
252 lines
7.0 KiB

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class GithubUpdateCheck {
public static final String API_HOST = "";
public static final String API_LATEST_RELEASE = "releases/latest";
public static final String USER_AGENT = "GithubUpdateCheck by NLThijs48";
public static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private final String author;
private final String repository;
private final Plugin plugin;
private final Logger logger;
private URL url;
private VersionComparator versionComparator;
// Status
private boolean checking;
private boolean error;
private boolean hasUpdate;
private String latestVersion;
private final String currentVersion;
* Create a new GithubUpdateCheck with the required information.
* @param plugin The plugin to create it for (used for logging and checking version)
* @param author The author of the plugin as used on Github
* @param repository The repository name of the plugin on Github
public GithubUpdateCheck(Plugin plugin, String author, String repository) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.logger = plugin.getLogger(); = author;
this.repository = repository;
this.currentVersion = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
this.versionComparator = (latest, current) ->
this.checking = false;
this.error = false;
this.hasUpdate = false;
* Change the version comparator.
* @param versionComparator VersionComparator to use for checking if one version is newer than the other
* @return this
public GithubUpdateCheck withVersionComparator(VersionComparator versionComparator) {
this.versionComparator = versionComparator;
return this;
* Check if an update is available.
public void checkUpdate() {
* Check if an update is available.
* @param callback Callback to execute when the update check is done
* @return GithubUpdateCheck containing the status of the check
public GithubUpdateCheck checkUpdate(UpdateCallback callback) {
checking = true;
final GithubUpdateCheck self = this;
// Check for update on asyn thread
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
try {
try {
String rawUrl = API_HOST + "/" + author + "/" + repository + "/" + API_LATEST_RELEASE;
url = new URL(rawUrl);
} catch(MalformedURLException e) {
logger.severe("Invalid url: '" + url + "', are the author '" + author + "' and repository '" + repository + "' correct?");
error = true;
try {
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
// Give up after 15 seconds
// Identify ourselves
conn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
// Make sure we access the correct api version
conn.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json");
// We want to read the result
// Open connection
try(BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()))) {
String response = reader.readLine();
debug("Response:", response);
JSONObject latestRelease = (JSONObject)JSONValue.parse(response);
if(latestRelease.isEmpty()) {
logger.warning("Failed to get api response from " + url);
error = true;
debug("json: " + latestRelease.toJSONString());
// Latest version
latestVersion = (String)latestRelease.get("tag_name");
debug("Tag name:", latestVersion);
// Current version
debug("Plugin version:", currentVersion);
// Compare version
hasUpdate = versionComparator.isNewer(latestVersion, currentVersion);
} catch(IOException e) {
logger.severe("Failed to get latest release:" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
error = true;
} catch(ClassCastException e) {"Unexpected structure of the result, failed to parse it");
error = true;
} finally {
checking = false;
debug("result:", self);
if(callback != null) {
// Switch back to main thread and call the callback
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {;
return this;
* Check if an update check is running.
* @return true if an update check is running
public boolean isChecking() {
return checking;
* Check if the update check failed.
* @return true if the update check failed (an error message has been logged)
public boolean hasFailed() {
return error;
* Check if an update has been found.
* @return true if an update has been found
public boolean hasUpdate() {
return hasUpdate;
* Get the repository that this update checker is checking.
* @return Used repository
public String getRepository() {
return repository;
* Get the author that this update checker is checking.
* @return Used author
public String getAuthor() {
return author;
* Get the current version.
* @return Current version of the plugin
public String getCurrentVersion() {
return currentVersion;
* Get the latest version.
* @return Latest version of the plugin (if checking is complete)
public String getLatestVersion() {
return latestVersion;
public interface VersionComparator {
* Check if a version should be considered 'newer' than another.
* @param latestVersion Version that is available on Github
* @param currentVersion Version of the current plugin
* @return true if the latestVersion is newer than the localVersion, otherwise false
boolean isNewer(String latestVersion, String currentVersion);
public interface UpdateCallback {
void run(GithubUpdateCheck result);
* Print a debug message if DEBUG is enabled.
* @param message Message to print
private void debug(Object... message) {
if(DEBUG) {"[" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "] [DEBUG] " + StringUtils.join(message, " "));
public String toString() {
return "GithubUpdateCheck(" + StringUtils.join(Arrays.asList(
"author=" + author,
"repository=" + repository,
"plugin=" + plugin.getName(),
"checking=" + checking,
"hasUpdate=" + hasUpdate,
"error=" + error,
"currentVersion=" + currentVersion,
"latestVersion=" + latestVersion
), ", ") + ")";