
478 lines
17 KiB

package me.wiefferink.areashop.commands;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.AreaShop;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.features.signs.RegionSign;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.features.signs.SignsFeature;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.BuyRegion;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.GeneralRegion;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.RegionGroup;
import me.wiefferink.areashop.regions.RentRegion;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
public class ImportJob {
private final AreaShop plugin;
private final CommandSender sender;
* Create and execute the import.
* @param sender CommandSender that should receive progress updates
public ImportJob(CommandSender sender) {
this.sender = sender;
this.plugin = AreaShop.getInstance();
* Execute the job.
private void execute() {
// Check for RegionForSale data
File regionForSaleFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(), "RegionForSale");
if(!regionForSaleFolder.exists()) {
message("import-noPluginFolder", regionForSaleFolder.getName());
File worldsFolder = new File(regionForSaleFolder.getAbsolutePath(), "worlds");
if(!worldsFolder.exists()) {
File[] worldFolders = worldsFolder.listFiles();
if(worldFolders == null) {
// Import data for each world
// Group with settings for all imported regions
RegionGroup regionForSaleGroup = new RegionGroup(plugin, "RegionForSale");
// Import /RegionForSale/config.yml settings
File regionForSaleConfigFile = new File(regionForSaleFolder.getAbsolutePath(), "config.yml");
YamlConfiguration regionForSaleConfig = loadConfiguration(regionForSaleConfigFile);
if(regionForSaleConfig == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-loadConfigFailed", regionForSaleConfigFile.getAbsolutePath());
regionForSaleConfig = new YamlConfiguration();
} else {
importRegionSettings(regionForSaleConfig, regionForSaleGroup.getSettings(), null, false);
regionForSaleGroup.setSetting("priority", 0);
// Import /RegionForSale/general.yml settings
File regionForSaleGeneralFile = new File(regionForSaleFolder.getAbsolutePath(), "config.yml");
YamlConfiguration regionForSaleGeneral = loadConfiguration(regionForSaleConfigFile);
if(regionForSaleGeneral == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-loadConfigFailed", regionForSaleGeneralFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
// Collection interval of RegionForSale maps to rent duration
String duration = "1 day";
if(regionForSaleGeneral.isLong("interval.collect_money")) {
duration = minutesToString(regionForSaleGeneral.getLong("interval.collect_money"));
regionForSaleGroup.setSetting("rent.duration", duration);
// Global economy account has an effect close to landlord in AreaShop
if(regionForSaleGeneral.isString("global_econ_account")) {
regionForSaleGroup.setSetting("general.landlordName", regionForSaleGeneral.getString("global_econ_account"));
////////// Handle defaults of RegionForSale
// Set autoExtend, to keep the same behavior as RegionForSale had
regionForSaleGroup.setSetting("rent.autoExtend", true);
// Import regions from each world
for(File worldFolder : worldFolders) {
// Skip files
if(!worldFolder.isDirectory() || worldFolder.isHidden()) {
messageNoPrefix("import-doWorld", worldFolder.getName());
// Get the Bukkit world
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldFolder.getName());
if(world == null) {
// Get the WorldGuard RegionManager
RegionManager regionManager = plugin.getRegionManager(world);
if(regionManager == null) {
// Load the /worlds/<world>/regions.yml file
File regionsFile = new File(worldFolder.getAbsolutePath(), "regions.yml");
YamlConfiguration regions = loadConfiguration(regionsFile);
if(regions == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-loadRegionsFailed", regionsFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Load /worlds/<world>/config.yml file
File worldConfigFile = new File(worldFolder.getAbsolutePath(), "config.yml");
YamlConfiguration worldConfig = loadConfiguration(worldConfigFile);
if(worldConfig == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-loadWorldConfigFailed", worldConfigFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Simply skip importing the settings, since this is not really fatal
worldConfig = new YamlConfiguration();
} else {
// RegionGroup with all world settings
RegionGroup worldGroup = new RegionGroup(plugin, "RegionForSale-" + worldFolder.getName());
importRegionSettings(worldConfig, worldGroup.getSettings(), null, false);
worldGroup.setSetting("priority", 1);
// Create groups to hold settings of /worlds/<world>/parent-regions.yml
File parentRegionsFile = new File(worldFolder.getAbsolutePath(), "parent-regions.yml");
YamlConfiguration parentRegions = loadConfiguration(parentRegionsFile);
if(parentRegions == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-loadParentRegionsFailed", parentRegionsFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Non-fatal, so just continue
} else {
for(String parentRegionName : parentRegions.getKeys(false)) {
// Get WorldGuard region
ProtectedRegion worldGuardRegion = regionManager.getRegion(parentRegionName);
if(worldGuardRegion == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-noWorldGuardRegionParent", parentRegionName);
// Get settings section
ConfigurationSection parentRegionSection = parentRegions.getConfigurationSection(parentRegionName);
if(parentRegionSection == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-improperParentRegion", parentRegionName);
// Skip if it does not have any settings
if(parentRegionSection.getKeys(false).isEmpty()) {
// Import parent region settings into a RegionGroup
RegionGroup parentRegionGroup = new RegionGroup(plugin, "RegionForSale-" + worldFolder.getName() + "-" + parentRegionName);
importRegionSettings(parentRegionSection, parentRegionGroup.getSettings(), null, false);
parentRegionGroup.setSetting("priority", 2 + parentRegionSection.getLong("info.priority", 0));
// TODO add all regions that are contained in this parent region
// Utils.getWorldEditRegionsInSelection()
// Read and import regions
for(String regionKey : regions.getKeys(false)) {
GeneralRegion existingRegion = plugin.getFileManager().getRegion(regionKey);
if(existingRegion != null) {
if(world.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(existingRegion.getWorldName())) {
messageNoPrefix("import-alreadyAdded", regionKey);
} else {
messageNoPrefix("import-alreadyAddedOtherWorld", regionKey, existingRegion.getWorldName(), world.getName());
ConfigurationSection regionSection = regions.getConfigurationSection(regionKey);
if(regionSection == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-invalidRegionSection", regionKey);
// Get WorldGuard region
ProtectedRegion worldGuardRegion = regionManager.getRegion(regionKey);
if(worldGuardRegion == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-noWorldGuardRegion", regionKey);
String owner = regionSection.getString("info.owner", null);
boolean isBought = regionSection.getBoolean("");
// TODO: should also take into config settings of parent regions
boolean rentable = regionSection.getBoolean("economic-settings.rentable", worldConfig.getBoolean("economic-settings.rentable", regionForSaleConfig.getBoolean("economic-settings.rentable")));
boolean buyable = regionSection.getBoolean("economic-settings.buyable", worldConfig.getBoolean("economic-settings.buyable", regionForSaleConfig.getBoolean("economic-settings.buyable")));
// Can be bought and rented, import as buy
if(buyable && rentable) {
messageNoPrefix("import-buyAndRent", regionKey);
// Cannot be bought or rented, skip
if(!buyable && !rentable && owner == null) {
messageNoPrefix("import-noBuyAndNoRent", regionKey);
// Create region
GeneralRegion region;
if(rentable || (owner != null && !isBought)) {
region = new RentRegion(regionKey, world);
} else {
region = new BuyRegion(regionKey, world);
// Import settings
importRegionSettings(regionSection, region.getConfig(), region, !buyable && !rentable);
region.getConfig().set("general.importedFrom", "RegionForSale");
// Get existing owners and members
List<UUID> existing = new ArrayList<>();
if(owner != null) {
OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(owner);
if(offlinePlayer != null) {
for(UUID uuid : plugin.getWorldGuardHandler().getOwners(worldGuardRegion).asUniqueIdList()) {
if(!existing.contains(uuid)) {
for(UUID uuid : plugin.getWorldGuardHandler().getMembers(worldGuardRegion).asUniqueIdList()) {
if(!existing.contains(uuid)) {
// First owner (or if none, the first member) will be the renter/buyer
if(!existing.isEmpty()) {
// Add others as friends
for(UUID friend : existing) {
region.getFriendsFeature().addFriend(friend, null);
messageNoPrefix("import-imported", regionKey);
// Update all regions
// Write all imported regions and settings to disk
* Load a YamlConfiguration from disk using UTF-8 encoding.
* @param from File to read the configuration from
* @return YamlConfiguration if the file exists and got read wihout problems, otherwise null
private YamlConfiguration loadConfiguration(File from) {
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(from), Charsets.UTF_8)
) {
return YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(reader);
} catch(IOException e) {
return null;
* Import region specific settings from a RegionForSale source to an AreaShop target ConfigurationSection.
* @param from RegionForSale config section that specifies region settings
* @param to AreaShop config section that specifies region settings
* @param region GeneralRegion to copy settings to, or null if doing generic settings
* @param permanent Region cannot be rented or bought, disables some features
private void importRegionSettings(ConfigurationSection from, ConfigurationSection to, GeneralRegion region, boolean permanent) {
// Maximum rental time, TODO check if this is actually the same
if(from.isLong("permissions.max-rent-time")) {
to.set("rent.maxRentTime", minutesToString(from.getLong("permissions.max-rent-time")));
// Region rebuild
if(from.getBoolean("")) {
to.set("general.enableRestore", true);
// Get price settings
String unit = from.getString("economic-settings.unit-type");
String rentPrice = from.getString("");
String buyPrice = from.getString("");
String sellPrice = from.getString("economic-settings.cost-per-unit.selling-price");
// TODO: There is no easy way to import this, setup eventCommandsProfile?
// String taxes = from.getString("economic-settings.cost-per-unit.taxes");
// Determine unit and add that to the price
String unitSuffix = "";
if("region".equalsIgnoreCase(unit)) {
// add nothing
} else if("m3".equalsIgnoreCase(unit)) {
unitSuffix = "*%volume%";
} else { // m2 or nothing (in case not set, we should actually look in parent files to correctly set this...)
unitSuffix = "*(%volume%/%height%)"; // This is better than width*depth because of polygon regions
// Apply settings
if(rentPrice != null) {
to.set("rent.price", rentPrice + unitSuffix);
if(buyPrice != null) {
to.set("buy.price", buyPrice + unitSuffix);
if(sellPrice != null) {
try {
double buyPriceAmount = Double.parseDouble(buyPrice);
double sellPriceAmount = Double.parseDouble(sellPrice);
to.set("buy.moneyBack", sellPriceAmount / buyPriceAmount * 100);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
// There is not always a region here for the message, should probably indicate something though
message("import-moneyBackFailed", buyPrice, sellPrice);
// Apply permanent region settings
if(permanent) {
to.set("buy.resellDisabled", true);
to.set("buy.sellDisabled", true);
to.set("general.countForLimits", false);
// Set rented until
&& region instanceof RentRegion) {
RentRegion rentRegion = (RentRegion)region;
long lastWithdrawal = from.getLong("info.last-withdrawal");
// Because the rental duration is already imported into the region and its parents this should be correct
rentRegion.setRentedUntil(lastWithdrawal + rentRegion.getDuration());
// Import signs (list of strings like "297, 71, -22")
if(from.isList("info.signs") && region != null) {
for(String signLocation : from.getStringList("info.signs")) {
String[] locationParts = signLocation.split(", ");
if(locationParts.length != 3) {
message("import-invalidSignLocation", region.getName(), signLocation);
// Parse the location
Location location;
try {
location = new Location(region.getWorld(), Double.parseDouble(locationParts[0]), Double.parseDouble(locationParts[1]), Double.parseDouble(locationParts[2]));
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
message("import-invalidSignLocation", region.getName(), signLocation);
// Check if this location is already added to a region
RegionSign regionSign = SignsFeature.getSignByLocation(location);
if(regionSign != null) {
if(!regionSign.getRegion().equals(region)) {
message("import-signAlreadyAdded", region.getName(), signLocation, regionSign.getRegion().getName());
// SignType and Facing will be written when the sign is updated later
region.getSignsFeature().addSign(location, null, null, null);
private static class TimeUnit {
public final long minutes;
public final String identifier;
TimeUnit(long minutes, String identifier) {
this.minutes = minutes;
this.identifier = identifier;
private static final List<TimeUnit> timeUnitLookup = new ArrayList<TimeUnit>() {
add(new TimeUnit(60 * 24 * 30 * 12, "year"));
add(new TimeUnit(60 * 24 * 30, "month"));
add(new TimeUnit(60 * 24, "day"));
add(new TimeUnit(60, "hour"));
* Convert minutes to a human-readable string.
* @param minutes Value to convert
* @return String that represents the same length of time in a readable format, like "1 day", "5 minutes", "3 months"
private String minutesToString(long minutes) {
// If the specified number of minutes can map nicely to a higher unit, use that one
String resultUnit = "minute";
long resultValue = minutes;
for(TimeUnit unit : timeUnitLookup) {
long result = minutes / unit.minutes;
if(resultValue * unit.minutes == minutes) {
resultUnit = unit.identifier;
resultValue = result;
return resultValue + " " + resultUnit + (resultValue == 1 ? "" : "s");
* Send a message to a target without a prefix.
* @param key The key of the language string
* @param replacements The replacements to insert in the message
public void messageNoPrefix(String key, Object... replacements) {
plugin.messageNoPrefix(sender, key, replacements);
if(!(sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender)) {
plugin.messageNoPrefix(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), key, replacements);
* Send a message to a target, prefixed by the default chat prefix.
* @param key The key of the language string
* @param replacements The replacements to insert in the message
public void message(String key, Object... replacements) {
plugin.message(sender, key, replacements);
if(!(sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender)) {
plugin.message(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), key, replacements);