import dev.vankka.dependencydownload.task.GenerateDependencyDownloadResourceTask apply from: rootProject.file('buildscript/runtime.gradle') configurations { commodore compileOnly.extendsFrom commodore } task generateResourceForCommodore(type: GenerateDependencyDownloadResourceTask) { var conf = configurations.commodore configuration = conf file = 'dependencies/' + + '.txt' } shadowJar { archiveFileName = 'bukkit.jarinjar' [ 'net.kyori', 'me.lucko.commodore' ].each { relocate it, 'com.discordsrv.dependencies.' + it } // More relocations in buildscript/relocations.gradle } allprojects { repositories { exclusiveContent { forRepository { maven { url '' } } filter { includeGroup 'com.destroystokyo.paper' } } exclusiveContent { forRepository { maven { url '' } } filter { includeGroup 'net.milkbowl.vault' } } } dependencies { // Platform compileOnly 'com.destroystokyo.paper:paper-api:1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT' } } dependencies { // API annotationProcessor project(':api') // Common compileOnly project(':common:common-server') implementation project(path: ':common:common-server', configuration: 'runtimeElements') // DependencyDownload implementation 'dev.vankka:minecraftdependencydownload-bukkit:' + rootProject.mddVersion // Adventure runtimeDownloadApi 'net.kyori:adventure-platform-bukkit:' + rootProject.adventurePlatformVersion // Commodore commodore('me.lucko:commodore:1.10') { // We only use commodore when it's included in the server, so we don't want to download it exclude module: 'brigadier' // We don't use the commodore file format exclude module: 'commodore-file' } // Integrations compileOnly 'net.milkbowl.vault:VaultAPI:1.7' } processResources { dependsOn(generateResourceForCommodore) }