mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 18:37:35 +01:00
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import me.muizers.Notifications.Notifications;
import net.citizensnpcs.Citizens;
import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
@ -76,6 +72,9 @@ import fr.xephi.authme.settings.OtherAccounts;
import fr.xephi.authme.settings.PlayersLogs;
import fr.xephi.authme.settings.Settings;
import fr.xephi.authme.settings.Spawn;
import me.muizers.Notifications.Notifications;
import net.citizensnpcs.Citizens;
import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission;
public class AuthMe extends JavaPlugin {
@ -211,37 +210,7 @@ public class AuthMe extends JavaPlugin {
else ConsoleLogger.showError("Error while making Backup");
switch (Settings.getDataSource) {
case FILE:
FlatFile fileThread = new FlatFile();
database = fileThread;
final int a = database.getAccountsRegistered();
if (a >= 1000) {
case MYSQL:
MySQL sqlThread = new MySQL();
database = sqlThread;
case SQLITE:
SQLite sqliteThread = new SQLite();
database = sqliteThread;
final int b = database.getAccountsRegistered();
if (b >= 2000) {
if (Settings.isCachingEnabled) {
database = new CacheDataSource(this, database);
database = new DatabaseCalls(this, database);
dataManager = new DataManager(this, database);
@ -281,7 +250,7 @@ public class AuthMe extends JavaPlugin {
this.getCommand("converter").setExecutor(new ConverterCommand(this, database));
if (!Settings.isForceSingleSessionEnabled) {
ConsoleLogger.showError("ATTENTION by disabling ForceSingleSession, your server protection is set to low");
ConsoleLogger.showError("BECAREFUL !!! By disabling ForceSingleSession, your server protection is set to LOW");
if (Settings.reloadSupport)
@ -292,19 +261,15 @@ public class AuthMe extends JavaPlugin {
if (Bukkit.class.getMethod("getOnlinePlayers", new Class<?>[0]).getReturnType() == Collection.class)
playersOnline = ((Collection<?>) Bukkit.class.getMethod("getOnlinePlayers", new Class<?>[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0])).size();
else playersOnline = ((Player[]) Bukkit.class.getMethod("getOnlinePlayers", new Class<?>[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0])).length;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
} // can never happen
catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
} // can also never happen
catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
} // can still never happen
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (playersOnline < 1) {
try {
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (Settings.usePurge)
@ -317,8 +282,7 @@ public class AuthMe extends JavaPlugin {
// Sponsor message
ConsoleLogger.info("[SPONSOR] AuthMe is sponsored and hook perfectly with server hosting VERYGAMES, rent your server for only 1.99$/months");
ConsoleLogger.info("[SPONSOR] Look Minecraft and other offers on www.verygames.net ! ");
ConsoleLogger.info("AuthMe hook perfectly with server hosting VERYGAMES");
ConsoleLogger.info("Authme " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " enabled");
@ -513,7 +477,7 @@ public class AuthMe extends JavaPlugin {
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
@ -522,8 +486,8 @@ public class AuthMe extends JavaPlugin {
return authme;
public void savePlayer(Player player) throws IllegalStateException,
NullPointerException {
public void savePlayer(Player player)
throws IllegalStateException, NullPointerException {
try {
if ((citizens.isNPC(player, this)) || (Utils.getInstance().isUnrestricted(player)) || (CombatTagComunicator.isNPC(player))) {
@ -838,4 +802,33 @@ public class AuthMe extends JavaPlugin {
return realIP;
public void setupDatabase() {
switch (Settings.getDataSource) {
case FILE:
database = new FlatFile();
final int a = database.getAccountsRegistered();
if (a >= 1000)
case MYSQL:
database = new MySQL();
case SQLITE:
database = new SQLite();
final int b = database.getAccountsRegistered();
if (b >= 2000)
if (Settings.isCachingEnabled) {
database = new CacheDataSource(this, database);
database = new DatabaseCalls(this, database);
@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ public class AdminCommand implements CommandExecutor {
return true;
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reload")) {
File newConfigFile = new File("plugins" + File.separator + "AuthMe", "config.yml");
if (!newConfigFile.exists()) {
InputStream fis = getClass().getResourceAsStream("" + File.separator + "config.yml");
@ -156,6 +155,8 @@ public class AdminCommand implements CommandExecutor {
m.send(sender, "reload");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("lastlogin")) {
if (args.length != 2) {
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class AsyncronousJoin {
AuthMePlayerListener.causeByAuthMe.put(name, true);
AuthMePlayerListener.causeByAuthMe.put(name, false);
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public class AsyncronousJoin {
AuthMePlayerListener.causeByAuthMe.put(name, true);
AuthMePlayerListener.causeByAuthMe.put(name, false);
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ settings:
# 0 for unlimitted sessions, use 0 at your own risk!
# consider that session will end only after timeout, and
# if player's ip is changed but the timeout treshould isent
# ended, player will kick out of sever for unvalidSession!
# ended, player will kick out of sever for invalidSession!
timeout: 10
# Do we need to timeout the session if the player is offline
# And try to login with an another IP Address?
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ user_unknown: '&cПотребителя не е регистриран'
password_error: '&fПаролата не съвпада'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
unvalid_session: '&fSession Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session'
invalid_session: '&fSession Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session'
reg_only: '&fСамо за регистрирани! Моля посети http://example.com за регистрация'
logged_in: '&cВече сте влязъл!'
logout: '&cУспешен изход от регистрацията!'
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ registered: '&cRegistrace byla uspesna!'
reload: '&cZnovu nacteni nastaveni AuthMe probehlo uspesne.'
timeout: '&cCas pro prihlaseni vyprsel!'
unsafe_spawn: '&cTvoje pozice pri odpojeni byla nebezpecna, teleportuji na spawn!'
unvalid_session: '&cChybna data pri cteni pockejte do vyprseni.'
invalid_session: '&cChybna data pri cteni pockejte do vyprseni.'
max_reg: '&cJiz jsi prekrocil(a) limit pro pocet uctu z jedne IP.'
password_error: '&cHesla se neshoduji!'
pass_len: '&cTvoje heslo nedosahuje minimalni delky (4).'
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&cBenutze: /unregister <passwort>'
pwd_changed: '&cPasswort geändert!'
user_unknown: '&cBenutzername nicht registriert'
password_error: '&fPasswort falsch'
unvalid_session: '&fUngültige Session. Bitte starte das Spiel neu oder warte, bis die Session abgelaufen ist'
invalid_session: '&fUngültige Session. Bitte starte das Spiel neu oder warte, bis die Session abgelaufen ist'
reg_only: '&fNur registrierte Spieler! Bitte besuche http://example.com zum registrieren'
logged_in: '&cBereits eingeloggt!'
logout: '&cErfolgreich ausgeloggt'
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
unknown_user: '&fUser is not in database'
unknown_user: '&fThe requested user is not in the database'
unsafe_spawn: '&fYour quit location was unsafe, teleporting you to world spawn'
not_logged_in: '&cNot logged in!'
not_logged_in: '&cYou''re not logged in!'
reg_voluntarily: '&fYou can register your nickname with the command "/register password ConfirmPassword"'
usage_log: '&cUsage: /login password'
wrong_pwd: '&cWrong password'
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ reg_disabled: '&cRegistration is disabled'
valid_session: '&cSession login'
login: '&cSuccessful login!'
vb_nonActiv: '&fYour account isn''t activated yet, check your emails!'
user_regged: '&cUsername already registered'
user_regged: '&cYou have already registered this username'
usage_reg: '&cUsage: /register password ConfirmPassword'
max_reg: '&fYou have exceeded the max number of registrations for your account'
no_perm: '&cNo Permission'
no_perm: '&cYou don''t have the permission to execute this command'
error: '&fAn error occurred; Please contact the admin'
login_msg: '&cPlease login with "/login password"'
reg_msg: '&cPlease register with "/register password ConfirmPassword"'
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ usage_unreg: '&cUsage: /unregister password'
pwd_changed: '&cPassword changed!'
user_unknown: '&cUsername not registered'
password_error: '&fPassword doesn''t match'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
invalid_session: '&fSession dates do not correspond. Please wait until the end of the session'
password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one'
password_error_unsafe: '&fThe chosen password is not safe, please choose another one'
invalid_session: '&fSession datas doesn''t match. Please wait until the end of the current session'
reg_only: '&fRegistered players only! Please visit http://example.com to register'
logged_in: '&cAlready logged in!'
logged_in: '&cYou''re already logged in!'
logout: '&cSuccessfully logged out'
same_nick: '&fSame nick is already playing'
same_nick: '&fThe same nick is already playing on the server'
registered: '&cSuccessfully registered!'
pass_len: '&fYour password didn''t reach the minimum length or exceeded the max length'
reload: '&fConfiguration and database has been reloaded'
@ -35,16 +35,16 @@ timeout: '&fLogin timeout, please try again'
usage_changepassword: '&fUsage: /changepassword oldPassword newPassword'
name_len: '&cYour nickname is either too short or too long'
regex: '&cYour nickname contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
add_email: '&cPlease add your email with : /email add yourEmail confirmEmail'
bad_database_email: '[AuthMe] This /email command only available with MySQL and SQLite, contact an admin'
add_email: '&cPlease add your email with: /email add yourEmail confirmEmail'
bad_database_email: '[AuthMe] This /email command is only available with MySQL and SQLite, contact an admin'
recovery_email: '&cForgot your password? Please use /email recovery <yourEmail>'
usage_captcha: '&cYou need to type a captcha, please type: /captcha <theCaptcha>'
wrong_captcha: '&cWrong Captcha, please use : /captcha THE_CAPTCHA'
usage_captcha: '&cWe need you to type a captcha, please type: /captcha <theCaptcha>'
wrong_captcha: '&cWrong Captcha, please type: /captcha THE_CAPTCHA'
valid_captcha: '&cYour captcha is valid!'
kick_forvip: '&cA VIP Players are only able to join the server when full!'
kick_forvip: '&cA VIP Player has joined the server when full!'
kick_fullserver: '&cThe server is full, try again later'
usage_email_add: '&fUsage: /email add <email> <confirmEmail> '
usage_email_change: '&fUsage: /email change <oldEmail> <newEmail> '
usage_email_add: '&fUsage: /email add <email> <confirmEmail>'
usage_email_change: '&fUsage: /email change <oldEmail> <newEmail>'
usage_email_recovery: '&fUsage: /email recovery <Email>'
new_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] New email invalid!'
old_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] Old email invalid!'
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&cUso: /unregister contraseña'
pwd_changed: '&c¡Contraseña cambiada!'
user_unknown: '&cUsuario no registrado'
password_error: '&fLas contraseñas no son iguales'
unvalid_session: '&fLos datos de sesión no corresponden. Por favor espera a terminar la sesión.'
invalid_session: '&fLos datos de sesión no corresponden. Por favor espera a terminar la sesión.'
reg_only: '&f¡Sólo para jugadores registrados! Por favor visita http://www.example.com/ para registrarte'
logged_in: '&c¡Ya has iniciado sesión!'
logout: '&cDesconectado correctamente.'
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&cKäyttötapa: /unregister password'
pwd_changed: '&cSalasana vaihdettu!!'
user_unknown: '&cSalasanat eivät täsmää'
password_error: '&fSalasanat ei täsmää'
unvalid_session: '&fIstunto ei täsmää! Ole hyvä ja odota istunnon loppuun'
invalid_session: '&fIstunto ei täsmää! Ole hyvä ja odota istunnon loppuun'
reg_only: '&fMene sivustolle: http://example.com rekisteröityäksesi!'
logged_in: '&cOlet jo kirjautunut!'
logout: '&cKirjauduit ulos palvelimelta.'
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&cPour supprimer ce compte, utilisez: /unregister password'
pwd_changed: '&cMotdePasse changé avec succès!'
user_unknown: '&c Ce compte n''est pas enregistré'
password_error: '&fCe mot de passe est incorrect'
unvalid_session: '&fSession invalide, relancez le jeu ou attendez la fin de la session'
invalid_session: '&fSession invalide, relancez le jeu ou attendez la fin de la session'
reg_only: '&fSeul les joueurs enregistré sont admis!'
logged_in: '&cVous êtes déjà connecté!'
logout: '&cVous avez été déconnecté!'
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&cUso: /unregister <contrasinal>'
pwd_changed: '&cCambiouse o contrasinal!'
user_unknown: '&cEse nome de usuario non está rexistrado'
password_error: '&fO contrasinal non coincide'
unvalid_session: '&fOs datos de sesión non corresponden, por favor, espere a que remate a sesión'
invalid_session: '&fOs datos de sesión non corresponden, por favor, espere a que remate a sesión'
reg_only: '&fSó xogadores rexistrados! Por favor, visita http://example.com para rexistrarte'
logged_in: '&cXa estás identificado!'
logout: '&cSesión pechada con éxito'
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ reg_email_msg: '&cPlease register with "/register <email> <confirmEmail>"'
unsafe_spawn: A kilépési helyzeted nem biztonságos, teleportálás a kezdö Spawnra.
max_reg: Csak egy karakterrel Registrálhatsz!!!
password_error: A jelszó nem illik össze
unvalid_session: Session Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session
invalid_session: Session Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session
pass_len: A jelszavad nem éri el a minimális hosszat
vb_nonActiv: Your Account isent Activated yet check your Emails!
usage_changepassword: 'használat: /changepassword régiJelszó újJelszó'
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
unknown_user: 'L''utente non è presente nel database.'
unsafe_spawn: 'Il tuo punto di disconnessione risulta ostruito o insicuro, sei stato teletrasportato al punto di rigenerazione!'
not_logged_in: '&cL''utente non ha ancora eseguito l''autenticazione!'
not_logged_in: '&cNon hai ancora eseguito l''autenticazione!'
reg_voluntarily: 'Puoi eseguire la registrazione al server con il comando: "/register <password> <confermaPassword>"'
usage_log: '&cUtilizzo: /login <password>'
wrong_pwd: '&cPassword non corretta!'
unregistered: '&cL''utente è stato rimosso dal database con successo!'
reg_disabled: '&cLa registrazione tramite i comandi del gioco è disabilitata.'
valid_session: '&cAutenticato automaticamente attraverso la sessione precedente!'
reg_disabled: '&cLa registrazione tramite i comandi di gioco è disabilitata.'
valid_session: '&cAutenticato automaticamente attraverso la precedente sessione!'
login: '&cAutenticazone effettuata correttamente!'
vb_nonActiv: 'Il tuo account non è stato ancora verificato, controlla fra le tue email per scoprire come attivarlo!'
user_regged: '&cHai già effettuato la registrazione, non è possibile eseguirla nuovamente.'
usage_reg: '&cUtilizzo: /register <password> <confermaPassword>'
max_reg: 'Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di registrazioni per questo indirizzo IP!'
no_perm: '&cNon hai il permesso di eseguire questa operazione.'
login_msg: '&cPerfavore, effettua l''autenticazione con il comando: "/login <password>"'
login_msg: '&cPerfavore, esegui l''autenticazione con il comando: "/login <password>"'
reg_msg: '&cPerfavore, esegui la registrazione con il comando: "/register <password> <confermaPassword>"'
reg_email_msg: '&cPerfavore, esegui la registrazione con il comando: "/register <email> <confermaEmail>"'
usage_unreg: '&cUtilizzo: /unregister <password>'
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ pwd_changed: '&cPassword cambiata con successo!'
user_unknown: '&cL''utente non ha ancora eseguito la registrazione.'
password_error: 'Le Password non corrispondono!'
password_error_nick: 'Non puoi usare il tuo nome utente come password, scegline un''altra!'
password_error_unsafe: 'La password che hai inserito, scegline un''altra!'
password_error_unsafe: 'La password che hai inserito non è sicura, scegline un''altra!'
invalid_session: 'I tuoi dati di connessione attuali non sono quelli utilizzati in precedenza. Attendi la fine della sessione attuale.'
reg_only: 'La registrazione è effettuabile soltanto attraverso il sito web! Perfavore, vai su http://example.com per procedere!'
logged_in: '&cHai già eseguito l''autenticazione!'
logout: '&cDisconnessione avvenuta correttamente!'
same_nick: 'Lo stesso nickname è già online sul server!'
registered: '&cRegistrato correttamente!'
pass_len: 'La tua password è troppo corta o troppo lunga, prova a cambiarla!'
pass_len: 'La tua password è troppo corta o troppo lunga, scegline un''altra!'
reload: 'La configurazione e il database sono stati ricaricati con successo!'
timeout: 'Tempo scaduto per effettuare l''autenticazione'
usage_changepassword: 'Utilizzo: /changepassword <vecchiaPassword> <nuovaPassword>'
@ -38,21 +38,21 @@ add_email: '&cPer poter recuperare la password in futuro, aggiungi una email al
bad_database_email: 'Il comando /email è utilizzabile solo con un database MySQL o SQLite, riporta questo errore ad un Admin!'
recovery_email: '&cHai dimenticato la tua password? Puoi recuperarla eseguendo il comando: "/email recovery <tuaEmail>"'
usage_captcha: '&cUtilizzo: /captcha THE_CAPTCHA'
wrong_captcha: '&cCodice captcha sbagliato, perfavore riprova eseguendo il comando: "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA"'
wrong_captcha: '&cCodice captcha sbagliato, perfavore riprova con il comando: "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA"'
valid_captcha: '&cIl tuo captcha è valido!'
kick_forvip: '&cUn utente VIP è entrato mentre il server era pieno!'
kick_fullserver: '&cIl server è attualmente pieno, riprova più tardi!'
usage_email_add: '&fUtilizzo: /email add <email> <confermaEmail>'
usage_email_change: '&fUtilizzo: /email change <vecchiaEmail> <nuovaEmail>'
usage_email_recovery: '&fUtilizzo: /email recovery <email>'
new_email_invalid: 'La nuova Email non è valida!'
old_email_invalid: 'La vecchia Email non è valida!'
email_invalid: 'L''Email non è valida'
new_email_invalid: 'La nuova email non è valida!'
old_email_invalid: 'La vecchia email non è valida!'
email_invalid: 'L''indirizzo email inserito non è valido'
email_added: 'Email aggiunta correttamente!'
email_confirm: 'Conferma la tua Email!'
email_confirm: 'Conferma la tua email!'
email_changed: 'Email cambiata correttamente!'
email_send: 'Email di recupero inviata al tuo indirizzo email!'
email_exists: 'Il tuo account ha già una Email configurata. Se vuoi, puoi cambiarla con il seguente comando:'
email_exists: 'Il tuo account ha già un''indirizzo email configurato. Se vuoi, puoi cambiarlo con il seguente comando:'
country_banned: 'Il tuo paese è bandito da questo server!'
antibot_auto_enabled: 'Il servizio di AntiBot è stato automaticamente abilitato a seguito delle numerose connessioni!'
antibot_auto_disabled: "Il servizio di AntiBot è stato automaticamente disabilitato dopo %m Minuti, sperando che l'attacco sia finito!"
antibot_auto_disabled: "Il servizio di AntiBot è stato automaticamente disabilitato dopo %m Minuti, sperando che l'attacco sia finito!"
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&ePanaikinti registracija: "/unregister slaptazodis"'
pwd_changed: '&aSlaptazodis pakeistas'
user_unknown: '&cVartotojas neprisiregistraves'
password_error: '&cSlaptazodziai nesutampa'
unvalid_session: '&cSesijos laikai nesutampa, prasome palaukti kol secija baigsis.'
invalid_session: '&cSesijos laikai nesutampa, prasome palaukti kol secija baigsis.'
reg_only: '&cTik prisiregistravusiem zaidejams: apsilankykite: http://example.com tam kad uzsiregistruoti.'
logged_in: '&cTu aju prisijunges!'
logout: '&aSekmingai atsijungete'
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&cGebruik: /unregister password'
pwd_changed: '&cWachtwoord aangepast!'
user_unknown: '&cGebruikersnaam niet geregistreerd'
password_error: Wachtwoord incorrect!
unvalid_session: Sessie beschadigt, wacht tot de sessie is verlopen en join opnieuw.
invalid_session: Sessie beschadigt, wacht tot de sessie is verlopen en join opnieuw.
reg_only: Alleen voor geregistreerde spelers! Bezoek http://example.com om te registreren
logged_in: '&cJe bent al ingelogt!'
logout: '&cJe bent succesvol uitgelogt'
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ reload: '&fKonfiguracja bazy danych zostala przeladowana'
error: '&fBlad prosimy napisac do aministracji'
unknown_user: '&fUzytkownika nie ma w bazie danych'
unsafe_spawn: '&fTwoje pozycja jest niebezpieczna. Zostaniesz przeniesiony na bezpieczny spawn.'
unvalid_session: '&fSesja zakonczona!'
invalid_session: '&fSesja zakonczona!'
max_reg: '&fPrzekroczyles limit zarejestrowanych kont na serwerze.'
password_error: '&fHaslo niepoprawne!'
pass_len: '&fTwoje haslo jest za krotkie lub za dlugie! Sprobuj ponownie...'
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ password_error_nick: '&fYou can''t use your name as password'
password_error_unsafe: '&fYou can''t use unsafe passwords'
user_unknown: '&cUsername não registado'
password_error: '&fAs passwords não coincidem'
unvalid_session: '&fDados de sessão não correspondem. Por favor aguarde o fim da sessão'
invalid_session: '&fDados de sessão não correspondem. Por favor aguarde o fim da sessão'
reg_only: '&fApenas jogadores registados! Visite http://example.com para se registar'
logged_in: '&cJá se encontra autenticado!'
logout: '&cSaida com sucesso'
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&4Использование: &5/unregister ПАРОЛЬ'
pwd_changed: '&2Пароль изменен!'
user_unknown: '&4Такой игрок не зарегистрирован'
password_error: '&4Пароль не совпадает'
unvalid_session: '&4Сессия некорректна. Дождитесь, пока она закончится'
invalid_session: '&4Сессия некорректна. Дождитесь, пока она закончится'
reg_only: '&4Только для зарегистрированных! Посетите http://project.ru/register/ для регистрации'
logged_in: '&4Вы уже авторизированы!'
logout: '&2Вы успешно вышли'
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ reload: '&fKonfigurácia a databáza bola obnovená'
error: '&fNastala chyba; Kontaktujte administrátora'
unknown_user: '&fHrac nie je v databázi'
unsafe_spawn: '&fTvoj pozícia bol nebezpecná, teleportujem hraca na spawn'
unvalid_session: '&fZapamätane casove data nie su doveryhodne. Cakaj na ukoncenie spojenia'
invalid_session: '&fZapamätane casove data nie su doveryhodne. Cakaj na ukoncenie spojenia'
max_reg: '&fDosiahol si maximum registrovanych uctov.'
password_error: '&fHeslá sa nezhodujú'
pass_len: '&fHeslo je velmi kratke alebo dlhe'
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&cВикористовуйте: /unregister Пароль'
pwd_changed: '&cПароль змінено!'
user_unknown: '&cТакий користувач не зарєєстрований'
password_error: '&fПаролі не співпадають'
unvalid_session: '&fСесія некоректна. Будь ласка зачекайте коли вона закінчиться'
invalid_session: '&fСесія некоректна. Будь ласка зачекайте коли вона закінчиться'
reg_only: '&Вхід доступний лише зареєстрованим користувачам. Зареєструватися можна за адресою &9&nhttp://example.com&r'
logged_in: '&2Ви уже ввійшли!'
logout: '&cВи успішно вийшли'
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&c正确用法:“/unregister <密码>”'
pwd_changed: '&c密码已成功修改!'
user_unknown: '&c此用户名还未注册过'
password_error: '&f密码不相同'
unvalid_session: '&f登陆数据异常,请等待登陆结束'
invalid_session: '&f登陆数据异常,请等待登陆结束'
reg_only: '&f只允许注册过的玩家进服!请到http://example.com以注册'
logged_in: '&c你已经登陆过了!'
logout: '&c已成功登出!'
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c用法: 《 /unregister <密碼> 》'
pwd_changed: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c你成功的更換了你的密碼 !'
user_unknown: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c此用戶名沒有已登記資料。'
password_error: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &f密碼不符合。'
unvalid_session: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &f登入階段資料已損壞,請等待登入階段結束。'
invalid_session: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &f登入階段資料已損壞,請等待登入階段結束。'
reg_only: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &f限已註冊會員,請先到 https://www.example.com/ 註冊。'
logged_in: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &c你已經登入過了。'
logout: '&8[&6用戶系統&8] &b你成功的登出了。'
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ usage_unreg: '&c正確用法為:使用"/unregister <密碼>"來取消現有密
pwd_changed: '&c密碼變更成功!'
user_unknown: '&c此用戶名並未被註冊!'
password_error: <密碼>與<錯認密碼>不相同!
unvalid_session: 'Session Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session'
invalid_session: 'Session Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session'
reg_only: 'Registered players only! Please visit http://example.com to register'
logged_in: '&c您已經登入了!'
logout: '&a登出成功!'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user