigurationSectionSetting(path, translateProfileName, null);
* Get a configuration section setting for this region, defined as follows
* - If earlyResult is non-null, use that
* - Else if the region has the setting in its own file (/regions/regionName.yml), use that
* - Else if the region has groups, use the setting defined by the most important group, if any
* - Otherwise fallback to the default.yml file setting
* @param path The path to get the setting of
* @param translateProfileName The name of the profile section in the plugin config file to translate result strings into sections
* @param earlyResult Result that should have priority over the rest
* @return The value of the setting
public ConfigurationSection getConfigurationSectionSetting(String path, String translateProfileName, Object earlyResult) {
Object result = null;
if(earlyResult != null) {
result = earlyResult;
} else if(config.isSet(path)) {
result = config.get(path);
} else {
boolean found = false;
int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for(RegionGroup group : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
if(group.isMember(this) && group.getSettings().isSet(path) && group.getPriority() > priority) {
result = group.getSettings().get(path);
priority = group.getPriority();
found = true;
if(!found) {
if(this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().isSet(path)) {
result = this.getFileManager().getRegionSettings().get(path);
} else {
result = this.getFileManager().getFallbackRegionSettings().get(path);
// Either result is a ConfigurationSection or is used as key in the plugin config to get a ConfigurationSection
if(result == null) {
return null;
} else if(result instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
return (ConfigurationSection)result;
} else {
return plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection(translateProfileName + "." + result.toString());
* Set a setting in the file of the region itself.
* @param path The path to set
* @param value The value to set it to, null to remove the setting
public void setSetting(String path, Object value) {
config.set(path, value);
* Check if the player can buy/rent this region, detailed info in the result object.
* @param type The type of region to check
* @param player The player to check it for
* @return LimitResult containing if it is allowed, why and limiting factor
public LimitResult limitsAllow(RegionType type, Player player) {
return limitsAllow(type, player, false);
* Check if the player can buy/rent this region, detailed info in the result object.
* @param type The type of region to check
* @param player The player to check it for
* @param extend Check for extending of rental regions
* @return LimitResult containing if it is allowed, why and limiting factor
public LimitResult limitsAllow(RegionType type, Player player, boolean extend) {
if(player.hasPermission("areashop.limitbypass")) {
return new LimitResult(true, null, 0, 0, null);
GeneralRegion exclude = null;
if(extend) {
exclude = this;
String typePath;
if(type == RegionType.RENT) {
typePath = "rents";
} else {
typePath = "buys";
// Check all limitgroups the player has
List<String> groups = new ArrayList<>(plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("limitGroups").getKeys(false));
while(!groups.isEmpty()) {
String group = groups.get(0);
if(player.hasPermission("areashop.limits." + group) && this.matchesLimitGroup(group)) {
String pathPrefix = "limitGroups." + group + ".";
if(!plugin.getConfig().isInt(pathPrefix + "total")) {
AreaShop.warn("Limit group " + group + " in the config.yml file does not correctly specify the number of total regions (should be specified as total: <number>)");
if(!plugin.getConfig().isInt(pathPrefix + typePath)) {
AreaShop.warn("Limit group " + group + " in the config.yml file does not correctly specify the number of " + typePath + " regions (should be specified as " + typePath + ": <number>)");
int totalLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("limitGroups." + group + ".total");
int typeLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("limitGroups." + group + "." + typePath);
//AreaShop.debug("typeLimitOther="+typeLimit+", typePath="+typePath);
int totalCurrent = hasRegionsInLimitGroup(player, group, plugin.getFileManager().getRegions(), exclude);
int typeCurrent;
if(type == RegionType.RENT) {
typeCurrent = hasRegionsInLimitGroup(player, group, plugin.getFileManager().getRents(), exclude);
} else {
typeCurrent = hasRegionsInLimitGroup(player, group, plugin.getFileManager().getBuys(), exclude);
if(totalLimit == -1) {
totalLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if(typeLimit == -1) {
typeLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
String totalHighestGroup = group;
String typeHighestGroup = group;
// Get the highest number from the groups of the same category
List<String> groupsCopy = new ArrayList<>(groups);
for(String checkGroup : groupsCopy) {
if(player.hasPermission("areashop.limits." + checkGroup) && this.matchesLimitGroup(checkGroup)) {
if(limitGroupsOfSameCategory(group, checkGroup)) {
int totalLimitOther = plugin.getConfig().getInt("limitGroups." + checkGroup + ".total");
int typeLimitOther = plugin.getConfig().getInt("limitGroups." + checkGroup + "." + typePath);
if(totalLimitOther > totalLimit) {
totalLimit = totalLimitOther;
totalHighestGroup = checkGroup;
} else if(totalLimitOther == -1) {
totalLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if(typeLimitOther > typeLimit) {
typeLimit = typeLimitOther;
typeHighestGroup = checkGroup;
} else if(typeLimitOther == -1) {
typeLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
// Check if the limits stop the player from buying the region
if(typeCurrent >= typeLimit) {
LimitType limitType;
if(type == RegionType.RENT) {
if(extend) {
limitType = LimitType.EXTEND;
} else {
limitType = LimitType.RENTS;
} else {
limitType = LimitType.BUYS;
return new LimitResult(false, limitType, typeLimit, typeCurrent, typeHighestGroup);
if(totalCurrent >= totalLimit) {
return new LimitResult(false, LimitType.TOTAL, totalLimit, totalCurrent, totalHighestGroup);
return new LimitResult(true, null, 0, 0, null);
* Class to store the result of a limits check.
public class LimitResult {
private boolean actionAllowed;
private LimitType limitingFactor;
private int maximum;
private int current;
private String limitingGroup;
* Constructor.
* @param actionAllowed has the action been allowed?
* @param limitingFactor The LimitType that has prevented the action (if actionAllowed is false)
* @param maximum The maximum number of regions allowed (if actionAllowed is false)
* @param current The current number of regions the player has (if actionAllowed is false)
* @param limitingGroup The group that is enforcing this limit (if actionAllowed is false)
public LimitResult(boolean actionAllowed, LimitType limitingFactor, int maximum, int current, String limitingGroup) {
this.actionAllowed = actionAllowed;
this.limitingFactor = limitingFactor;
this.maximum = maximum;
this.current = current;
this.limitingGroup = limitingGroup;
* Check if the action is allowed.
* @return true if the actions is allowed, otherwise false
public boolean actionAllowed() {
return actionAllowed;
* Get the type of the factor that is limiting the action, assuming actionAllowed() is false.
* @return The type of the limiting factor
public LimitType getLimitingFactor() {
return limitingFactor;
* Get the maximum number of the group that is the limiting factor, assuming actionAllowed() is false.
* @return The maximum
public int getMaximum() {
return maximum;
* Get the current number of regions in the group that is the limiting factor, assuming actionAllowed() is false.
* @return The current number of regions the player has
public int getCurrent() {
return current;
* Get the name of the group that is limiting the action, assuming actionAllowed() is false.
* @return The name of the group
public String getLimitingGroup() {
return limitingGroup;
public String toString() {
return "actionAllowed=" + actionAllowed + ", limitingFactor=" + limitingFactor + ", maximum=" + maximum + ", current=" + current + ", limitingGroup=" + limitingGroup;
* Checks if two limitGroups are of the same category (same groups and worlds lists).
* @param firstGroup The first group
* @param secondGroup The second group
* @return true if the groups and worlds lists are the same, otherwise false
private boolean limitGroupsOfSameCategory(String firstGroup, String secondGroup) {
List<String> firstGroups = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("limitGroups." + firstGroup + ".groups");
List<String> secondGroups = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("limitGroups." + secondGroup + ".groups");
if(!firstGroups.containsAll(secondGroups) || !secondGroups.containsAll(firstGroups)) {
return false;
List<String> firstWorlds = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("limitGroups." + firstGroup + ".worlds");
List<String> secondWorlds = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("limitGroups." + secondGroup + ".worlds");
return !(!firstWorlds.containsAll(secondWorlds) || !secondWorlds.containsAll(firstWorlds));
* Get the amount of regions a player has matching a certain limits group (config.yml -- limitGroups)
* @param player The player to check the amount for
* @param limitGroup The group to check
* @param regions All the regions a player has bought or rented
* @param exclude Exclude this region from the count
* @return The number of regions that the player has bought or rented matching the limit group (worlds and groups filters)
public int hasRegionsInLimitGroup(Player player, String limitGroup, List<? extends GeneralRegion> regions, GeneralRegion exclude) {
int result = 0;
for(GeneralRegion region : regions) {
if(region.isOwner(player) && region.matchesLimitGroup(limitGroup) && (exclude == null || !exclude.getName().equals(region.getName()))) {
return result;
* Check if this region matches the filters of a limit group.
* @param group The group to check
* @return true if the region applies to the limit group, otherwise false
public boolean matchesLimitGroup(String group) {
List<String> worlds = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("limitGroups." + group + ".worlds");
List<String> groups = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("limitGroups." + group + ".groups");
if((worlds == null || worlds.isEmpty() || worlds.contains(getWorldName()))) {
if(groups == null || groups.isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else {
boolean inGroups = false;
for(RegionGroup checkGroup : plugin.getFileManager().getGroups()) {
inGroups = inGroups || (groups.contains(checkGroup.getName()) && checkGroup.isMember(this));
return inGroups;
return false;
* Checks an event and handles saving to and restoring from schematic for it.
* @param type The type of event
public void handleSchematicEvent(RegionEvent type) {
// Check the individual>group>default setting
if(!isRestoreEnabled()) {
AreaShop.debug("Schematic operations for " + getName() + " not enabled, skipped");
// Get the safe and restore names
ConfigurationSection profileSection = getConfigurationSectionSetting("general.schematicProfile", "schematicProfiles");
if(profileSection == null) {
String save = profileSection.getString(type.getValue() + ".save");
String restore = profileSection.getString(type.getValue() + ".restore");
// Save the region if needed
if(save != null && save.length() != 0) {
save = Message.fromString(save).replacements(this).getSingle();
// Restore the region if needed
if(restore != null && restore.length() != 0) {
restore = Message.fromString(restore).replacements(this).getSingle();
* Run commands as the CommandsSender, replacing all tags with the relevant values.
* @param sender The sender that should perform the command
* @param commands A list of the commands to run (without slash and with tags)
public void runCommands(CommandSender sender, List<String> commands) {
if(commands == null || commands.isEmpty()) {
for(String command : commands) {
if(command == null || command.length() == 0) {
// It is not ideal we have to disable language replacements here, but otherwise giving language variables
// to '/areashop message' by a command in the config gets replaced and messes up the fancy formatting.
command = Message.fromString(command).replacements(this).noLanguageReplacements().getSingle();
boolean result;
String error = null;
String stacktrace = null;
try {
result = plugin.getServer().dispatchCommand(sender, command);
} catch(CommandException e) {
result = false;
error = e.getMessage();
stacktrace = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e);
boolean printed = false;
if(!result) {
printed = true;
if(error != null) {
AreaShop.warn("Command execution failed, command=" + command + ", error=" + error + ", stacktrace:");
AreaShop.warn("--- End of stacktrace ---");
} else {
AreaShop.warn("Command execution failed, command=" + command);
if(!printed) {
AreaShop.debug("Command run, executor=" + sender.getName() + ", command=" + command);
* Run command for a certain event.
* @param event The event
* @param before The 'before' or 'after' commands
public void runEventCommands(RegionEvent event, boolean before) {
ConfigurationSection eventCommandProfileSection = getConfigurationSectionSetting("general.eventCommandProfile", "eventCommandProfiles");
if(eventCommandProfileSection == null) {
List<String> commands = eventCommandProfileSection.getStringList(event.getValue() + "." + (before ? "before" : "after"));
if(commands == null || commands.isEmpty()) {
runCommands(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), commands);