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synced 2025-02-27 01:02:24 +01:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ usage_unreg: '&cКоманда: /unregister парола'
pwd_changed: '&cПаролата е променена!'
user_unknown: '&cПотребителя не е регистриран'
password_error: '&fПаролата не съвпада'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
unvalid_session: '&fSession Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session'
reg_only: '&fСамо за регистрирани! Моля посети http://example.com за регистрация'
logged_in: '&cВече сте влязъл!'
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ not_logged_in: '&cVocê nao esta autenticado!'
reg_voluntarily: '&fVocê pode registrar o seu nickname no servidor com o comando "/register password ConfirmePassword"'
usage_log: '&cUse: /login password'
wrong_pwd: '&cPassword incorreta'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
unregistered: '&cRegistro eliminado com sucesso!'
reg_disabled: '&cRegistro de novos utilizadores desativado'
valid_session: '&cSessão válida'
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ reg_disabled: '&cRegistrace je zakazana!'
valid_session: '&cAutomaticke znovuprihlaseni.'
login: '&cUspesne prihlaseni!'
user_regged: '&cUzivatelske jmeno je jiz registrovano.'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
usage_reg: '&cPouzij: "/register heslo heslo".'
no_perm: '&cNemas opravneni.'
error: '&cVyskytla se chyba - kontaktujte administratora ...'
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ user_regged: '&cBenutzername ist schon vergeben'
usage_reg: '&cBenutze: /register <passwort> <passwortBestätigen>'
max_reg: '&fDu hast die maximale Anzahl an Accounts erreicht'
no_perm: '&cKeine Rechte'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
error: '&fEin Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktiere einen Admin'
login_msg: '&cBitte logge dich ein mit "/login <passwort>"'
reg_msg: '&cBitte registriere dich mit "/register <passwort> <passwortBestätigen>"'
@ -53,4 +55,4 @@ email_changed: '[AuthMe] Email Change !'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Recovery Email Send !'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ wrong_pwd: '&cContraseña incorrecta'
unregistered: '&c¡Cuenta eliminada del registro!'
reg_disabled: '&cEl registro está desactivado'
valid_session: '&cInicio de sesión'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
login: '&c¡Sesión iniciada!'
vb_nonActiv: '&fTu cuenta no está activada aún, ¡revisa tu correo!'
user_regged: '&cUsuario ya registrado'
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ vb_nonActiv: '&fKäyttäjäsi ei ole vahvistettu!'
user_regged: '&cPelaaja on jo rekisteröity'
usage_reg: '&cKäyttötapa: /register salasana salasana'
max_reg: '&fSinulla ei ole oikeuksia tehdä enempää pelaajatilejä!'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
no_perm: '&cEi oikeuksia'
error: '&fVirhe: Ota yhteys palveluntarjoojaan!'
login_msg: '&cKirjaudu palvelimmelle komennolla "/login salasana"'
@ -53,4 +55,4 @@ email_changed: '[AuthMe] Sähköposti vaihdettu!'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Palautus sähköposti lähetetty!'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ user_regged: '&cCe nom est deja utilisé..'
usage_reg: '&cUtilisez la commande /register motdepasse confirmermotdepasse'
max_reg: '&fLimite d''enregistrement atteinte pour ce compte'
no_perm: '&cVous n''avez pas la permission'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
error: '&fUne erreur est apparue, veuillez contacter un administrateur'
login_msg: '&cPour vous connecter, utilisez: /login motdepasse'
reg_msg: '&cPour vous inscrire, utilisez "/register motdepasse confirmermotdepasse"'
@ -54,4 +56,4 @@ email_changed: '[AuthMe] Email changé !'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Email de récupération envoyé!'
country_banned: 'Votre pays est banni de ce serveur'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod a été activé automatiquement à cause de nombreuses connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod a été désactivé automatiquement après %m Minutes, espérons que l''invasion soit arrêtée!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod a été désactivé automatiquement après %m Minutes, espérons que l''invasion soit arrêtée!'
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ reg_voluntarily: '&fPodes rexistrar o teu nome no servidor co comando
usage_log: '&cUso: /login <contrasinal>'
wrong_pwd: '&cContrasinal equivocado'
unregistered: '&cFeito! Xa non estás rexistrado!'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
reg_disabled: '&cO rexistro está deshabilitado'
valid_session: '&cIdentificado mediante a sesión'
login: '&cIdentificación con éxito!'
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ reg_voluntarily: Regisztrálhatod beceneved a szerveren a következö parancsal
reg_disabled: '&cRegisztráció letiltva'
no_perm: '&cNincs engedélyed'
usage_reg: '&cHasználat: /register jelszó jelszóújra'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
unregistered: '&cRegisztráció sikeresen törölve!'
same_nick: Ezen a játékosnéven már játszanak
valid_session: '&cSession login'
@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ user_regged: "&cL'utente si è già registrato, impossibile eseguire nuovamente
usage_reg: '&cUtilizzo: /register <password> <confermaPassword>'
max_reg: 'Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di registrazioni per indirizzo IP!'
no_perm: '&cNon hai il permesso di eseguire questa operazione.'
login_msg: '&cPerfavore, per giocare devi effettuare l'autenticazione con il comando: "/login <password>"'
login_msg: '&cPerfavore, per giocare devi effettuare l''autenticazione con il comando: "/login <password>"'
reg_msg: '&cPerfavore, per connetterti al server devi prima registrarti con il comando: "/register <password> <ConfermaPassword>"'
reg_email_msg: '&cPerfavore, per connetterti al server devi prima registrarti con il comando: "/register <email> <confermaEmail>"'
usage_unreg: '&cUtilizzo: /unregister <password>'
pwd_changed: '&cPassword cambiata con successo!'
user_unknown: "&cL'utente non ha ancora eseguito la registrazione."
password_error: 'Le Password non corrispondono!'
password_error_nick: '&fNon puoi usare il tuo nome come Password!'
password_error_unsafe: '&fNon puoi usare una Password insicura, provane un''altra!'
invalid_session: "I tuoi dati di connessione attuali non sono quelli utilizzati in precedenza. Attendere la fine della sessione attuale."
reg_only: 'La registrazione è effettuabile soltanto attraverso il sito web! Perfavore, vai su http://example.com per procedere!'
logged_in: '&cHai già eseguito l'autenticazione!'
logged_in: '&cHai già eseguito l''autenticazione!'
logout: '&cDisconnessione avvenuta correttamente!'
same_nick: 'Lo stesso nickname è già online sul server!'
registered: '&cRegistrato correttamente!'
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ unregistered: '&c성공적으로 탈퇴했습니다!'
reg_disabled: '&c가입이 비활성화 되어있습니다'
valid_session: '&c세션 로그인'
login: '&c성공적인 접속입니다!'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
vb_nonActiv: '&f당신의 계정은 아직 활성화되어있지 않습니다, 당신의 이메일을 확인해보세요!'
user_regged: '&c사용자이름은 이미 가입했습니다'
usage_reg: '&c사용법: /register 비밀번호 비밀번호확인'
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ usage_reg: '&eNaudojimas: /register slaptazodis pakartotiSlaptazodi'
max_reg: '&cJus pasiekete maksimalu registraciju skaiciu.'
no_perm: '&cNera leidimo'
error: '&cAtsirado klaida, praneskite adminstratoriui.'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
login_msg: '&ePrasome prisijungti: /login slaptazodis'
reg_msg: '&ePrasome prisiregistruoti: /register slaptazodis pakartotiSlaptazodi'
reg_email_msg: '&cPlease register with "/register <email> <confirmEmail>"'
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ unregistered: '&cRegistratie succesvol ongedaan gemaakt!'
reg_disabled: '&cRegistratie is uitgeschakeld'
valid_session: '&cSessie ingelogt'
login: '&cSuccesvol ingelogt!'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
vb_nonActiv: Je accound is nog niet geactiveerd, controleer je mailbox!
user_regged: '&cGebruikersnaam is al geregistreerd'
usage_reg: '&cGebruik: /register <wachtwoord> <herhaalWachtwoord>'
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ wrong_pwd: '&cNiepoprawne haslo'
logout: '&cPomyslnie wylogowany'
usage_unreg: '&cUzycie: /unregister haslo'
registered: '&aPomyslnie zarejestrowany!'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
unregistered: '&4Pomyslnie odrejestrowany!'
login: '&aHaslo zaakceptowane!'
no_perm: '&4Nie masz uprawnien'
@ -53,4 +55,4 @@ email_changed: '[AuthMe] Email zmieniony!'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Email z odzyskaniem wyslany!'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ reg_msg: '&cPor favor registe-se com "/register password confirmePassword"'
reg_email_msg: '&ePor favor registe-se com "/register <email> <confirmarEmail>"'
usage_unreg: '&cUse: /unregister password'
pwd_changed: '&cPassword alterada!'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
user_unknown: '&cUsername não registado'
password_error: '&fAs passwords não coincidem'
unvalid_session: '&fDados de sessão não correspondem. Por favor aguarde o fim da sessão'
@ -54,4 +56,4 @@ email_changed: 'Email alterado com sucesso!'
email_send: 'Nova palavra-passe enviada para o seu email!'
country_banned: 'O seu país está banido deste servidor'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod activado automaticamente devido a um aumento anormal de tentativas de ligação!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivado automaticamente após %m minutos, esperamos que a invasão tenha parado'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivado automaticamente após %m minutos, esperamos que a invasão tenha parado'
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ no_perm: '&4Недостаточно прав'
error: '&4Произошла ошибка. Свяжитесь с администратором'
login_msg: '&4Авторизация: &5/l ПАРОЛЬ'
reg_msg: '&4Регистрация: &5/reg ПАРОЛЬ ПОВТОР_ПАРОЛЯ'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
reg_email_msg: '&4Регистрация: &5/reg EMAIL ПОВТОР_EMAIL'
usage_unreg: '&4Использование: &5/unregister ПАРОЛЬ'
pwd_changed: '&2Пароль изменен!'
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ reg_msg: '&cZaregistruj sa príkazom "/register heslo zopakujHeslo"'
reg_email_msg: '&cPlease register with "/register <email> <confirmEmail>"'
timeout: '&fVyprsal cas na prihlásenie'
wrong_pwd: '&cZadal si zlé heslo'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
logout: '&cBol si úspesne odhláseny'
usage_unreg: '&cPríkaz: /unregister heslo'
registered: '&cBol si úspesne zaregistrovany'
@ -57,4 +59,4 @@ email_changed: '[AuthMe] Email Change !'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Recovery Email Send !'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ no_perm: '&cУ Вас недостатньо прав'
error: '&fЩось пішло не так; Будь ласка зв`яжіться з адміністратором'
login_msg: '&cДля авторизації введіть "/login Пароль"'
reg_msg: '&cДля реєстрації введіть "/reg Пароль Повтор пароля"'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
reg_email_msg: '&cДля реєстрації введіть "/reg Email Email"'
usage_unreg: '&cВикористовуйте: /unregister Пароль'
pwd_changed: '&cПароль змінено!'
@ -53,4 +55,4 @@ email_changed: '[AuthMe] &2Email змінено!'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Лист відновлення надіслано на ваш Email!'
country_banned: 'Сервер не доступний для вашої країни | Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ vb_nonActiv: '&f你的帐号还未激活,请查看你的邮箱!'
user_regged: '&c此用户已经在此服务器注册过'
usage_reg: '&c正确用法:“/register <密码> <再输入一次以确定密码>”'
max_reg: '&f你不允许再为你的IP在服务器注册更多用户了!'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
reg_email_msg: '&c请输入 "/register <邮箱> <确认电子邮件>"'
no_perm: '&c没有权限'
error: '&f发现错误,请联系管理员'
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ unregistered: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c你已成功取消會員註冊記錄。'
reg_disabled: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c本伺服器已停止新玩家註冊。'
valid_session: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &b嗨 ! 我記得你,歡迎回來~'
login: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c你成功的登入了。'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
vb_nonActiv: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &f你的帳戶還沒有經過電郵驗證 !'
user_regged: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c此用戶名已經註冊過了。'
usage_reg: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c用法: 《 /register <密碼> <重覆密碼> 》'
@ -1,35 +1,37 @@
unknown_user: 使用者名稱不在資料庫內
unsafe_spawn: 退出的位置是不安全的,你被傳送到重生點
unknown_user: '使用者名稱不在資料庫內'
unsafe_spawn: '退出的位置是不安全的,你被傳送到重生點'
not_logged_in: '&c您還未登入!'
reg_voluntarily: 您可以在本伺服器創一個屬於您的密碼 ,指令:"/register <密碼> 確認密碼"
reg_voluntarily: '您可以在本伺服器創一個屬於您的密碼 ,指令:"/register <密碼> 確認密碼"'
usage_log: '&c正確用法為:使用"/login <密碼>"來登入'
wrong_pwd: '&c密碼錯誤!'
unregistered: '&a此密碼尚未被註冊!'
reg_disabled: '&c註冊被禁用'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
valid_session: '&c"會議"登入'
login: '&a登入成功!'
vb_nonActiv: 你的帳號沒有被繳活,請查看你的電子信箱!
vb_nonActiv: '你的帳號沒有被繳活,請查看你的電子信箱!'
user_regged: '&c此密碼已被註冊,請重新註冊您的新密碼!'
usage_reg: '&c正確用法為:使用"/register <密碼> <確認密碼>"來註冊你的密碼'
max_reg: 你的密碼註冊數量已滿,無法繼續註冊!
max_reg: '你的密碼註冊數量已滿,無法繼續註冊!'
no_perm: '&c你沒有權限!'
error: 發生未知錯誤,請通知管理員!
error: '發生未知錯誤,請通知管理員!'
login_msg: '&c請使用"/login <密碼>"來登入'
reg_msg: '&c初次登入請使用"/register <密碼> <確認密碼>"來註冊!'
usage_unreg: '&c正確用法為:使用"/unregister <密碼>"來取消現有密碼'
pwd_changed: '&c密碼變更成功!'
user_unknown: '&c此用戶名並未被註冊!'
password_error: <密碼>與<錯認密碼>不相同!
unvalid_session: Session Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session
reg_only: Registered players only! Please visit http://example.com to register
unvalid_session: 'Session Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session'
reg_only: 'Registered players only! Please visit http://example.com to register'
logged_in: '&c您已經登入了!'
logout: '&a登出成功!'
same_nick: 與別人的密碼重複!
same_nick: '與別人的密碼重複!'
registered: '&a註冊成功!'
pass_len: 您的密碼未到達最小長度(4),或超過最大長度(20)
reload: 伺服器已重新配置數據庫
timeout: 登入超時了!
usage_changepassword: 正確用法為:使用"/changepassword <舊密碼> <新密碼>"來更換密碼
pass_len: '您的密碼未到達最小長度(4),或超過最大長度(20)'
reload: '伺服器已重新配置數據庫'
timeout: '登入超時了!'
usage_changepassword: '正確用法為:使用"/changepassword <舊密碼> <新密碼>"來更換密碼'
name_len: '&cYour nickname is too Short or too long'
regex: '&cYour nickname contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
add_email: '&cPlease add your email with : /email add yourEmail confirmEmail'
@ -52,4 +54,4 @@ email_changed: '[AuthMe] Email Change !'
email_send: '[AuthMe] Recovery Email Send !'
country_banned: 'Your country is banned from this server'
antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user