# Database AuthMeReloaded configuration file # What type of database do you want to use? Avariable options: sqlite, mysql, redis backend: sqlite # Do you like to cache all the queries? (Performance Boost) caching: true # Database Name databaseName: authme # Table of the database tableName: authme # MySql Database connection settings # Avariable only if the AuthMeReloaded-Mysql module is installed! mysql: port: '3306' host: username: authme password: '12345' # Redis Database connection settings # Avariable only if the AuthMeReloaded-Redis module is installed! redis: # Get Redis from http://redis.io/ host: port: 6379 # If your Redis server uses AUTH, set here the password. password: "" # Database column names columnNames: idColumn: id nameColumn: username realNameColumn: realname passwordColumn: password ipColumn: ip emailColumn: email loginStatusColumn: loginstatus lastLoginColumn: lastlogin lastlLocationXColumn: x lastLocationYColumn: y lastLocationZColumn: z lastLocationWorldColumn: world backup: # Enable or disable Automatic Backup of the SQLite database, destination path: "/AuthMe/backups/%date%/%timestamp%.sql" ActivateBackup: false # Interval time (in minutes), set to 0 to disable periodic backup Interval: 300 # Do you want to perform a Backup when the server starts? OnServerStart: false # Do you want to perform a Backup when the server stops? OnServerStop: true purge: # Does AuthMe need to purge automatically old unused accounts? useAutoPurge: false # Number of Days required to mark an account as Unused daysBeforeRemovePlayer: 60 # What to remove remove: playerInventoryFile: true essentialsFiles: true permissions: true limitedCreativesInventories: true antiXRayFiles: true # World where players.dat are stored (necessary to remove inventory files) defaultWorld: 'world'