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synced 2025-03-02 10:41:43 +01:00
Update todo comments in messages files
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,21 +54,23 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Изпраен е имейл !'
country_banned: Твоята държава е забранена в този сървър!
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod автоматично включен, открита е потенциална атака!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod автоматично изключване след %m Минути.'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO invalid_session: '&cYour IP has been changed and your session data has expired!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO invalid_session: '&cYour IP has been changed and your session data has expired!'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ login: '&2Logado com sucesso!'
vb_nonActiv: '&cSua conta não foi ativada ainda, olhe seu email!'
user_regged: '&cVocê já registrou esse nick!'
usage_reg: '&cUse: /register <senha> <senha>'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %reg_names, %max_acc
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %max_acc, %reg_names
max_reg: '&cVocê excedeu a quantidade de registros por ip!'
no_perm: '&4Sem permissão!'
error: '&4Um erro ocoreu, contate um administrador!'
@ -64,12 +64,14 @@ two_factor_create: '&2Seu código secreto é %code. Você pode escanear ele daqu
email_already_used: '&4Este endereço de email já está em uso'
not_owner_error: 'Você não é o dono desta conta. Por favor, tente outro nome!'
invalid_name_case: 'Você deve entrar usando %valid, não %invalid.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -54,20 +54,22 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Email pro obnoveni hesla odeslan!'
country_banned: 'Vase zeme je na tomto serveru zakazana'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automaticky spusten z duvodu masivnich pripojeni!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automaticky ukoncen po %m minutach, doufejme v konec invaze'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
@ -70,3 +70,5 @@ accounts_owned_self: 'Du besitzt %count Accounts:'
accounts_owned_other: 'Der Spieler %name hat %count Accounts:'
incomplete_email_settings: 'Fehler: Es wurden nicht alle notwendigen Einstellungen vorgenommen, um E-Mails zu senden. Bitte kontaktiere einen Administrator.'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Ein Administrator hat dich bereits registriert; bitte logge dich erneut ein.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ login: '&c¡Sesión iniciada!'
vb_nonActiv: '&fTu cuenta no está activada aún, ¡revisa tu correo!'
user_regged: '&cUsuario ya registrado'
usage_reg: '&cUso: /register Contraseña ConfirmarContraseña'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %reg_names, %max_acc
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %max_acc, %reg_names
max_reg: '&fHas excedido la cantidad máxima de registros para tu cuenta'
no_perm: '&cNo tienes permiso'
error: '&fHa ocurrido un error. Por favor contacta al administrador.'
@ -56,19 +56,21 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Correo de recuperación enviado !'
country_banned: 'Tu país ha sido baneado de este servidor!'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod activado automáticamente debido a conexiones masivas!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivado automáticamente luego de %m minutos. Esperamos que haya terminado'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ login: '&cOngi etorri!'
vb_nonActiv: '&fZure kontua aktibatu gabe dago, konfirmatu zure emaila!'
user_regged: '&cErabiltzailea dagoeneko erregistratua'
usage_reg: '&cErabili: /register pasahitza pasahitza'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %reg_names, %max_acc
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %max_acc, %reg_names
max_reg: '&fKontuko 2 erabiltzaile bakarrik izan ditzakezu'
no_perm: '&cBaimenik ez'
error: '&fErrorea; Mesedez jarri kontaktuan administratzaile batekin'
@ -48,26 +48,28 @@ email_confirm: '[AuthMe] Konfirmatu zure emaila !'
email_changed: '[AuthMe] Emaila aldatua!'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Berreskuratze emaila bidalita !'
country_banned: '[AuthMe] Zure herrialdea blokeatuta dago zerbitzari honetan'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot enabled due to the huge number of connections!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO invalid_session: '&cYour IP has been changed and your session data has expired!'
# TODO usage_captcha: '&3To login you have to solve a captcha code, please use the command "/captcha <theCaptcha>"'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot disabled disabled after %m minutes!'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot enabled due to the huge number of connections!'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot disabled after %m minutes!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO wrong_captcha: '&cWrong captcha, please type "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" into the chat!'
# TODO valid_captcha: '&2Captcha code solved correctly!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO invalid_session: '&cYour IP has been changed and your session data has expired!'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO usage_captcha: '&3To login you have to solve a captcha code, please use the command "/captcha <theCaptcha>"'
# TODO valid_captcha: '&2Captcha code solved correctly!'
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ login: '&cKirjauduit onnistuneesti'
vb_nonActiv: '&fKäyttäjäsi ei ole vahvistettu!'
user_regged: '&cPelaaja on jo rekisteröity'
usage_reg: '&cKäyttötapa: /register salasana salasana'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %reg_names, %max_acc
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %max_acc, %reg_names
max_reg: '&fSinulla ei ole oikeuksia tehdä enempää pelaajatilejä!'
no_perm: '&cEi oikeuksia'
error: '&fVirhe: Ota yhteys palveluntarjoojaan!'
@ -51,23 +51,25 @@ email_added: '[AuthMe] Sähköposti lisätty!'
email_confirm: '[AuthMe] Vahvistuta sähköposti!'
email_changed: '[AuthMe] Sähköposti vaihdettu!'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Palautus sähköposti lähetetty!'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot disabled disabled after %m minutes!'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO country_banned: '&4Your country is banned from this server!'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot enabled due to the huge number of connections!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO country_banned: '&4Your country is banned from this server!'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot disabled after %m minutes!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ login: '&aConnexion effectuée !'
vb_nonActiv: '&fCe compte n''est pas actif, consultez vos emails !'
user_regged: '&cCe nom est déjà utilisé.'
usage_reg: '&cUtilisez la commande /register motdepasse confirmermotdepasse'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tag %reg_count
# TODO max_reg: Missing tag %reg_count
max_reg: '&cVous ne pouvez pas enregistrer plus de %max_acc compte(s). &o(Compte(s): %reg_names)'
no_perm: '&cVous n''avez pas la permission.'
password_error_nick: '&fTu ne peux pas utiliser ton pseudo comme mot de passe.'
@ -71,4 +71,6 @@ accounts_owned_self: '&fVous avez %count comptes:'
accounts_owned_other: '&fLe joueur %name a %count comptes:'
denied_command: '&cVous devez être connecté pour pouvoir utiliser cette commande.'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Un admin vient de vous enregistrer, veuillez vous reconnecter.'
incomplete_email_settings: '&cErreur : Tous les paramètres requis ne sont pas présent pour l''envoi de mail, veuillez contacter un admin.'
incomplete_email_settings: '&cErreur : Tous les paramètres requis ne sont pas présent pour l''envoi de mail, veuillez contacter un admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ login: '&cIdentificación con éxito!'
vb_nonActiv: '&fA túa conta aínda non está activada, comproba a túa bandexa de correo!!'
user_regged: '&cEse nome de usuario xa está rexistrado'
usage_reg: '&cUso: /register contrasinal confirmarContrasinal'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %reg_names, %max_acc
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %max_acc, %reg_names
max_reg: '&fExcediches o máximo de rexistros para a túa Conta'
no_perm: '&cNon tes o permiso'
error: '&fOcurriu un erro; contacta cun administrador'
@ -56,20 +56,22 @@ country_banned: 'O teu país está bloqueado neste servidor'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod conectouse automáticamente debido a conexións masivas!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivouse automáticamente despois de %m minutos,
esperemos que a invasión se detivera'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
@ -70,3 +70,5 @@ incomplete_email_settings: 'Hiba: nem lett beállítva az össze szükséges be
accounts_owned_other: 'A %name nevű játékosnak, %count db regisztrációja van:'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Adminisztrátor által regisztrálva lettél; kérlek lépj be újra!'
accounts_owned_self: '%count db regisztrációd van:'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ valid_session: '&2Otomatis login, karena sesi masih terhubung.'
login: '&2Login berhasil!'
vb_nonActiv: '&cAkunmu belum diaktifkan, silahkan periksa email kamu!'
user_regged: '&cKamu telah mendaftarkan username ini!'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %reg_names, %max_acc
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %max_acc, %reg_names
max_reg: '&Kamu telah mencapai batas maksimum pendaftaran di server ini!'
no_perm: '&4Kamu tidak mempunyai izin melakukan ini!'
error: '&4Terjadi kesalahan tak dikenal, silahkan hubungi Administrator!'
@ -54,20 +54,22 @@ email_send: '&2Email pemulihan akun telah dikirim! Silahkan periksa kotak masuk
email_exists: '&cEmail pemulihan sudah dikirim! kamu bisa membatalkan dan mengirimkan yg baru dengan command dibawah:'
antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot diaktifkan dikarenakan banyak koneksi yg diterima!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot dimatikan setelah %m menit!'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO usage_unreg: '&cUsage: /unregister <password>'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO country_banned: '&4Your country is banned from this server!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO usage_reg: '&cUsage: /register <password> <ConfirmPassword>'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO usage_unreg: '&cUsage: /unregister <password>'
# TODO usage_reg: '&cUsage: /register <password> <ConfirmPassword>'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
@ -71,3 +71,5 @@ accounts_owned_self: 'Possiedi %count account:'
accounts_owned_other: 'Il giocatore %name possiede %count account:'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Un amministratore ti ha appena registrato; per favore rientra nel server'
incomplete_email_settings: 'Errore: non tutte le impostazioni richieste per inviare le email sono state impostate. Per favore contatta un amministratore.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ login: '&c성공적인 접속입니다!'
vb_nonActiv: '&f당신의 계정은 아직 활성화되어있지 않습니다, 당신의 이메일을 확인해보세요!'
user_regged: '&c사용자이름은 이미 가입했습니다'
usage_reg: '&c사용법: /register 비밀번호 비밀번호확인'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %reg_names, %max_acc
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %max_acc, %reg_names
max_reg: '&f당신은 가입할 수 있는 계정의 최대 한도를 초과했습니다'
no_perm: '&c권한이 없습니다'
error: '&f오류가 발생했습니다; 관리자에게 문의해주세요'
@ -58,19 +58,21 @@ email_exists: '[AuthMe] 당신의 계정에 이미 이메일이 존재합니다.
country_banned: '당신의 국가는 이 서버에서 차단당했습니다'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] 봇차단모드가 연결 개수 때문에 자동적으로 활성화됩니다!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] 봇차단모드가 %m 분 후에 자동적으로 비활성화됩니다'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ login: '&aSekmingai prisijungete'
vb_nonActiv: '&aJusu vartotojas nera patvirtintas, patikrinkite el.pasta.'
user_regged: '&cVartotojo vardas jau uzregistruotas'
usage_reg: '&eNaudojimas: /register slaptazodis pakartotiSlaptazodi'
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %reg_names, %max_acc
# TODO max_reg: Missing tags %reg_count, %max_acc, %reg_names
max_reg: '&cJus pasiekete maksimalu registraciju skaiciu.'
no_perm: '&cNera leidimo'
error: '&cAtsirado klaida, praneskite adminstratoriui.'
@ -41,33 +41,35 @@ wrong_captcha: '&cNeteisinga Captcha, naudokite : /captcha THE_CAPTCHA'
valid_captcha: '&cJusu captcha Teisinga!'
kick_forvip: '&cA VIP prisijunge i pilna serveri!'
kick_fullserver: '&cServeris yra pilnas, Atsiprasome.'
# TODO usage_email_change: '&cUsage: /email change <oldEmail> <newEmail>'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO new_email_invalid: '&cInvalid new email, try again!'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO old_email_invalid: '&cInvalid old email, try again!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO email_changed: '&2Email address changed correctly!'
# TODO antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot disabled disabled after %m minutes!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot enabled due to the huge number of connections!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO new_email_invalid: '&cInvalid new email, try again!'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO usage_email_recovery: '&cUsage: /email recovery <Email>'
# TODO country_banned: '&4Your country is banned from this server!'
# TODO usage_email_add: '&cUsage: /email add <email> <confirmEmail>'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO email_send: '&2Recovery email sent successfully! Please check your email inbox!'
# TODO usage_email_recovery: '&cUsage: /email recovery <Email>'
# TODO email_confirm: '&cPlease confirm your email address!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO email_added: '&2Email address successfully added to your account!'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO email_invalid: '&cInvalid email address, try again!'
# TODO antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot enabled due to the huge number of connections!'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO email_added: '&2Email address successfully added to your account!'
# TODO antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot disabled after %m minutes!'
# TODO email_send: '&2Recovery email sent successfully! Please check your email inbox!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO usage_email_change: '&cUsage: /email change <oldEmail> <newEmail>'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO email_confirm: '&cPlease confirm your email address!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO old_email_invalid: '&cInvalid old email, try again!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -59,16 +59,18 @@ antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatisch uitgezet na %m minuten,
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot is aangezet! Wacht alsjeblieft enkele minuten voor je met de server verbindt.'
# TODO two_factor_create: Missing tag %url
two_factor_create: '&2Je geheime code is %code'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO reg_email_msg: '&3Please, register to the server with the command "/register <email> <confirmEmail>"'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO reg_email_msg: '&3Please, register to the server with the command "/register <email> <confirmEmail>"'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
@ -69,5 +69,7 @@ antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntyBot wlaczony z powodu duzej liczby
accounts_owned_self: 'Posiadasz %count kont:'
two_factor_create: '&2Twoj sekretny kod to %code. Mozesz zeskanowac go tutaj %url'
not_owner_error: 'Nie jestes wlascicielem tego konta, wybierz inny nick!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -66,8 +66,10 @@ password_error_unsafe: '&cA senha escolhida não é segura, por favor, escolha o
kick_antibot: 'Modo de protecção anti-Bot está habilitado! Tem que espere alguns minutos antes de entrar no servidor.'
email_exists: '&cUm e-mail de recuperação já foi enviado! Pode descartá-lo e enviar um novo usando o comando abaixo:'
invalid_name_case: 'Deve se juntar usando nome de usuário %valid, não %invalid.'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -72,3 +72,5 @@ kicked_admin_registered: 'Администратор зарегистриров
tempban_max_logins: '&cВы были временно забанены, потому что вы пытались войти в систему слишком много раз.'
accounts_owned_self: 'Вы являетесь владельцем %count аккаунтов:'
incomplete_email_settings: 'Ошибка: не все необходимые параметры установлены для отправки электронной почты. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -39,38 +39,40 @@ name_len: '&cTvoje meno je velmi krátke alebo dlhé'
regex: '&cTvoje meno obsahuje zakázané znaky. Povolené znaky: REG_EX'
add_email: '&cPridaj svoj e-mail príkazom "/email add email zopakujEmail"'
recovery_email: '&cZabudol si heslo? Pouzi príkaz /email recovery <tvojEmail>'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO usage_email_change: '&cUsage: /email change <oldEmail> <newEmail>'
# TODO new_email_invalid: '&cInvalid new email, try again!'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO old_email_invalid: '&cInvalid old email, try again!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO email_changed: '&2Email address changed correctly!'
# TODO antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot disabled disabled after %m minutes!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot enabled due to the huge number of connections!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO new_email_invalid: '&cInvalid new email, try again!'
# TODO email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO kick_fullserver: '&4The server is full, try again later!'
# TODO usage_email_recovery: '&cUsage: /email recovery <Email>'
# TODO country_banned: '&4Your country is banned from this server!'
# TODO usage_email_add: '&cUsage: /email add <email> <confirmEmail>'
# TODO wrong_captcha: '&cWrong captcha, please type "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" into the chat!'
# TODO valid_captcha: '&2Captcha code solved correctly!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO email_send: '&2Recovery email sent successfully! Please check your email inbox!'
# TODO usage_captcha: '&3To login you have to solve a captcha code, please use the command "/captcha <theCaptcha>"'
# TODO usage_email_recovery: '&cUsage: /email recovery <Email>'
# TODO email_confirm: '&cPlease confirm your email address!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO kick_fullserver: '&4The server is full, try again later!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO email_added: '&2Email address successfully added to your account!'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot enabled due to the huge number of connections!'
# TODO kick_forvip: '&3A VIP player has joined the server when it was full!'
# TODO email_invalid: '&cInvalid email address, try again!'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
# TODO email_added: '&2Email address successfully added to your account!'
# TODO antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot disabled after %m minutes!'
# TODO email_send: '&2Recovery email sent successfully! Please check your email inbox!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO kick_forvip: '&3A VIP player has joined the server when it was full!'
# TODO usage_email_change: '&cUsage: /email change <oldEmail> <newEmail>'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO email_confirm: '&cPlease confirm your email address!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO wrong_captcha: '&cWrong captcha, please type "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" into the chat!'
# TODO email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
# TODO password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO old_email_invalid: '&cInvalid old email, try again!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO usage_captcha: '&3To login you have to solve a captcha code, please use the command "/captcha <theCaptcha>"'
# TODO valid_captcha: '&2Captcha code solved correctly!'
@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ name_len: '&4Senin ismin ya cok kisa yada cok uzun!'
regex: '&4Senin isminde uygunsuz karakterler bulunmakta. Izin verilen karakterler: REG_EX'
add_email: '&3Lutfen hesabinize eposta adresinizi komut ile ekleyin "/email add <eposta> <tekrarEposta>"'
recovery_email: '&3Sifreni mi unuttun ? Komut kullanarak ogrenebilirsin "/email recovery <eposta>"'
# TODO usage_captcha: Missing tag <theCaptcha>
usage_captcha: '&3Giris yapmak icin guvenlik kodunu komut yazarak girin "/captcha <guvenlikKodu>"'
usage_captcha: '&3Giris yapmak icin guvenlik kodunu komut yazarak girin "/captcha <theCaptcha>"'
wrong_captcha: '&cYanlis guvenlik kodu, kullanim sekli "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" sohbete yazin!'
valid_captcha: '&2Guvenlik kodu dogrulandi!'
kick_forvip: '&3Bir VIP oyuna giris yaptigi icin atildin!'
@ -62,12 +61,14 @@ email_already_used: '&4Eposta adresi zaten kullaniliyor.'
two_factor_create: '&2Gizli kodunuz %code. Buradan test edebilirsin, %url'
not_owner_error: 'Bu hesabin sahibi degilsin. Lutfen farkli bir isim sec!'
invalid_name_case: 'Oyuna %valid isminde katilmalisin. %invalid ismini kullanarak katilamazsin.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -69,4 +69,6 @@ tempban_max_logins: '&cВаш IP тимчасово заблоковано, із
accounts_owned_self: 'Кількість ваших твінк‒акаунтів: %count:'
accounts_owned_other: 'Кількість твінк‒акаунтів гравця %name: %count'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Адміністратор вас зареєстрував; Будь ласка, авторизуйтесь знову!'
incomplete_email_settings: '&4[AuthMe] Error: Не всі необхідні налаштування є встановленими, щоб надсилати електронну пошту. Будь ласка, повідомте адміністратора!'
incomplete_email_settings: '&4[AuthMe] Error: Не всі необхідні налаштування є встановленими, щоб надсилати електронну пошту. Будь ласка, повідомте адміністратора!'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -62,12 +62,14 @@ email_already_used: '&4Địa chỉ email đã được sử dụng'
two_factor_create: '&2Mã bí mật của bạn là %code. Bạn có thể quét nó tại đây %url'
not_owner_error: 'Bạn không phải là chủ sở hữu tài khoảng này, hãy chọn tên khác!'
invalid_name_case: 'Bạn nên vào máy chủ với tên đăng nhập là %valid, không phải là %invalid.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -65,12 +65,14 @@ email_exists: '&8[&6玩家系统&8] &c恢复邮件已发送 ! 你可以丢弃它
two_factor_create: '&8[&6玩家系统&8] &2你的代码是 %code,你可以使用 %url 来扫描'
not_owner_error: '&8[&6玩家系统&8] &4警告! &c你并不是此帐户持有人,请立即登出。 '
invalid_name_case: '&8[&6玩家系统&8] &c你应该使用「%valid」而并非「%invalid」登入游戏。 '
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -65,12 +65,14 @@ email_exists: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c訊息已發送!如果你收不到該封
two_factor_create: '&8[&6用戶系統 - 兩步驗證碼&8] &b你的登入金鑰為&9「%c%code&9」&b,掃描連結為:&c %url'
not_owner_error: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &4警告!&c你並不是此帳戶持有人,請立即登出。'
invalid_name_case: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &4警告!&c你應該使用「%valid」而並非「%invalid」登入遊戲。'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
@ -65,12 +65,14 @@ email_exists: '&b【AuthMe】&6這個帳戶已經有設定電子郵件了'
two_factor_create: '&b【AuthMe - 兩步驗證碼】&b你的登入金鑰為&9「%c%code&9」&b,掃描連結為:&c %url'
not_owner_error: '&b【AuthMe】&4警告!&c你並不是此帳戶持有人,請立即登出。'
invalid_name_case: '&b【AuthMe】&4警告!&c你應該使用「%valid」而並非「%invalid」登入遊戲。'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use /email recovery [email] to generate a new one'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user