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synced 2024-12-18 14:47:47 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded into 1467-message-keys-hierarchy
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
<!-- Project properties -->
<!-- Output properties -->
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@
<defaultGoal>clean install</defaultGoal>
@ -126,17 +128,44 @@
<!-- Maven Java Compiler -->
<!-- Test Plugin -->
@ -149,13 +178,47 @@
<!-- Libs Shading and Relocation -->
<!-- Run shade goal on package phase -->
@ -165,7 +228,7 @@
Relocate all lib we use in order to fix class loading errors if we use different versions
than already loaded libs (i.e. by Mojang -> gson)
@ -220,58 +283,67 @@
<!-- Coverage report generator -->
<!-- Coverage report uploader -->
<!-- The secret token is provided with a command-line parameter! -->
<!-- JavaDocs generator -->
<!-- TODO: find a solution to detect release/snapshot -->
<!-- Already included by the plugin
<!-- The secret token is provided with a command-line parameter! -->
@ -360,7 +432,7 @@
@ -395,15 +467,15 @@
<!-- HikariCP Logger -->
@ -428,6 +500,8 @@
<!-- Spigot API, http://www.spigotmc.org/ -->
@ -462,6 +536,21 @@
<!-- Bukkit Libraries -->
<!-- ConfigMe -->
<!-- bStats metrics -->
@ -501,7 +590,7 @@
@ -680,7 +769,7 @@
@ -736,21 +825,6 @@
<!-- ConfigMe -->
<!-- Unit Testing Libraries -->
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class AuthMeApi {
* @param playerName The name of the player to process
* @return The date of the last login, or null if the player doesn't exist or has never logged in
* @Deprecated Use Java 8's Instant method {@link #getLastLoginTime(String)}
* @deprecated Use Java 8's Instant method {@link #getLastLoginTime(String)}
public Date getLastLogin(String playerName) {
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ public class SQLite implements DataSource {
* Constructor for SQLite.
* @param settings The settings instance
* @param dataFolder The data folder
* @throws SQLException when initialization of a SQL datasource failed
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package fr.xephi.authme.permission;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import fr.xephi.authme.ConsoleLogger;
import fr.xephi.authme.initialization.Reloadable;
import fr.xephi.authme.listener.JoiningPlayer;
@ -41,8 +42,7 @@ public class PermissionsManager implements Reloadable {
private final Server server;
private final PluginManager pluginManager;
private Settings settings;
private final Settings settings;
* The permission handler that is currently in use.
@ -50,14 +50,8 @@ public class PermissionsManager implements Reloadable {
private PermissionHandler handler = null;
* Constructor.
* @param server Server instance
* @param pluginManager Bukkit plugin manager
public PermissionsManager(Server server, PluginManager pluginManager, Settings settings) {
PermissionsManager(Server server, PluginManager pluginManager, Settings settings) {
this.server = server;
this.pluginManager = pluginManager;
this.settings = settings;
@ -76,7 +70,8 @@ public class PermissionsManager implements Reloadable {
* Setup and hook into the permissions systems.
private void setup() {
void setup() {
if (settings.getProperty(PluginSettings.FORCE_VAULT_HOOK)) {
try {
PermissionHandler handler = createPermissionHandler(PermissionsSystemType.VAULT);
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ public class LuckPermsHandler implements PermissionHandler {
try {
luckPermsApi = LuckPerms.getApi();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new PermissionHandlerException("Could not get api of LuckPerms");
throw new PermissionHandlerException("Could not get api of LuckPerms", e);
@ -9,4 +9,8 @@ public class PermissionHandlerException extends Exception {
public PermissionHandlerException(String message) {
public PermissionHandlerException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ country_banned: '&4Il tuo paese è bandito da questo server!'
not_owner_error: 'Non sei il proprietario di questo account. Per favore scegli un altro nome!'
kick_fullserver: '&4Il server è attualmente pieno, riprova più tardi!'
same_nick: '&4Un giocatore con il tuo stesso nome utente è già connesso sul server!'
invalid_name_case: 'Dovresti entrare con questo nome utente: "%valid", al posto di: "%invalid".'
invalid_name_case: 'Dovresti entrare con questo nome utente "%valid", al posto di "%invalid".'
same_ip_online: 'Un giocatore con il tuo stesso IP è già connesso sul server!'
# Email
@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ email_cooldown_error: '&cUna email di recupero ti è già stata inviata recentem
# Captcha
usage_captcha: '&3Per poterti autenticare devi risolvere un captcha, per favore scrivi: /captcha <theCaptcha>'
wrong_captcha: '&cCaptcha sbagliato, per favore riprova scrivendo: "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" in chat!'
wrong_captcha: '&cCaptcha sbagliato, per favore riprova scrivendo "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" in chat!'
valid_captcha: '&2Il captcha inserito è valido!'
# TODO captcha_for_registration: 'To register you have to solve a captcha first, please use the command: /captcha <theCaptcha>'
# TODO register_captcha_valid: '&2Valid captcha! You may now register with /register'
captcha_for_registration: 'Per poterti registrare devi prima risolvere un captcha, per favore scrivi: /captcha <theCaptcha>'
register_captcha_valid: '&2Il captcha inserito è valido! Ora puoi eseguire la registrazione con: /register <password> <confermaPassword>'
# Codice di verifica
verification_code_required: '&3Questo comando va a modificare dati sensibili e richiede una verifica tramite email! Controlla la tua posta in arrivo e segui le istruzioni nell''email.'
usage_verification_code: '&cUtilizzo: /verification <codice>'
incorrect_verification_code: '&cCodice sbagliato, per favore riprova scrivendo: "/verification <codice>" in chat, usando il codice che hai ricevuto tramite email'
incorrect_verification_code: '&cCodice sbagliato, per favore riprova scrivendo "/verification <codice>" in chat, usando il codice che hai ricevuto tramite email'
verification_code_verified: '&2La tua identità è stata verificata! Ora puoi eseguire tutti i comandi che modificano dati sensibili per questa sessione!'
verification_code_already_verified: '&2Puoi già eseguire tutti i comandi che modificano dati sensibili per questa sessione!'
verification_code_expired: '&3Il tuo codice è scaduto! Esegui nuovamente un comando che modifica dati sensibili per ricevere uno nuovo codice!'
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
package fr.xephi.authme.permission;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import fr.xephi.authme.ReflectionTestUtils;
import fr.xephi.authme.TestHelper;
import fr.xephi.authme.permission.handlers.BPermissionsHandler;
import fr.xephi.authme.permission.handlers.LuckPermsHandler;
import fr.xephi.authme.permission.handlers.PermissionHandler;
import fr.xephi.authme.permission.handlers.PermissionsExHandler;
import fr.xephi.authme.permission.handlers.VaultHandler;
import fr.xephi.authme.permission.handlers.ZPermissionsHandler;
import fr.xephi.authme.settings.Settings;
import fr.xephi.authme.settings.properties.PluginSettings;
import me.lucko.luckperms.LuckPerms;
import me.lucko.luckperms.api.LuckPermsApi;
import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
import org.bukkit.plugin.ServicesManager;
import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.tyrannyofheaven.bukkit.zPermissions.ZPermissionsService;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static com.google.common.collect.Sets.newHashSet;
import static fr.xephi.authme.permission.PermissionsSystemType.B_PERMISSIONS;
import static fr.xephi.authme.permission.PermissionsSystemType.LUCK_PERMS;
import static fr.xephi.authme.permission.PermissionsSystemType.PERMISSIONS_EX;
import static fr.xephi.authme.permission.PermissionsSystemType.VAULT;
import static fr.xephi.authme.permission.PermissionsSystemType.Z_PERMISSIONS;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.given;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.only;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
* Tests the initialization of {@link PermissionHandler} in {@link PermissionsManager}.
public class PermissionsManagerInitializationTest {
public PermissionsSystemType permissionsSystemType;
public Class<?> expectedHandlerType;
private Settings settings = mock(Settings.class);
private ServicesManager servicesManager = mock(ServicesManager.class);
private Server server = mock(Server.class);
private PluginManager pluginManager = mock(PluginManager.class);
private PermissionsManager permissionsManager = new PermissionsManager(server, pluginManager, settings);
public static void setUpLogger() {
public void setUp() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(Bukkit.class, null, "server", server);
public void shouldInitializeHandler() {
// given
Plugin plugin = mock(Plugin.class);
// when
// then
PermissionHandler handler = getHandlerFieldValue();
assertThat(handler, instanceOf(expectedHandlerType));
public void shouldInitializeToVaultIfSoConfigured() {
// given
Plugin plugin = mock(Plugin.class);
// when
// then
PermissionHandler handler = getHandlerFieldValue();
assertThat(handler, instanceOf(VaultHandler.class));
verify(pluginManager, only()).getPlugin(VAULT.getPluginName());
public void shouldNotHookIntoDisabledPlugin() {
// given
Plugin plugin = mock(Plugin.class);
// when
// then
assertThat(getHandlerFieldValue(), nullValue());
public void shouldCatchInitializationException() {
// given
Plugin plugin = mock(Plugin.class);
// Typically we'd expect a PermissionHandler exception further down the line but we can test it easily like this
given(plugin.isEnabled()).willThrow(new IllegalStateException("Some exception occurred"));
// when
// then
assertThat(getHandlerFieldValue(), nullValue());
@Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static Collection<Object[]> createParameters() {
Map<PermissionsSystemType, Class<?>> handlersByPermissionSystemType = ImmutableMap.of(
LUCK_PERMS, LuckPermsHandler.class,
PERMISSIONS_EX, PermissionsExHandler.class,
B_PERMISSIONS, BPermissionsHandler.class,
Z_PERMISSIONS, ZPermissionsHandler.class,
VAULT, VaultHandler.class);
// Verify that all handlers are present -> reminder to add any new entry here as well
if (!handlersByPermissionSystemType.keySet().equals(newHashSet(PermissionsSystemType.values()))) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Test is not set up with all "
+ PermissionsSystemType.class.getSimpleName() + " entries");
// Wrap the above map in a Collection<Object[]> to satisfy JUnit
return handlersByPermissionSystemType.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> new Object[]{ e.getKey(), e.getValue() })
private void setUpForPermissionSystemTest() {
if (permissionsSystemType == LUCK_PERMS) {
LuckPermsApi api = mock(LuckPermsApi.class);
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(LuckPerms.class, null, "instance", api);
} else if (permissionsSystemType == PERMISSIONS_EX) {
throw new AssumptionViolatedException(
"PermissionsEx instance cannot be mocked because of missing dependencies -- skipping");
} else if (permissionsSystemType == Z_PERMISSIONS) {
ZPermissionsService zPermissionsService = mock(ZPermissionsService.class);
} else if (permissionsSystemType == VAULT) {
} else if (permissionsSystemType != B_PERMISSIONS) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled permission systems type: " + permissionsSystemType);
private void setUpForVault() {
RegisteredServiceProvider<Permission> registeredServiceProvider = mock(RegisteredServiceProvider.class);
Permission permission = mock(Permission.class);
private PermissionHandler getHandlerFieldValue() {
return ReflectionTestUtils.getFieldValue(PermissionsManager.class, permissionsManager, "handler");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user