2018-07-10 20:41:36 -04:00
Maven__com_google_code_gson_gson_2_8_0.xml Initial commit 2018-07-06 11:43:04 -04:00
Maven__com_google_guava_guava_21_0.xml Initial commit 2018-07-06 11:43:04 -04:00
Maven__com_googlecode_json_simple_json_simple_1_1_1.xml Initial commit 2018-07-06 11:43:04 -04:00
Maven__com_zaxxer_HikariCP_3_2_0.xml Work for July 10 2018, added checks and cases for when auctions end, assigning items correctly. 2018-07-10 20:41:36 -04:00
Maven__commons_io_commons_io_2_4.xml Added a lot of stuff, added listing the /ah gui w/pagination & a bunch of other stuff 2018-07-06 23:08:30 -04:00
Maven__commons_lang_commons_lang_2_6.xml Initial commit 2018-07-06 11:43:04 -04:00
Maven__javax_persistence_persistence_api_1_0.xml Added a lot of stuff, added listing the /ah gui w/pagination & a bunch of other stuff 2018-07-06 23:08:30 -04:00
Maven__junit_junit_4_10.xml Initial commit 2018-07-06 11:43:04 -04:00
Maven__net_md_5_bungeecord_chat_1_12_SNAPSHOT.xml Work for July 10 2018, added checks and cases for when auctions end, assigning items correctly. 2018-07-10 20:41:36 -04:00
Maven__net_milkbowl_vault_VaultAPI_1_6.xml Added a lot of stuff, added listing the /ah gui w/pagination & a bunch of other stuff 2018-07-06 23:08:30 -04:00
Maven__org_avaje_ebean_2_8_1.xml Added a lot of stuff, added listing the /ah gui w/pagination & a bunch of other stuff 2018-07-06 23:08:30 -04:00
Maven__org_bukkit_bukkit_1_9_R0_1_SNAPSHOT.xml Added a lot of stuff, added listing the /ah gui w/pagination & a bunch of other stuff 2018-07-06 23:08:30 -04:00
Maven__org_hamcrest_hamcrest_core_1_1.xml Initial commit 2018-07-06 11:43:04 -04:00
Maven__org_slf4j_slf4j_api_1_7_25.xml Work for July 10 2018, added checks and cases for when auctions end, assigning items correctly. 2018-07-10 20:41:36 -04:00
Maven__org_spigotmc_spigot_api_1_12_2_R0_1_SNAPSHOT.xml Work for July 10 2018, added checks and cases for when auctions end, assigning items correctly. 2018-07-10 20:41:36 -04:00
Maven__org_yaml_snakeyaml_1_19.xml Initial commit 2018-07-06 11:43:04 -04:00