
386 lines
12 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Maven stuff -->
<!-- Project stuff -->
<pluginDescription.authors>Xephi, sgdc3, DNx5, timvisee, games647, ljacqu, Gnat008, MrIvanPlays</pluginDescription.authors>
<!-- Dependency versions, dependencies of cannot be put in the parent pom -->
<name>MIT License</name>
<!-- Jenkins profile -->
<!-- Set the buildNumber using the jenkins env. variable -->
<!-- Skip long hash tests, reduce the test time of 20-30 seconds -->
<!-- Skip javadoc generation for faster local build -->
<!-- Unit Testing Libraries -->
<!-- Required to mock the LuckPerms API-->
<!-- JDBC drivers for datasource integration tests -->
<defaultGoal>clean package</defaultGoal>
<!-- Enforce build environment -->
<!-- Generate a jar containing the source javadoc -->
<!-- In sync with the source/target properties of the maven-compiler-plugin -->
<!-- Generate a jar containing the java sources -->
<!-- Generate test coverage reports -->
<!-- Unit testing -->
<!-- Force the right file encoding during unit testing -->
<!-- Set language to English in order to get consistent results for localized time formatting -->
<argLine>-Dfile.encoding=${} -Duser.language=en @{argLine}</argLine>
<!-- Don't trim stack traces -->
<!-- Clean the target folder content -->
<!-- Include resource files -->
<!-- Generate a jar containing classes and resources -->
<!-- Install the jars as artifacts into the local repository -->
<!-- Deploy the jars as artifacts into the remote repository -->
<!-- Handle documentation generation, required by other plugins -->
<!-- Publish coveralls test coverage reports, not included in the build cycle by default -->
<!-- The secret token is provided with a command-line parameter -->