emailSystem: # Do you want to replace the Password registration with an Email registration method? enableEmailRegistration: false # Do you want to enable the double check of the email address during a player registration? # When it's true, registration require that kind of command: # /register doubleEmailCheck: true # Like maxRegPerIp but with emails maxRegPerEmail: 1 # Do you want to recall players to add an email to their accounts? recallPlayers: true # Delay in minute for the recall scheduler delayRecall: 5 passwordRecovery: # Recovery password length RecoveryPasswordLength: 8 # Recovery Email subject mailSubject: 'Your new AuthMe Password' # Recovery Email text mailText: 'Dear ,

This is your new AuthMe password for the server


Do not forget to change password after login!
/changepassword newPassword' smtpOptions: # SMTP server host mailSMTP: # SMTP server port mailPort: 465 # Email account that sends the mails mailAccount: '' # Email account's password mailPassword: '' # Custom SenderName, that replace the mailAccount name in the emails mailSenderName: '' emailSecurity: # Blacklisted domains for emails emailBlacklist: - # Do you like a Whitelist instead of a Blacklist? blacklistAsWhitelist: false