#1114 Update Turkish texts by @smt287

This commit is contained in:
ljacqu 2017-02-28 19:27:14 +01:00
parent 7185206718
commit d450d7d828
2 changed files with 28 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- AUTO-GENERATED FILE! Do not edit this directly -->
<!-- File auto-generated on Sat Feb 25 21:59:17 CET 2017. See docs/translations/translations.tpl.md -->
<!-- File auto-generated on Tue Feb 28 19:25:18 CET 2017. See docs/translations/translations.tpl.md -->
# AuthMe Translations
The following translations are available in AuthMe. Set `messagesLanguage` to the language code
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ Code | Language | Translated | &nbsp;
[ko](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_ko.yml) | Korean | 64% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=bb7700&w=64&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[lt](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_lt.yml) | Lithuanian | 47% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=aa5500&w=47&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[nl](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_nl.yml) | Dutch | 89% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=88cc33&w=89&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[pl](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_pl.yml) | Polish | 89% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=88cc33&w=89&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[pl](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_pl.yml) | Polish | 100% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=66ff66&w=100&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[pt](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_pt.yml) | Portuguese | 77% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=bb9900&w=77&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[ro](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_ro.yml) | Romanian | 88% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=88cc33&w=88&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[ru](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_ru.yml) | Russian | 89% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=88cc33&w=89&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[sk](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_sk.yml) | Slovakian | 41% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=aa4400&w=41&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[tr](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_tr.yml) | Turkish | 72% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=bb8800&w=72&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[tr](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_tr.yml) | Turkish | 100% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=66ff66&w=100&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[uk](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_uk.yml) | Ukrainian | 83% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=aaaa11&w=83&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[vn](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_vn.yml) | Vietnamese | 89% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=88cc33&w=89&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[zhcn](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_zhcn.yml) | Chinese (China) | 89% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=88cc33&w=89&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Code | Language | Translated | &nbsp;
[zhmc](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_zhmc.yml) | Chinese (Macau) | 86% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=99bb22&w=86&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
[zhtw](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/src/main/resources/messages/messages_zhtw.yml) | Chinese (Taiwan) | 72% | <img src="https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=5&bg=bb8800&w=72&h=5&txtpad=1" alt="bar" />
This page was automatically generated on the [AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded repository](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/tree/master/docs/) on Sat Feb 25 21:59:17 CET 2017
This page was automatically generated on the [AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded repository](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/tree/master/docs/) on Tue Feb 28 19:25:18 CET 2017

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
reg_msg: '&3Lutfen kayit komutunu kullanin "/register <sifre> <TekrarSifre>"'
usage_reg: '&cKullanim: /register <sifre> <TekrarSifre>'
reg_only: '&4Sunucuya kayit sadece internet uzerinden yapilmakta! Lutfen http://ornek.com sitesini kayit icin ziyaret edin!'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Bir yetkili seni kayit etti; tekrardan giris yap'
registered: '&2Basariyla kaydoldun!'
reg_disabled: '&cOyun icin kayit olma kapatildi!'
user_regged: '&cSenin adinda daha once birisi kaydolmus!'
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ user_regged: '&cSenin adinda daha once birisi kaydolmus!'
password_error: '&cSifre eslesmiyor, tekrar deneyin!'
password_error_nick: '&cSifrenize adinizi koyamazsiniz, lutfen farkli bir sifre secin...'
password_error_unsafe: '&cSectiginiz sifre guvenli degil, lutfen farkli bir sifre secin...'
# TODO password_error_chars: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
password_error_chars: '&4Sifrenizde izin verilmeyen karakterler bulunmakta. Izin verilen karakterler: REG_EX'
pass_len: '&cSenin sifren ya cok kisa yada cok uzun! Lutfen farkli birsey dene!'
# Login
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ timeout: '&4Giris izni icin verilen zaman suresini astigin icin sunucudan atildi
# Errors
unknown_user: '&cBu oyuncu kayitli degil!'
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
denied_command: '&cSuanda bu komutu kullanamazsin!'
denied_chat: '&cSuanda sohbeti kullanamazsin!'
not_logged_in: '&cGiris yapmadin!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
tempban_max_logins: '&cBir cok kez yanlis giris yaptiginiz icin gecici olarak banlandiniz.'
max_reg: '&cSen maksimum kayit sinirini astin (%reg_count/%max_acc %reg_names)!'
no_perm: '&4Bunu yapmak icin iznin yok!'
error: '&4Beklenmedik bir hata olustu, yetkili ile iletisime gecin!'
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotServis] AntiBot, %m dakika sonra deaktif edile
# Other messages
unregistered: '&cKayit basariyla kaldirildi!'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
accounts_owned_self: 'Sen %count hesaba sahipsin:'
accounts_owned_other: 'Oyuncu %name %count hesaba sahip:'
two_factor_create: '&2Gizli kodunuz %code. Buradan test edebilirsin, %url'
# TODO recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! Use "/email recovery [email]" to generate a new one'
recovery_code_sent: 'Sifre sifirlama kodu eposta adresinize gonderildi.'
recovery_code_incorrect: 'Kod dogru degil! Kullanim "/email recovery [eposta]" ile yeni bir kod olustur'
vb_nonActiv: '&cHeabiniz henuz aktif edilmemis, e-postanizi kontrol edin!'
usage_unreg: '&cKullanim: /unregister <sifre>'
pwd_changed: '&2Sifre basariyla degistirildi!'
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ not_owner_error: 'Bu hesabin sahibi degilsin. Lutfen farkli bir isim sec!'
kick_fullserver: '&4Sunucu suanda dolu, daha sonra tekrar deneyin!'
same_nick: '&4Senin isminde bir oyuncu suncuda bulunmakta!'
invalid_name_case: 'Oyuna %valid isminde katilmalisin. %invalid ismini kullanarak katilamazsin.'
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
same_ip_online: 'Oyunda sizin ipnizden giren biri bulunmakta!'
# Email
usage_email_add: '&cKullanim: /email add <eposta> <tekrarEposta>'
@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ email_confirm: '&cLutfen tekrar epostanizi giriniz!'
email_changed: '&2Epostaniz basariyla degistirildi!'
email_send: '&2Sifreniz epostaniza gonderildi! Lutfen eposta kutunuzu kontrol edin!'
email_exists: '&cSifreniz zaten epostanize gonderildi! Bunu iptal etmek veya yeni bir sifre gondermek icin assagidaki komutu kullanabilirsin:'
# TODO email_show: '&2Your current email address is: &f%email'
# TODO incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
email_show: '&2Suanki eposta adresin: &f%email'
incomplete_email_settings: 'Hata: Gonderilen epostada bazi ayarlar tamamlanmis degil. Yetkili ile iletisime gec.'
email_already_used: '&4Eposta adresi zaten kullaniliyor.'
# TODO email_send_failure: 'The email could not be sent. Please contact an administrator.'
# TODO show_no_email: '&2You currently don''t have email address associated with this account.'
email_send_failure: 'Eposta gonderilemedi. Yetkili ile iletisime gec.'
show_no_email: '&2Bu hesapla iliskili bir eposta bulunmuyor.'
add_email: '&3Lutfen hesabinize eposta adresinizi komut ile ekleyin "/email add <eposta> <tekrarEposta>"'
recovery_email: '&3Sifreni mi unuttun ? Komut kullanarak ogrenebilirsin "/email recovery <eposta>"'
# TODO email_cooldown_error: '&cAn email was already sent recently. You must wait %time before you can send a new one.'
email_cooldown_error: '&cKisa bir sure once eposta gonderildi. Yeni bir eposta almak icin %time beklemelisin.'
# Captcha
usage_captcha: '&3Giris yapmak icin guvenlik kodunu komut yazarak girin "/captcha <theCaptcha>"'
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ wrong_captcha: '&cYanlis guvenlik kodu, kullanim sekli "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" so
valid_captcha: '&2Guvenlik kodu dogrulandi!'
# Time units
# TODO second: 'second'
# TODO seconds: 'seconds'
# TODO minute: 'minute'
# TODO minutes: 'minutes'
# TODO hour: 'hour'
# TODO hours: 'hours'
# TODO day: 'day'
# TODO days: 'days'
second: 'saniye'
seconds: 'saniyeler'
minute: 'dakika'
minutes: 'dakikalar'
hour: 'saat'
hours: 'saatler'
day: 'gun'
days: 'gunler'