![AuthMeReloaded](http://www.imagestorming.com/media/cys/1328692322/authme.png) ####The most used authentication plugin for CraftBukkit/Spigot!
#####Development tools: - Build status: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Xephi/AuthMeReloaded.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Xephi/AuthMeReloaded) - Build Server (Jenkins): http://ci.xephi.fr - JavaDoc: AuthMe Javadoc

- MavenRepository:

Maven Repo

#####Compiling Requirements: >- JDK 1.7 >- Maven >- Git/Github (Optional) #####How to compile the project: >- Clone the project with Git/Github >- Execute command "mvn clean install" #####Running Requirements: >- Java 1.7 (should work also with Java 1.8) >- Spigot or CraftBukkit
###Plugin Description:

/login|/register plugin!
Prevent Name stolen ! AutoUpdate names through UUID
AuthMe Reloaded prevents players who aren't logged in from actions like placing blocks, moving, typing commands or seeing the inventory of the current player.

The possibility to set up name spoof protection kicks players with uncommon long or short player names before they could actually join.

Login Sessions make it possible that you don't have to login within a given time period.

Each command and every setting can be enabled or disabled by a easy structured config file.

If you don't like English or don't like my translations you can easily edit almost every message sent by AuthMe!

====================== ####Features: ####Configuration

How to Configure Authme

####Email Recovery Dependency

How to configure email recovery system?


Command list and usage


####How To ======================


This product includes and download automatically GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com


Do you like my work ? Or just want to buy me a coffee for quickly update?
Use this link in EUR : https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif Or this link in USD : https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif

Credit for old version to d4rkwarriors, fabe1337 , Whoami and pomo4ka

Thanks to : AS1LV3RN1NJA, Hoeze, eprimex

Official servers

Minewish Serveur homepage (French server)
EpriMC homepage (English/Finnish) EpriMC