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synced 2024-11-23 02:35:25 +01:00
Some lines will not show up when based on config options (extending, in advance renting, restoring), some don't show up if empty (friends, signs) and some don't show up based on permissions (groups, teleport location, restoring). Also adds a couple of tags to be used in language files and the config.
327 lines
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327 lines
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# ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
# ║ config.yml file of the AreaShop plugin created by NLThijs48, Github can be found at https://github.com/NLthijs48/AreaShop ║
# ║ This file contains options to change the working of the plugin, the profiles defined here can be used in default.yml ║
# ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
# ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ GENERAL: Options that influence the global state of the plugin │
# └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
## Chatprefix used for all messages in the chat. Also check the 'greeting' lines in the 'flagProfiles' section,
## these also contain the prefix and you may want to change those to
chatPrefix: '&2[AreaShop]&r '
## The characters used for the prices of regions, will appear before the number, for the euro character use '%euro%'
moneyCharacter: '$'
## The characters used after a currency number, '%euro%' will become the euro character
moneyCharacterAfter: ''
## How many numbers behind the dot should be shown (2 will make numbers like '8.55', '9.01')
fractionalNumbers: 2
## Set this to true if you want to hide '.0' for a number like '15.0' ('4.50' will still stay '4.50')
hideEmptyFractionalPart: true
## The .yml language file that should be used, provided by this plugin: EN, NL
language: EN
## Enable Schematic saving and restoring in general
enableSchematics: true
## The tags you need to write on the sign to trigger the plugin
## Tag for adding a rent region
rent: '[rent]'
## Tag for adding a buy region
buy: '[buy]'
## Tag for adding a sign to an existing region
add: '[as]'
## Enable sending stats to http://mcstats.org/ (Metrics plugin)
sendStats: true
## Use colors when sending messages to console and log files
useColorsInConsole: false
## Post error messages in the console when a command run from the config fails (from the 'runCommands' section for example)
postCommandErrors: true
## Enables / disables debug messages in the console, could be useful to figure out where errors come from
debug: false
## Version of the config, do not change!
version: 2.1.0
# ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ RENTING: Options that apply to all rent regions │
# └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
## Timeformat to use on the signs, default is like '30-06 14:52', US format: 'MM-dd KK:mm a'
## Search for 'java SimpleDateFormat' for more options and documentation
timeFormatSign: 'dd-MM HH:mm'
## Timeformat used in the chat, default is like '30 june 2014 14:52', US format: 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM dd yyyy KK:mm a'
## Search for 'java SimpleDateFormat' for more options and documentation
timeFormatChat: 'dd MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yyyy HH:mm'
## Time indicators, used for specifing rent duration on the signs
## Be careful with deleting words, will break signs using those, adding is no problem
minutes: [m, min, mins, minute, minutes, minuten, minuut]
hours: [h, hour, hours, uur, uren]
days: [d, day, days, dag, dagen]
months: [M, month, months, maanden, maand]
years: [y, year, years, jaar, jaren]
# ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ PERMISSION GROUPS: Assigned by giving players certain permissions │
# └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
## Configure the max total regions, max rent regions and max buy regions with different groups (-1 is unlimited)
## Assign a group to players by giving them the permission 'areashop.limits.<group>'
## Every player already has the group 'default' and ops have the unlimited group
## All the groups applied to the player will be checked and only if they all allow an extra region it will be permitted
## Add a 'worlds' or 'groups' list to a group to only count regions from those worlds and/or groups .
## This can be used to get different limits for other worlds or area's.
## Give players permissions globally and not per world! That would break limits when then try renting/buying from within another world
total: 1
rents: 1
buys: 1
# ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ PROFILES: Assigned in general (default.yml), for a group (groups.yml) or individually (<region>.yml) │
# └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
## Below is a list of tags that can be used with all the profiles below.
## If a tag has no value (for example when you use %player% when the region is not rented/bought) then the tag will not get replaced
## %region% The region name (with correct capitalization)
## %player% The name of the player that rents/buys the region (with correct capitalization), will not get replaced if no renter/buyer
## %uuid% The uuid of the player that rents/buys the region, will not get replaced if no renter/buyer
## %friends% The names of friends added to this region separated by ', '
## %friendsuuid% The UUID's of friends added to this region separated by ', '
## %price% The price of the region formatted with the configured characters before and after the number
## %duration% The duration of a rent region, for example '1 d', '4 minutes' or '2 years'
## %world% The name of the world that the region is in
## %type% The type of the region, 'rent' or 'buy'
## %until% The end time of a rent formatted as configured with 'timeFormatChat'
## %untilshort% The end time of a rent formatted as configured with 'timeFormatSign'
## %width% The width of the region (amount of blocks on the x-axis)
## %depth% The depth of the region (amount of blocks on the z-axis)
## %height% The height of the region (amount of blocks on the y-axis)
## %timeleft% The time left on the rent (uses the unit of time that fits best, minutes used from 121 seconds till 120 minutes)
## %clicker% The name of the player that clicked the sign (only to be used in the signProfiles section)
## %resellprice% The price of a region when it is in resell mode
## %moneyback% The amount of money the player will get back when unrenting/selling the region (formatted with currency characters)
## %moneybackpercent% The percentage of the price the player will get back when unrenting (only the number between 0-100)
## %maxextends% The maximum number of extends a player can do on the region
## %extendsleft% The number of extends that are left (maxextends - timesextended)
## %maxrenttime% The maximum time you can rent a region in advance (human readble)
## %inactivetime% The maximum time a player may be inactive before unrent/sell (human readble)
## Below are profiles for the signs, you can assign profiles to regions
## by setting 'general.signProfile' in default.yml, groups or individual regions
## The following sections can be added for performing certain commands when the sign is clicked:
## rightClickPlayer, rightClickConsole, shiftRightClickPlayer, shiftRightClickConsole,
## leftClickPlayer, leftClickConsole, shiftLeftClickPlayer, shiftLeftClickConsole
## Sections with 'Player' at the end will be run by the clicking player and 'Console' ones from the console
line1: '&2&l[For Rent]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%duration%'
line4: '%price%'
- 'areashop rent %region%'
- 'areashop info region %region%'
line1: '&4&l[Rented]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%player%'
line4: '%untilshort%'
- 'areashop rent %region%'
- 'areashop info region %region%'
- 'areashop unrent %region%'
line1: '&2&l[For Sale]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%price%'
- 'areashop buy %region%'
- 'areashop info region %region%'
line1: '&9&l[Resale]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%resellprice%'
line4: '&8%player%'
- 'areashop buy %region%'
- 'areashop info region %region%'
- 'areashop stopresell %region%'
line1: '&4&l[Sold]'
line2: '%region%'
line3: '%player%'
- 'areashop buy %region%'
- 'areashop info region %region%'
- 'areashop sell %region%'
## Option to run certain commands when one of these events happen
## Commands at a 'before' section will execute before the region details are changed in the AreaShop system
## and before any other actions occurred (changing signs, saving/loading schematics, etc.),
## the 'after' commands will be run when all changes are done.
## After 'before' or 'after' you can create a list of commands (see example at the created event)
## - "say An AreaShop region has been created: %region%"
## For the following events you can specify if you want to restore or save the region to a schematic
## After 'save:' or 'restore:' you enter the name of the file to restore from/to
## If you want your regions all looking the same then you can leave out the %region% part to use the same schematic for all
## Be carefull with these options, it could crash your server or destroy (parts of) your world if used wrong!
## The limit 'maximumBlocks' applies to restoring/saving schematics, be sure your regions are below the limit
save: '%type%-%region%'
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: '%type%-%region%'
save: ''
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: '%type%-%region%'
save: ''
restore: ''
save: ''
restore: '%type%-%region%'
save: ''
restore: ''
## Flag profiles to specify what flags should be set on the WorldGuard regions
## All normal region flags as present in WorldGuard can be used, and also members, owners, priority and parent
## For the members and owners flags you can add groups by using 'g:<groupname>', so for example: '%player%, %friends%, g:vip'
## For flags like 'entry' and 'exit' you can add group setting by using 'g:<scope>' behind it, <scope> is one of the following:
## members, non_members, owners, non_owners, all. Example, only owners can enter the region:
## entry: 'deny g:non_owners'
## Use '' for a flag to reset it.
members: ''
greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-forrent%'
members: '%player%, %friends%'
greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-rented%'
members: ''
greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-forsale%'
members: '%player%, %friends%'
greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-bought%'
members: '%player%, %friends%'
greetin: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-resale%'
## Profiles that specify when players should get messages about rent that almost run out
## The numbers that start sections in the profile specify how time before it actually runs out it should be executed
## When warnPlayer is set to true a message will be send that is specified in the language file
## All commands in the list below 'commands:' will execute together with the warning, all normal variables can be used
"1 day":
warnPlayer: true
## - "say %region% is about to expire for %player%: %timeleft% left"
"1 hour":
warnPlayer: true
"5 minutes":
warnPlayer: true
# ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ LIMITS AND TIMINGS: Options for limits and the frequencies for certain functions (be very carefull with these!) │
# └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
## Setting the 'delay' setting to 0 or lower will prevent the taks from runnning, if you don't use a certain feature you
## could switch the task off this way.
## Maximum number of blocks to save to or restore from a .schemetic
maximumBlocks: 1000000
## Maximum number of locations the teleport function should check to find a safe spot
maximumTries: 50000
## Timings for saving files that need saving
## Time between saving files that need to be saved (not all files will be saved by default)
delay: 10
## How many regions per tick will be saved
regionsPerTick: 1
## Timings for rent expiration checking
## Time between checking if rent regions have been expired (seconds)
delay: 59
## Number of rent regions to check per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second)
regionsPerTick: 5
## Timings for expiration warning to online players
## The time between checking if expiration warning need to be sent
delay: 5
## Number of regions to update per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second)
regionsPerTick: 1
## Timings for updating signs and region flags (/as updaterents or /as updatebuys)
## Number of regions to update per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second)
regionsPerTick: 2
## Time between checking if any regions need to be unrented because the player was not online for the specified time period (minutes)
## -1 means never, 1440 is one day, 43200 is one month, 525600 is one year
## Time between checking if a regions needs to be unrented/sold because of inactivity by the player (minutes)
delay: 15
## Number of rent regions to check per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second)
regionsPerTick: 5
## Timings for the periodic updating of signs (for timeleft tags etc)
## Time between updates of all signs (seconds)
delay: 60
## Number of regions to update signs for per tick (there are 20 ticks in a second)
regionsPerTick: 1