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synced 2025-02-26 00:31:50 +01:00
Add missing keys to messages file
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ wrong_captcha: '&cГрешен код, използвай : /captcha THE_CAPTCHA
valid_captcha: '&cТвоя код е валиден!'
kick_forvip: '&cVIP влезе докато сървъра е пълен, ти беше изгонен!'
kick_fullserver: '&cСървъра е пълен, Съжеляваме!'
usage_email_add: '&fКоманда: /email add <email> <confirmeEmail> '
usage_email_add: '&fКоманда: /email add <email> <confirmEmail> '
usage_email_change: '&fКоманда: /email change <СтарИмейл> <НовИмейл> '
usage_email_recovery: '&fКоманда: /email recovery <имейл>'
new_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] Новия имейл е грешен!'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Изпраен е имейл !'
country_banned: Твоята държава е забранена в този сървър!
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod автоматично включен, открита е потенциална атака!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod автоматично изключване след %m Минути.'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -56,3 +56,4 @@ email_exists: '[AuthMe] Um email já existe na sua conta. Você pode mudalo usan
country_banned: 'O seu pais é banido desse servidor'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod ativado automaticamente devido a um aumento anormal de tentativas de ligação!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivado automaticamente após %m minutos, esperamos que a invasão tenha parado'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ reg_email_msg: '&cProsim registruj se pomoci "/register <email> <potvrzeni_email
usage_unreg: '&cPouzij: "/unregister TvojeHeslo".'
pwd_changed: '&cHeslo zmeneno!'
user_unknown: '&cUzivatelske jmeno neni registrovano.'
reg_only: '&cServer je pouze pro registrovane! Navstivte http://bit.ly/zyEzzS.'
reg_only: '&cServer je pouze pro registrovane! Navstivte http://example.com.'
logged_in: '&cJiz jsi prihlasen!'
logout: '&cOdhlaseni bylo uspesne.'
same_nick: '&cUzivatel s timto jmenem jiz hraje.'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Email pro obnoveni hesla odeslan!'
country_banned: 'Vase zeme je na tomto serveru zakazana'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automaticky spusten z duvodu masivnich pripojeni!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automaticky ukoncen po %m minutach, doufejme v konec invaze'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -56,3 +56,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Correo de recuperación enviado !'
country_banned: 'Tu país ha sido baneado de este servidor!'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod activado automáticamente debido a conexiones masivas!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivado automáticamente luego de %m minutos. Esperamos que haya terminado'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -56,3 +56,4 @@ email_exists: '[AuthMe] An email already exists on your account. You can change
country_banned: '[AuthMe]Zure herrialdea blokeatuta dago zerbitzari honetan'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes,hope invasion stopped'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ regex: '&cPelaajanimesi sisältää luvattomia merkkejä. Hyväksytyt merkit: RE
add_email: '&cLisää sähköpostisi: /email add sähköpostisi sähköpostisiUudelleen'
recovery_email: '&cUnohtuiko salasana? Käytä komentoa: /email recovery <Sähköpostisi>'
usage_captcha: '&cKäyttötapa: /captcha <Captcha>'
wrong_captcha: '&cVäärä varmistus, käytä : /captcha CAPTCHA'
wrong_captcha: '&cVäärä varmistus, käytä : /captcha THE_CAPTCHA'
valid_captcha: '&cSinun varmistus onnistui.!'
kick_forvip: '&cVIP pelaaja liittyi täyteen palvelimeen!'
kick_fullserver: '&cPalvelin on täynnä, Yritä pian uudelleen!'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Palautus sähköposti lähetetty!'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ pwd_changed: '&cMotdePasse changé avec succès!'
user_unknown: '&c Ce compte n''est pas enregistré'
password_error: '&fCe mot de passe est incorrect'
invalid_session: '&fSession invalide, relancez le jeu ou attendez la fin de la session'
reg_only: '&fSeul les joueurs enregistré sont admis!'
reg_only: '&fSeul les joueurs enregistré sont admis! Visite http://example.com'
logged_in: '&cVous êtes déjà connecté!'
logout: '&cVous avez été déconnecté!'
same_nick: '&fUne personne ayant ce même pseudo joue déjà..'
@ -56,3 +56,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Email de récupération envoyé!'
country_banned: 'Votre pays est banni de ce serveur'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod a été activé automatiquement à cause de nombreuses connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod a été désactivé automatiquement après %m Minutes, espérons que l''invasion soit arrêtée!'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Enviouse o correo de confirmación!'
country_banned: 'O teu país está bloqueado neste servidor'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod conectouse automáticamente debido a conexións masivas!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivouse automáticamente despois de %m minutos,&n esperemos que a invasión se detivera'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Recovery Email Send !'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -56,3 +56,4 @@ email_exists: '&cEmail pemulihan sudah dikirim! kamu bisa membatalkan dan mengir
country_banned: '&4Your country is banned from this server!'
antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot diaktifkan dikarenakan banyak koneksi yg diterima!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot dimatikan setelah %m menit!'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
@ -56,3 +56,4 @@ email_exists: 'Il tuo account ha già un''indirizzo email configurato. Se vuoi,
country_banned: 'Il tuo paese è bandito da questo server!'
antibot_auto_enabled: 'Il servizio di AntiBot è stato automaticamente abilitato a seguito delle numerose connessioni!'
antibot_auto_disabled: "Il servizio di AntiBot è stato automaticamente disabilitato dopo %m Minuti, sperando che l'attacco sia finito!"
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
@ -60,3 +60,4 @@ email_exists: '[AuthMe] 당신의 계정에 이미 이메일이 존재합니다.
country_banned: '당신의 국가는 이 서버에서 차단당했습니다'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] 봇차단모드가 연결 개수 때문에 자동적으로 활성화됩니다!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] 봇차단모드가 %m 분 후에 자동적으로 비활성화됩니다'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Recovery Email Send !'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -54,3 +54,6 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Herstel E-mail Verzonden!'
country_banned: 'Jouw land is geband op deze server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatisch aangezet vanewge veel verbindingen!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatisch uitgezet na %m minuten, hopelijk is de invasie gestopt'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
reg_email_msg: '&3Please, register to the server with the command "/register <email> <confirmEmail>"'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Email z odzyskaniem wyslany!'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -56,3 +56,5 @@ email_send: 'Nova palavra-passe enviada para o seu email!'
country_banned: 'O seu país está banido deste servidor'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod activado automaticamente devido a um aumento anormal de tentativas de ligação!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivado automaticamente após %m minutos, esperamos que a invasão tenha parado'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Письмо с инструкциями для восст
country_banned: 'Вход с IP-адресов вашей страны воспрещен на этом сервере'
antibot_auto_enabled: '&a[AuthMe] AntiBot-режим автоматически включен из-за большого количества входов!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '&a[AuthMe] AntiBot-режим автоматичски отключен после %m мин. Надеюсь атака закончилась'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -56,3 +56,4 @@ email_exists: '[AuthMe] An email already exists on your account. You can change
country_banned: 'Ulken bu serverdan banlandi !'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMode otomatik olarak etkinlestirildi!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMode %m dakika sonra otomatik olarak isgal yuzundan devredisi birakildi'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Лист для відновлення надіслано
country_banned: 'Сервер не доступний для вашої країни | Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod автоматично увімкнений (забагато одначасних з`єднань)!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod автоматично вимкнувся, сподіваємось атака зупинена'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -53,3 +53,7 @@ email_send: '[AuthMe] Đã gửi email khôi phục mật khẩu tới bạn !'
country_banned: 'Rất tiếc, quốc gia của bạn không được phép gia nhập server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBot đã được kích hoạt vì lượng người chơi kết nối vượt quá giới hạn!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBot tự huỷ kích hoạt sau %m phút, hi vọng lượng kết nối sẽ giảm bớt'
password_error_nick: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
password_error_unsafe: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -58,3 +58,5 @@ email_send: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] 忘記密碼信件已寄出,請查收。'
country_banned: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] 本伺服器已停止對你的國家提供遊戲服務。'
antibot_auto_enabled: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] 防止機械人程序已因應現時大量不尋常連線而啟用。'
antibot_auto_disabled: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] 不正常連接數已減少,防止機械人程序將於 %m 分鐘後停止。'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
email_exists: '&cA recovery email was already sent! You can discard it and send a new one using the command below:'
@ -59,3 +59,4 @@ email_exists: '&b【AuthMe】&6這個帳戶已經有設定電子郵件了'
country_banned: '&b【AuthMe】&6你所在的地區無法進入此伺服器'
antibot_auto_enabled: '&b【AuthMe】&6AntiBotMod已自動啟用!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '&b【AuthMe】&6AntiBotMod將會於 &c%m &6分鐘後自動關閉'
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user