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synced 2025-02-15 19:32:05 +01:00
Added Slovenian (SI) translation, also fixed some en stuff. (#1973)
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Translation config for the AuthMe help, e.g. when /authme help or /authme help register is called
# -------------------------------------------------------
# List of texts used in the help section
header: '==========[ AuthMeReloaded POMOČ ]=========='
optional: 'Neobvezno'
hasPermission: 'Imate dovoljenje'
noPermission: 'Nimate dovoljenja'
default: 'Prevzeto'
result: 'Rezultat'
notAllowed: 'Nimate dovoljenja'
opOnly: 'Samo za OP'
allowed: 'Dovoljeno za vse'
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Titles of the individual help sections
# Set the translation text to empty text to disable the section, e.g. to hide alternatives:
# alternatives: ''
command: 'Ukaz'
description: 'Krati opis'
detailedDescription: 'Natančen opis'
arguments: 'Argumenti'
permissions: 'Dovoljenja'
alternatives: 'Alternative'
children: 'Ukazi'
# -------------------------------------------------------
# You can translate the data for all commands using the below pattern.
# For example to translate /authme reload, create a section "authme.reload", or "login" for /login
# If the command has arguments, you can use arg1 as below to translate the first argument, and so forth
# Translations don't need to be complete; any missing section will be taken from the default silently
# Important: Put main commands like "authme" before their children (e.g. "authme.reload")
description: 'Register a player'
detailedDescription: 'Register the specified player with the specified password.'
label: 'player'
description: 'Player name'
label: 'password'
description: 'Password'
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ registration:
register_request: '&3Please, register to the server with the command: /register <password> <ConfirmPassword>'
command_usage: '&cUsage: /register <password> <ConfirmPassword>'
reg_only: '&4Only registered users can join the server! Please visit http://example.com to register yourself!'
kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again.'
success: '&2Successfully registered!'
disabled: '&cIn-game registration is disabled!'
name_taken: '&cYou already have registered this username!'
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ email:
add_email_request: '&3Please add your email to your account with the command: /email add <yourEmail> <confirmEmail>'
change_password_expired: 'You cannot change your password using this command anymore.'
email_cooldown_error: '&cAn email was already sent recently. You must wait %time before you can send a new one.'
add_not_allowed: '&cAdding email was not allowed'
change_not_allowed: '&cChanging email was not allowed'
add_not_allowed: '&cAdding email was not allowed.'
change_not_allowed: '&cChanging email was not allowed.'
# Password recovery by email
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ verification:
code_expired: '&3Your code has expired! Execute another sensitive command to get a new code!'
email_needed: '&3To verify your identity you need to link an email address with your account!!'
# Two-factor authentication
code_created: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
confirmation_required: 'Please confirm your code with /2fa confirm <code>'
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@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# List of global tags:
# %nl% - Goes to new line.
# %username% - Replaces the username of the player receiving the message.
# %displayname% - Replaces the nickname (and colors) of the player receiving the message.
# Registration
register_request: '&3Registrirajte se z ukazom "/register <geslo> <PotrdiGeslo>"'
command_usage: '&cUporaba: /register <geslo> <PotrdiGeslo>'
reg_only: '&4Samo registrirani uporabniki se lahko povezejo! Obiscite http://example.com , da se registrirate!'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Administrator vas je registriral; prosimo, da se prijavite.'
success: '&2Uspešno registriran!'
disabled: '&cRegistracija v igri je onemogočena!'
name_taken: '&cTo uporabniško ime ste ze registrirali!'
# Password errors on registration
match_error: '&cGesli se ne ujemata, ponovno ju preverite!'
name_in_password: '&cSvoje uporabniško ime ne morete uporabiti kot geslo, izberite drugo...'
unsafe_password: '&cIzbrano geslo ni varno, izberite drugo...'
forbidden_characters: '&4Vaše geslo vsebuje nedovoljene znake. Dovoljeni znaki: %valid_chars'
wrong_length: '&cVaše geslo je prekratko ali predolgo! Poskusite z drugim!'
# Login
command_usage: '&cUporaba: /login <geslo>'
wrong_password: '&cNapačno geslo!'
success: '&2Uspešna prijava!'
login_request: '&cPrijavi se z ukazom "/login <geslo>"'
timeout_error: '&4Časovna omejitev prijave prekoračena, vrzeni ste bili s strežnika, poskusite ponovno!'
# Errors
denied_command: '&cZa uporabo ukazov se je potrebno prijaviti!'
denied_chat: '&cZa pogovor se je potrebno prijaviti!'
unregistered_user: '&cNi mogoče najti zahtevanega uporabnika v podatkovni bazi!'
not_logged_in: '&cNiste prijavljeni!'
no_permission: '&4Nimate dovoljenja za izvedbo tega dejanja!'
unexpected_error: '&4Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake, prosim kontaktirajte administratorja!'
max_registration: '&cPresegli ste največjo stevilo registracij (%reg_count/%max_acc %reg_names) za vašo povezavo!'
logged_in: '&cSte že povezani!'
kick_for_vip: '&3VIP igralec se je pridruzil serverju, ko je bil poln!'
tempban_max_logins: '&cBil si začasno izločen zaradi preveč neuspešnih prijav.'
# AntiBot
kick_antibot: 'Počakajte nekaj minut preden se povezete na strežnik.'
auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot je bil aktiviran zaradi velikega števila prijav!'
auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot je bil deaktiviran po %m minut!'
# Unregister
success: '&cUsprešno deregistriran!'
command_usage: '&cUporaba: /unregister <geslo>'
# Other messages
account_not_activated: '&cVas račun se ni aktiviran, preverite e-mail!'
password_changed: '&2Geslo uspesno spremenjeno!'
logout: '&2Odjavljeni uspesno!'
reload: '&2Konfiguracija in baza podatkov sta bila uspesno osvezena!'
usage_change_password: '&cUporaba: /changepassword <staroGeslo> <novoGeslo>'
accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# Session messages
valid_session: '&2Uspešna povezava.'
invalid_session: '&cVas IP je bil spremenjen in vasa seja je potekla!'
# Error messages when joining
same_ip_online: 'Igralec z enakim IP-jem kot vi je že v igri.'
same_nick_online: '&4Uporabnik z enakim imenom ze igra!'
name_length: '&4Vaše uporabniško ime je prekratko ali predolgo!'
characters_in_name: '&4Vaše uporabniško ime vsebuje nedovoljene znake. Dovoljeni znaki: %valid_chars'
kick_full_server: '&4Streznik je trenutno poln!'
country_banned: '&4Vaša država je prepovedana na strežniku!'
not_owner_error: 'Niste lastnik tega uporabniškega računa. Izberite drugo uporabnisko ime!'
invalid_name_case: 'Povežite se z uporabo uporabniskega imena %valid in ne %invalid.'
quick_command: 'Komando ste uporabili prehitro! Prosimo, da se ponovno povežete in počakate pred ponovno uporabo komand.'
# Email
add_email_request: '&3Dodajte email vašemu računu z ukazom "/email add <VašEmail> <PotrdiEmail>"'
usage_email_add: '&cUporaba: /email add <VašEmail> <PotrdiEmail>'
usage_email_change: '&cUporaba: /email change <StarEmail> <NovEmail>'
new_email_invalid: '&cNeveljaven nov email, poskusite ponovno!'
old_email_invalid: '&cNeveljaven star email, poskusite ponovno!'
invalid: '&cNapačni email!'
added: '&2Email uspešno dodan!'
add_not_allowed: '&cDodajanje emailov ni dovoljeno!'
request_confirmation: '&cPotrdite vaš email naslov.'
changed: '&2Email uspešno spremenjen!'
change_not_allowed: '&cSpreminjanje emailov ni dovoljeno.'
email_show: '&2Vaš trenuten email: &f%email'
no_email_for_account: '&2Trenutno nimate povezanega emaila.'
already_used: '&4Ta email naslov je že v uporabi!'
incomplete_settings: 'Napaka: Administrator ni nastavil vseh nastavitev za pošiljanje emailov. Prosimo, da ga obvestite.'
send_failure: 'Emaila ni bilo mogoče poslati. Prosimo obvestite administratorja.'
change_password_expired: 'Prosim uporabite novi ukaz.'
email_cooldown_error: '&cSporočilo je bilo že poslano. Pocakajte %time preden zahtevate novega!'
# Password recovery by email
forgot_password_hint: '&3Ste pozabili vaše geslo? Uporabite ukaz "/email recovery <VašEmail>"'
command_usage: '&cUporaba: /email recovery <VašEmail>'
email_sent: '&2Email za obnovitev uspešno poslan! Preverite prejeta email sporočila! Preverite tudi Spam/Vsiljeno pošto!'
code_sent: 'Koda za ponastavitev gesla je bila poslana na vaš email.'
incorrect: 'Koda je nepravilna! Uporabite /email recovery [Email], da pridobite novo kodo.'
tries_exceeded: 'Prekoračili ste število poskusov! Uporabite /email recovery [Email], da pridobite novo kodo.'
correct: 'Uspešno vnesena koda!'
change_password: 'Prosim uporabite /email setpassword <Novo Geslo> za nastavitev novega gesla.'
# Captcha
usage_captcha: '&3Da se prijavite rešite captcha kodo, uporabite ukaz "/captcha %captcha_code"'
wrong_captcha: '&cNapačna captcha, vpišite "/captcha %captcha_code" v chat!'
valid_captcha: '&2Captcha pravilno rešena!'
captcha_for_registration: 'Za registracijo morate prvo rešiti captcha. Uporabite: /captcha %captcha_code'
register_captcha_valid: '&2Pravilna captcha! Sedaj se lahko registrirate z /register'
# Verification code
code_required: '&3Ta ukaz je lahko tvegan in zahteva preverjanje preko emaila. Preverite email za dodatna navodila.'
command_usage: '&cUporabite: /verification <Koda>'
incorrect_code: '&cIncorrect code, please type "/verification <Koda>" into the chat, using the code you received by email'
success: '&2Your identity has been verified! You can now execute all commands within the current session!'
already_verified: '&2You can already execute every sensitive command within the current session!'
code_expired: '&3Your code has expired! Execute another sensitive command to get a new code!'
email_needed: '&3To verify your identity you need to link an email address with your account!'
# Two-factor authentication
code_created: '&2Vasa skrivna koda je %code. Lahko je skenirate tu %url!'
confirmation_required: 'Prosimo, da potrdite svojo dvo stopično kodo z /2fa confirm <Koda>'
code_required: 'Prosimo, da pošljete svojo dvo stopično kodo z /2fa code <Koda>'
already_enabled: 'Dvo stopična prijava je že vključena za vaš račun!'
enable_error_no_code: 'Nobeden dvo stopični ključ ni bil generiran za vaš račun ali pa je potekel. Uporabite /2fa add'
enable_success: 'Usprešno ste vključili dvo stopično prijavo za vaš račun.'
enable_error_wrong_code: 'Napačna koda ali pa je potekla. Uporabite /2fa add'
not_enabled_error: 'Dvo stopična prijava ni vključena za vaš račun. Uporabite /2fa add'
removed_success: 'Usprešno ste odstranili dvo stopično prijavo za vaš račun.'
invalid_code: 'Nepravilna koda!'
# Time units
second: 'sekunda'
seconds: 'sekund'
minute: 'minuta'
minutes: 'minut'
hour: 'ur'
hours: 'ure'
day: 'dan'
days: 'dni'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user