
199 lines
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package fr.xephi.authme.message.updater;
import ch.jalu.configme.configurationdata.ConfigurationData;
import ch.jalu.configme.configurationdata.PropertyListBuilder;
import ch.jalu.configme.resource.PropertyReader;
import ch.jalu.configme.resource.PropertyResource;
import fr.xephi.authme.ConsoleLogger;
import fr.xephi.authme.message.MessageKey;
import fr.xephi.authme.output.ConsoleLoggerFactory;
import fr.xephi.authme.util.FileUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
* Migrates the used messages file to a complete, up-to-date version when necessary.
public class MessageUpdater {
private ConsoleLogger logger = ConsoleLoggerFactory.get(MessageUpdater.class);
* Applies any necessary migrations to the user's messages file and saves it if it has been modified.
* @param userFile the user's messages file (yml file in the plugin's folder)
* @param localJarPath path to the messages file in the JAR for the same language (may not exist)
* @param defaultJarPath path to the messages file in the JAR for the default language
* @return true if the file has been migrated and saved, false if it is up-to-date
public boolean migrateAndSave(File userFile, String localJarPath, String defaultJarPath) {
JarMessageSource jarMessageSource = new JarMessageSource(localJarPath, defaultJarPath);
return migrateAndSave(userFile, jarMessageSource);
* Performs the migration.
* @param userFile the file to verify and migrate
* @param jarMessageSource jar message source to get texts from if missing
* @return true if the file has been migrated and saved, false if it is up-to-date
private boolean migrateAndSave(File userFile, JarMessageSource jarMessageSource) {
// YamlConfiguration escapes all special characters when saving, making the file hard to use, so use ConfigMe
MessageKeyConfigurationData configurationData = createConfigurationData();
PropertyResource userResource = new MigraterYamlFileResource(userFile);
PropertyReader reader = userResource.createReader();
// Step 1: Migrate any old keys in the file to the new paths
boolean movedOldKeys = migrateOldKeys(reader, configurationData);
// Step 2: Perform newer migrations
boolean movedNewerKeys = migrateKeys(reader, configurationData);
// Step 3: Take any missing messages from the message files shipped in the AuthMe JAR
boolean addedMissingKeys = addMissingKeys(jarMessageSource, configurationData);
if (movedOldKeys || movedNewerKeys || addedMissingKeys) {
logger.debug("Successfully saved {0}", userFile);
return true;
return false;
private boolean migrateKeys(PropertyReader propertyReader, MessageKeyConfigurationData configurationData) {
return moveIfApplicable(propertyReader, configurationData,
"misc.two_factor_create", MessageKey.TWO_FACTOR_CREATE);
private static boolean moveIfApplicable(PropertyReader reader, MessageKeyConfigurationData configurationData,
String oldPath, MessageKey messageKey) {
if (configurationData.getMessage(messageKey) == null && reader.getString(oldPath) != null) {
configurationData.setMessage(messageKey, reader.getString(oldPath));
return true;
return false;
private boolean migrateOldKeys(PropertyReader propertyReader, MessageKeyConfigurationData configurationData) {
boolean hasChange = OldMessageKeysMigrater.migrateOldPaths(propertyReader, configurationData);
if (hasChange) {"Old keys have been moved to the new ones in your messages_xx.yml file");
return hasChange;
private boolean addMissingKeys(JarMessageSource jarMessageSource, MessageKeyConfigurationData configurationData) {
List<String> addedKeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (MessageKeyProperty property : configurationData.getAllMessageProperties()) {
final String key = property.getPath();
if (configurationData.getMessage(property) == null) {
configurationData.setValue(property, jarMessageSource.getMessageFromJar(property));
if (!addedKeys.isEmpty()) {
"Added " + addedKeys.size() + " missing keys to your messages_xx.yml file: " + addedKeys);
return true;
return false;
private static void backupMessagesFile(File messagesFile) {
String backupName = FileUtils.createBackupFilePath(messagesFile);
File backupFile = new File(backupName);
try {
Files.copy(messagesFile, backupFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not back up '" + messagesFile + "' to '" + backupFile + "'", e);
* Constructs the {@link ConfigurationData} for exporting a messages file in its entirety.
* @return the configuration data to export with
public static MessageKeyConfigurationData createConfigurationData() {
Map<String, String> comments = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
.put("registration", "Registration")
.put("password", "Password errors on registration")
.put("login", "Login")
.put("error", "Errors")
.put("antibot", "AntiBot")
.put("unregister", "Unregister")
.put("misc", "Other messages")
.put("session", "Session messages")
.put("on_join_validation", "Error messages when joining")
.put("email", "Email")
.put("recovery", "Password recovery by email")
.put("captcha", "Captcha")
.put("verification", "Verification code")
.put("time", "Time units")
.put("two_factor", "Two-factor authentication")
Set<String> addedKeys = new HashSet<>();
MessageKeyPropertyListBuilder builder = new MessageKeyPropertyListBuilder();
// Add one key per section based on the comments map above so that the order is clear
for (String path : comments.keySet()) {
MessageKey key = -> p.getKey().startsWith(path + "."))
.findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(path));
// Add all remaining keys to the property list builder
.filter(key -> !addedKeys.contains(key.getKey()))
// Create ConfigurationData instance
Map<String, List<String>> commentsMap = comments.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> singletonList(e.getValue())));
return new MessageKeyConfigurationData(builder, commentsMap);
static final class MessageKeyProperty extends StringProperty {
MessageKeyProperty(MessageKey messageKey) {
super(messageKey.getKey(), "");
protected String getFromReader(PropertyReader reader, ConvertErrorRecorder errorRecorder) {
return reader.getString(getPath());
static final class MessageKeyPropertyListBuilder {
private PropertyListBuilder propertyListBuilder = new PropertyListBuilder();
void addMessageKey(MessageKey key) {
propertyListBuilder.add(new MessageKeyProperty(key));
List<MessageKeyProperty> getAllProperties() {
return (List) propertyListBuilder.create();